four years freedom

Stacey POV:

I walked up the steps of the palace before making my way towards grammys office. I greeted her assistant before knocking on the door. After being told I could go in I gently opened the door and walked in. Grammy was sitting at the desk but stood up when she seen me.

"Ahh Stacey." She smiled taking my hand.
"Your majasty." I curtsied.
"Please sit down. And normal, thank you." She indicated to the seat across from her desk.
"Thank you grammy." i nodded moving over but not sitting before she did.

"Now, your probably wondering why I called you." She started.
"Sorry but yes I am." I nodded.
"Well, you are now part of the royal family. So there is something you must do to stay in it."
"Okay." I nodded along.
"So, in order to stay in the family, you must marry when you are 20 years old. No later." 
"uhh, I'm sorry?" I asked, not understanding.
"You were born before marriage my dear. That is frowned upon and has never been heard of for the royal family. Therefore you must do this, it is an order."
"That means I only have four years of freedom. I'm not even dating anyone." I exclaimed.
"well you might want to hurry up then won't you. Ain't it lucky I found someone for you." She exclaimed happily.
"yay. Who?" I said sarcastically.
"This guy who is 23...."
"23. Grammy forgive me if I'm wrong but isn't that illegal."
"Well yes but.... that is why you are meeting him to get to know him first then when you are 18 you can date and then when your 19 or 20 he'll have proposed." She explained.
"You think this guy will go with it. I mean I wouldn't. That's only a year maybe two together before the rush of marriage, what if i don't like the guy."
"Stacey Elizabeth Diana, you will marry him whether you like him or not, end of discussion. Noting will change that. You will meet this guy and you will marry him once you are 20." She said forcefully.
"My life is gone withen a matter of minutes."I said with tears in my eyes.
"It's not that bad sweetie. You have to understand it's for the country as well as your placement with this family." She said softly taking my hand.
"and my education?" I asked wiping my eyes.
"Oh sweetie, you can still do it. You'll be done by the time your 20."
"Even college?"
"You can still do college." She said.
I sighed.
"There is no getting out of this is there."
"No. Who knows you might like him." She said.
I smiled softly.
"Now, head on home. I'll tell the others tomorrow. Until then no words to be spoken about this, understood." She said.
"Yes your majesty." I curtsied as I stood up.
"And stacey."
I looked up at grammy.
"Well done on your first engagement dear. You were very good at it. Good words spoken all round." She smiled.
I nodded and left the grounds.

As I made my way back home i started thinking of how,although I'm 16, my life has been planned out. In just a few days everyone in the family will know and I will meet the guy who I will be marrying in four years time. I wonder how my parents will react, more specifically, my dad. 

I eventually made it home. As I walked in mum and dad were coming down the stairs. I peeked into the living room to see George and Charlotte were running around, giggling. This caused me to smile. I looked back at mum and dad as dad cleared his throat.

"How did it go?" he asked.
"It went good. she said I done great at the engagement the other day. Great news all around." I smiled.
Hey it was true, she did say that.
"well that's good. Noting major then." Mum smiled.
"Thankfully not no." I smiled.
"well, dinner is nearly ready. I hope your hungry."
"Oh I'm not hungry." I said.
"Are you ok?" Mum asked, concerned.
"i dunno. I have a headache and my throat is starting to hurt a little." I lied holding my head.
"Hmm, maybe lie down for a bit. I'l come check on you later." Mum said softly.
"Yea ok." I said heading upstairs.

Dad rubbed my shoulder as I passed him. Once I got into my room I changed into some comfy clothes and laid on the bed. When putting George and Charlotte to bed mum came in the check on me. Dad came to check on me when he and mum were going to bed. I soon fell asleep as well but not without the new information given going through my mind.
