Home again

Stacey POV:

"Alright, you are free to go." The doctor smiled as I sat on the side of the bed.
"Great thanks." I smiled.
"Take care." He smiled before leaving.

"Alright. So here's some clothes for you to wear. There are press outside so you have to look somewhat presentable." Mom smiled.
"Why are they outside, I just came out of a coma." I stated.
"You were out for a month." Dad reasoned.
I rolled my eyes.
"Ah ah ah." Mom tutted at me.
"Sorry. Fine." I said as I stood up.
"Good. We'll be outside for when your ready." Mum smiled before kissing my cheek as they left.

I opened the door of my room and called mom and dad back in. Behind them was Connor. I smiled as I went over to him and pulled him into a hug. He kissed my head gently.

"I'm sorry this happened to you." He said causing me to pull back.
"This wasn't your fault Connor. No one could of predicted it would happen. I don't blame you and neither should you." I stated, looking him in the eye.
"No buts. It could of happened to anyone." I smiled.
He nodded and I hugged him again.

"Alright you too that's enough hugging." Dad said causing mom to hit his arm gently.
"Will." She hissed.
"What? There's people waiting." He defended himself.
Mom sighed and shook her head.
"Come on then, let's go." Mom sighed,indicating to leave.
"I'll see you after." Conor smiled, looking down at me.
"No, please stay with me." I asked, grabbing hold of his hand.
"He can stay till we get to the exit. Then he must leave first." Dad stated.

Connor grabbed my bag before we left. As we headed out security took the bag. Connor let go of my hand and stood in front before opening the doors. I heard cheers as Connor stood out. He smiled and waved before leaving the steps towards his car ad driving off. 

Mom moved to stand the left hand side of me as dad stayed on the right. I took a deep breath before we headed outside. Cameras clicked and screams were heard as we walked down the steps to greet people. I smiled and shook hands with them as some gave me flowers. Before long security came and were brought to our car where we left. Mom sat in the back with me as dad drove.

"Well done ma fille." Dad smiled through the mirror.
"Thanks dad." I smiled before relaxing in my seat.

As we got to the house I seen Charlotte and George playing outside. THe ran to the car as it came to a stop and jumped on me as I got out. I laughed and hugged them back.

"Careful guys." Dad warned as he and mom looked on fondly.
"YOur back Stace." Charlotte smiled.
"Yes I am."
"For good." George asked.
"For majority." I replied, looking at my parents.
"For majority." THey agreed causing us all to laugh.
