Glittering TECHROSUS

Demon Paint, who destroyed Ninny, was confronting Alpha. Alpha answered some of Demon Paint's provocative questions, but she wasn't left alone. She had already contacted her, she had contacted Allen.

Allen was quick to buy the emergency from Kane. He immediately contacted Cipher, Nilve, and Bezos.

"Allen ... the enemy this time seems to be powerful ... what is it?"

Cipher asks.

"I don't know the details either, but Alpha is desperately appealing."

"Does it make sense for me to come too?"

Bezos also asks. "I know now ... Can Bezos fight if he is told to fight now?" Allen asked again.

"I can't do that right now ... but I can fight."

"Cipher! I supplemented my goal."

There was a signal from Nirve. Nirvé was operating a freighter for transportation, and cyphers were on board the freighter.

"Okay! Everyone go down! Check your goal with Alpha Kane Glass!"

Allen said so, wearing something like glasses and diving into the sky. Something like these glasses is smart glasses, which allow the location of the target to be visually recognized through virtualization technology. It was quite an antique for this era.

TECHROSUS members and Allen descend from the sky at once. Nilve returned to deliver the transport to the airport alone.

"Wait ... Kane!"

Kane was clearly in the eyes of Allen.

Alpha Kane also saw the sky and immediately noticed that reinforcements had arrived.

"Here! Allen!"

Then, I ran and hugged Ninny who was lying beside Demon Paint, and headed for Allen's effect point at a glance. Naturally, Demon Paint was approaching to get there.

Then, from behind the demon paint, Basilisk came at full speed.

"Don't let it escape, kid"

Basilisk has targeted Alpha. He decided to take Ninny with him. However, Cipher's Quark Gun made a clean hit between Basilisk's eyebrows.

"Damn! It hurts ...!"

"Shut up a little ... Basilisk"

Cipher, Allen, and Bezos have joined Ninny and Alpha.

"Are you both okay?"


Alpha breathed as if she had finished a job. But the tragedy is still underway.

"There are too many enemies ... there were about 8 in all ..."

Allen doubted his ears.

"8 bodies? I think he's quite powerful, but ... are there 8 of them?"

"No, I don't know ... maybe more ..."

Cipher has also been silent.

"It looks like a pretty terrible situation ..."

Bezos answers.

The situation where even with the strength of the heroes was almost annihilated and no one was able to defeat the enemy, it could only be said to be very troublesome.

"Cipher! Can we call more TECHROSUS reinforcements?"

Allen listens. But Cipher silently shook his head.

"I can't do that. I don't know where the TECHROSUS guys are ..."

It seems that Nirve was able to join because he happened to be in this Gigapolis.

"What a hell. I don't know how many people will die if I send these monsters to the center of Gigapolis!"

Allen couldn't hide his impatience. However, Gigapolis is not such a weak city. The worst case crossed his head.

"Hey Alpha! Cipher! Bezos! I have a plan. Anyone can do this mission!"

Bezos, Cipher, and Kane stared at Allen.

"But it's bad now! Look behind you 1 After defeating the snake monster and the unfamiliar masked monster!"

Allen's plan was once deposited.


It was Ninny who suddenly raised his voice.

"Ninny? Did you live ?!"

Alpha calls out.

"May fly ... I can't move anymore ... okay ... don't fight them ..."

It was Ninny's desperate appeal. But Allen disagreed.

"That's impossible. No matter how you think about it, if you don't fight, there's nothing left in this town."

"Even if you guys do it, you can't win ... Choose your opponent ..."

"But ...!"

"It's okay, run away from here ...! If you want to get along, do it with another guy!"

Allen was forced to convince her when she saw the tattered appearance of Ninny. There is no strategy or shit to be done here.

"It can't be helped. Everyone is leaving ...! Cipher! Ask Ninny!"

"Leave it to me"

"Bezos! Alpha! Escape from here and search for enemies!"

"Do you get it"

That said, each one was scattered.
