Chapter 14

//eyyy waddup

Atsushi's POV

My nostrils were filled with the scent of the hospital. My hands were itching  to grasp my hair in remorse but I should'nt break down here.

What happened? Has Yuka not been telling me that she is ill?

Heart pounding, I exhaustedly sat down on the floor. I felt my phone vibrated on my pocket.

Himuro calling...

I shakily answered the phone call. Letting out a shaky breath, I put it on my ear.

"Atsushi, are you alright? I will be there in 10 minutes. Fix yourself, Yuka wouldnt want to see you miserable like that."

"...Okay." The phone call ended. I stood up and went to the nearest rest
room to wash my face.

I walked out the restroom with a poker face on. My mind is still running on the possibilities of what happened to her.

"Excuse me, are you Murasakibara Atsushi-san?"

I stopped and turned around. A man around 50s, clothed with a black tailcoat and pants stood before me. His hands were covered with white gloves.

"The Sir is looking for your presence in milady's suite. Please follow me." He immediately turned around and started walking.

I followed him until we reached Yuka's suite. My heart was pounding when the man opened the door and inside I saw Yuka's father standing beside her.

"..." I waited for his greeting. Oh lord. I want to run my hands on Yuka's hair but that would be inappropriate since...

"Are you her lover?" his father asked.

I cleared my throat. "...Ah..yes, Sir."

His eyes pierced mine in a split second. "I see."

Silence fell upon the room.

"How is she?" I asked. I almost choked on my own words.

"The doctor's said that she has overworked, that's why fatigue took over her body but she is resting well..."

Relief flooded over me as I heard she will be well.


I lifted my head.

"I have been chasing Yuka for years now. She ran away from home...And her grandfather has been looking for her."

I fell silent, and maybe he took it as a signal to continue.

"That is why I am planning to-"

"Get out." I heard Himuro from the doorway.

I saw Yuka's father smirk. What is happening?

"I said, get out." This is actually the first time I heard Himuro use this kind of tone...

"Good day, Atsushi-san. Please take care of my daughter." He tipped his head to me and caressed Yuka's hair.

I could feel the animosity between the two of them. The moment Yuka's father passed at Himuro near the doorway, Himuro's facial expression changed.

"Murochin, are you okay?"

Himuro let out a sigh. "Don't mind me."
