Chapter Fifteen - The Garage

As soon as the words escape my lips I wish I could take them back.

No one wants to be told they aren't a hero. I've probably just offended Not-Corey! Oh no, what if he doesn't want to be my friend. Can you be friends with only half of a set of twins? What if Corey doesn't want to be friends with because I was rude to his brother? That would be terrible because we only met yesterday. Wait. Maybe this is Corey and something made him sad today?

I look up at who I'm pretty sure is Not-Corey and hold my breath for his reaction. Hopefully he isn't to mad.

I can tell he is about to say something, but a musical ringtone cuts him off. I see him glance back at North before rolling his eyes. I wonder if he doesn't like the person who is calling.

"Hey Corey." Well that answers two of my questions. He is definitely Not-Corey, and I'm sure he likes his twin brother. Except I don't really care for Marie. Oh wait, I totally just assaulted Not-Corey!

I stare wide eyed at him as he continues to talk to Actual-Corey. "Hey, before that, can you tell me why I just got tackled by a green eyed beauty calling me hero?" My cheeks flush lightly and I can't believe I jumped on him. Oh, and now he's grinning. "I mean, I don't mind being someone's idol, but I'd like to know why before accepting the praise."

Oh goodness. Can I embarrass myself any more today? The heat in my cheeks intensifies as he chuckles and I finally break eye contact out of embarrassment. I should probably go back to North so I stop making a fool of myself.

I turn around leaving Not-Corey behind as he hums into the phone. North gives me a smile, although I can tell he's trying to hold in a laugh. I glare at him before ducking my head. I really should have made sure he was Actual-Corey before jumping him.

"Hey, Baby. Are you alright?" North asks and I look back up at him.

I give him a weak nod and a meek smile. "Yeah. I just made a fool of myself by leaping at Not-Corey."

North's eyebrows shoot up in either in recognition of Corey's name or what I called his brother and I grimace. It's not good to mix up people. "You know Corey?" He leans forward with an arm reaching towards me. "And Not-Corey?" He laughs out.

I nod again and jump as he pulls me closer to undo the helmet. "Yeah. I met him, Raven, and Nathan yesterday. We killed some zombies and I even captured the flag." As the helmet comes off, I pull the messy braid out of the jacket and reach up to check that my headband is still there.

"You met at the airsoft range? Baby that's dangerous. What were you doing there?" North growls and I have to stop from rolling my eyes.

"It wasn't dangerous, North. I rode on your bike and that was more alarming than shooting a fake gun." I huff as I struggle to untangle the braid.

I see North look behind me and give a nod. He looks back at me and snorts at my attempt of hair management. "Let me help you, Sang Baby."

I nod and he turns me around. I look at Not-Corey and blush at my mistake. As I drop my head all I can think is that I need to learn his name so I can stop calling him Not-Corey.

"Hey North?" I whisper as his fingers begin to work out the knots in my hair. "What is Not-Corey's name?"

He chuckles and I feel myself blush. "I don't know if I should tell you, baby. I kind of want to hear you call him Not-Corey." He says with amusement.

I'm trying to come up with a good retort, but North's hand feel so good in my hair that it's hard to think. "Please North? I've already embarr-"

Not-Corey begins coughing and I look up to make sure he's okay. Surprisingly, he gives me a small smile when he's stopped and hope fills my chest. Maybe he'll be okay with being my friend after all.

"Is he okay?" I ask, turning around.

North just nods before glancing at the warehouse. "He's fine. Anyway, do you know where we are?" Shaking my head in response he gives me a smirk. "Well Not-Corey does his work here by himself. Not only does he build them from the ground up, but he also knows where to get custom gear. Anyway, I was thinking maybe you would want to design your own helmet when we get inside."

My face splits into a grin and I barely stop the squeal rising. If he wants me to design a helmet then it means he's planning on taking me for another ride on his bike. North wants to spend more time with me.

"Really?!" I almost shout as I bounce back and forth on my feet. He nods and I grin at him. "That is so cool! Are you sure Not-Corey would be okay with that? I mean he's probably busy so I don't want to distract him from his work."

North is already shaking his head before I've finished speaking. "You don't have to worry about that. He'll be glad to help you." He gives me a genuine smile and I easily return it.

He looks back over my shoulder and nods at Not-Corey and gives me a smile. "So are you ready to finally meet "Not-Corey"?" he teases.

I feel the air shift near my right shoulder and smell the gasoline and pine I attribute to Not-Corey. Looking up I see his sad eyes peering down at me. He gives me a dazzling grin that makes him look more like Corey and I blush.

"Well it's not every day I get tackled by a beautiful girl who mistook me for my brother, but I definitely didn't mind the hug." He smirks at me and my cheeks heat even more.

"I'm sorry about that," I whisper, bringing a finger to my lips. "I didn't know Corey had a twin. I should have noticed anyway."

Not-Corey just shakes his head and chuckles. "Don't worry, it's impossible to tell us apart unless you've spent a lot of time around us. That wasn't the first time we've been mistaken and it certainly won't be the last."

"No, I should have noticed." I shake my head. "Your eyes are different, I should have looked closer at first."

Both North and Not-Corey stare at me for a second with wide eyes. I look between them trying to figure out why they looked so shocked. "What? What's wrong?"

Not-Corey shakes himself out of his surprise and leans down closer to me. "What do you mean our eyes are different? They are exactly the same color."

I nod my head in agreement. "They are, but yours are different. There's a weight in them, they look, um well, yeah. They look different." I highly doubt he wants to hear that his eyes look sad.

I watch his shadows deepen as he takes in the meaning of my words. I let my own show and he gives me an understanding smile. "Well then you're the first one to notice that."

I nod my head before looking up at the garage. "Anyway, North said this was his friends shop. I'm assuming its yours?" I glance back at him and he smirks.

"That's right! This is Henshaw Customs Unique Motorcycles and Supplies. It's not much to look at on the outside, but I think you'll like the inside."

"I'd like that. To look inside I mean." I say smiling at Not-Corey. His eyes widen at my smile before he nods telling me that it's okay.

I glance and North and he nods his head as well before standing away from his bike. He grabs my hand and starts pulling me towards the door with Not-Corey following behind us with an odd look on his face. "Come on, Baby. You need to drink some water so it's good that we are heading inside."

North stops just before the door and lets Not-Corey enter before us. I can tell he's waiting to see my reaction to his shop and I don't blame him. If he owns this place then he really cares about everything within these walls. It may very well be his sanctuary from the world the same way the woods are for me.

I keep my eyes trained to the floor as he moves in front of me. I'm not sure why since I've only just met him, but I want Not-Corey to like me as much as his brother. Once his feet move past me I look up to examine the space.

I let out a small gasp at the amount of bikes in here. I've never seen so many vehicles in one place, let alone motorcycles. It's a large area completely filled with bikes. Some are in display cases on pedestals,while others are hanging from the ceiling. Off to one side are several parked diagonally, lined up in a row, almost separating the room. On the far wall are tools hanging from hooks as well as large tool boxes. The conjoining wall holds bins that look like they are labeled for different parts. Just in front of those are large work benches and some machinery to hold the bikes.

"You really own all of this? This place is amazing!" I exclaim. The building feels very masculine, but it is impressive. I wonder how many of the vehicles in here he has built.

Not-Corey grins at my excitement and leads us towards the work tables in the back. "I'm really glad you like it," he calls over his shoulder, "I spend most of my time here and I'm proud of everything that I've done." He looks over at one of the bikes on display and I can see the pride and joy he has in his work. He truly loves what he does for a living.

As we move closer to the tables I notice two that are pushed closer together. One holds an almost finished engine and the other is covered in different parts spread across it. I stop in front of the engine to examine it more closely, making North stop with me. As I look between the two tables I become lost in my thoughts of how it's put together. "Hey Not-Corey? How long does it take to build an engine?" I ask, leaning over some of the parts.

Two deep laughs catch me off guard and I look up wide eyed at my companions. I look between the two of them before realization settles in. I just called him Not-Corey out loud. I pull my hand from North's to cover my burning cheeks.

"I am so sorry," I exclaim, looking at the ground. "I didn't mean to call you that. I just, I don't know your name. But you look like Corey, but you aren't and I don't know what else to call you. So I called you Not-Corey in my head, but then it slipped out. And I'm really sorry if I offended you." I finish, slightly out of breath.

I finally look up and see Not-Corey grinning at me, his eyes completely amused at my blunder. "Hey, don't worry about it. I've been called worse. It's partially my fault. I should have introduced myself to you when we met."

"Well I asked North, but he wouldn't tell me." I shoot a glare his way and he has the audacity to smirk at me. "I slipped up with him too. Anyway, before I start ranting again," I hold out my hand and give him a smile, "Hello, it's nice to meet you. My name is Sang."

He lets out a chuckle and grabs my hand. "Hello Sang. My name's Brandon and trust me, the pleasure is all mine." He winks and I feel my cheeks heat even more. His smirk deepens but thankfully he spares me from more embarrassment by turning back to the table. "To answer your question, I'm just rebuilding this engine so I'll have it finished in another day. I have another one that I've started from scratch that's already taken two years to get to where it's at."

I stare up at him in awe before looking down at the table. "That's amazing. I can't even imagine the amount of time you've spent learning about engines. And then you design the frames and that's just really amazing. Do you work here all alone?"

When I look back up, Brandon has a soft smile and North is smirking at me. "Yeah, I do. I prefer it that way. North sometimes comes in and helps if I have a deadline to meet, but otherwise it's just me and my tools." He scans the room with satisfaction and I smile before looking at North.

"So you work on bikes too? I don't know much about them, but I'd love to learn. It was a lot of fun riding on the back of yours." I smile at him.

He shakes his head and smiles back. "The only bike I work on is my own. I help out here and there, but I usually work on car engines. But I know both Brandon and I would love to teach you about bikes. Except driving one. You're only allowed to ride with one of us, Sang baby. I don't trust any of the other f*ckers out there."

I look at Brandon to find him nodding in agreement with North. "Yeah, Mini we don't want you to get in an accident. Plus I'd love to take you for a ride with me." He winks and I just know my cheeks are bright red.

I look between the mesmerizing blue and endless brown eyes and lose my breath. It's like bad boy overload right in front of me and they both want to take me for a ride. Wait, how would all three of us fit on a bike. I mean I know I'm small, but both of them are pretty big. There's no way we would all fit on the bike.

"You would? Both of you want to take me for a ride?" I squeak. Brandon's eyes widen and he chokes a little while North snorts with his own look of astonishment. The two of them share a loaded glance before nodding at me.

"More than you know, Sang baby." North grins at me, his voice lower than normal. He continues to smirk, looking particularly smug at my deepening blush.

I duck down to avoid their attention and my eyes catch on the helmet in North's hand. I wonder why I didn't notice it before? Didn't North say something about designing one here?

"A helmet," I suddenly shout, making both of them jump in surprise. "North said I could maybe design a helmet here." I look at Brandon with wide eyes and a small pout. "If I'm going to ride with you both shouldn't I have some protection?"

Brandon coughs again and shakes his head as if ridding some thoughts before smiling at me. "Don't worry, we'll always make sure you're safe." He shares another look with North before nodding his head. "But yes, I have some magazines you can look at for a helmet you like. we might have to search for them though."

He points towards his office and we all make our way over to to it. Once inside, he spreads his arms out towards the stacks of magazines and papers. "They're here somewhere. I usually don't have requests for helmets, but I keep them on hand for customers to look through. You're welcome to start looking." He looks back at me sheepish grin and rubs the back of his neck. "I'm sorry it's a bit of a mess."

I shake up the sleeve of the jacket to reach out and touch his arm, surprising the both of us, and smile at him. "It's okay. I don't mind searching for it. Anyways, I kind of just barged in here on the back of North's bike and you've been nothing but kind. I can look a little."

He smiles back and places a hand over mine. "You're welcome to barge through my doors anytime, Mini. I don't mind at all."

I tilt my head to the side and give him a questioning stare. "Why do you call me mini? I'm not that small."

He snorts and shakes his head, letting my hand go. Before I can move away though he wraps me in a hug. I tense at the surprise touch, but quickly relax as pine and gasoline fill my nose.

"Yes you are. Look, your head barely reaches the middle of my chest and I can easily rest mine on top of yours." He says above me before a weight drops onto my head.

The two of us stand there for a moment, before some rustling papers and a grunt pull us apart. "If you're done with the hugging, do you want to help me search?" North calls over his shoulder as he moves a stack of paper around.

Blushing, I quickly jump away from Brandon and straighten Norths jacket. I glance up at him and he gives me a smile before joining North in the search. "You're just jealous that I got a hug from Sang and you didn't." He hits North on the shoulder before starting on his own pile.

"F*ck off." He growls and punches him back on the arm.

"I'll give you a hug if you want North Star." I say walking up beside him. I blink up at him a few times and he finally looks at me before sighing.

"I would love one Sang Baby." He puts his papers down and opens his arms for me to move into.

As his warmth envelopes me, I take a deep breath of his manly musk and sigh. I am definitely getting used to hugs. Not only do they feel nice, but I can smell them without judgment. I pull away and smile up at his usually brooding face to get a small smile in return.

"Thank you." I grin at him.

"You're welcome. Now let's find you a helmet."

He lets me go and we both set about searching for the magazines. After a few minutes we have two and North has sat me down at the desk to start looking through them while he and Brandon search some more.

"Hey Brandon?" North calls across the small room, "Why do you have a bottle of nail polish here?"

Both men turn around, North to hold out the bottle and Brandon to see if it really is nail polish. Sure enough, North is holding out a bright red bottle of polish. Brandon walks over to him and takes it from him to look it over.

"I'm not sure why." He shrugs, as his brows furrow in confusion. "Actually maybe I do." He exclaims as understanding crosses his face. "One customer brought his girlfriend in and she spent the entire time painting her nails. It must have gotten place in an odd box or something when I cleaned up afterwards."

North nods his head, accepting the explanation and returns to his stack of papers. Brandon turns towards me and offers me the bottle. "Do you want it Mini? I'm just going to throw it away if you don't."

I look at the bottle and feel a sliver of longing enter my heart. I look back at Brandon and shake my head, giving him a soft smile. "Thank you, but I can't. My Mother says I'm not allowed to have it. If you ask me in a week and a half I'd say yes though. I've never painted my nails before."

Brandon's shadows deepen with understanding and I stand to reach out to him. From the corner of my eye I see North turn around and watch as I hug Brandon. "I'm okay. Really. I'm moving out in less than two weeks." I whisper.

He wraps his arms around my shoulders and I sense North move in behind me, his heat as overwhelming as Brandon's. Suddenly tanned arms reach around my waist and North's torso presses into my back. I tense up at first but relax as I enjoy the comfort the two of them are giving me.

A sigh rumbles through Brandon's chest and I let out a giggle. North begins laughing, when my mother's words come crashing into my mind. Here I am with two boy's I've met today and both of them are hugging me at once. Maybe I really am a slut like she says.

My body tenses and both of them immediately pull back. As North moves in front of me, Brandon bends down and looks at me, his sad eyes filled with concern. "What's wrong Mini? What's going through that mind of yours?"

I glance at both him and North before dropping my gaze. I shouldn't have let them both hug me. Now they probably think I'm easy. "I'm sorry," I whisper, still looking at the floor. "I shouldn't have done that. I promise I'm not... that I don't..." I trail off, unable to finish the sentence.

North and Brandon share a look before Brandon grabs my shoulders. "You did nothing wrong, Mini. So don't apologize. We should be the ones apologizing to you. We didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"Oh no," I cry, looking up at him, "You didn't make me uncomfortable, I promise. I liked it a lot. I don't get many hugs so I'll take all that I can get."

I look over at North and a wave of anger passes his face before he smirks at me. "You liked our hug, huh? A lot?"

My eyes widen as I blush and I take a step back. North follows like a predator stalking its prey and I glance at Brandon, pleading for help. Instead of sympathy, I see a similar look as he starts circling behind me.

"You said you don't get many hugs, so maybe we should remedy that." Brandon smirks as he continues to move behind me. "You didn't mind the two of us hugging you..."

North takes another step forward and I focus on him. "So what if we give you double the amount of hugs in the same amount of time."

He takes another step forward and I try to back up once again, but run into a hard body. I look up and find Brandon grinning devilishly down at me and I blush even more. His arms slip around my waist, holding me in place as North closes the gap between us.

"I, um, I mean I did like your hug," I begin, but North lifts my arms up to his shoulders, making me draw a blank as his hands slide down my arms and settle on my back. "But I um...." I trail off as Brandon runs a hand down my side and North rubs slow circles between my shoulder blades.

Pine and musk, with a layer of gasoline fills my nose and I close my eyes. They begin swaying from side to side and I follow willingly. Dropping my head back onto Brandon's chest, I moan as his hand runs up my side and North's runs back up my arm. Both of them still and my world stops rocking.

"F*ck." I hear them both wisper and I open my eyes.

North is still looking at me the way he was earlier, but his pupils are blown wide open as he gaze bounces between my lips and neck. I lick my lips and his eyes settle there to watch the motion. Blinking a few times, I pull myself from his enigmatic eyes to look up at Brandon.

A small gasp leaves my lips as his eyes are similar to North's. Only a sliver of the stunning blue is showing. He swallows thickly and my eyes follow the movement of his Adam's apple bobbing.

Another gasp escapes as hot breath fans my neck. Brandon begins to lower his face to mine and I suck in a breath. North's nose runs down from my cheek into my neck, his hair tickling my face. I continue to hold my breath as Brandon's face moves closer. He glances between my eyes and lips, asking permission. I nod minutely and the shadows disappear completely as he closes in.

I close my eyes when his breath fans my face and North's nose trails back up to my ear. Just as his lips brush mine, a loud ringing breaks the spell and I release the breath I was holding.

Both Brandon and North sigh and drop their heads. North's lands on my shoulder and Brandon presses his forehead against mine, breathing into my hair.

The phone rings one more time and they both pull away from me. I swallow and look down, trying to hide my blush. I already miss their touch. I see North readjust his pants from the corner of my eye and wonder if he was the one to get the call. The ringing stops and I look up to see Brandon running a hand through his hair as he holds the phone to his ear.

"Hello, Henshaw Custom Motorcycles, Brandon speaking." He says into the phone with barely concealed patience. I watch as he moves over to his desk and shuffles through different forms before pulling one out. "Yes Mr. Sullivan. I have the order right here. You checked this morning, remember? Yes. I'll be here... Yes... Thank you. I'll see you then."

North glances back at Brandon as he returns to the piles of magazines. "Sullivan on his way?" He grunts as he shifts on his feet.

"Yeah, he'll be here in half an hour or so." He huffs as he drops into the chair behind him.

He glares at the order form before glancing up at me. "Well Mini, now I'm the one who could use a hug." He smirks at me and I let out a squeak as I try to hide my blush.

Both of them chuckle and I do the childish thing and stick my tongue out at them. They laugh even harder and I join in after a moment. All of the tension that was between us evaporates and I can finally breath easier. Whatever moment we just shared left me light headed and with heavily beating heart.

Grinning, I turn to the nearest pile and discover it's filled with helmets and riding gear. Bouncing up and down, I hold one up in the air and wave it around.

"I found the right pile." I grin as both of them look up at me.

Brandon smiles at me and North nods before they both stand to sort through the pile. Each of them grab four or five and begin to walk back to the work tables.

"Let's sit out here, Sang Baby." North calls behind him. "Then Brandon can continue working on the engine."

I nod my head and grab the two magazines on the desk before following them out.

Brandon drops his load and reaches out for me. "I can take some time before going back to work." When I take his hand, he pulls me into his lap as he sits down on the stool. "I want to help you pick out a good helmet."

Because I'm on Brandon's lap and he's on a stool, my legs dangle and I start swinging them just a little.

"I'd like that." I grin at the two of them. "I'd love to pick something to two of you'd like."

North looks over my shoulder at Brandon and they share another look. He returns to my gaze and smiles. "We'd love to help you, Sang Baby."

For a few minutes we look through the magazines, pointing out different designs that each of us like. Brandon pointed out a black one with a dark red rose on the side that North agreed with. I liked it but wanted to see if there was anything with pink so we kept looking.

As we were flipping though the pages, some character design ones showed up and I recognized the black and white mouse with a polka dot bow.

"Hey look! It's Minnie, just like me." I grin up at Brandon and he smiles back. "So that makes you Pluto, right? Because Minnie likes Pluto."

Brandon stares at me in shock and I look over at North. "Is that not right?" I ask, tilting my head to the side.

North shakes his head and opens his mouth to say something when Brandon starts laughing behind me.

"No Mini. Minnie Mouse is in love with Mickey Mouse and Pluto is the dog." He says through gasps.

North looks between the two of us with amusement and I can tell he's fighting off his own laughter. I glare at him, daring him to start laughing, but it doesn't work. A second later he's laughing as hard as Brandon.

I pout at both of them and cross my arms in front of my chest. "Well fine then. If you keep laughing you can just be Goofy." I harrumph and lift the magazine up to my face.

Brandon's laughter stops and he leans to the side to look down at me. "You wouldn't really call me Goofy, would you?" He pleads and I quickly shake my head. He's not a Goofy at all. "Good," he grins, "because right now you're more goofy than me. You know it's easier to read when you don't hold it upside down."

I blink at him a few times before looking at the magazine I picked up. Sure enough I was holding the one North was looking at before. Blushing, I raise it over my head to cover my cheeks.

Deep chuckles reverberate around the room and I feel myself shake as Brandon laughs. I peek over the top of the pages to find North struggling to contain his laughter. He shakes his head and covers his mouth with his hand. I glance back at Brandon and feel my chest warm as his eyes are clear of their shadows.

I squirm a little on Brandon's lap and turn it right side up. The low sound of his chuckles rumble by my ear and I try to smile discretely. "I did that on purpose." I scoff in mock defense before shaking my head. "Anyway, are you guys going to help me pick one out, or am I going to have to find one on my own."

North lets out on last laugh and reaches forward to lower the magazine from my face. "We'll help you, Baby. Now what do you think you want? If we can't find one in here I'm sure we could order one online."

I nod and point at the dark red rose one we found earlier. "I like that one a lot," I say, swinging my legs and Brandon grunts as rests his head on my shoulder to look, "but I wish there was some pink on it."

Brandon pulls the booklet closer and examines the advertisement. "We could design one with a pink rose, but I don't think this manufacturer does custom customs. We'd have to find someone else and I'm not sure the rose would look as nice." He ponders over the picture a moment longer while North and I look at the other books.

As I swing my legs, Brandon's hand rests on my thigh and his lips tickle my ear. "You need to hold still, Mini." He says while still looking at the magazine.

Blushing, I still my legs and flip though the book. Brandon moves his hand from my leg to my waist, pushing up North's jacket in the process. His fingers trail small circles and I start to wiggle when it begins to tickle.

"Sh*t, Mini," he groans, "Hold still." A weight lands on my shoulder and I feel his hot breath down my back.

I giggle and squirm again as he draws another circle. "Mickey, stop. That tickles." I cry between laughs.

His fingers stop, but before I can catch my breath he begins tickling my sides. "This tickles? Are you sure? I never would have guessed." He laughs into my hair as his other arm wraps around me to hold me in place.

I push against him to try and get away, but he is a lot stronger than I am. As I gasp for breath between laughs I look up at North. He has his arm crossed on his chest as he leans back, smirking at me and Brandon.

Brandon brushes up under my arms and I let out a squeal. "Save me North Star!"

He lets out a chuckle and finally stands from his chair. I stop my attempt of pushing Brandon away and reach out towards North. He easily scoops me up and Brandon loosens his hold on me. I wrap my arms around North's neck and try to catch my breath. Looking down at Brandon I glare and stick my tongue out.

"That was mean," I say breathlessly and he just chuckles while shifting in his seat.

"I don't know," he chuckles, "I thought it was funny." He grins at me and I shake my head. He shifts again and lets out a short laugh.

"It wasn't that funny," I pout.

North chuckles behind me and smirks. "It kind of was, Baby. It was also f*cking cute too." He grins as I blush.

Brandon lets out another laugh and smiles to himself. "You know Corey warned me not to put you on my lap."

"He did?" I tilt my head to the side. "Oh, that makes a little sense. Yesterday I was on his lap and he jumped up suddenly and went to the bathroom. I think I may have hurt him so I understand why he would say that."

Both Brandon and North look at me in shock before bursting into laughter.

"You didn't hurt him, Baby." North says through laughs.

"That's what Nathan said, but I'm not sure I believe him." I shrug and watch as they both calm down.

"Man, I can't wait to get home and ask about it." Brandon sighs once he's stopped.

"Well ask him if he's okay for me please. Raven followed after him to check, but I was still worried for him."

North snorts and looks away while Brandon grins and shakes his head.

"I'll ask for you, but I'm sure he's fine." Brandon says smiling up at me.

"... better than fine..." North snorts as he hoists me higher in is arms.

I shoot North a questioning glance before smiling at Brandon. "Thank you."

He nods and opens his mouth to say something when we hear a loud engine sound from outside. He rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh before looking at North. They nod before Brandon gathers up the magazines and North carries me back to the office.

"Stay in here, Baby." North says as he puts me down in the chair. "This guy is an a** and we don't want him to see you."

Brandon comes in and places the pile of magazines in font of me with a small smile. "You look for the helmet you want and we'll take care of this guy. It shouldn't take to long."

I nod at both of them and they appear pleased with my answer. North gives me a look that says stay where you are and I mock salute him. We both grin and he follows Brandon out as the door slams open.

"Brandon," an overly loud voice calls. "Where the h*ll is my part?"

I hear North grunt just as he exits and Brandon calls out to the newcomer.

"Mr. Sullivan. Your part is here, just like I said on the phone." He says patiently.

The sound of footsteps echo in the large space, almost like he's stomping to make extra noise. Or maybe he's more heavy set? I can't see beyond North, but it sounds like he quickly covers the space between the door and my boys.

"Where the h*ll is it?" Yep, he's much closer. Why does he need to talk so loud. "I was expecting you to have it ready for me to take."

"Mr. Sullivan," Brandon begins much quieter, "I have the part here on the table if you wanted to make sure it was correct. Your order form is here as well to double check."

A loud grunt passes through North into the office and I cringe at the sound. This man is extremely rude and I absolutely hate the way he's talking to Brandon.

I stare at the magazines trying to look through them, but I'm worried about my boys. I know they are strong, but nobody should be talked down to.

Rustling sounds as metal clinks and bangs onto the table. The cardboard box bounces on the metal work table twice before creating the familiar noise of it sliding away.

"What the f*ck is this," Mr. Sullivan yells and I stand to peek out.

North glances back at me and moves to the side just a little. I peek around him and see a fairly heavy set man yelling at Brandon. He is leaning towards Brandon in intimidation, his face red and spittle flying everywhere. He has on a leather jacket that's pulling at the seams and his blue jeans are covering the tops of the cowboy boots he has on. He slams a hand on the table, making the part clatter. His graying hair is thin and sways forward with him as he leans even further over the table.

"What the f*ck do you mean this is what I ordered." He growls at Brandon. "You obviously messed it up. I never would have ordered this."

Brandon's face becomes like stone at the accusation and I know I would be intimidated if it was me he was looking at. The large man isn't though. It appears he took it as a challenge as he pushes off the table and begins to round the table.

"I'll ask you to stop there, Mr. Sullivan." Brandon say's coolly, gesturing to North. The man stops and glares at him, his hands clenching at his side before returning to Brandon. "There was no mistake in the order. I called you to confirm before I sent the bill since this is such an expensive part. You assured me it was correct. Now, would you like me to try and return the part?"

North's back is tense and I reach out to touch him. He glances down at me and nods before returning his attention to our friend. I understand now why Brandon called North. I wouldn't want to be here alone with him. Who knows how violent he might've become.

"No, I don't want you to return the f*cking part," he grinds out through a his clenched jaw. "I want you to f*cking get the right part the first time."

I furrow my brows and glare at the man. It's not Brandon's fault, it's his own. Brandon's been nothing but patient with him.

"Well Mr. Sullivan, this is the part you ordered. I'm more than willing to help you find the right part." Brandon says as he gently places the part back into the box.

Mr. Sullivan's face turns almost purple. If he was one of those cartoons he would have steam pouring out his ears. "I'd like a f*cking refund. The replacement better be free too." He growls, "You're a f*cking idiot. I can't believe I ordered from you. This place is sh*t and you a**holes don't even know the first thing about bikes."

I gasp at his words, my vision red as I start marching towards the temperamental man. I hear North call out behind me and feel the air shift where his hand missed my arm, but ignore him. Both Brandon and Mr. Sullivan look at me in surprise. Brandon starts walking towards me but is blocked by Mr. Sullivan's large body. His usual shadowed eyes stare at me, filled with worry. Mr. Sullivan's bushy eyebrows raise into his nonexistent hairline as I stop right in front of him.

"Don't you dare speak about Brandon that way." I hiss, raising a finger in his face. "It is not his fault you are so incompetent that you were unable to order the right part. Twice. He is brilliant at his job. His work is to build these beautiful machines from the ground up. I'm absolutely certain he knows more than you. And he is not the butthead, you are. He has not once raised his voice at you while you've done nothing but belittle him and disrespect his livelihood. So why don't you get off your high horse and, and go sit on a cactus."

The entire room is silent except for my heavy breathing. I continue to glare at the man in contempt as he processes what I said. Understanding dawns his face before he turns purple with anger. One of the fists he held at his side raises and I recognize the look of rage he holds. It's the same look my mother gives me before a punishment.  

"Who the h*ll are you to-"

He swings his arm towards me and I flinch, waiting for the hit. When nothing happens, I open my eyes to find North towering over the large man. His face was pressed against the table as North twisted his arm behind his back.

"There is never a reason to hit someone." He growls into his ear. Mr. Sullivan's face has lost all color and he shakes a little under North's glare.

Brandon leans down and gets right in his face. "You don't deserve it, but I don't want to get arrested so I'll send you the refund online. I have cameras that have recorded everything. If I ever see you or your name in my shop again I will send them to the police for assault. Do you understand?" Mr. Sullivan nods, his cheek sticking to the metal surface. Brandon stands and smirks down at him "Good. North will escort you out of the building." He looks up at North and they both nod.

A shout of pain comes from Mr. Sullivan as North pulls him up, but we all ignore it. Once they pass me Brandon bounds the few feet between us and wraps me in a hug.

"Oh thank G*d." He whispers into my hair. "You scared me. I mean you were f*cking hot storming out like an avenging angel in leather, but sh*t Sang! Don't do that again."

I nod my head as I wrap my arms arms around his waist. Now that the adrenaline has worn off I'm shaking and extremely glad to have him to hold on to.

He places a kiss into my hair before pulling back. "Are you alright? You're shaking."

I look up at him and nod my head. "I'm fine. This usually happens whenever I try to be brave." I give him a small grin and he sighs while pressing head back into his chest.

"Thank you," he whispers, "Thank you for standing up for me."

I nod into his chest and give him a slight squeeze. "Always. I seem to have started caring to much."

He lets out a small laugh before a slam of the door makes me jump. We pull apart just a little and I look over to see North striding our way furiously.

"F*ck Baby." He says as Brandon lets me go so I can hug him. "F*ck. I thought he was going hit you. I wasn't sure I'd get there in time." He crushes me into his chest and I wrap my arms around his torso.

"North, hey, it's okay. I'm safe." I rub circles on his back as he strokes my hair. "Thank you for saving me, North Star." I whisper.

He nods and pulls me tighter. We stand like that for a minute before separating to just holding hands. "Why the h*ll did you think it was okay to march up to him?" He glares at me before looking an Brandon. "He could have handled the a**."

"Yeah, Mini," Brandon pulls one of my hands away from North, "I mean I appreciate it and all, but I'd rather have you be safe."

I give both of their hands a squeeze and smile up at them. "I knew you would be there to protect me." I pause for a second, taking a deep breath "I haven't had a lot of friends growing up," North opens his mouth to speak but I push on, "But you two have let me waltz right in, social awkwardness and all. I couldn't listen to him degrade you any longer because I care about both of you. Although, I don't think you're getting rid of me any time soon now." I grin at them and they both return it.

"We wouldn't dream of it, Baby." North smirks.

Brandon wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me into him. "We aren't letting you take that back, Mini. You're stuck with us now."

I giggle and push away from him. "I'd rather call it blessed. I definitely lucked out when I went to North Shore this morning." I grin at North and he smiles back.

I think over the words I said and start giggling "I can't believe I told him to sit on a cactus. There have to be better insults than that."

Both of them look stunned for a moment before joining me in laughter. "It was perfect coming from you Baby." North says as he chuckles and Brandon agrees.

"Definitely you, Mini." He grins at me. "So Mini," Brandon teases as he tugs me towards the office. "did you find a helmet you wanted? Or were you to busy protecting my honor?"

I blush as he pushes me towards North who moved into the office first and sat at the desk. North pulls me onto his lap and points at the unopened magazines. "It looks like she didn't even pick them up."

I blush and cover my mouth to stifle a giggle. "I was worried. You both were so serious. I needed to know you were okay. I couldn't even think about helmets."

Brandon sighs and rolls his eyes while North chuckles behind me. Brandon leans over and opens the one with the red rose helmet. "Well lucky for you Mini, I have an idea."

I look at the helmet one more time and smile. It really is pretty, and I definitely wouldn't mind wearing it. Although I would be happy with anything they picked out as long as it meant I could spend more time with them.

"So what's your idea, Mickey." He smiles at the use of his nickname and I return it.

He points down at the bottom of the helmet. "So I designed most of the bikes here so I have paint. What if we order this one, then we ask one of our friends to paint your nicknames along the bottom edge in gold. That way it will look classy, but will still be personalized."

I think it over for a moment, before nodding. "Can I put all of my nicknames? I've gathered a few recently." I blush, avoiding their gaze.

"That's right. You met Victor and Gabriel too didn't you." Brandon says and my head shoots up to look at him.

"You know them as well? Wow," I breath out.

Brandon lets out a chuckle and North's arm tightens around my waist. "You can have all of them. We'd actually ask Gabe to paint the names. Is that alright?"

I quickly nod my head, bouncing a little on North's lap. "Sh*t, Baby, don't do that."

"I'm sorry, North. Did I hurt you too?" I try to jump off his lap, but he tightens his hold.

"No, Sang Baby. Just don't move so much." He places a hand on both hips to hold me in place. Brandon smirks and him and he scowls in return.

Brandon chuckles and shakes his head. "Anyway, it will take about five days to get here so if you want to give us your phone number, Mini, then I can call you when it gets here and you can write down all the names you want on it."

I blush and lift a finger to my lips. "I'm sorry, Mickey. I don't have a phone yet. I won't have one until I move out."

Brandon just smiles sweetly at me, but North tenses and leans to the side to look at my face.

"What do you mean you don't have a phone. Every one has a phone now days. What if you get in trouble?" He furrows his thick eyebrows and I reach out to smooth the wrinkle.

"I'll have one in less than two weeks. I've been fine for the last 18 years of my life without one, 10 more days won't matter."

He relaxes under my touch and I smile. "Well you better take our phone numbers. If you need anything at all you call us. Find a pay phone, borrow someone's cellphone, h*ll knock on the neighbors door and ask. Just promise you'll call us."

I quickly agree and he smiles, showing off his dimple. I look up at Brandon and he smiles back at me. "If you don't, I'll hunt down my avenging angel and drag her out of her house for a ride with me."

I giggle at the thought, but only because he doesn't know where my house is. If he really showed up at my house, Mother would have a fit. I feel a shudder threaten to start and quickly suppress it.

After another smile my way, he grabs one of the business cards off his desk and writes down a number. "This is my personal number Mini, don't lose it okay?" He hands it to North who also writes his down.

"You better call." He grunts before handing it to me. I nod and look down at the two different handwriting's.

"I will, I promise." I smile at them both.

A clock chimes on Brandon's desk and I jump from the noise. Both of them laugh a little, but I ignore it when I realize what time it is.

"Hey North Star, Mickey. Is this clock correct?"

Brandon leans over a little to look before nodding his head. "It is, are you okay Mini? What's wrong?"

I blink a little, shaking off my shock. I've been out and about until three in the afternoon. "I'm alright. I was just surprised by the time, that's all. I had better be heading home soon though."

The two of them nod in understanding before North lifts me up, helping me stand. "Where do you live, Baby? I'll drive you home."

I start to shake my head, but remember where I met Sampson this morning. "Actually would you mind dropping me off at a restaurant instead? I have someone I want to thank before I go home."

He raises an eyebrow, but agrees, "Where to, Baby?"

I shuffle on my feet for a second trying to decide if I want him so close to where I live.

"It's a little diner in Sunnyvale Court." A look of shock covers his face. "Its name is Bob's diner. I need to thank the owner for the food he shared with me this morning."

North recovers from his shock and smirks while Brandon chuckles beside me. I look between the two of them, confusion plastered on my face. "What? Do you know who he is?"

North snorts before smirking. "Yeah Baby, we do. He's my Uncle."


What did you think?! Brandon and North maybe be on of my favorite pairings now! Definitely love them prowling together. ;)

So Raven wanted to keep it from Nathan that his Peanut was at Brandon's garage, but he walked in as Gabriel was begging Victor for his keys. I'm pretty sure North muted both of them since they kept complaining about not getting answers.

As always,
