Chapter 9


My head stirred a little when I tried to open my eyes. The light was just too bright, so it took me a while for my eyes to adjust. I saw outside the window the beautiful scarlet sky, signaling that the day has come to an end.

Then it dawned to me what happed hours ago.

"Oh my god." Bringing my hand to my forehead, I sat up and tried to remember things.

I was suppose to bring these papers to the faculty and then.. I fainted..And then familiar scent rushed to my nostrils.. I gasped. HE brought me here?!

As if on cue, the door opened and it revealed the sexiest man alive.

No kidding. He looks awfully sexy right now.

He is currently wearing his P.E shirt (which is drenched with sweat by the way), and his jersey shorts. His hair was tied into a pony tail messily. What the hell, Atsushi?

His lips curved up into a smile.

"Goos thing you woke up. I was worried that you have to spend your night in the school clinic." He wiped droplets of sweat on his forehead with his towel.

I gulped.

"Can we go home now? I want to rest more..." I said in a small voice.

His brows met. "Have you been eating well?"

I remained silent.

"You're still into cup noodles?!" His voice clearly rising a bit. I looked down at my hands and fiddled with my fingers.

"Y-You're wrong! I-Its not like I have a choice! I come home late from work and I have no time cooking for myself. And I have to do my assignments as well! So I thought it was fine..."

He stood and carried me.

"W-What the hell?!"

He looked at me dead straight into the eyes. "Ill take you home. And probably ill crash too. Since its Saturday tomorrow, its fine right? Ill take care of you."

Blood rushed to my face. WHAT THE FUCKING HELL ATSUSHI?!

"W-Why are you doing this?!" He started walking with me on his arms. "P-Put me down!

Once again, his lips showed a sly smile. " You've been stuttering. Why?"

If I were to see my face right now, I think I would be wearing a stupid look. Plus a blush.

"I am doing this because I want you to notice how I care. And my feelings for you isnt a joke."

A warm feeling took over me. He was this serious?

I felt my eyes being pulled by sleepiness. I yawned and awkwardly made myself comfortable in his arms.

"If you're that serious... I might actually give you what you want..." I whispered.


"What you want..." She muttered. Is she talking in her sleep? I shook my head.

She is so light. I swear. She is even lighter than my 5 pillows being stuffed together.

I placed her down into a seat so I can get our things. She looked comfortable enough. I ran to the basketball team's locker room to get my things, and was surprised to see Himuro still sitting there and doing something on his phone.


I nodded in reply.

"You're going home already?" He asked. I nodded once again.

"She's awake already, but she went to sleep again so I decided to take her home. Ill probably crash there for a night to take care of her...and yeah. Why am I explaining this to you?" I picked up my duffel bag and walked to the door.

"Be careful on the way home. Try not to do something to her you prick. I know you." His eyes narrowed. I smiled slyly.

"Yes, you know me." With that, I closed the door and ran back to the seat where I left Yuka. I sighed in relief when I saw her still sleeping there.

Picking her up once again, I placed her bag on my left arm and carried her bridal style. I called a cab to take us to her place so she could rest properly.

Upon reaching her house, I nudged her slightly.

"Yuka...wake up." I said. Her lips twitched and parted. The side of my lips turned up as I stare at her luscious lips. Goddamit Atsushi! Get a grip!!!

She stirred and her eyes flew open. She stood and walked to open the door, and I followed.

"You can do whatever you want. The room across mine is vacant, its clean and the bed is already made there. Help yourself. Ill be up my room to change."

As she turned, I grabbed her arm.

"If you need something, do not hesitate to call me okay?" I whispered. She nodded.

I snooped around her house. The kitchen was clean and there was not a speck of dust left. The living room also. I checked the bathroom and I smelled like white lillies.

Checking the refrigerator, I saw that it was stocked with meat,vegetable, egg and other food. My brows furrowed. If she has this so much food, why is she eating noodles?

I decided to make a soup for her so she could eat before sleeping. As I was choppin the ingredients, I heard the bathroom door open.

After 10 minutes, I heard it opened again.

"Yuka?" I shouted. "Should I bring this soup upstairs or you're eating downstairs?"

"Please," It was interfered by a cough "Bring it upstairs..."

Noting that, I check the medicine cabinet for medicine. I placed the bowlful of soup on the tray, as well as the medicines, and a glass of water.

As I head upstairs, I noticed that she didnt completely closed the door as I was about to enter, I was stunned on what I saw.

Yuka is standing, and is currently only wearing black panties and brassiere. I almost dropped the tray, and I felt my friend go commando.

I coughed and pretended that I didnt see anything. But man, she is is so damn hot!

I walked in as soon as she is finished changing. She was slightly shocked from my sudden appearance.

"Here is the soup...Please eat and drink the medicine so you can recover fast." I scratched the back of my neck. She nodded.

"Well uh..if you need me, I'm in my room okay?" I turned back.

But before I could react she pulled me back.

"Yuka wha-"

I felt her lips crash into mine.

Oh god.

Oh god.

I felt heaven once again.

She pulled away blushing. "Uh..Thanks I guess...You can go now."

My heart is beating in a wild pace. Damn!

