Dream star

When I woke up, I saw Allen there.

"... Wait! What the hell ... I have a headache ..."

Alpha Kane was stunned, with her Allen in front of her.

"Are you alpha?"

Allen murmured.

"Bezos ... it's okay to go down now"

Allen, looking down at her Alpha, told the woman sitting next to her.

"... What do you want to call from such a time? That attitude ..."

"I'm sorry ..."

Allen put her green tea on the table in her right hand.

"Well, Alpha-kun ... You're Alpha-kun, right?"

"Yes ... but"

Alpha slowly raises her body and stares at Allen.

"What on earth is it like?

"That ... I want you to see this material."

It was an electronic document that was handed over to Akari while running. When I plugged her into her hand, a hologram vision was projected on her palm.

The content was about the doomsday star.

"... the star of the end, hmm, what happened?"

With a suspicious look, Allen looks at Alpha's presentation material.

"A project where elites from the space galaxy gather to break the wall of light ... the star of the end. I want to participate in it ..."

Alpha threw at Allen with a passionate voice.

"Why do you know we are involved in this?"

Allen replies to Alpha. Bezos, who heard it in the hallway next to her, doubted her ears.

"Hey, Allen. What's that young man ...? The star of the end ... Will you join that?"

Bezos himself had never heard of it from Allen.

"Are you saying that Strawberry will join the doomsday star?"

She asks Allen in quick succession.

"What's wrong?"

"... Isn't it bad? Don't be afraid ... How can you do that in the current situation of strawberry? Get a good grasp of the current situation ... Strawberry is on the verge of bankruptcy ... My favorite vodka ..."

"Isn't that why? If you give up your move, nothing will remain. You can overdo it because there is nothing ..."

"It's sweet ... you're sweet ...!"

Allen didn't tell this to her key figures involved, primarily her alliance meta-enterprises. Meta-enterprises and corporate nations can choose as a nation, not to mention business alliances. Moreover, because it doesn't matter what size it is, any person can establish a country instead of starting a business. The disadvantage of this is what happens if the country goes bankrupt. It means destruction. In other words, there is no safety net.

If Strawberry continues to fail in its business, it is possible that people involved, including Strawberry's employees, will be enslaved to other companies. In that sense, non-border organizations like TECHROSUS are in favor of the crisis.

"I decided not to ride you anymore. Goodbye Allen."

That said, Bezos left the scene. Allen, partly because he saw Bezos' excellent ability to recover his business, had no idea how this end-of-life star participation would work for her.

So this was unexpected for him.

Alpha, who was happy to join the Star of the End, and Allen, who noticed the mistake and held his head, sat down in a room at Strawberry headquarters with her mouth closed.

In fact, the scale of Strawberry's business is not that small, but it is overwhelmingly small compared to the corporate nation called ZAMLT.

Most of the galaxy meta companies that operate on at least three planets or more are at the level where they can participate in the stars of the end, and it is said that ZAMLT and the giant start-up company NEWVE will be the main players in E16. Already, trampolines, zebras, aloe oils, etc. are preparing for the final star.

"I ... I didn't know ... Mr. Allen ..."

"What is it?"

Allen raises his face down and looks at Alpha.

"About the stars of the end ... After all ... I don't go ..."

Allen heard Alpha's words and dropped her head again.
