chapter 27


Alicia Alvoro

Someone kept ringing the doorbell like they were the damn police.

I slid Chris's head on the bed and got up going downstairs to open the door.

"Um can I help you?" I asked the two people outside that were dressed in blue and black.

"Is Dariah-Imani Brown here?" The white guy with a shaved head said.

"Who are you?" I asked, trying to avoid bringing her up.

"We're with Immigration and Customs Enforcement"

Oh shit.. ICE.

" I'm sorry what?" I tripped over my words, trying to come up with a quick lie.

"Where is Dariah-Imani Brown?" The officer asked again, clearly annoyed.

"I don't know who that is, sorry" I quickly said,attempting to shut the door but he stuck his foot there blocking it.

"Ma'am by lying to us, we could detain you as well. now please, where is Dariah?" He told me.

"She's not here"

"So where is she"

"I don't know"

"Well we will wait here until she comes back"

I was shitting bricks inside, I couldn't let her down not again. I had to think quick.

"Okay we'll wait outside" I said and shut the door. I ran upstairs to wake Chris up. "CHRIS CHRIS" I kept pushing him but he wouldn't wake up.

"Mm go away baby" Chris said in his sleep.

"CHRISTOPHER FUCKING BROWN, DARIAH IS IN TROUBLE" I screamed which woke him completely up.

"What?" He said, rubbing his eyes. "What do you mean she's in trouble?"

"Fucking ICE is here looking for her" I stressed.

"You told them she wasn't here right?" Now he was standing up and fully away, heading to Dariah's baby room.

"I mean I tried but they hardheaded so they weren't going nowhere" I followed after him.

"So where they at?" He asked once we got to her room.


"HUH? I refuse to believe you're that dumb. I refuse"

"I tried to get them to go away but" Chris held his hand up letting me know to shut up so that's what I did.

"Call David and tell him to bring his ass. fast" Hr said to me then woke up Dariah.

"What? Oh my God the party! Why am I up here" Dariah panicked and tried to leave but Chris pulled her back.

"Shut the fuck up for one second and listen to me. I need you to stay calm for you and the baby's sake, I need you to put your shoes on and take the exit out back" Chris said to her.

"What? why?" She questioned.ย 

"Please Dariah just do it, Dave will be there in a car waiting for you" She nodded her head and did as told. Chris turned to me. "Now I'll go handle the feds while you stay and try to act normal, call my mom and let her know what's happening"

After that he walked out and I called Ms.Gloria while getting rid of evidence that Dariah was here.


Christopher Maurice Brown

I walked downstairs and opened the front door acting as calmly as I could. I haven't been on the good side of the feds but it was time to put my acting skills to good.

"Wassup officers, can I help you?" I said while the officer sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Listen man we got time but nobody likes their time being wasted so just tell Dariah to come outside so we can do our job" He told me.

"I would but she isn't here"

"Come on, we know she is in there. if you continue to deny it then we will have to come inside..forcefully"

"She moved out after we had an argument and I haven't seen her since" I lied.

"Alright we're coming in" He said pushing past me to go inside the house. I quickly glanced at Alicia who stood behind me and she gave me a slight head not confirming that Dariah was out of the house. I sighed in relief, this shit was so fucked up and I was still trying to process it.

"Y'all can search the whole house, she ain't nowhere here" I followed them as they searched the kitchen and made their way upstairs.

"Yeah we'll see about that"

Dariah-Imani Brown

After I heard ICE was downstairs looking for me, I slipped my shoes on and took my phone then ran as fast as my body would let me. I took the bad exit of the house and walked inside the woods because Dave was on the other side of it.

I thought my lawyer,Dave, and I settled everything but obviously not. I wanted to at least have my child in America so they would haven't to worry like I am now.

As I approached Dave's BMW, my anger for my parents rose and I was getting more frustrated while thinking about it. Once I got in, he sped off and I immediately called my lawyer explaining everything that happened. Dave and I shared no words, he was focusing on the road and so was I although I didn't know where we were going.

My phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered anxiously.

"Ma is here, she was trying to distract and come to an agreement with the officers but they weren't having it. they're on the road now looking for you" Chris explained.

"Oh my God, what do I do?"

"I have a private Jet, tell Dave to go to Lafayette Airport and ask for Tony" He instructed.

"Alright" I said. My phone buzzed indicating that I had incoming call, it was my lawyer. "Hold on Chris, my lawyer is calling"

"Okay keep me updated and stay safe" He said before I hung up.


"Oh Dariah good, I need you to go to the nearest church and stay there so I can meet you" My lawyer said.

"A church? why?"

"By law, ICE cannot take you if you go to a church it's immunity" She explained to me.

"David go to the nearest church and fast" I said to him, he just nodded and drove.

"Okay i'm heading to the church, i'll call you once I get there" I hung up and sighed.

- I know this chapter is mad short and i'm so sorry.

- Y'all i've been having bad writer's block. I've been writing but I know the chapters could be better so i've been trying to think of the new ideas which is why it's taking me so long to update. Also i have school, work, and cheer but i haven't been purposely slacking on y'all lol. ๐Ÿ’—

- also i've been working on a new book which will come out sooooon.
