
The gust of the wind blows away as sporadic rain continues to drop on the roof. In the middle of the hallway, I found myself standing, with wide eyed gaze on the woman across the room---my mom.

I run as fast as I can and give her a warm hug. My tears began to fall when she hug me tightly. We used to be that close enough. Oh! I miss her so much.

"Mom, can I go with you?", I said,convincing her to agree with me.

As my tears falling, she wipe it using her hand. Then she said,

"Sky, my daughter. It is not yet your time. I just want you to live your life."


"Sky, go back. I always here for you. Don't be sad, okay?."

I nod. At one time, she suddenly disappears as my eyes slowly open, staring at the white ceiling of the hospital room. Why am I here?

My eyes focused on someone beside me. My best friend.

"I'm glad you're awake", he said
"What happened?" I asked him. It was written on his face that he's afraid to tell me.
"Car accident. Together with your…father" He said
"Where is he?" I asked him, but no words came out from his mouth. Instead he gave me a painting.

I hold it as my hand began to shiver and my eyes began to tears. At the back of the painting, there's a note, saying:

"Sky, Live your life. Take care of my eyes with you. Just keep swimming. I love you ❤️"

    -Your awesome dad.
