Chapter Seven - Sampson

I take a deep breath and look up. With a grin spitting my face I ask, "So, what adventure are you taking me on today?"

He chuckles at my enthusiasm and adjusts the mirror. "Well Little bird, how much time do you have today?"

I pause to think over his question. Mother will probably forget me, father is at work, and Marie is who knows where. I highly doubt anyone will notice I'm missing until dinner time.

Glancing back at him, I tuck a stand of hair back behind my ear. "I should be good until dinner time, so until 5? 5:30? I have to help make dinner."

"Perfect!" he says with a grin, "You're dressed just right for the place I have in mind too."

I glance down at my clothes as Sampson pulls out onto the road and turns away from my home. The faded scoop necked shirt hangs loosely over my frame. It would have fit better if the threads hadn't stretched from so many washes. The light colored jeans are fraying along the bottom where I had to cut them into a pair of shorts and ankle socks poke out from worn sneakers. I hadn't planned on going anywhere today so I assume there will be similarly dressed people where he's taking me.

I wiggle around to get a better view out the window and wince as I stretch one of my sore muscles. My walk earlier helped loosen some of them up, but it seems like it wasn't enough. I'll have to stretch some more when I get out.

"So Little bird," Sampson begins, drawing me out of my thoughts, "do you live near the diner?"

"Yeah, I guess." I say, pulling on a strand of hair. "A few blocks down. There's a path in the forest that seems to be used a lot so I followed it today. I was surprised when it spit me out near the diner."

"Ah, that's nice. It's a good neighborhood. I believe there's a few kids your age there to hang out with. Some of their friends work at the diner."

"It seems nice." I sigh, wishing it was easy to hang out with other people. "We haven't been here long enough to meet the neighbors, I guess." It's only partially true. Mother wouldn't let us meet them anyway, but he doesn't need to know that.

"Don't worry, Little bird. You'll meet them soon enough I'm sure." Again, the twinkle in his eye makes me sure he knows something I don't.

He probably does.

He's probably from the future making sure I don't mess it up. Or maybe I'm on one of those reality TV shows. That would be cool. I probably wouldn't ever get to watch it, but how many people can say they are on TV? Oh! What if he's part of a secret spy organization filled with special rules. They probably help people and have their offices hidden in plain sight, like a hospital or school. Or maybe even the taxi company! That seems more likely. Sampson doesn't seem cautious enough to be from the future and I haven't seen any cameras around. Plus he's always sending cryptic messages my way. Definitely more secret spy-y.

"What has you smiling like that, Little bird?"

Jumping, I look up at an amused Sampson. "Nothing much." I say, my grin growing. "I keep thinking you know exactly what's going to happen to me. So either you're from the future or in some spy organization. Oh! Maybe you're a fortune teller."

Sampson smiles, the lines around his eyes and mouth becoming more pronounced. The amusement in his face makes way for one of a teasing nature. "Haha, Little bird. No fortune telling here. But you might be close with the spy organization." He winks at me through the rear view mirror before turning back to the road.

Sighing, I rest my elbow on the armrest and place my chin in my hand. "How cool would that be. To be a spy. There's probably a private school for those kinds of things."

Deep laughter rings throughout the car. "Well Little bird, you might be right. There probably is a special school, but you don't need to worry about being a spy. You could practice like one though."

He tilts his head towards the large building we are pulling up to. A tall gray warehouse towers over the small car. The metal siding matches the imposing aura. There's sign for the place closer to the road, but from the angle of the newly parked car I can't see what it says. I'm almost certain he parked here on purpose.

"Where are we?" I ask, still looking up at the building.

"We're here for your spy training of course." He  teases back. "Just trust me okay? You'll have fun. Oh and no paying me this time either. You'll need the money for the entrance fee."

Feeling as though he entirely outmaneuvered me, I give him a mock glare. "I do trust you. You know, one of these days I'll have enough money and I will give you the largest tip you've ever seen. And you won't be able to say no."

He chuckles at me before waving with his hand. "We'll see about that. Now go on. Go play! I'll be back at 5 to take you home."

Feeling my face morph from mock anger to happiness, I push out of the car. I lean in just before shutting the door. "I'll see you then. Thanks again Sampson."

I turn around and stare up at the slightly intimidating building. Don't bad things happen in warehouses? Maybe I shouldn't be here. I mean everything is clean and we aren't in a bad part of town. It should be safe. Sampson wouldn't take me to someplace dangerous.

That's right. Get it together Sang. He wouldn't do that to you. Squaring my shoulders, I start to take a step forward. Just as my foot leaves the concrete I'm startled by a deep voice from behind me.

"Are you going in?"


So I was going to introduce the next guy, but it didn't happen. I guess I should apologize for not being sorry. Sang and Sampson are just to much fun.

Where do you think Sampson dropped her off at?

Hopefully I'll have the next chapter finished soon. I might wait though and post all of the next chapters on Update days, which starts on the 26th of this month. What do you think? (Laughs evilly while rubbing my hands together)

As always,
