

Shen Yining's ears were red and she reached out and touched the little white pig sachet gently. She felt extremely happy in her heart, but her face still looked like a little old-fashioned. She really thanked Zhou Zixuan: "I'm lonely." I like it very much. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Your Highness gave me the hairpin. I also like it very much." Zhou Zixuan looked at the little princess with a smile.

The two chatted for a while, and Shen Xingyue and Su Muyu came back again. Shen Xingyue saw that the two of them were sitting very far away from each other. She thought that the little lady was not so innocent. She didn't even touch the girl's little hand. Bar?

But she didn't ask too much, and had lunch with Shen Yining and the others. In the afternoon, Shen Yining accompanied Zhou Zixuan to the back garden of the palace for a walk. Shen Yining asked the palace people to stay outside the garden. While waiting, he and Zhou Zixuan built a snowman together.

Zhou Zixuan looked at it and it was almost time. She had been out for most of the day. If she didn't go back, her mother would tell her. So she said to Shen Yining: "Your Highness, it's getting late. I'm almost going back." "

Are you going back so soon?" The little princess was reluctant to leave. Looking at Zhou Zixuan, she couldn't bear to see Zhou Zixuan leave. "Gu, Gu always thinks that the Qintian Supervisor miscalculated the time of our wedding?" We have only stayed for a while and you have to leave."

Zhou Zixuan was also a little reluctant to let go of Shen Yining, but she had no choice. She came out? It took too long. It would be difficult to explain to her mother if she stayed any longer. "How long will it take? If I come here again, His Highness, please don't be unhappy."

"Yes." The little lady responded blankly, but still kept a few steps away from Zhou Zixuan. Although she had read a lot of scripts, but the teacher The etiquette they taught her was ingrained into her bones.

Zhou Zixuan saw the little princess looking reluctant to leave. She walked up to Shen Yining in a few steps, hugged Shen Yining quickly, then turned around and ran away with red ears, leaving only Shen Yining. Ning stood there in a daze, unable to react for a long time.

Another month passed, and Su Muxue sent messages to the fifth princess's house several times, wanting to see Su Muxue, but she was rejected by Su Muxue several times. This time was already the fifth time this month. However, Su Muxue was really embarrassed to shirk it anymore, for fear of being said that she had clung to a high family and ignored her sister at home, so she had no choice but to agree to let Su Muxue go visit her relatives.

Su Muxue dressed up very early that morning and went to the fifth princess's mansion. Because Su Muxue was quite favored in the fifth princess's mansion, the servants did not dare to neglect Su Muxue and welcomed Su Muxue in. In the mansion, a maid led Su Muxue to Su Muxue's bedroom.

As soon as Su Muxue saw her sister, she hurriedly saluted and said hello: "Sister, how are you doing these days? I'm almost worried to death." Su Muxue was still sneering in her heart, but on her face

She was calm? She quickly helped Su Muxue up and replied with a smile: "Everything is fine. Your Highness, she treats me very well." Su Muxue quickly replied: "That's it? Okay, that's it for me and my mother

. Don't worry, my eldest sister must be very busy these days helping His Highness take care of things in the house, right?" "

Fortunately, as you all know, the fifth emperor's concubine Xue Youzhen's health has always been poor, and she became even worse after she got married to His Highness. ?She was seriously ill. His Highness took pity on the Fifth Princess and was afraid that she would be exhausted, so he had to leave these trivial matters in the house to me." Su Muqiu seemed to be complaining that she had many things to do, but in fact She was showing off that she was in charge of everything in the palace, but she was actually exercising the power of the princess.

As expected, Su Muxue fell into the trap, and immediately understood what Su Muxue meant, and complimented: "Eldest sister, can you please do more work? How much trust does His Highness have in you? Which one in the capital? I don't know which one? I don't know. ?"

"Where? I'm just helping the imperial concubine to keep an eye on these servants to avoid causing any trouble. It's nothing." Su Muqiu said with a smile.

"Eldest sister, you are too self-effacing. You and I are close sisters. We are not afraid to say something to my sister. That bitch Su Muyu has occupied the position of the princess princess of the eldest sister. On the outside, you act like a domineering person, but in the end, the eldest sister is still kind-hearted and lets her go. As a result, eldest sister, you have gained the trust and love of the fifth princess. In the future, you will only be worse than Su Muyu. People's lives are much better." Su Muxue lowered her voice and continued: "What's more, His Highness the Fifth Prince has many supporters in the court. Although the current Crown Princess has been decided, it is really When the time comes, it is still unknown whether the person sitting in that position is the Crown Princess." Su Muqiu made a silent gesture and reminded:

"Be careful with your words."

"I know that these are all my thoughts. I want to talk to my eldest sister. If that day really comes in the future, eldest sister, your mother's grace will be great for the world." Don't forget my sister." Su Muxue said with a smile.

How about saying that Su Muxue is a hateful person, but flattering others is also a method of its own. After a while, Su Muxue was so happy that he said with a smile, "Is it really true that you came to see me?" Just to talk about family affairs? The house is very busy these days. If something happens, you and I sisters can talk directly." "I came here to discuss marriage matters. Sister, come here to me.

The people who brought this request are all people from poor family backgrounds. Some of them are not as high-ranking as their father, and they are still concubines. Eldest sister, you are married to the current princess. What should I say? She is also your sister, if it is true? Even if you marry into a small family like that, you are afraid of embarrassing your eldest sister." Su Muxue looked like she was pleading with Su Muxue to save her.

Su Muqiu thought for a while and realized that this was also the case. Moreover, in recent days, the wives of the inner house in the capital seemed to be aware of the poor health of the fifth princess, so they sent her gifts. She has also changed a lot, and she has come into contact with many people. Among them, Feng Wenbin's mother, who had talked to them in Meiyuan before, has become very close to her recently.

Su Muqiu thought for a while and said: "I really do have a candidate, Feng Wenbin, whom we met in the plum garden that time. His mother often comes to see me these days, and it seems that he is secretly He also hinted to me several times that Feng Wenbin has not married yet and has only a few concubines in the house, so he is considered a good candidate."

"But eldest sister, didn't they all say that Feng Wenbin likes to play? He was always with Shen Xingyue before." Su Muxue muttered in a low voice.

"How many of the Qianyuan people in the capital don't like to play? You have to know that his father is a fourth-grade Shaoqing of Dali Temple, in charge of the judiciary, but he is an official with real power, even better than our father. The official rank needs to be one higher, and Feng Wenbin is the legitimate son of their house. You have married, and when your mother-in-law is gone, will you still be the mistress of the house? You should think it over for yourself. Okay." Su Muqiu said with a smile.

She just gave Su Muxue some advice. After all, she was not her biological sister. After all, she didn't care much about Su Muxue. However, Su Muxue was a bit stupid, so to speak. The words still made her feel good. She could still help Su Muxue find a good place to go.

Su Muxue thought for a while, isn't that just this? Does it make sense? The people who proposed marriage to her before were all Qianyuan from the families of sixth- and seventh-rank officials. Some of them were not legitimate sons, so they might as well be Feng Wenbin.

In addition, what Su Muqiu said was right. After marrying her as the head wife, after her mother-in-law is gone, she will be the eldest lady in their house. Isn't she the one who will make the decision by then?

"Then it's all up to elder sister to make the decision for me." Su Muxue said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll take care of this in a few days." Su Muqiu replied with a smile.

Maybe it was because he met Su Muxue during the day. When Su Muqiu and Shen Yijia had dinner together in the evening, Su Muqiu casually mentioned: "Your Highness, it has been a while since I married into your house. How many days will it take?" I want to go back to the Su Mansion for a visit. If you don't have much to do, can you accompany me?" Shen Yijia did

n't expect that Su Muqiu would say this. He was stunned for a moment and raised his eyes to look at Su Muqiu. , said: "If you want to go back to visit relatives, just ask the housekeeper in the house to prepare some gifts and take them back with you. I won't go with you. It's not polite." "Yes, Your Highness, I was confused. .

" Su Muqiu hurriedly said, her face not revealing, she was still talking and laughing with Shen Yijia just like before, but what she was thinking about was that she was going back to her home, without the fifth princess accompanying her. , isn't it a bit shorter than Su Muyu?

As if thinking of something, Shen Yijia reminded again: "Su Muyu's mother and sister are still in the Su Mansion. You must not have any conflict with them when you go back this time. Now that the Ankang Prince's Mansion and the General's Mansion are married, they occupy A large part of the power in the court has been eliminated. We cannot have any conflict with the palace. It is best to bring some gifts for me to give to Su Muyu's mother and sister." Shen Yijia looked at Su Muqiu and said : "Qiu'er

, we have been getting along for a while. Now there are only you and me in my bedroom. You also know that my fifth imperial concubine is just a sick beauty. She can't share anything for me at all, that is. Her father is the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, and he only helps me in the court. It is up to you to take care of the affairs in this house. You are also the one who understands me best among the Kunze people around me. My gaze is not only I am just a fifth princess. I hope you will do the same. When doing things, you will take a longer view. Do you understand what I mean?" "I understand what His Highness means and I will never cause His Highness any trouble. Trouble." Su

Muqiu hurriedly replied.

"That's good, if one day I can really sit in that position, the only person who will be in charge of the Sixth Palace for me will be you." Shen Yijia said with a smile.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for being willing to tell me this." Su Muqiu's eyes lit up.

"The two of us have to work together, and maybe we can have greater fortunes in the future." Shen Yijia said with a smile.

Shen Yijia was also very happy with her dinner. The other Kunzes in the house were either spoiled or had not studied for a few years, so Su Muqiu managed the affairs of the inner courtyard for her and managed them surprisingly well. Yes, even though Shen Yijia was unwilling to condescend to accompany her back to her parents' home, she would not give less of the comfort that should be given to Su Muqiu.

A few days later, the marriage of Su Muxue and Feng Wenbin was finalized. Even Shen Xingyue heard about the buzz in the capital. She also heard from the grandmother who took care of Liu Xiang and the others. , Su Muqiu came back to visit relatives, and even brought a lot of gifts to Liu Xiang and the others.

Shen Xingyue thought that Shen Yijia probably wanted to win over their palace again. After all, her sister was now with Han Shu. Winning over their palace was tantamount to wooing Han Shu, even though the princess was not mentioned in the original book. The cause of death was just that he died in an accident while hunting, but how could it be such a coincidence? Shen Xingyue always felt that the person who harmed Shen Yining was either Shen Yiqian or Shen Yijia, or both. Everyone is involved, otherwise, how can accidents happen so easily to the crown princess of a country?


Shen Xingyue lay on the soft couch and counted the time. It was already February and the Chinese New Year was coming soon. There was a custom in Beichuan that in March every year, the royal family would take the courtiers to the Qingqiu Paddock for five days. Hunting is used to fear the gods and pray for good weather in the new year.

Counting the days, the time to go hunting in Qingqiu Paddock is only one month away. Shen Xingyue always feels a little uneasy these days, always afraid of something unexpected happening.

After getting along with each other for this period of time, Shen Xingyue has a clear understanding of the little princess's character. The little princess is upright and is very serious when dealing with national affairs. She has her own set of principles in her heart, which is not easy. Being influenced by others, if Shen Yining ascends the throne, Shen Xingyue feels that their palace will be safe, but if the other two ascend the throne, their palace will face bigger problems in the future.

Shen Xingyue held Su Muyu's fingertips in a daze. Seeing that she didn't speak for a long time, Su Muyu leaned over and kissed Shen Xingyue and asked, "What are you thinking about? So absorbed?" "I want to go hunting in Qingqiu Paddock next month

. It's something." Shen Xingyue turned her head and kissed the kitten in her arms, explaining softly.

"Why did you suddenly think of hunting?" Su Muyu asked with a smile.

"It's nothing, it's just that I haven't been out for a long time. I've been there before, and I miss the feeling of riding horses in the mountains." Shen Xingyue said with a smile.

"Then can I go with you?" Su Muyu asked curiously. She had never ridden a horse in the mountains.

Shen Xingyue said with a smile: "Of course you can. Wait for the weather in a few days. Okay, let's take you to ride the pony in the house to get used to it." "Okay, I haven't ridden a horse yet."

Su Mu Yu was a little eager to try.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, all civil and military officials had to go to the palace to pay homage. After that, they had to go to the palace in the evening to have a reunion dinner with the empress. Naturally, Shen Xingyue and the others had to go too.

As soon as Shen Xingyue and Su Muyu got off the carriage, many people came over to talk to them. Now that Shen Xingyue doesn't like to cause trouble, she can even spare four or five days every month to go to the Ministry of Industry to check in. Their palace She also got married to the General's Mansion, and Shen Xingyue suddenly changed from the one everyone yelled at before to the one she is now, and many people rushed to curry favor with Shen Xingyue and the others.

Fortunately, Shen Xingyue met Han Shu and the others, and then hurriedly entered the palace with Han Shu and the others.

Because there were no dress requirements for the palace banquet in the evening, most people wore casual clothes, and the same was true for Han Shu, but she still wore the mask on her face.

Soon, Shen Xingyue and the others walked into the Liangyi Hall together, but this time their positions changed. Shen Taotao and Han Shu sat on the seats next to Shen Kaiyuan and the others, while Shen Xingyue He was still sitting next to Shen Yijia.

Shen Yijia took her fifth imperial concubine Xue Youzhen to sit down together, and greeted Shen Xingyue very kindly, "Cousin, how are you doing lately? I'm so busy these days. I will definitely go to the palace in a few days. I want to talk to you."

"Your Highness, just feel free to do as you like. Anyway, I have nothing to do all day long, so I'm afraid I will waste Your Highness's time." Shen Xingyue said with a smile. It sounded like she was scolding herself, but in fact, she was scolding herself. Reject Shen Yijia.

But Shen Yijia still pretended not to understand, and said with a smile: "My cousin is having an affair with me now. I heard what you said, but your Highness, your Highness, often goes back to my cousin's place for small gatherings." "Cousin, don't you welcome me?"

"Your Highness is joking, how could that happen?" Shen Xingyue replied with a smile, her face almost stiffened with a fake smile, she didn't know where did Shen Yijia come from? What nonsense.

After finally waiting for Shen Yining to arrive, the Liangyi Palace gradually became quiet. All the civil and military officials first saluted the little princess. Shen Yining smiled at Shen Xingyue and Su Muyu, and then went to find the Grand Master. When I got to my seat, I saw that the Grand Master was bringing his wife, and he did not bring Zhou Zixuan. I was a little discouraged for a while.

Soon, Shen Kaiyuan took the queen into the Liangyi Palace and asked the servants to prepare food.

The officials had a great time eating. During the Chinese New Year, each department could rest for half a month. Everyone ate very relaxedly, including Shen Xingyue and Su Muyu. The food in the palace still tasted good. It's very good. Of course, if Shen Yijia next to her could be mute and stop talking to her, Shen Xingyue would feel that the experience would be better.

The meal was almost done, and the officials started the toasting culture again. Among them, Shen Yijia and Shen Yiqian both went to toast Han Shu and Shen Zhengchu, and later they all came over to toast Shen Xingyue, which made Shen Xingyue embarrassed and had to do it again. She returned the favor, and then went to have another drink with Shen Yining in order to bring some water.

Compared to the other two, the young lady seemed very considerate. She took a piece of apple and fed it to Shen Xingyue, "Cousin, you have something to eat before drinking with me, otherwise you will get drunk easily." Shen Xingyue was not polite either

. ?, ate the apples fed by the old man?, and then drank half a glass of wine with Shen Yining.

Shen Kaiyuan looked at the interaction between his youngest daughter and Shen Xingyue below and smiled even more. In the future, his position will be reserved for his youngest daughter. The better the relationship between the youngest daughter and the palace, the more conducive to stability. Court.

Fortunately, Shen Xingyue hasn't drank in the past few months. The threshold has been raised slightly, so that she won't get drunk after just a few drinks.

When Shen Xingyue and the others took the carriage back, there were still people setting off firecrackers on the street. There was no curfew in the capital during the New Year, and people could have fun until late.

Su Muyu leaned in Shen Xingyue's arms, listening to the sound of firecrackers outside, squinting her eyes and murmuring: "It would be great if this could happen every year." Shen Xingyue rubbed the kitten in her arms and coaxed her softly

. : "Of course it will be like this every year."


In the blink of an eye, it's March. Except for the princess Zhou Yunqing who doesn't like hunting and won't go with her, Shen Zhengchu and Shen Xingyue all have to go hunting with Qingqiu Paddock from the capital. The journey to the Qingqiu paddock takes approximately five days. Shen Xingyue and the others rode there in a carriage, accompanied by many military generals. The person in charge of the security of this hunting was not Han Shu, but the Dragon and Tiger General Wang. Mingda.

Wang Mingda is the uncle of the third prince, Shen Yiqian. He is the second-rank military attache of the imperial court and has 50,000 soldiers under his command. Most of them are stationed in the fields in the counties and counties around the capital. Generally, the security of hunting and other matters is handled by Wang Mingda. Mingda was in charge, while Han Shu's army continued to farm and recuperate in the suburbs of Beijing.

However, during this hunting, the empress specially named Han Shu and went with her, leaving Han Qiang in the capital to handle military affairs.

Shen Xingyue was currently holding Su Muyu on the soft couch in the car with her eyes closed and resting. The road was bumpy and she couldn't do anything else. She could only eat and sleep all day long. Due to the large number of people and horses, everyone couldn't do anything else. Starting out early in the morning and setting up camp early in the evening all take a lot of effort.

After the soldiers set up the tent, Shen Xingyue put Su Muyu to bed early. She asked the palace guards to change shifts to guard the door of the tent to ensure Su Muyu's absolute safety. She took Zi Yi to Shen Yining's house. In the tent.

As the Crown Princess, Shen Yining has the best security in the tent. Shen Yining did not expect Shen Xingyue to come over so late, and hurriedly welcomed Shen Xingyue into the tent, "Why is my cousin coming here now?" Is there something wrong?" Shen

Xingyue thought for a moment and nodded. Although she couldn't guarantee whether the plot in the original book would happen, it was always good to remind Shen Yining. But in this way, She was suspected of alienating other siblings, but Shen Xingyue couldn't care less. She would have regretted it if she didn't say anything.

"Your Highness, come here. I have a few words to say to Your Highness." Shen Xingyue looked at Shen Yining and said.

Seeing Shen Xingyue's serious face, Shen Yining couldn't help but become solemn and moved closer.

"Your Highness, please be careful when hunting this time. I always have a bad feeling. No matter what you do, Your Highness, you must always bring your close associates with you and never leave alone." Shen Xingyue thought for a moment and said.

Shen Yining nodded. She understood what Shen Xingyue said. Although she, the emperor's sister, and the emperor's brother seemed peaceful on the surface, Shen Yining also knew that there were many people in the court who supported the emperor's brother and the emperor's sister. Since she To make this position?, naturally you have to be careful and cautious.

Seeing Shen Xingyue come over to remind her, she found these words heart-warming. She looked at Shen Xingyue with a smile: "I have remembered everything my cousin said. Don't worry, I will protect myself." "That's good

. ." Shen Xingyue reminded Shen Yining and felt refreshed and able to sleep well.

She woke up early on the second day and waited for the soldiers to pack up and start marching. It had already been nearly an hour. Shen Xingyue felt that she was about to be torn apart while lying on the carriage, and she admired Han Shu even more. After several days of riding on horseback, they might have worn out the skin on their thighs.

On the evening of the second day, the troops once again set up camp and each started cooking. Shen Xingyue and the others brought the ingredients for hot pot. Hot pot is a random stew. They poured the prepared dishes and meat into the pot and put them on the table. As they ate and cooked on the fire, the aroma spread far and wide. Even the empress, who was not far away from them, could smell the aroma.

The empress looked at the roasted lamb in front of her and suddenly felt that it wasn't so fragrant.

Thinking of his youngest daughter, Shen Xingyue, and the others approaching each other, Shen Kaiyuan smiled and asked, "Ning'er, what are your cousins ​​and the others doing again?" Shen Yining smiled and said, "That's called hot pot, son

. I have eaten at my cousin's place several times and it tastes very good. My cousin has also planted a new crop. She said it is still in the experimental stage and will be ready for spring plowing in a few days. Plant the crops outside and see how the survival rate is before promoting it to the people."

When Shen Kaiyuan heard that there were new crops, he ignored her and Shen Yining's lambs and took Shen Yi with him. Ning went to Shen Xingyue and Shen Zhengchu's place to have a meal.

"Yue'er, I heard that Ning'er said that you have produced a new crop again? What is it? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Shen Kaiyuan asked with a smile.

"It's not that I didn't tell you earlier, but I don't know what the survival rate of this thing is, so I don't dare to promote it rashly. After a few days, when the weather gets warmer, I will first let people go to Zhuangzi on the outskirts of the capital. Plant some, and if the effect is good, then teach the people to plant it." Shen Xingyue explained with a smile that she did not intend to hide it. Chili peppers can dispel moisture and wind and cold, so they are very suitable for Beichuan. People who grow in cold places eat it.

"You show me that thing?" Shen Kaiyuan was still very curious, but at the same time his eyes were looking at the things boiling in the pot. They were red and seemed to taste good.


The peppers and fried butter that Shen Xingyue brought were enough for three meals. She took two small red peppers and handed them to the empress. "Your Majesty, please see, this is what I asked you to plant." "It's just that it's cold in winter. These peppers are grown in a shed in the village." Shen Kaiyuan took the peppers and looked at them curiously, his

face There are smiles all over the place. If there are new crops that can be eaten by the people, then their Yue'er family will have another great achievement.

Shen Kaiyuan broke off a chili pepper and wanted to taste it, but Shen Xingyue stopped him, "Your Majesty, this stuff is very spicy. If you eat it directly, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

Shen Kaiyuan glanced at Shen Xingyue and chuckled: "Is there anything else that I can't eat directly? I want to try it." Shen Kaiyuan Qianyuan was competitive and his temper was aroused by Shen Xingyue.

When I came, I took a big bite of the chili pepper, and my face turned red from the spicy heat.

Because many people around him were looking at this, Shen Kaiyuan gritted his teeth and swallowed.

Shen Xingyue felt that her back molars were spicy, so she quickly took some sweet snacks and handed them to Shen Kaiyuan. Shen Kaiyuan didn't care what snacks Shen Xingyue gave her, which were red. His face was stuffed into his mouth. Several people next to him wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. Shen Xingyue also kept suppressing laughter.

Shen Kaiyuan ate the snack and drank two sips of water, and then he calmed down. He came over, looked at Shen Xingyue, and asked, "Yue'er, what is this? Are you sure you can eat it?" Shen Xingyue ordered it

. He nodded and said: "Sure, these peppers are generally used as auxiliary ingredients when cooking or making soup. You see, the red ones cooked in this soup pot are the peppers just now. Please try the things in the hot pot. , you understand."

Shen Xingyue handed a bowl of prepared sesame sauce to the chamberlain. The chamberlain used a silver needle to test the poison as usual, and then handed the bowl to the empress.

After the experience just now, the empress was obviously more cautious. She took a chopstick of mutton and put it into the sesame sauce bowl. She then carefully ate it into her mouth, and then she felt that her mouth was fragrant. The tender meat flavor is mixed with some spiciness, and combined with the sweet sesame sauce, it is so delicious.

Shen Kaiyuan nodded after taking two bites, "This thing tastes really good. It's spicy inside. Does it taste like the chili pepper?" Shen Xingyue nodded and said with a smile, "Well, the chili pepper is very spicy.

" It's a good seasoning, and I accidentally discovered that it was grown in Zhuangzi. Your Majesty, please try the other things in the pot. The frozen tofu should be very delicious." "

Oh, what is frozen tofu?" Shen Kaiyuan took a few bites and felt that the food in the pot was on his head. His mouth was fragrant and spicy, and his body felt warm unconsciously.

"After the tofu is frozen, it will become a honeycomb inside. Then it is slowly cooked in the hot pot. The spicy soup of the hot pot is all soaked in the tofu. You will know after you taste it." ." Shen Xingyue said with a smile, she was hungry too, but when Shen Kaiyuan came over to eat, the empress didn't say anything, and the rest of them didn't dare to put their chopsticks into the pot.

Shen Kaiyuan took two pieces of frozen tofu out of the pot with a long-handled spoon, put them into the sesame sauce bowl and ate them. After two bites, his eyes lit up, and he nodded frequently to Shen Xingyue, "Well, it's delicious. Yue. Son, your tofu is really delicious. It can even be frozen. It has a different flavor when you eat it later." After taking a few bites, she saw that her little daughter was still watching eagerly, so she hurriedly said: "Everyone

? Let's sit down and eat together, we are all members of our own family and don't have to be restrained."

After the empress spoke, Shen Xingyue and the others started to use their chopsticks.

Shen Xingyue was afraid that Su Muyu would be embarrassed, so she reached out and took out Su Muyu's bowl. She filled Su Muyu's bowl with a small bowl and handed it over, then filled some for herself.

Shen Kaiyuan looked at Shen Xingyue with a smile and said teasingly: "Yue'er has grown up so much that she doesn't know how to love her own princess."

Seeing Shen Kaiyuan's smile, Shen Xingyue knew that she was teasing her. She then looked at the kitten beside her, and sure enough, she saw that the kitten was already blushing.

Shen Xingyue chuckled and said, "Aunt, please stop making fun of me and Yu'er. My Yu'er is thin-skinned. What aunt wants to say? Let's talk about me." Shen Kaiyuan smiled even more happily and rushed

. Shen Zhengchu, who was beside him, pointed at Shen Xingyue and said with a smile: "Look, Yue'er can now pamper his wife. The children have really grown up." "Yes, Sister Huang, in a blink of an eye."

Of these children, only Her Royal Highness is not yet married." Shen Zheng saw the empress happy for the first time and said with a smile.

"It's almost time. In a few months, it will be time for Ning'er to get married. When Ning'er gets married, it will be time for me to leave more of the things on my head to Ning'er. I It's time for you and the queen to enjoy peace and happiness?" Shen Kaiyuan said with a smile.

In fact, she has long wanted her youngest daughter to participate in more government affairs. However, since her daughter has not yet got married, there are many things that are not suitable for Shen Yining to handle, but at most they are just a few. In a few months, the youngest daughter will get married.

A circle of people gathered around Shen Xingyue and the others. Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia also came over with their respective princesses. Shen Yijia's fifth princess, Xue Youzhen, had always been in poor health. Therefore, the person who came with her this time was Su Muqiu.

When Shen Yijia saw that the empress was surrounded by people, and it was hard for her to get in, she gave Su Muqiu a wink.

Su Muqiu immediately understood what Shen Yijia meant, and said to Su Muyu with a smile: "Third sister, we sisters have not seen each other for a long time. Have you always been well in the palace?" "Well." "

Su Muyu looked at Su Muqiu, and the smile disappeared from her eyes. She did not expect that Shen Yijia would take Su Muqiu with her.

Seeing the two of them talking, Shen Kaiyuan smiled and said, "I almost forgot, you are sisters. One is married to Yue'er and the other is married to Jia'er. Now you are in love with our royal family. Did you get a kiss?"

When Shen Kaiyuan saw that Shen Yijia and Shen Yiqian had both come over, he waved to them and said, "Come over. Let's eat together. It's just right. We, as a family, haven't been like this for a long time." Have you had your meal?"

"Thank you, Mother." Shen Yi replied with a smile.

Shen Yijia and Su Muqiu also thanked each other, so Shen Xingyue and the others formed a big circle around the place where they originally ate. She was afraid that all the rice in the pot would be eaten by others, and her family's Yu'er hadn't eaten yet. I'm full.

The empress asked someone to bring over the roasted lamb, and asked the servants to cut it for everyone to share.

Shen Xingyue saw that a lot of her hot pot was eaten by this group of people. She took Su Muyu's bowl and filled it again. She no longer fought with the empress and several princes and princesses. After a while, I started eating roasted leg of lamb instead.

The mutton roasted by the waiters is good, but if Shen Xingyue cooks it, she will definitely brush a layer of honey on the skin. The mutton will be tender and sweet with a hint of sweetness. , but because the mutton is relatively fresh, it is not unpalatable when grilled like this.

Shen Xingyue looked at Su Muyu beside him, and asked softly: "Want to eat some mutton? The roasted one is not bad, the meat is very tender." Su Muyu was obviously not full either, and several princes were

The daughter and the empress were both eating. Seeing that there was nothing left in the pot, Su Muyu nodded. She and Shen Xingyue always ate these in the palace anyway, and were too lazy to compete with them. .

Shen Xingyue stood up and picked out a piece of tender mutton for Su Muyu. He cut the mutton into small pieces with a knife and put it all into a clean small bowl and handed it to Su Muyu. Su Muyu took it. I started eating with chopsticks in small bites.

Compared with Shen Xingyue's care for Su Muyu, the fifth princess Shen Yijia has focused all her attention on the empress since she sat here. She has never paid attention to Su Muqiu from beginning to end. When Su Muqiu saw Shen Yi Jia and the others started talking about state affairs, but they didn't dare to interrupt. She was a concubine of the emperor, so she didn't dare to put anything in the pot, and she didn't eat anything from the beginning to the end.

Everyone was busy. One night, Shen Xingyue took Su Muyu back to the tent that had been set up, and asked softly: "Are you full?" Su Muyu buried herself in Shen Xingyue's arms

. She said, "I'm full. I haven't even eaten a few bites of the hot pot."

Shen Xingyue listened to the kitten's soft and coquettish voice, leaned over and kissed Su Muyu's lips, coaxing softly. "I can't help it. Who knew we could recruit His Majesty? When we go back, we can eat as much as we want." "Yes." Su Muyu responded with a soft chirp, and buried him in Shen Xing

. Yue Huai didn't want to get up.

Shen Xingyue looked at the little kitten that was hugging her and wouldn't let go, her eyes slightly curved, she picked him up and carried him to the soft couch where he was sleeping and put him down.

Because he was setting up camp in the wilderness, the temperature at night was low. Even though the tent was sewn with an insulating quilt, Shen Xingyue could still feel the cool breeze pouring in.

There was some charcoal missing from the small charcoal basin in the house, but it still couldn't hold it. What's the use? Shen Xingyue and the others had just taken off their cloaks and slept under quilts these past few days.

She took off her and Su Muyu's cloaks and covered herself and Su Muyu with quilts.

As soon as Shen Xingyue entered the quilt, she was entangled by Su Muyu. It was cold outside, and Shen Xingyue was very hot. Su Muyu had been holding Shen Xingyue like a heater for the past few days, wishing he could do it all the time. Stick to the same place as Shen Xingyue.

Shen Xingyue saw that the little kitten had its eyes closed and was about to fall asleep, and kissed Su Muyu's face a little. To be honest, she had been obediently staying on the road these past few days. She wasn't sleepy at the moment, but she was a little bit sleepy. Want to eat the kitten?

However, considering that he was in the wild and it was too cold in the tent, Shen Xingyue was really afraid that he would make the kitten sick by tossing him, so he had to endure it and stretched out his hand to rub the kitten's lower back, back and forth. He was rubbing it, and then he heard the kitten's soft chirping sound: "Hmm~ No, you can't do it here."

Shen Xingyue smiled and kissed Su Muyu's lips, sucking them gently until the kitten had no strength left in her arms. Only then did Shen Xingyue let go and spoke softly. He coaxed: "Don't worry, I won't do it here

. I'm afraid you'll freeze. I won't be able to run away until I get back to my house in a few days." Su Muyu groaned in Shen Xingyue's arms. Come on, it's the same as being able to run away in the house.

On the other side, Shen Taotao and the others are in their tent. Han Shu is not easy to take off his mask. He relaxes, but Shen Taotao is nestled in Han Shu's arms, unwilling to be separated from her. It is cold in the tent, and Han Shu is so tempered. He hugged Shen Taotao and sat by the charcoal basin to warm himself up until the little girl's eyes could hardly open. Then Han Shu hugged the little girl and fell asleep under the quilt.

Her little lady was delicate and frail, let alone in the wild, even in her own house, she couldn't bear to let the little girl suffer any injustice. Han Shu hugged her tightly. Halfway through, Jiang Zhao was asked to add another quilt, which was barely used to block the wind and cold.


Fortunately, on the second day, Shen Xingyue and the others also arrived at the Qingqiu Paddock. Shen Xingyue opened the car curtain on one side and looked out. She saw that some trees in the woods outside had sprouted new buds, and the grass had also sprouted. It changes from the original yellow color to green, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Su Muyu smelled the aroma of green grass in the mountains and fields, and became a little eager to try it.

The large army of troops quickly marched into the Qingqiu paddock. Guard handles were left at regular intervals around the paddock to ensure the safety of the empress and everyone.

When they arrived at the wooden house, Shen Xingyue and the others had finally arrived. The camp in Qingqiu Paddock was very carefully built. The center of the camp was naturally the residence of the empress and the princess, followed by the residences of the other two princes and princesses. The residences, followed by the residences of Shen Zhengchu and his companions, Prince Ankang's Mansion, and the residences of Han Shu and Shen Taotao, followed by the families of the remaining military officers accompanying them.

Shen Xingyue entered the wooden house and took a look. She was quite satisfied with the environment inside. Because the court was coming to hunt, the local officials had already arranged for people to clean up the room in advance. Shen Xingyue After entering the wooden house, she felt relaxed. Looking at the thick quilt on the bed, Shen Xingyue thought that they could finally have a good sleep at night.

It was sunny outside? Shen Xingyue held Su Muyu's hand, and took a slow walk on the nearby grass with Ziyi, Yiliu and the other guards of the palace.

Su Muyu looked at the green woods in the distance, and her mood improved a lot. When she saw that no one was paying attention to them, she asked Ziyi and the others to follow them from a distance, and she got closer to Shen Xingyue's arms. .

Seeing the kitten clinging to her, Shen Xingyue's eyes became gentler and she got up and walked around with the kitten.

Han Shu and the little girl packed up their things in a short time. Shen Taotao saw his sister and called Shen Xingyue from a distance: "Sister, wait for us." She said.

, the little girl pulled Han Shu and ran towards Shen Xingyue and the others, followed by several of Han Shu's close guards.

Shen Xingyue looked at her sister with a smile, "What's the rush? Can I still run away? Let's go. The sun is at its warmest right now. Let's walk together." "Well,

I've long wanted to go out for a walk, but it's a pity that our climate in Beichuan is not good and the winter is so long, otherwise we would be able to go out for an outing from time to time." The little girl muttered as she walked. complained.

Several people walked slowly around the camp, and gradually reached a gentle slope. Shen Xingyue looked down along the terrain, and saw that there were not many trees on the hillside anymore. Shen Xingyue knelt down and pinched the ground. He looked at the sand on his bed and frowned slightly.

Seeing her staring at the sand on the ground in a daze, Su Muyu asked, "What's wrong with the sand?"

Shen Xingyue threw down the sand in her hand, stood up and looked into the distance, and saw this area. The forest seemed to have been cut down on a large scale. Looking southward, it was a bare scene.

"When were all the woods here cut down?" Shen Xingyue looked at it for a while before asking.

Su Muyu and the others were here for the first time, so of course they didn't know that it was Han Shu who was talking to her, "I remember that these trees were still there when I came here last time. It should be because the weather was too cold a few days ago. People? They cut it to keep warm."

Han Shu pointed to Shen Xingyue in the distance, "Under the mountain on the south side of Qingqiu Paddock is a densely populated town. Look, you can see some of it from here. "

Han Shu gave a rough guess and replied, because the weather in Beichuan is cold, it is common for people to cut down trees on the mountains to make a living. She has seen this kind of thing more often when leading troops in wars. Here in the paddock? It was relatively good, only one side of the ridge had all the trees cut down. In the northernmost towns of Beichuan, many places had lost trees, and charcoal was expensive there.

Shen Xingyue naturally saw it, and thinking that Han Shu had been to many places, he asked again: "What about the rest of Beichuan? Do the people also have the habit of cutting down trees? After cutting down, they will do it again. Plant trees?"

Seeing that Shen Xingyue's expression suddenly became serious, Han Shu seriously thought about the places he had been to and said, "It's cold here, and my sister knows that, so she can chop like this." Trees are very common in Beichuan. As for planting trees, I have never seen them. Except for those expensive trees used for making furniture, I have heard that some people will specially plant them. Ordinary trees like these, naturally No? Someone is planting. After all, there are only three months of spring, and the people are eager to spend all their time growing vegetables and crops. How could there be someone planting trees?" "What about the area near the desert in the north? It's still dense

. In the woods?" Shen Xingyue asked again.

Han Shu thought about it and replied: "When I was twelve or thirteen years old, I went to fight the barbarians with my father in the north. At that time, the two towns on the border were similar to this one, and there were also woods, but these two towns It won't be like that again next year, and now those two towns are closer to the desert on the Hu people's side."

Shen Xingyue had been worried about the problem of soil erosion in Beichuan before, but she had never encountered any actual examples, so it was not good? Now is the opportunity to talk to the empress about this matter. Otherwise, Beichuan would be so cold and the people would just cut down trees instead of planting them. In a few decades, Beichuan might turn into a desert.

Shen Xingyue nodded, looked at a few people, and said, "I understand, Yu'er, you and Taotao and the others will go around again, and I'll go see His Majesty." Han Shu saw that Shen Xingyue didn't look like one

. He was joking, so he said, "Sister, I'll go with you. Taotao, you and Sister Su will take a stroll around the area first. Jiang Zhao, take care of them." "Yes, Master." Jiang Zhao hurriedly took the lead

. Life.

Seeing that Shen Xingyue was in a hurry to go, Su Muyu nodded and said, "Go slowly, don't be in a hurry." "Don't worry, I just suddenly thought of something and thought I should tell His Majesty.

" "Sound." Shen Xingyue patted the back of Su Muyu's hand and blinked at Su Muyu to express comfort.

The empress was sitting in the tent, resting, when Wen Jing came in and announced: "Your Majesty, the princess and General Han are waiting outside, saying that they have something to see."

"Yue'er? Did you come up with something new? Have you eaten? Let them come in." Shen Kaiyuan leaned on the dragon chair and waved his hand and said.

Wen Jing hurried out and brought Shen Xingyue and the others inside.

Shen Xingyue and Han Shu saluted the empress, and the empress waved them to get up, "Okay, if there are any outsiders, just tell me if you have something to say. No need to salute." Shen Xingyue stood up and looked

. Turning to Shen Kaiyuan, he said: "Aunt, I have something to report to my aunt. I just saw that the trees along the ridgeline in the south of Qingqiu Paddock were completely cut down by the common people. Moreover, this is not an exception. There are many places in Beichuan where people do this to keep out the cold in winter." Shen Kaiyuan

nodded, "Yes, charcoal is expensive and ordinary people can't afford it at home. What's wrong?"

"Your Majesty, if you let the people cut down trees at will, I'm afraid it will cause serious trouble in the long run. Trees play a role in maintaining rich soil and water, and can retain land and groundwater. But if trees are cut down excessively, it will cause serious problems. Water and soil are being lost on a large scale, and when the sky is full of wind and sand, we, Beichuan, may become like the Northland. Looking at the past, it is all desert. By then, we will regret it, but it will be too late." Shen Xingyue thought to herself He said everything in short sentences.

"Soil erosion, but I have never heard of such a thing? Besides, how could our place turn into a desert?" Shen Kaiyuan was told by Shen Xingyue that they were confused. They have been like this since the founding of Beichuan. , didn't it become a desert?

"Your Majesty, what the princess said is true. On the northern border of Beichuan, several cities have been integrated into the desert. It only took seven or eight years for the original green mountains and green waters to become one. Everything has become the Gobi Desert." Han Shu said quickly.

Hearing what Han Shu said?, Shen Kaiyuan was also startled, and then asked: "Why haven't you heard the local officials report this?" "The north has been invaded by barbarians all year round, and local officials would spend a lot of time just to suppress the bandits

. With most of my energy, I don't think I can find time to take care of these trivial things." Han Shu thought about it and said.

Shen Kaiyuan nodded slowly, then looked at Shen Xingyue and asked, "Yue'er, how did you learn about the dangers of cutting down trees?" Shen Xingyue had already thought about what to say, and explained

. : "My aunt also knows that I don't get along with my business on weekdays. There is a large forest in the courtyard on the outskirts of the capital. Last year, because I wanted to build a house in Zhuangzi, a lot of wood was needed, so I took advantage of that forest. They were all cut down. When I came back this year, I felt that the forest was gone. The wind and sand were particularly strong, and the soil was not as delicate as before. I thought it was just my case, but I didn't expect that I just saw the south side. I only know that when trees are cut down, there will be such consequences. If my aunt doesn't believe it, she can ask someone from the Lin Musi Department to come over and ask, or she can summon someone from the Lin Musi Department after returning to Beijing to ask." Shen Kaiyuan pointed out

. Shen Xing nodded, sighed and said, "I'm sorry you can still think about this, Yue'er, if it's really what you said, it will be another troublesome thing." Shen

Xing Yue thought for a while and said, "Indeed, our Beichuan has a special geographical environment. It is unrealistic to prevent people from cutting down trees. My aunt can wait for the results from the Forestry Department and then consider it with the courtiers."

"Okay, Wen Jing, you should send someone back now to issue an order to the people in the Forestry Department, asking them to verify the harm of cutting down trees as soon as possible." Shen Kaiyuan ordered.

"Yes." Wen Jing took a servant and hurried to the small wooden house on the side to draft the order.

Shen Kaiyuan looked at Shen Xingyue, then at Han Shu, sighed and said, "It's hard for you two. You still think about the common people when you go out to play. Yue'er, you have really grown up. "Okay, if you say it's true, cutting down trees will really turn these places into deserts. Do you have any solution in mind?" Shen Xingyue thought for a while and said:

"If the Forestry Secretary also feels that what the minister just said is reasonable, your majesty can encourage the people to plant more trees without delaying the farming work. How many trees have been planted per person? Register with the local officials to verify the number of trees planted. If the standard is met, a quarter or a third of that person's taxes can be exempted, so many people should be willing to plant trees."

Shen Kaiyuan nodded slowly, "This is a way. Let's discuss it after we return to Beijing. Okay, when you two come, please stay and have dinner with me and Ning'er.


Shen Xingyue and Han Shu then accompanied the empress to have lunch. After lunch, Shen Xingyue went back to his and Su Muyu's wooden house to rest. At noon, all the hunting people gathered in the paddock in the afternoon. The five-day hunting activity also officially started?

The empress rode a big maroon horse, bent her bow and set an arrow, and shot three arrows at the group of pigeons in the sky. All three arrows hit the target, and bursts of cheers erupted from the crowd.

These pigeons are not wild, but specially domesticated by the people in the paddock. They are released at this time for the empress to shoot, just to get a good start for the empress.

In the cheers of everyone, the chamberlains retrieved the prey shot by the empress.

Shen Kaiyuan's eyes were full of smiles and he said: "Everyone, let's go hunt these birds and beasts. Come back before sunset. I will reward the one who kills the most." "Yes." Everyone cheered in unison


Perhaps it was because Dongri had been holding back for too long, but everyone's emotions were aroused by the empress' words. The third prince, Shen Yigan, took the lead and ran towards the woods with his horse.

Shen Xingyue looked towards Shen Yining, still feeling a little uneasy.

Seeing her looking at Shen Yining, Su Muyu asked, "What's wrong?"

"I always feel that this kind of large-scale hunting activity is unsafe. Yu'er, let's just ride horses around the camp in a while. That's all, there's no point competing with them for the top spot." Shen Xingyue said with a smile.

"Okay, just in time to try riding a horse by myself." Su Muyu was also ridden by Shen Xingyue a few times in the palace, but there was still a difference between riding a horse in such a large open space and riding a horse in the palace. Small difference.

Shen Xingyue squeezed Su Muyu's hand and said, "Give me a moment. I'll go to Her Majesty's side and watch." Su Muyu was a little confused as to why Shen Xingyue suddenly wanted to find the Crown Princess

. , or nodded in agreement?

At this time, many people rushed into the nearby woods to shoot animals. Seeing Shen Xingyue coming, Shen Yining smiled and said, "Cousin, do you want to go hunting together?" Shen Yining His riding and shooting skills

are actually average, but after all, he is a young man who is competitive and eager to win. Seeing that his three emperor brothers have already ridden out, Shen Yining does not want to lose too much to them. , otherwise she would not look good on her own face.

"No, Yu'er doesn't know how to ride a horse yet. I'll take her around the camp in a moment." After Shen Xingyue finished speaking, she looked seriously at Shen Yining, "Your Highness, I came here to think of something. A word of warning, such a large-scale hunting is prone to accidents. Your Highness must take good care of yourself and bring more guards around you. Safety is the most important thing, and His Highness's horses must be carefully inspected. Have you passed?"

Shen Yining didn't let anyone check the horses. She knew that she was the prince and had to be careful about everything, but the hunting could be considered to be carried out under the eyes of the Queen Mother? Shen Yining didn't think anyone had How dare you harm yourself.

"It's true that no one has checked the orphaned horse. The Queen Mother is here. No one would be so bold to harm the orphan, right?" Shen Yining felt a little upset when Shen Xingyue said it, so she simply asked a few people around her to... The guard removed the saddle and inspected it again.

Shen Kaiyuan rode around the camp twice, but had no intention of going into the woods for hunting. She was still thinking about what Shen Xingyue told her about soil erosion at noon, and she felt a little anxious, wishing she could shorten the hunting. I will return to Beijing early to discuss with the ministers.

When Shen Kaiyuan saw that his youngest daughter and Shen Xingyue had not made any move, he led a pair of his personal guards and rode towards Shen Yining. When they got closer, Shen Kaiyuan reined in the reins and asked with a smile. "Ning'er, Yue'er, everyone else has gone all the way. Why haven't you set off yet?" "Mother, my cousin doesn't trust me. Please ask the attendants to check the horses and protective gear for me

. ." Shen Yining said with a smile. Although she was anxious to go hunting, Shen Xingyue also had good intentions. She was indeed negligent and should check it carefully.

When Shen Kaiyuan heard what Shen Yining said, he couldn't help but look at Shen Xingyue with a loving look: "Yue'er has really grown up and knows how to protect my sister. What Yue'er said is that your safety is in danger. It is related to the foundation of the country, but I have neglected it."

"The Emperor has many things to deal with every day, I can just handle these small things by myself." Shen Yining looked at his mother and said.

Several chamberlains who inspected the horses carefully examined the horse's back and shoes, and then removed the saddle to check. At first, they didn't find anything, but a young chamberlain discovered it. There was a hard bulge in the saddle. I didn't know whether I should report it or not. Another young chamberlain also felt it from behind. They looked at each other and then knelt down to look at Shen Kaiyuan and Shen Yining. .

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, there is a small lump on the saddle. It must have fallen off. Other than that, there are no other abnormalities." One of the chamberlains reported.

Shen Kaiyuan's originally smiling face turned cold and he said, "Take out that thing and let me have a look." "Yes." Several chamberlains were frightened when they saw the empress' cold face

. I didn't dare to make a move, so I quickly took a dagger and cut open the bottom of the saddle. I saw that there seemed to be traces of back stitching on the side of the saddle. It's just that the person who made the stitches was very skilled. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all. .

Looking further inside, the hard block inside the saddle is a sharp iron tool like a nail, but it is buried behind the leather. When a person first gets on the horse, the iron tool will not penetrate the leather and puncture the horse's back. But once the man on the horse gets up, the iron tool will slowly penetrate the leather and penetrate into the horse's flesh, causing the horse to frighten, with disastrous consequences.

Shen Yining looked at the sharp iron tool and turned pale. If Shen Xingyue hadn't asked her to check it again just now, she might have encountered something unexpected.

Shen Kaiyuan's face was even more frighteningly cold. She quickly dismounted, held the iron nail in her hand, and scolded sternly: "Is this how you protect the Crown Princess? All the attendants around the Crown Princess today are all I'll have someone torture you for interrogation. If you can't find the murderer, I'll kill you all." "

Your Majesty, please calm down. Your Majesty, please calm down." The guards and chamberlains around Shen Yining knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Wen Jing, go and mobilize the nearby soldiers and horses and ask them all to guard the camp. Today, I have to dig three feet into the ground to find the person who harmed Ning'er." Shen Kaiyuan was furious. Do you even want to kill the servants around Shen Yining directly?

"Yes, I will do it now." After Wenjing accepted the order, he immediately led a small team to gather the soldiers.

Seeing that Shen Xingyue hadn't come back for so long, Su Muyu also took the palace guards to Shen Xingyue and the others.

When Shen Xingyue saw her kitten coming to find her, she gently squeezed Su Muyu's hand and signaled her to stop talking. The empress was furious at the moment. The empress and the little princess were both the empress' enemies. Someone It's impossible not to get angry if you dare to do something right under your nose.

"Yue'er, what do you think about today's events?" Shen Kaiyuan looked at Shen Xingyue with a cold face.

Shen Xingyue hurriedly handed over her hands and replied: "I am just afraid that accidents may happen in the wilderness, so I remind Her Royal Highness to check the equipment of my horses. I had no idea beforehand." Shen Kaiyuan sighed

. After a sigh, he waved his hand and said, "Of course I know it's not you. Without your reminder, Ning'er still doesn't know what would have happened. That's all. I'm sitting here today, waiting for someone." Interrogate these attendants and guards around Ning'er one by one."

The guards have brought the empress' movable dragon chair over. Shen Kaiyuan sat on it and asked his close associates to interrogate these attendants and guards. Shen Xing Yue, Su Muyu and the others stood aside.

Shen Xingyue glanced at Shen Yining's attendants and felt that the chance of finding the person was low if they searched like this. After all, they were catching thieves and dirty people, and they didn't catch that person in the saddle on the spot. Hiding something, it might be difficult to find someone now.

Sure enough, after a thorough interrogation, it was impossible to find out who the person who did this was.

At this moment, many hunters had come back. Shen Zhengchu, Han Shu and Shen Taotao also came back with the things they had hunted.

Shen Xingyue winked at her father, who was sitting on the horse with a smile on his face. Shen Zhengchu immediately stopped smiling and looked at the dozen attendants and guards kneeling on the ground. He dismounted. After a salute, he asked: "Your Majesty, what's going on?" "

Come here, give King Ankang a seat." Shen Kaiyuan sighed, and then said: "It would be better if it weren't for Yue'er today. I reminded you in my heart, Ning'er is probably in a bad situation now." "

Yue'er, what's going on with Duanduan?" Shen Zhengchu sat down next to Shen Kaiyuan's subordinate. Go up, look? I asked my daughter.

"When the hunt just started, I was worried about the Crown Princess, fearing that her horse equipment had not been checked properly, so I went over to remind her, and the Crown Princess asked the servants around her to check it again. , and as a result, a sharp object like an iron nail was found in the saddle, and that's what happened now." Shen Xingyue looked at it and Shen Zhengchu explained.

Shen Zhengchu nodded slowly, "Okay, the Queen Mother is fine, but this matter is not good. I have checked. Your Majesty, it's better to send someone to protect His Highness in the next few days. Okay? Let's protect His Highness. Don't let His Majesty." Went hunting."

Shen Kaiyuan nodded, "I mean the same thing, but this matter must be investigated strictly, and the people around Ning'er must not be let go." Shen Kaiyuan said again

. Shen Yining said: "Ning'er, in the past few days, I have transferred half of the servants and guards around me to protect you. These people around you can no longer be used." "Yes, I have thanked my mother.

The Emperor." The little old-fashioned man was also very frightened. She knew that there were many fights in the palace, and she also knew that her brother and sister had support in the court, but Shen Yining also knew that the emperor's mother favored her, so No one dared to harm her since she was a child, but this incident has sounded the alarm for her. She is about to get married, and someone will be tempted to do something to her.

In the end, these dozen or so servants and guards were all taken over by Shen Kaiyuan's royal camp troops, but were not handed over to Wang Mingda, who came with him this time. After all, Wang Mingda was Shen Yiqian's uncle. If you don't believe it, Shen Kaiyuan will be marked with a question mark.

Shen Kaiyuan was also beating the drum in her heart. Although she didn't want to believe that her children were committing fratricide, the biggest motive for assassinating the concubine was Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia. If she really found out, Shen Kaiyuan would definitely Will not tolerate it.


Before the sun set?, all the people who were hunting with them came back with their prey, but they saw a scene of solemn killing near the paddock residence. The empress was leaning on the dragon chair with her eyes closed, wondering what she was thinking?, below. Kneeling in a circle were the palace people who were being tortured.

Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia, who came back one after another, no longer had the joy of returning home with a full load on their faces, and they dismounted and went over to pay their respects to the empress.

Shen Kaiyuan slowly opened his eyes, and glanced at Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia intelligently. He looked back and forth between the two for a long time, and then he said: "Ning'er's horse has been tampered with. If it hadn't been for another The chamberlain checked it over, I'm afraid something unexpected has happened now, you two? What do you want to say?" When Shen Yijia heard that the empress' tone was wrong, she hurriedly knelt down and said: "Mother Emperor Mingjian, Your Highness the

Concubine The saddle of the horse has been tampered with. There must be a traitor who wants to harm Her Royal Highness."

Shen Yiqian also hurriedly knelt down, with beads of sweat covering his head, "Yes, Mother Emperor Mingjian, Your Highness the Princess? As a noble person, we must find the real culprit and eradicate such ambitious people."

Shen Kaiyuan sneered and glanced at the two of them, "What? Don't you two have anything to say?"

"Mother Emperor Mingjian, Even if the Third Emperor Brother and I are extremely brave, we would not dare to murder Her Highness the Princess." Shen Yijia quickly cried for herself and Shen Yiqian with red eyes, she? It's not that she really did it for Shen Yiqian, but this kind of thing? It would be more advantageous for the two of them to advance and retreat together.

"Yes, Mother, there is no way that the Fifth Emperor Sister and I would do such a thing. Please be aware of it." Shen Yiqian burst into tears and began to cry as Shen Yijia burst into tears.

Shen Kaiyuan looked cold and felt cold all over. Although she was not warm to Shen Yijia and Shen Yiqian, she provided them with everything she needed. In the end, she cultivated someone who wanted to murder her own sister for the sake of the throne. people?

She sneered and said: "That's very good. If I find out that this matter is related to you, I will not let you go lightly." Shen Kaiyuan said and left with a flourish, and the generals who had returned with a full load also left

. After leaving, the servants and guards who took care of Shen Yining were taken away by the empress's royal camp.

Shen Xingyue went over and patted Shen Yining on the back, comforting: "Don't worry, after this incident, the guards in the camp will definitely be tighter, don't worry." Shen Yining nodded and murmured : "I

never thought that someone would actually harm me. Cousin, thank you so much for today." "

No, you were frightened today too. Go back and get some rest early." Shen Xingyue comforted her a few more words, and then brought her with her Su Muyu left.

After the empress returned, she arranged for secret guards to watch every move of Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia. What happened today? It seems that they are the two biggest beneficiaries.

On the other side, in Shen Yijia's tent, Shen Yijia was leaning on the bed with frowning eyebrows, and whispered: "I didn't expect that she was really lucky, even if she was hidden, she was discovered." "I I heard that

the eldest princess reminded Her Majesty the Queen when she was hunting, so Her Majesty sent someone to check the saddle." Haoyue said in a low voice.

"This? Shen Xingyue, she? Has made it clear that she wants to stand on Shen Yining's side and oppose me, right?" Shen Yijia's face darkened, and then she said to Haoyue next to her: "Let our people not want it?" There is another move. After this time, it may be difficult to do it in a short time." "

I understand that your Highness is at ease." Haoyue said with a bow.

Shen Yijia chuckled and nodded, looking at Haoyue: "Go and invite Madam Su over. There is nothing like this in a ghost place where you can have fun. Ask her to come and accompany me." "Yes, my subordinates will come here. Go

and invite Mrs. Su over." Haoyue bowed and quickly retreated to find Su Muqiu.

Shen Yijia lay leisurely on the bed, not worried at all because she had sent someone to do the saddle work in the afternoon. There was no other reason. When they just set up camp at noon today, the team was in chaos, so she sent two people to do it. ?The ingenious men changed the soldiers' armors to pull the horses, and took advantage of everyone's lunch break to do something. Now her two? Naturally, they cannot interrogate her.

But after a moment, Shen Yijia's face turned cold. Shen Yining was completely unprepared for what happened today, and the iron nails were very secretive. If Shen Xingyue hadn't been so talkative, his plan might have succeeded. Ma Jing Although Shen Yining might not be able to be killed after the accident, it would probably not be a problem for Shen Yining to fall off the frightened horse and get seriously injured or something, but now all the plans have failed. All wasted.

Shen Yijia's eyes narrowed slightly, and she became even more anxious. If she really waited until Shen Yining's wedding, most of the power in the court would pour in on Shen Yining's side, and she would really be gone. hope.

Su Muqiu quickly entered the tent. When she saw Shen Yijia pinching her eyebrows, she hurried forward and asked softly: "Your Highness is not feeling well? I will help your Highness to massage it properly." "Okay." Shen Yijia frowned. He closed his eyes

, still thinking about Shen Yining.

At the same time, in another camp, Shen Yiqian was whispering to his confidants: "The people who are ambushing in the forest must be evacuated quickly, otherwise we will be implicated before we even take action." "

Your Highness, we just asked them to evacuate according to your instructions. It was just a matter of saddles, what do you think?" Shen Yiqian's confidants Wei Kang and Shen Yiqian were discussing.

"It goes without saying that Shen Yijia must have been manipulated by someone. It's a pity that she was so useless. The princess didn't even get on the horse, but she was so smart that she put so much effort into it. , It's simply ridiculous, and it made all my plans go to waste."

Shen Yiqian frowned. This hunting was a godsend. His uncle Wang Mingda led an army of 50,000 to escort him all the way, and his mother's royal family The battalion soldiers and horses only brought a total of two thousand people here. If he really succeeds, even if the Queen Mother really pursues him, he will at worst use the excuse of escorting him to directly launch a coup and clear out all the royal family who followed this hunt. , after he returns to Beijing, as the only prince in the nearby royal family, that position will naturally be his.

As for why Shen Yiqian didn't take advantage of this moment to directly launch a mutiny, the main reason was because although his uncle Wang Mingda was on his side, Wang Mingda himself was afraid of the empress and the Han family army, and was not to the point of breaking up with each other. There will be no conflict with the empress. If Shen Yiqian wants Wang Mingda to help him launch a mutiny, he must also drag Wang Mingda into the water. Otherwise, based on his understanding of Wang Mingda, Wang Mingda will never do such a thing.

But now it is obviously unrealistic to want the Crown Princess to die here. He has no fuse and excuse to force the palace. Moreover, after this incident, the defense level of the East Palace will probably be fully upgraded. If he wants to move again Shen Yining, I'm afraid it won't be possible for a while.

Just as Shen Yiqian thought, when Wang Mingda heard that something had almost happened to the princess, he had himself tied up and went to the empress to apologize.

"Your Majesty, it is clear to you that the Crown Princess was almost assassinated. As the general who guarded this hunt, I cannot absolve myself of the blame. Please convict Your Majesty. I really have no face to see Your Majesty and the Crown Princess. Please convict Your Majesty." Wang Mingda said. He was tied up like a rice dumpling and cried to Shen Kaiyuan with tears streaming down his face.

Seeing him like this, Shen Kaiyuan felt a little relieved. After all, Wang Mingda was in charge of the defense of this hunt. Wouldn't it be too obvious if Shen Yiqian had someone do it? However, Shen Kaiyuan still did not dare to take it lightly, but she also did not want to deal with Wang Mingda.

Wang Mingda is the second-ranked General Longhu. Among the military attachés, his rank is only one level lower than Han Shu. He and another Dingguo general Xiuwen Ying are both among the few military generals with military power. Each of these two men has 50,000 soldiers under his command. Shen Kaiyuan's imperial army has a total of 100,000 soldiers. The combined army of 200,000 is used by Shen Kaiyuan to check and balance the Han family army. Therefore, it is not a last resort. Shen Kaiyuan must We will not break this balance, and we will not rashly accuse Wang Mingda.

Shen Kaiyuan sighed and asked the servant to quickly untie Wang Mingda, "What are you doing? How dignified are you? When did I say that this matter has something to do with you? You have sent extra people to guard the camp these days. Remember not to There will be trouble again."

"Yes, I thank Your Majesty for your sympathy. I will go back and send more people to patrol and defend." Wang Mingda expressed his sincerity to Shen Kaiyuan for a while before leaving.

Shen Kaiyuan, however, sat on the throne and sighed repeatedly. She did this for this emperor. In the previous dynasty, many things were controlled by aristocratic families. In the army, there was also a dominant Han family army. She wanted an emperor. , and even had to rely on Wang Mingda and Xiu Wenying's 100,000 soldiers to barely maintain one-third of Beichuan's troops.

These ministers and generals are all her good helpers, but they are also her worries. She must appoint these people, rely on these people, and also check and balance these people.


After Shen Xingyue and Su Muyu returned to their residence, they simply prepared a meal. Su Muyu was still a little frightened by what happened in the afternoon. It was also her first time to see the struggle of the royal family with her own eyes. She didn't expect that someone really wanted to harm her. The Crown Princess.

"Do you think those two were really responsible for what happened this time?" Su Muyu swallowed the porridge in her mouth and asked in a low voice.

"It's very possible that the other two are brothers and sisters who are respectful on the surface, but in fact they may not necessarily be thinking about anything? Well, Yu'er, it will be best for our family only if the crown princess successfully ascends the throne in the future. If Those two have ascended the throne, what will happen next? I really can't say what the situation will be." Shen Xingyue thought for a while and said.

"I also think that among the three Your Highnesses, Her Highness the Princess has the most upright conduct and is the most suitable person to inherit the throne." Su Muyu thought about the time spent with the little Princess and felt that compared to the two Highnesses, Su Muyu thought about it. , obviously the little lady is better.

"Yes, it's just that some people can't sit still anymore and can't wait to get rid of the princess and replace her." Shen Xingyue sighed and continued: "Only those who catch thieves, how can there be someone who can guard against thieves every day, like this? It seems that being the emperor's children is really tiring, especially being the emperor's daughter. Your Highness must have been frightened today, but fortunately, there is no danger. With today's incident, I can also give it to you. Just a reminder, no matter whether you are out of the palace or in the palace, you must pay attention to everything." "

Well, but this is too tiring." Su Muyu sighed and said.


In the next few days, the entire paddock was in a state of high alert, and everyone lost interest in hunting. Among them, the one who was in the worst mood was the little girl, who finally came out once. I almost had an accident before I even got on my horse, and now I can only walk around the camp all day long.

Shen Xingyue and the others had an accident at the hunting camp the day before before they had time to mount their horses. There was nothing going on today, so she simply had two docile horses picked out. After checking the horses carefully, she took Su Muyu to the Near the camp, we rode slowly.

Su Muyu was already riding well now, and those brown and black horses could already run on the grass under Su Muyu's control.

Shen Xingyue rode behind Su Muyu and followed her. Zi Yiyi brought several other guards from the palace to accompany Shen Xingyue and the others.

Because of what happened to the Crown Princess the day before, everyone was extremely cautious, for fear of something happening again.

Shen Xingyue and Su Muyu rode for a while, then dismounted and started shooting. Shen Xingyue didn't intend to go into the woods to hunt any animals. They directly shot at a humanoid scarecrow not far away with Su Muyu. This was Shen Xingyue's advance shot. Make people ready.

Shen Xingyue never practiced archery in her last life, but I don't know? Is it because the system has enhanced her physical fitness? Shen Xingyue can draw the bow very easily. She tried shooting several times, and from the beginning, she did not touch the bow. Finally, he was able to shoot the arrow into the scarecrow.

Su Muyu took a bow that didn't require too much tension and shot arrows.

I have to say that the weather in early spring is quite good. Shen Xingyue and the others specially chose to go out near noon. The sun was shining warmly, and they all felt a lot more comfortable.

When Shen Taotao saw her sister and her men shooting arrows here, she also pulled Han Shu over to join in the fun. The little girl had never learned archery before, so she stuck to Han Shu and asked Han Shu to teach her step by step.

Han Shu held Shen Taotao in his arms with a good temper, and taught Shen Taotao step by step how to hit the target. Like shooting at a target, these are all child's play for Han Shu. She can shoot three arrows at once. Can it all hit the scarecrow in the face?

Shen Taotao leaned in Han Shu's arms and acted coquettishly, "Sister, how can I make this more accurate?" "You have to

practice slowly to find the feel. You have just started to learn. If you can hit the target, you are already very good, like this." Aim. There will be a curve when the arrow hits the scarecrow. You need to find your own feel for this. Try it." Han Shu patiently accompanied the little girl.

"Okay." Shen Taotao confidently shot an arrow. The arrow arced in the air and was directly inserted into the ground.

Shen Xingyue went to the side to look for Su Muyu. After playing outside for a while, the kitten was sweating on its forehead. Shen Xingyue went over to wipe Su Muyu's sweat and watched the kitten continue to shoot arrows.

In order to ensure safety, Shen Xingyue specially asked people to test the poison with silver needles on the dishes she and Su Muyu had for lunch in advance. After all, she had ruined some people's good deeds. Shen Xingyue was afraid that she and Su Muyu had already been poisoned. If you've spotted it, it's better to be careful.

Shen Xingyue and the others had a few steamed dumplings and a few dishes for lunch, and they also had some chicken. She took Su Muyu around to play in the morning, and she was hungry now. After a while, half a plate of steamed dumplings was left. Finished.

Su Muyu chuckled and looked at Shen Xingyue, "Are you hungry?"

Shen Xingyue nodded quickly, "Well, you should eat more. We went out to play all morning and have a good rest later."

Su Muyu nodded . ?, the tips of his ears were reddish, and he looked at Shen Xingyue, hesitating to speak.

Shen Xingyue was immediately amused when she saw the hesitant expression on the kitten, and asked softly: "What's wrong? Why are you embarrassed about me? Where are you? I've never seen it." The next second

, Shen Xingyue was glared at by Su Muyu. Under the table, her toes hurt. Shen Xingyue hissed, "It hurts, ma'am. Be gentle, I don't dare anymore." Su Muyu glared at her

. , then moved his foot away, this person would pretend that he was clearly not willing to exert any strength, how could he step on her and hurt her.

Shen Xingyue naturally knew that this was because the little kitten felt sorry for herself. She moved a round stool to Su Muyu's side, gave Su Muyu two small steamed dumplings, and said softly: "I really don't dare anymore, what's wrong? "What are you embarrassed to tell me?"

Su Muyu put down the chopsticks in his hand and leaned on Shen Xingyue's shoulder. Shen Xingyue quickly took the person into her arms and gently rubbed the kitten's cheeks. He whispered softly from his waist: "Tell me about it."

Su Muyu was rubbed softly by Shen Xingyue, and she lay lazily in Shen Xingyue's arms. After a long while, she raised her head slightly, and her lips came close to Shen Xingyue's. She whispered in her ear: "Maybe it's because I rode for a long time in the morning. I feel uncomfortable in my thighs." Shen Xingyue understood what the kitten meant and gently touched the side of the kitten's face

. , coaxing: "Okay, Yiliu should have brought some medicine. Let them boil some water and scrub it a little later. How about I help you apply some medicine?" "Well, you should be gentler later." The kitten is delicate and soft

. She continued to act coquettishly, with a soft voice. Shen Xingyue didn't want to eat anymore. She couldn't bear to touch the kitten for several days. Now that the kitten was leaning against her arms like this, Shen Xingyue felt that she seemed a little uncontrollable. .

"Okay, I'll help you apply it slowly in a while. I won't hurt you." Shen Xingyue coaxed softly, but she felt a little itchy in her heart.

After receiving Shen Xingyue's affirmative answer, Su Muyu reached out and pushed Shen Xingyue: "Let go first, I'm not full yet." Seeing that the

kitten was not full, Shen Xingyue reluctantly let it go. Then, while eating small steamed dumplings, she stared at Su Muyu. She felt that her little cat was better at cooking than steamed dumplings.

Seeing Shen Xingyue staring straight at her, Su Muyu stretched out her legs and gently kicked Shen Xingyue a few times to tell her to pay attention and stop staring at her.

Shen Xingyue lowered her head and looked at the two extra footprints on her plain dress, and shook her head with a smile. Maybe she liked her kitten so much that Shen Xingyue even felt the shoe prints that the kitten stepped on. ?cute.

After lunch, Shen Xingyue asked the servants to put away all the food. After thinking about it, he said to Yiliu: "Yiliu, did you bring any medicine to treat trauma when you came here this time? My legs seemed to be bruised when riding in the morning. . "

"My servants are all ready. I'll give it to you now." After saying that, Yiliu hurried out to get the medicine.

When Shen Xingyue turned around, she saw Su Muyu sitting on the edge of the bed with a red face looking at her. Shen Xingyue blinked at the kitten. Su Muyu was so embarrassed that she buried herself under the quilt with the tips of her ears red. That's not her fault. Kunze's skin is already delicate, and she doesn't want to hurt it.

Shen Xingyue asked another maid to boil some hot water, and Yiliu also brought the ointment. Shen Xingyue put the ointment on the wooden bed, placed the small copper basin on the small round stool on one side, and stretched out her hand to Su Muyu patted her behind and coaxed softly: "Get up first, put medicine on your legs before going to sleep, otherwise it will be uncomfortable." Shen Xingyue saw that the kitten did not move, so she knew? The kitten was shy

. During the day, the kitten is also very shy when it comes to doing those things.

Shen Xingyue shook her head with a smile, sat on the edge of the bed, put her hand into the quilt, groped around, rubbed it inside, and continued to coax: "If you don't get up, I will help you take it off. , then what you said will not count." When

Su Muyu heard this, she sat up with red ears. If she asked Shen Xingyue to help her take it off, then maybe? There wouldn't be any left, so she wouldn't want it. Yet.

Su Muyu stood up and glared at Shen Xingyue, then stretched out her foot to step on Shen Xingyue's skirt a few times. Shen Xingyue shook her head with a smile. Her little kitten was quite energetic, "Okay, then you Have you taken off your clothes at the head office?"

Su Muyu glanced at Shen Xingyue, the tips of her ears were red and said: "Turn around, don't look at it."

Shen Xingyue reached out and grabbed the kitten's ankle, and helped the kitten take off her shoes. Then he dragged the person out again.

Su Muyu laughed while struggling to kick Shen Xingyue, "Don't make trouble, let me go." "You're

not making trouble, why don't you let me see? You are my wife? How can you run away?" Shen Xingyue smiled. She pressed the kitten under her body, leaned over and kissed the kitten's soft lips. If Su Muyu hadn't felt so bad for her legs, she would not have let go of such a soft and delicious kitten, "Okay, Stop making trouble, put some medicine on your legs first, can you take it off yourself?"

Su Muyu nodded with red ears. She looked at Shen Xingyue and felt uneasy. She leaned into Shen Xingyue's arms and coquettishly said, "Then don't touch me for a while. Please be gentle and help me apply the medicine."

"Madam? Don't worry, I am the most obedient." Shen Xingyue hugged Su Muyu, kissed Su Muyu's lips and coaxed her softly, and also touched the kitten's waist.

Su Muyu snorted, noncommittal, Shen Xingyue was very obedient in other aspects, but talking once in bed didn't count, especially since Shen Xingyue liked to talk for the last time, but it turned out to be a lie, thinking? Here, Su The tips of Mu Yu's ears were even red and dripping with blood.

"You'd better be really obedient." Su Muyu glared at Shen Xingyue, then untied her clothes with red ears.

"Yu'er, let me take it off for you." Shen Xingyue put her hands around Su Muyu's waist very attentively, and lifted Su Muyu up a little so that Su Muyu could take off his pants smoothly.

Su Muyu glared at Shen Xingyue, and slowly took off all her outer and middle pants, leaving only her obscene pants on.

Su Muyu blushed and spread her legs slightly, not daring to look at Shen Xingyue, and whispered: "Please help me take a look."

Shen Xingyue saw that the kittens were only separated by small slits, and couldn't see anything at all, so she stretched out her hand and gently Gently holding the kitten's knees and spreading the kitten's legs to both sides, Su Muyu only felt that this posture was weird and unseemly.

However, Shen Xingyue felt distressed for a while. Su Muyu's leg was injured from riding a horse in the morning. It looked like it was about to be worn out. Su Muyu thought it was painful and gave a slight "hiss" and told Shen Xingyue : "You should go slower when applying the medicine later, it will hurt a little."

"Okay, then I'll be gentler." When Shen Xingyue saw that the kitten was really injured, the charm in her heart had long since disappeared. I wrung out the towel in the copper basin, wiped it gently on the injured area, picked up some ointment with my index finger, gently applied the ointment to the injured area, and slowly spread the ointment. .

She also didn't expect that Su Muyu's skin was so delicate, and that riding a horse could polish her legs like this.

The ointment was green in color and felt slightly cool when applied to the legs. Su Muyu felt that the legs were slightly more comfortable.


Shen Xingyue put away the ointment, washed his hands again, took the copper basin aside, and returned to the bedside. He leaned over and blew gently on Su Muyu, hoping to let the ointment absorb and solidify quickly.

However, Su Muyu was blushing by Shen Xingyue's actions. She stretched out her legs and put them on Shen Xingyue's shoulders and neck, preventing Shen Xingyue from getting closer. Shen Xingyue looked at the soft white and delicate toes on the side of her shoulders, and shook her head with a smile. , pinched it lightly, and said teasingly: "Why are you so embarrassed with me? Okay, stop blowing, you can lean on the bed to dry well, and wait until the ointment dries before you sleep."

"Okay." Su Muyu responded and took off her outer skirt, leaving only her middle coat. She handed the outer skirt to Shen Xingyue, and Shen Xingyue helped Su Muyu put the clothes on. She put them all on the screen in front and hung them up. She also took off her coat and prepared to hold the kitten and sleep well to catch up on her sleep all afternoon.

Although they lived in a wooden house with a charcoal pot burning in the room, the wind outside was still strong. Shen Xingyue pulled away the quilt and carefully let Su Muyu sit with her back against her for a while, "Stay like this for a while. , lie down again later, my wife is so delicate, no wonder she leaves marks every time I suck on her gently."

Shen Xingyue deliberately kissed the tip of Su Muyu's ear while teasing her, Su Muyu's neck turned red, and she stretched out her feet He stepped on Shen Xingyue's calf a few times and glared at Shen Xingyue, "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I won't let you do that again." "Okay, okay,

I don't dare anymore, I will listen to Yu'er." Shen Xingyue kissed her. She kissed Su Muyu's lips and coaxed her softly. She thought for a moment that it was because she couldn't take a bath here. She didn't want to wrong the kitten, so she had to endure it.

Su Muyu leaned against Shen Xingyue's warm arms for a while, and just fell asleep. Shen Xingyue reached out and gently touched the place where the ointment had just been applied, making sure that the ointment had solidified, and then she hugged the The little cat lay down and wrapped himself tightly in the quilt.

Su Muyu slept in a daze, and her toes touched Shen Xingyue's calf. Maybe she felt that Shen Xingyue's body was warm. Su Muyu put both of her feet on Shen Xingyue's calf to keep warm. Shen Xingyue looked at her arms in a funny way. The little kitten also fell into a deep sleep after a while.

Shen Yining has somewhat recovered from yesterday's events, but her mood is still low. She just had lunch and was lying on the round table staring at her little white pig purse and muttering in a low voice. : "I almost couldn't see you yesterday. In fact, I secretly hid in the quilt and cried last night. It's not that I'm hopeless, it's just that I can't figure out why. Brother and sister want to harm me. It's obvious that we are in trouble." ?They all have the blood of the Queen Mother."

"Is it just because of the position the Queen Mother holds now? Don't worry, I won't be afraid. Since they hurt me, I will be wary of them in the future. It's a pity. I could go out hunting these days, but I wanted to catch a live little rabbit and give it to you." Shen Yining sighed and said with regret, she I'm thinking about Zhou Zixuan again. If her sister Xuan was here, she would definitely comfort her.

The little lady stared at the sachet again and again, and she fell asleep on the table.

Shen Xingyue held Su Muyu and slept lazily all afternoon. In the meantime, Shen Taotao wanted to ask her to go for a walk with Su Muyu. However, when Yiliu came, she said that they were still asleep, so the little girl had to give up. , went out to play with Han Shu, but for safety reasons, they both walked around the camp and did not dare to go too far.

Shen Kaiyuan had people torture the palace people for a day, but still couldn't find Shen Yining's murderer. Several people just said that the camp yesterday was too chaotic, and there were others besides them. Soldiers, but the soldiers all wore the same clothes. If they were asked to recall the looks of those people, they could no longer recall them.

The empress felt sorry for her little daughter, but there was really nothing she could do. She didn't catch the person on the spot. Now think about it? Catching her would be even harder than climbing to the sky.

She simply went to Shen Yining's wooden house to spend some time with her daughter. She saw her daughter lying on the round table, sleeping soundly. Shen Kaiyuan looked at it with a distressed look on her face. This was the child she loved most. She devoted all her efforts to Shen Yining, invited the most famous scholar in the court to teach her, and established a complete East Palace team for her early. Her little daughter did not disappoint her, and she was successful. Duanfang has a big belly and is a very qualified prince.

It's just that he taught this child too many positive things. He never taught her to be careful about villains. Shen Kaiyuan was afraid that this child would suffer in the future.

She didn't ask anyone to wake up Shen Yining, but just sat at the table and watched her daughter wake up.

When Shen Yining woke up again, the sun was almost setting. Shen Kaiyuan smiled at his daughter and said comfortingly: "Is it better today? Don't be afraid, I am here for everything, and I will not let anyone else do it. I hurt you."

"Mother, when did you come here? Why didn't you wake me up?" Shen Yining sat upright, his body straight.

Shen Kaiyuan's eyes became softer and he said: "Seeing that you are sleeping soundly, I don't want to disturb you. I'm afraid it won't be possible to find the murderer of what happened yesterday. I've already sent over a dozen secret guards around me. I've transferred it to you, so you don't have to worry too much."

Shen Kaiyuan sighed and continued: "But after this incident, you have to pay more attention to protecting your own safety, and that of your imperial brother and the emperor. Sister, keep your distance and don't go to their house in the future. If you want, you can have more contact with Yue'er and the others. There is no conflict of interest between you and Yue'er. What happened yesterday was also because of what she mentioned. , so it didn't lead to a big mistake."

"My son understands." Shen Yining responded in a low voice, still feeling a little uncomfortable, but fortunately she still had a cousin here, and at least her cousin was pretty good to her.

Shen Kaiyuan felt very distressed when he saw his little daughter's lack of energy, so he smiled and said, "When I came here just now, I saw Yue'er and the others had sent people to prepare sheep. It's night? We want to eat roasted whole lamb. Let's go over and join in the fun."

Shen Yining's eyes finally lighted up, "Is that okay? Will it cause trouble to my cousin and the others?" "

No, you My cousin is protecting you. I will reward her well after returning to Beijing and will not let her suffer. Is that okay?" Shen Kaiyuan asked with a smile.

The little lady nodded her head: "Okay."

Shen Kaiyuan was relieved when he saw a smile on his daughter's face. In the past, he always felt that he couldn't count on Shen Xingyue, but this year, although her family, Yue'er, still didn't go to the Ministry of Industry on time to attend school. Class, but it has indeed changed a lot and become more reliable. Shen Kaiyuan thought of the rumors outside the palace again, saying that Shen Xingyue only became better after marrying Su Muyu. Shen Kaiyuan Yuan herself really believed it, not because of anything else. She herself was the same. After meeting Ye Yuran, she changed a lot. Even the harem became idle. She felt that Shen Xingyue should be almost the same. She is the same.

When Shen Kaiyuan and Shen Yining went out, they saw Shen Xingyue instructing the guards to set up two sheep from a distance. After all, Shen Xingyue couldn't just bake his own food, so he had to give it to him. The emperor and his concubine sent some, but she didn't need to send them. The empress had already arrived.

Who is Shen Xingyue? She was about to salute when she was stopped by Shen Kaiyuan, "Okay, it's all my own. You don't need to pay attention to those false etiquette. Ning'er and I haven't eaten yet. Yue'er, please prepare more. , Ning'er and I are also eating at your place."

"Don't worry, aunt, I've prepared something for you too." Shen Xingyue replied with a smile.

She had someone marinate the fresh mutton for an hour early to make it taste better. At this time, she ordered the guards to spread the two sheep flat, and used a knife to make many cuts on the sheep, and then brushed them with oil and The sauce made from soy sauce was then grilled over fire.

After a while, Shen Xingyue saw that it was almost done. He dipped a large brush into the honey in the earthen pot and applied it carefully on the sheep's body.

The empress had never seen this way of eating, so she asked: "Yue'er, what are you smearing on this?" "This is

honey. Smear some on the skin of the meat. The roasted mutton will be sweet and delicious. , you will know in a moment." Shen Xingyue said with a smile.

She also had people prepare condiments such as onions and garlic, and small pancakes.

It was getting dark, so the empress asked the guards around her to light torches, which illuminated the area brightly. The mutton was almost ready, and the delicious smell drifted far away.

Shen Xingyue asked the guards to help cut the meat together. She first cut a piece for the empress and the little concubine, and then hurriedly cut it for her family, Yu'er, while Han Shu cut a lot for Shen Taotao.

The empress took a bite of Shen Xingyue's roasted lamb and nodded frequently. The inside of the lamb had been marinated with some flavor, and with the fresh and sweet honey on the outside, it tasted unique, "Well, this tastes really good. Shen

Xingyue smiled and replied: "As long as my aunt likes it, roll the meat into this pancake and put some chopped green onion and minced garlic to make it more delicious." Shen Xingyue put the mutton in the pancake,

inside Then sprinkled with chopped green onion and minced garlic, rolled up the cake and handed it to Su Muyu beside him.

The tips of Su Muyu's ears turned red. Your Majesty is still here, so this person will take care of herself. She whispered to Shen Xingyue, "I can do it myself." "No, I'll help you." Shen Xingyue coaxed softly


Shen Kaiyuan chuckled and watched the interaction between the two. Her family, Yue'er, liked Su Muyu as much as she did to the queen. Their family, Yue'er, only had eyes for her wife, so how could there be anyone else?

Shen Kaiyuan smiled and joked with Shen Zhengchu who had just come over: "The child is really big, and all he can see is his own wife." Shen Xingyue didn't know that the empress was making fun of her, so she laughed and joked: "I am like

this Just help my aunt and father to roll one roll each."

Shen Kaiyuan waved his hand: "No, you should take care of your family, princess and concubine, I and your father will do it by ourselves."

Shen Xingyue was a little teased . She scratched her head in embarrassment. Su Muyu next to her blushed even more and stepped on Shen Xingyue with her foot.

Shen Xingyue could only hand the pancake to the little lady in embarrassment. The little lady took it and took a bite. Her eyes lit up. She had never eaten pancakes like this before. The aroma of the pancakes was intoxicating her. The aroma of the mutton, chopped green onion and minced garlic relieve the greasiness, and it is indeed delicious.

For a time, everyone gathered around the fire and started eating.

The little lady ate a piece of cake and was still unsatisfied. She also rolled one like a cat. At the same time, she saw a circle of dirty things on Shen Xingyue's plain skirt, so she subconsciously asked: "Cousin. "What's that on your skirt?"

Shen Xingyue chuckled and looked at the shoe prints stepped on by the kitten on the hem of her skirt. She deliberately looked at Su Muyu and raised her eyebrows at Su Muyu. She then replied seriously: "It's okay. I was stepped on several times by a passing kitten at noon. The kitten has a very bad temper. When it gets angry, it will stomp on people with its little paws." Shen Yining

Listening to Shen Xingyue's explanation in confusion, she was a little confused when she saw the smile on Shen Xingyue's face. Do you need to be so happy when your clothes are soiled by a cat?

"The cat stepped on it?" Shen Yining looked at Shen Xingyue's clothes and said with emotion: "The kitten must have stepped on you, otherwise there wouldn't be so much dirt." "Yes, The little

kitten stepped on my feet a lot." Shen Xingyue continued to fool the young lady in a serious manner, but Su Muyu's neck beside her was red.

At the same time, Shen Yijia opened the door of the camp and saw his mother-in-law and Shen Xingyue's family mingling with each other from a distance. Shen Yijia was accompanied by the emperor's daughter and a group of attendants. She sneered. She was a very partial mother. She was warmer to Shen Xingyue than to her, her own daughter. The family gathered there, but no one was sent to call her.

After a while, the wooden door next door was also opened. The third prince Shen Yiqian also looked at the fire with a heavy face. Seeing Shen Yijia not far away, he was also looking over there. He walked over a few steps to make fun of him. Said: "Fifth Emperor Sister is really in a good mood. What's wrong? Didn't the Mother Emperor ask you to come over and have fun together?" "Oh, what the

Third Emperor Brother said is very interesting. Aren't you the same?" Shen said. Yijia replied with a smile.

Shen Yiqian sneered and said, "It's not that Fifth Emperor Sister doesn't know that you and I have not been favored since childhood. It's reasonable for the Mother Emperor not to ask us to come over, but I'm afraid. I'm just afraid that some people will lose their patience and even the Crown Princess would dare to attack."

"Yes, if I catch that person, I will definitely bring him to justice. After all, we only have the emperor's daughter in Beichuan. Since ancient times, the emperor's daughter has been the direct descendant. If something goes wrong, who will benefit the most?" Shen Yijia asked with a smile.

"Shen Yijia, please stop spewing nonsense here. You usually pretend to be virtuous and transparent to show the Queen Mother, that's all. It's not the first day I've met you. How can you? I don't know who you are. What are you thinking?" Shen Yiqian looked at Shen Yijia coldly.


Shen Xingyue and the others had dinner and then returned to the wooden house. As soon as she entered the room, Su Muyu pressed her on the door. Shen Xingyue looked at the kitten with a smile and asked softly: "What's wrong? ?"

"You also said that you were talking nonsense just now when the princess was still there." As he said that, the kitten angrily stepped on Shen Xingyue a few times.

Shen Xingyue chuckled lightly, took the person into her arms, stroked the kitten's waist, and said softly: "Why am I talking nonsense? Didn't you, the little kitten, step on these on my dress?"

"Can't step on it?" Su Muyu raised an eyebrow and looked at Shen Xingyue and asked.

"How could it be? My little cat steps on it casually, and I'm used to it anyway?" Shen Xingyue held Su Muyu in her arms and refused to let go.

Su Muyu buried herself in Shen Xingyue's arms and said, "That's about the same." "I'm

full now. I'm going to rest with my kitten." Shen Xingyue kissed Su Muyu's face. Side, bend down and pick the person up.

Su Muyu hooked Shen Xingyue's neck with one hand, and gently poked the side of Shen Xingyue's face with the other hand.

Seeing the kitten smiling happily, Shen Xingyue kissed Su Muyu on the lips and said softly: "When I go back in a few days, I have to make up for what I have done in the past few days. I miss you so much." Su

. Mu Yu blushed at Shen Xingyue's straightforward words and buried her head in Shen Xingyue's arms, "Shen Xingyue, you don't know how to be ashamed." "How can I be ashamed of my own wife?" Shen

Xing Yue smiled and put Su Muyu on the bed, leaned over and kissed the kitten until she lost all strength, and then she let go a little.

The two of them took off their outer clothes and then hugged each other under the quilt. Although the charcoal pot was lit in the room, it was still quite cold.

Shen Xingyue felt that her eyelids were heavy, and she didn't know when she fell asleep without even bothering the kitten in the quilt.

When Shen Xingyue woke up again, she was woken up by Su Muyu. She felt extremely dizzy and her body was very hot, as if she was about to be set on fire.

"How are you? Are there any discomforts on your body?" Su Muyu touched Shen Xingyue's forehead and asked softly.

"It's so hot and I feel dizzy. What's going on??" Shen Xingyue felt like her head was in a blur. She felt even worse than having a fever. She couldn't find a way to vent.

Seeing her like this, Su Muyu thought it might be Shen Xingyue's rainy season, but it was really inconvenient in the paddock, but there was nothing else she could do. The arrow was on the string and she had no choice but to release it. She released her scent, and some He kissed the side of Shen Xingyue's face distressedly, "Maybe it's your rainy season, don't hold back, I'll help you." Wrapped in the fragrance of gardenia, Shen Xingyue felt a little comfortable

. Somehow, she hummed and held Su Muyu in her arms. The smell of sake leaked out bit by bit from the opening, mixing with the fragrance of gardenia. Shen Xingyue felt as if her body was being burned by fire. , she turned over and pressed the kitten under her, and followed her instinct to kiss the kitten.

Su Muyu felt sorry for Shen Xingyue, and kept sending out incense to comfort Shen Xingyue, while responding to Shen Xingyue's kisses. The night was long, and by the time the two of them fell asleep, the sky was already turning white.

Yiliu, Cuizhu, and another maid lived closest to Shen Xingyue and the others, and they could tell from the length of exercise between Shen Xingyue and the others which of them had reached the rainy and dew season, otherwise it would have been impossible to do anything. At night, their maidservants all blushed when they heard this.

Shen Xingyue fell into a deep sleep with the kitten in her arms, and there was no sign of waking up until noon.

At noon, the empress wanted to ask Shen Xingyue and the others to come and have lunch with her. Wen Jing smiled and respectfully replied: "Your Majesty, the princess's rainy season has come. I'm afraid it will be rainy and dew season in the next couple of days." We can't live without the princess."

Shen Kaiyuan laughed and shook his head, "In that case, let's call Zhengchu, Taotao and the others to have dinner together." "Yes." Wen Jing hurriedly sent someone

. Go out and call someone.

Shen Yining, who was next to Shen Kaiyuan, had red ears. She also knew about the rain and dew period, but during the rain and dew period, she always took the decoction prepared by Taiyuan Hospital, and she recovered after drinking it for three days. However, even after drinking the decoction in the past three days, she felt weak, as if she had a high fever, and sometimes she was delirious. She also heard that after having Kunze, Yuluqi could be with Kunze. We spent it together, and it was much more comfortable than spending it alone.

When Shen Kaiyuan saw his youngest daughter blushing, he smiled and joked: "What? I envy your cousin? When you and Zixuan get married in the future, you won't have to drink medicine to survive the rain and dew period."

" Mother Queen, don't talk nonsense." Don't talk nonsense, little old-fashioned face. Even your neck is red.

Shen Kaiyuan looked at his little daughter with a smile: "Hey, Ning'er is still shy??"

Shen Kaiyuan laughed heartily, as if he thought of something and shouted outside. Wen Jing hurried in and said respectfully. Waiting for the Queen's orders.

"Send someone to help the guards of the palace. The camp is still some distance from the river bank. Let someone bring more water back and send it to Yue'er." Shen Kaiyuan said with a smile.

"Yes, Your Majesty." After Wenjing accepted the order, he quickly arranged for a team of people to help the people in the palace carry water.

When Shen Xingyue woke up again, it was already late. Su Muyu woke up a little earlier than her, but Shen Xingyue hugged her so tightly that she couldn't get up even if she wanted to.

The room was in a mess, and the sheets that were brought here were almost used up last night. Thinking of what happened last night, Su Muyu buried her face in Shen Xingyue's arms, and this time she came outside. During the rain and dew period, just thinking about it makes me blush.

Because of this day, Shen Xingyue received enough messages from Kunze to comfort her, and her mood was now stable. She came down, kissed Su Muyu in her arms, and asked softly: "Is it exhausted? I am Did you use too much force last night? Did it hurt you?"

Seeing Shen Xingyue's distressed expression, Su Muyu reached out and touched the side of Shen Xingyue's face, then leaned in and kissed Shen Xingyue's lips. "No, don't worry about me. How are you doing? Do you still want Xinxiang?"

"Yeah, I'm much better. I'm not that dizzy anymore. I'm hungry." Shen Xingyue smelled the fragrance of gardenia on the kitten and felt a lot more comfortable again.

She held Su Muyu in her arms and stood up to get dressed. The passion in the rainy season came and went in a hurry, and she couldn't tell when she would not be able to bear it anymore. She had to get up to eat and freshen up while she was awake now.

Shen Xingyue asked Yiliu and the others to prepare hot water in the bathtub. The water here had to be fetched from the far river, which was not very convenient. Shen Xingyue simply hugged Su Muyu and took a bath together. Changed into clean clothes.

Yiliu and the others changed all the bedding on the bed to clean ones, and the previous bedsheets were also quickly ordered to be cleaned.

It wasn't until she had eaten that Shen Xingyue felt that her strength had returned a little. She also sat next to Su Muyu while eating.

Su Muyu looked at Shen Xingyue's clinging to her in amusement, then reached out and pinched the side of Shen Xingyue's face.

As expected, not long after the two had just finished eating, the passion that had just passed returned with force. Shen Xingyue kissed Su Muyu and stumbled back to the bed.

Shen Xingyue and Su Muyu basically spent the next two days in bed, not even leaving the cabin where they lived.

When Shen Xingyue's rainy season passed and their hunting was about to end, Shen Xingyue didn't expect that she and Su Muyu would finally go out to play for a few days, but they would end up falling asleep holding each other on the bed.

When going back, Shen Xingyue felt much better looking at the scene of grass growing and orioles flying outside.

After traveling for several days, Shen Xingyue and the others finally returned to the palace smoothly. She and Su Muyu took a shower before feeling like they were alive.

Shen Xingyue hugged Su Muyu and leaned on the soft couch while reading Xianshu. She couldn't help but feel that it was more comfortable to hold the kitten at home.

She held the book in one hand, and gently kneaded Su Muyu's hand with the other hand.

Su Muyu reached out and patted Shen Xingyue, then buried herself in Shen Xingyue's arms, "Don't touch her, let me sleep for a while."

"Okay, I will use it as a pillow for my princess and concubine." Shen Xingyue coaxed softly.

In the afternoon, someone from the palace came to deliver the imperial edict, saying that Shen Xingyue would also go to court tomorrow.

Shen Xingyue asked the literary friend to give the palace man money for running errands, and also asked him to send the man away properly.

"Did His Majesty allow you to enter the palace because of the logging that day?" Su Muyu asked.

"I guess so." Shen Xingyue nodded.

Speaking of which, it had been a long time since she had gone to court. Shen Xingyue asked Yiliu and the others to take out her official uniform and iron it. She hadn't worn it for a long time, and the clothes were full of wrinkles.

Early on the next morning, Shen Xingyue took a carriage to the palace early to prepare for the morning court.

She and Shen Zhengchu were together, and Shen Xingyue appreciated her father's efforts to come to work so early every day... It was still comfortable for her to hold the kitten at home.

Shen Zhengchu looked at his daughter and said, "Yue'er, I was different before. You said these things, but now you are more sensible. You still know about the affairs in the court. Your aunt is right." It's obvious to all of us that the Queen's wife likes you, and you do a good job. I heard that the Queen's wife has a good relationship with you and Yu'er in private?" "Yes, your Highness

often I'll be here soon." Shen Xingyue smiled.

"That's good, but don't forget that your aunt has two other heirs. Our royal palace must not offend those two highnesses. During this hunting, you discovered the assassination of the imperial concubine. I'm afraid that our royal family has offended others. We should be more cautious in our actions in the future. To put it another way, if the person who finally ascends the throne is really not the princess, I'm afraid we will suffer revenge from the other two." Shen Zhengchu Ningmei said.

His previous principle was to be impartial, follow the empress in everything, and carry water to the other three princes and princesses, so that no matter who ascends the throne, their Ankang Palace will be protected in the end, but anyone with a discerning eye can guess what happened this time When it comes to who attacked the emperor's concubine and her daughter helped the emperor's concubine, it actually means that Prince Ankang's palace is siding with the emperor's concubine.

Shen Xingyue nodded and said, "Father, there is no need to worry too much. From my aunt's attitude, it is certain that the crown princess will ascend the throne, but she should not offend the other two. "

The Prince of Ankang said that they were the closest to the empress among the nearby royal families, but in the final analysis they were still ministers. This can be seen from the marriage of his sister. The empress would only put her own interests first. If it were not for her sister She and Han Shu happen to like each other, so I'm afraid my sister will be depressed in the future.


Shen Xingyue now hopes that the little princess will be well. She always feels that the third prince and the fifth prince are hypocritical. Such people who must retaliate are not suitable to be emperors. However, the little princess is upright and is very suitable for Beichuanxia. An emperor.

When she arrived at the court, Shen Xingyue searched for a while before remembering where the left minister of the Ministry of Works should stand, and stood still at his station.

An old man next to him was quite curious as to why Shen Xingyue came here today, so he asked: "Princess Princess? Today? Why are you free to come here??" "Your Majesty sent someone to ask me to come here

this morning yesterday." Shen Xingyue said. She was unabashedly rotten. If His Majesty hadn't called her, she would still be sleeping soundly with the kitten in her arms.

The old man choked for a moment, coughed slightly, and laughed. The old man was Shen Xingyue's direct superior in the official position. Cui Hao, the second-rank Minister of Industry, was the princess who came here on weekdays. The official office basically just walked around and left, but the empress also gave him a hint that this was a member of the royal family, so he could just turn a blind eye to Shen Xingyue.

Soon the empress came to court with her princess. When she reached the ninth step, she stopped and stood on the platform facing the courtiers. The empress stood there again. Climbed the five steps and sat on the dragon chair at the highest point.

Shen Xingyue followed the courtiers to greet the empress and the young concubine, okay? After a series of salutes, she stood still.

The empress glanced at the people in the court hall and then said: "I think everyone has heard about the fact that the Crown Princess was almost killed during this hunting. I will continue to have people investigate this matter strictly. , The Crown Princess is the crown prince of Beichuan. Anyone who dares to touch her is going against the whole of Beichuan, and against me. Thanks to the princess' careful thinking, this incident did not let the thieves succeed." "Shen Xingyue, go up. ?

Come forward to listen to the reward." Shen Kaiyuan looked at Shen Xingyue in the crowd.

Shen Xingyue emerged from the crowd and knelt down to listen to the award.

Wen Jing took Shen Kaiyuan's decree and read: "The Princess of Ankang Prince's Palace is thoughtful, respectful and gentle. She has given ten thousand taels of gold and hundreds of pieces of silk and satin as a reward. In addition, she has given Yu Ning a guard soldier." Two thousand people are at the disposal of the princess."

After Wen Jing finished reciting the edict, the courtiers in Liangyi Palace talked a lot. Even Shen Xingyue himself did not expect what the empress gave him Yu Ningwei.

But she still quickly thanked her: "I thank your Majesty for your kindness, but I have never led an army since I was a child. Regarding Yu Ningwei..." Shen Xingyue still wants the empress to

take back this reward. What about the empress on the dragon throne? He waved to Shen Xingyue, "Okay, no need to say more, it's settled, Yue'er, hurry up and accept the order." Shen Xingyue saw that the empress was very determined, and she said it

. Bian had no choice but to swallow his words again, and stretched out his hand to receive the decree. There was another black and yellow token with the word "feather" written on one side and the word "order" written on the other side.

Shen Xingyue took the things, respectfully returned to his own workstation, and continued to stand.

Shen Yiqian, who was standing on the other side, was almost crushed with his fists. The Yuning Guards belonged to an independent guard team. The emperors of Beichuan dynasties only gave this guard team to themselves. Their most favored children or As a minister, Shen Yiqian didn't expect that his mother-empress would hand over Yu Ningwei to Shen Xingyue, and that his mother-empress would rather believe in Shen Xingyue than himself and Shen Yijia.

Shen Yijia was lying next to Shen Yiqian with an expressionless expression, his expression was the same as before, but there was a storm in his heart.

The ministers were also talking about it, and they all felt that it was a waste to hand over such an important guard to Shen Xingyue. After all, the camp of Yu Ningwei was on the outskirts of Beijing. It could be said that besides the guards of the capital and the imperial city, In addition, if the team closest to the palace really goes into trouble, as long as this team is commanded properly, it can be of great use, but giving it to Shen Xingyue does not mean letting a blind man command Yu. Ning Wei?

Therefore, someone has already stood up to object?, "Wait a minute, Yu Ningwei's matter is of great importance. Your Majesty, please think twice, princess? She is young and energetic, how can she command Yu Ningwei?" The empress looked at the station with a cold face

. The person who came out was none other than the Dragon and Tiger General Wang Mingda. His own nephew was the eldest son of the empress. This Yu Ning Wei was very important, and it couldn't get into Shen Xingyue's hands.

"I will reconsider." Cui Can, the Minister of Punishment, also came out and said that this Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment is from Shen Yijia's mother's family. She also thinks that the empress did something inappropriate.

After that, several ministers came out one after another to reconsider. The empress sneered and interrupted their words: "What? General Wang thinks Yue'er is not suitable, then who do you think is suitable? If it depends on Looking at you, can the Crown Princess still stand in the main hall now? You have two opinions? I care that you have contributed to the court and are an important minister in the court, so I have not punished you. It's better for you to teach me how to do things. ??"

Wang Mingda hurriedly knelt down to apologize, "I don't dare, I just think that the princess is young and I'm afraid she can't bear such a big responsibility. Yu Ningwei is stationed in the suburbs of Beijing. It's a matter of great importance. It's not a child's play, Your Majesty." Mingda explained in a panic.

"If she can't afford it, can you afford it? Or can Shen Yiqian?" The empress stared at Wang Mingda. Wang Mingda was so frightened that he quickly kowtowed and denied, "Is this what I mean?" The three highnesses have nothing to do with each other. I said the wrong thing. I am guilty. I failed to protect your highness. I still ask your majesty to punish you." "Okay, do you think I dare not punish you? I will do it for you." Shen Kaiyuan

looked at Wang Mingda and said coldly: "Wang Mingda's escort was not good, and his rank was demoted from the second-grade General Longhu to the third-grade Zhaoyong General. He was fined for one year as punishment. The rest of the people still have objections. "Is that so?" Shen Kaiyuan glanced at him coldly, and all the people who had objections just now quietly returned to their seats, and Yaque was silent for a while.

Shen Kaiyuan also knew what these ministers were thinking, so he calmed down the arrogant ones for a while, and the court immediately became quiet.

Shen Kaiyuan asked the ministers of various ministries to report all the important things in the past half month, and then began to discuss solutions. I have to say that the location of Beichuan is really bad. It took a lot of time to wait. It's spring, and it hasn't rained for so long. The land is cracking, and famine has broken out in many places.

The Qingguang River, which is separated from Nanqi in the south, suffered from continuous heavy rains. The river mouth burst its embankment and flooded many places. Although the imperial court also allocated food and salary to the victims, the water from far away could not quench the thirst of the people nearby, and the disaster became more and more difficult to control. cannot live without development.

The capital city where Shen Xingyue and the others are located is in the middle of Beichuan. It will take more than ten days to send people to the Qingguang River now. The disaster will not wait for people, but for the people sent by the imperial court. , it's not necessarily what's going on over there?

"Your Majesty, a large area in central Beichuan has not seen a drop of water. It is difficult for the seeds sown to take root and germinate. I'm afraid we have to make early plans." "Your Majesty, the mouth of the Qingguang River burst its banks and flooded a lot of places.

It is said that there are already a lot of refugees in Qingguang. Your Majesty, please make a decision."

Shen Kaiyuan frowned and asked: "In places where drought occurs, find a way to use the water in the lakes and rivers for irrigation and then distribute it. Go down to provide disaster relief money and food to prepare for emergencies. The most important thing now is the flood in the south. Let the local government open warehouses to help the people, dredge the rivers, and find people to rebuild the dams." Shen Kaiyuan arranged for manpower to do these things

. After finishing talking about these most important things, he remembered the things he asked the Forestry Department to verify before, and asked: "Liu Qing, how are the verifications of the things I asked your Forestry Department to verify a few days ago? "

Your Majesty, after I returned, I asked my people to read the classics, and sent many people to visit on the spot. I asked many old people that the soil erosion mentioned in your decree is indeed true." It's just that the land will not turn into a desert overnight, but if all the trees are cut down, within a few decades, our land in Beichuan will probably become like the desert of the Hu people." Liu Heng said respectfully.

Shen Kaiyuan frowned and nodded slowly after a long while: "Yue'er accidentally thought of this while hunting, and she also thought of a way to deal with it. Liu Qing, your Forestry Department is in charge of the forestry department. How come you didn't expect it? Instead, you need the princess to remind you of these things?" "

Your Majesty, forgive me for being stupid, or the princess for being so thoughtful." Liu Heng hurriedly apologized.

Shen Kaiyuan waved his hand and said to Shen Xingyue: "Yue'er, please tell the courtiers the solution you thought of that day."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Shen Xingyue bowed her hands and said, "We can encourage the people to plant more trees without delaying their farm work. How many trees have been planted by each person? Please register and verify with the local officials. , if the trees planted meet the standards, that person can be exempted from one-quarter or one-third of the tax. In that case, many people should be willing to plant trees. With a batch of trees planted in this way, the people will be able to live in winter. If we cut down trees for warmth, we can at least maintain a basic balance and not cut the mountains bare." "What a good idea." "Yeah, it makes sense,


like when fishing, you have to catch the big fish and leave the small ones. Just like fish, this way we can still have fish to eat next year, I think it's okay." Grand Master Zhou Yuanzhen said with a smile.

"I also think it's okay." Liu Heng also said quickly.

"Your Majesty will reconsider."

Then there were many people's reconsiderations. Shen Kaiyuan's expression softened and he ordered: "Liu Heng, your Forestry Department will come up with specific measures as soon as possible. How many days will it take?" You will submit it to me in a day, and if it is feasible, we will arrange to promote it as soon as possible." After thinking about it, Shen

Kaiyuan said again: "But the top priority right now is disaster relief, and all of you must do it personally, send Officials who conducted surveys in the past must not line their own pockets, otherwise I will not be lenient."

Shen Kaiyuan lectured again for a while, and then let everyone leave.

Shen Xingyue looked at Yu Ningwei's token in her hand and felt that she was holding a piece of hot potato in her hand. She just wanted to throw it away without any worries. Why would she leave such an important thing in her hands?

It's okay now? You took away what Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia wanted? The princess who was rescued in the paddock has already married those two people? Liang Zi, you? Now you are properly taken care of by the empress. Put it on the side of the "girl party".

Shen Xingyue looked at the token in his hand and sighed, preparing to take some time to show his face to Yu Ningwei. Having Yu Ningwei was an extra layer of protection, at least if there was really chaos in the future. Get up? With this team of two thousand people, they can at least keep the people in their palace safe.

As for the empress, she also had her own considerations. After what happened in the paddock, she felt that Shen Xingyue could be used. It was not convenient for the empress dowager to live in the palace and command Yu Ningwei. Her other son and daughter really couldn't reassure her, so after thinking about it, Shen Xingyue is the best candidate. She is her niece and has a harmonious relationship with Ning'er. Handing Yu Ningwei to Shen Xingyue is equivalent to taking out another layer of insurance for herself and her little daughter. .
