

Soon, the originally noisy Qinzheng Hall became quiet. Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia fell to the ground, no longer breathing.

Shen Kaiyuan sighed heavily, not daring to look at the son and daughter lying on the ground, and slowly said: "Wen Jing, the people from the Ministry of Ceremonies will bury them properly according to the etiquette of the prince and princess. Well, let's wait until Ning'er wakes up to talk about the rest."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Wen Jing bowed respectfully and had Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia carried out.

Wenjing looked at Wu Ren on the stretcher over there, and then spoke again: "Your Majesty, what about Mr. Wu?" "Wu Ren sacrificed his life for his country in order to quell the chaos, and sent

people from the Ministry of Rites to discuss and seal him as appropriate. I will reward his wife and children with a thousand taels of gold, and take them away for a proper burial." "

Yes, I will send someone to make arrangements right now." Wen Jing said quickly.

What happened in the Qinzheng Palace quickly reached Queen Ye Yuran. When Ye Yuran heard that something happened to her daughter, she hurried to the Qinzheng Palace with a group of palace people. She hurriedly brought people to Shen Kai ?Yuan saluted and asked hurriedly: "How is Ning'er? How is she doing?" "The imperial doctor

is watching inside. He has given medicine and is still asleep." Shen Kai?Yuan was a little worried about Ye Yu. Ran's body was still intact and he hurriedly said.

"I'm going to see Ning'er." After Ye Yuran said that, he anxiously entered the lounge inside.

When she saw Shen Yining, who was lying on the bed with a pale face, she burst into tears. Her daughter had been sensible since she was a child, and she was the crown princess. She had been cared for and cared for since she was a child. How could she ever suffer such hardships?

Ye Yuran sat on the edge of the boat and carefully touched her daughter's face, "Ning'er, you must get better and don't scare your mother." "Why is Ning'er's face so pale?" Ye Yuran wiped the tears from his eyes

. , asked.

"Back to the Queen, Your Highness was hit by two arrows in the shoulder. He lost so much blood that he turned pale." The leading physician responded quickly.

Ye Yuran nodded slightly, sat on the edge of the bed and stared at her daughter for a moment.

Ye Yuran was not the only one who came after hearing the news. Shen Yijia's mother-in-law Cui Yazhen and Shen Yiqian's mother-in-law Wang Shuhui also rushed to the Qinzheng Palace after hearing that their children were tied up by the imperial guards. People still don't know that their children have been sentenced to death.

Cui Yazhen and Wang Shuhui both bowed to the empress. Cui Yazhen was the first to speak: "Your Majesty, I heard that you had someone kidnapped Jia'er into the palace? There must be a misunderstanding. This child Jia'er has herself You are sensible at a young age, your majesty, please don't listen to the instigation of villains, your majesty." Shen

Kaiyuan looked at Cui Yazhen, showing a trace of unbearability in her heart. She still felt that she owed something to these two concubines, but He still told the truth: "Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia openly sent people to murder the Crown Princess. There are all witnesses and physical evidence. They have been dealt with by me." When Cui Yazhen heard this, her legs trembled. He softened

, knelt down on the ground, and asked urgently: "Disposal? How did Your Majesty handle it? Jia'er would not do this, she would not do this, it must be a mistake, it must be a mistake. "

Yes, Your Majesty, Qian'er is a good boy, how could he go back and murder His Royal Highness? You must have been instigated by a villain, it must be like this." Wang Shuhui hurriedly knelt down and cried together with Cui Yazhen.

"Those tied men in black were sent by Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia respectively. They brothers and sisters were really united in murdering Ning'er. Ning'er was sent by them. They were shot by a shooter, and they are still being treated inside. I have given them some poisonous wine and sent them away." Shen Kaiyuan gritted his teeth and said, tightly clenching his hands together.

"Poisonous wine? No, Your Majesty, you won't do this, right? Jia'er is also your own flesh and blood. No matter how wrong she does, you can't kill your biological daughter." Cui Yazhen was lying on the ground. , cried loudly and bitterly.

Wang Shuhui obviously still didn't believe it, "No, you won't be so cruel. Gan'er is your first child. You also loved Gan'er very much when Shen Yining was not there. , you won't kill him? No, no."

"This is not the first time they have taken action against Ning'er. When they were hunting in Qingqiu Paddock, the two of them had already taken action to kill Ning'er. But that time, fortunately Yue'er was alert and allowed people to They checked Ning'er's saddle again to avoid causing a catastrophe, but this time they almost killed Ning'er. Shen Yijia saved the trouble and incited the refugees, causing many innocent people and soldiers to also They both lost their lives, and I will never regret what I did to them today." Shen Kaiyuan gritted his teeth and said.

"No regrets? Your Majesty, do you really not owe us mother and daughter? Since you had the queen, why have you ever cared about the life and death of me and the royal concubine? You only have the queen and the crown princess in your eyes and heart. "The reason why I can survive until now is entirely for Jia'er. No matter how big a mistake she makes, she is still your daughter. I don't accept it, I don't accept it." Cui Yazhen continued to cry, she didn't Dare to believe that my daughter is dead.

"Yes, Your Majesty, after you had the queen, you seemed to have forgotten your concubine and Sister Cui. We are also your concubines, so why did you ever care about us? Since you had the crown princess, you have I haven't paid much attention to Qian'er for years, but Qian'er is also your child, how can you? You can be so cruel, and now you kill Qian'er, why do you do this?" Wang Shuhui burst into tears and almost fainted from crying.

"I'm sorry for you two, but it's not those two. The reason why evil spirits can harm Ning'er again and again is that the matter has come to this, I will not embarrass you, and I will still allow you to live in the original palace. I still allow you to live in fine clothes and fine food, but one thing is that you and your two palace residents are not allowed to leave the place where you live without my will, let alone have any contact with people outside the palace," Shen Kaiyuan gritted his teeth. said.

There is nothing wrong with her two concubines, but now Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia are dead. If they are not controlled by others, Shen Kaiyuan is afraid that Cui Yazhen and Wang Shuhui will do something irrational.

"Your Majesty wants to imprison us, right? Okay, these more than ten years have resulted in Jia'er's death and imprisonment. Your Majesty is really cruel, but that's not entirely the case. His Majesty only treats us. Irrelevant people are cruel. In your heart, only Ye Yuran and Shen Yining are, right?" Cui Yazhen's eyes were red and her face was stained with tears.

Shen Kaiyuan closed his eyes, opened them again, looked at Wen Jing, and ordered: "Send the two noble concubines back to the palace, and ask the guards to guard the two noble concubines outside the palace. Without me, We ordered that the two of them, including the people in their palace, are not allowed to leave the palace at will." "

Yes, Your Majesty." Wen Jing asked more than a dozen chamberlains to surround Cui Yazhen and Wang Shuhui, but the two still refused. He left, and was finally pushed out by the servants, half-helping and half-dragging him.

After everyone left, Shen Kaiyuan relaxed a little, but I'm afraid this matter won't be so easy to pass, and the mother's family behind these two people may also want to ask for an explanation.

Shen Kaiyuan felt that his head was about to explode, so he had to send someone to keep an eye on the archers first, so that he could silence the courtiers this time.

Shen Kaiyuan pinched his eyebrows and ordered: "Detain all these assassins in the palace, and send heavy troops to guard them. If they make any mistakes, I will behead you together." "

Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will be more careful." The commander of the Imperial Army immediately asked the soldiers to take away the archers.

Shen Kaiyuan looked at the several ministers in the store, sighed and said, "Wen Jing, it's too chaotic outside now. Please send someone to send these ministers back to the house safely." "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your consideration.

" Several courtiers hurriedly bowed their hands and saluted.

Shen Kaiyuan looked at Shen Xingyue, who was wearing armor again, and saw her haggard face, and couldn't help but feel weak. This time, she lost two children who murdered her sister regardless of human ethics, but she also couldn't help but feel sad. Knowing that Yue'er is reliable, she can be said to be Ning'er's savior.

Shen Kaiyuan patted Shen Xingyue on the shoulder and said: "It's already getting late, and there are still people running around in the capital. It's not very safe. Don't go back today. There are several more rooms behind the Qinzheng Hall. Piandian, you stay here tonight and go back when the situation calms down a bit tomorrow." Immediately,

Shen Kaiyuan told Wen Jing, "Go and send someone to prepare some hot water for Yue'er. If you want to wear clothes, wear mine first." , you can ask someone to prepare."

Shen Xingyue was still a little worried about Su Muyu and wanted to go back, but she didn't want to do this. At that time, she refuted the empress's kindness. After all, the empress was the most unhappy person in her heart today, so she simply retreated and said: " Aunt, Yu'er and the others should still be worried about me. Can you send someone back to report the letter to them? I won't be going back today." "Okay, I will arrange for someone to go to the palace to report the letter. You have been tired for the whole day.

Go Take a shower, eat something and rest early." Shen Kaiyuan looked at Shen Xingyue and said.

"Aunt, don't be too tired. I'm going to change my armor. I'll come over to see Ning'er later." Shen Xingyue bowed her hands and then left with a few servants.

She didn't feel it just now. After she breathed a sigh of relief, Shen Xingyue felt that her body was about to fall apart in pain. She had never worn armor for such a long time. In the meantime, she was galloping on her horse. She was shocked and shocked. I was so frightened that I was sweating all over, and my body didn't smell very good at the moment.

The chamberlains in the palace were trained quickly and quickly prepared bath water for Shen Xingyue. They also prepared several sets of regular clothes that Shen Kaiyuan left in the side hall for Shen Xingyue to change into. Shen Xingyue asked the chamberlains to go out. , he took off his armor and took a few breaths of fresh air. It was strange that he felt better with such a heavy thing on his body.

Shen Xingyue took a good hot bath, washing all the sides of her face and hair. Then she got out of the tub and changed into a set of aqua blue clothes. She wiped her hair halfway with a towel. Then he asked the waiter to help him pull up his hair in a simple bun.

Shen Xingyue left the side hall again and returned to the Qinzheng Hall. At this time, there were only a few chamberlains left in the Qinzheng Hall. The Empress and the Empress were guarding Shen Yining in the lounge.

Shen Xingyue is also a little worried about the little old-fashioned body. Even with the help of the system, being hit by two arrows can still be painful. Moreover, there was no good way to deal with fever in ancient times. Fever can really burn people to death. of.

Shen Xingyue also entered the lounge and saw Shen Yining still lying on the bed with a pale face. She didn't know whether it was sweating from exhaustion or cold sweat. She looked like she was not sleeping peacefully.

Shen Xingyue was about to salute Shen Kaiyuan and Ye Yuran, but Shen Kaiyuan held him back, "No need to kneel."

When Ye Yuran saw Shen Xingyue coming, he also stood up. He took Shen Xingyue's wrist and spoke: "Ning'er, thanks to you being here today, otherwise I wouldn't know what it would be like. Your Majesty, you must remember to reward me well." Yue'er."

"Don't worry, I remember it all. Don't cry. Just watch Ning'er for a while and then go back to rest. I'm here to guard you." Shen Kaiyuan was afraid that the queen was in poor health and something would happen again.

"No, I also want to guard Ning'er." Ye Yuran's eyes were red from crying.

Shen Xingyue looked at the imperial physician on the side and asked, "Does Your Highness have a fever?"

The imperial physician saluted Shen Xingyue and then said: "Back to the princess, there are indeed some signs of fever, but I have just sent someone to see you. I added the medicine, hoping to keep His Highness safe."

Shen Xingyue nodded. People tend to have a fever whenever there is a wound. Shen Xingyue was afraid that there were few methods of treating diseases in ancient times and that Shen Yining would not be able to survive the fever.

As if she had thought of something, Shen Xingyue took out the little white pig sachet from her arms and placed it next to the little old-fashioned bedside.

Shen Xingyue thought about it for a moment, and then said what she wanted to say to Shen Kaiyuan: "Aunt, that sachet was given to His Highness by Miss Zhou. Now His Highness is in a complicated situation. I thought, if there is someone who likes it, Having someone by your side may make His Highness feel better. It's late today and the situation outside has not settled down yet. If the situation is stable tomorrow, it would be good to let Miss Zhou enter the palace and let her meet His Highness."

Shen Kaiyuan nodded frequently, "Okay, I will send someone to invite Zhou Zixuan to the palace early tomorrow morning. It's already time, and I don't care about those false gifts." Shen Xingyue also nodded

, Her eyes fell on Xiao Guban's pale face, thinking that if Zhou Zixuan stayed with Xiao Guban, Xiao Guban would have more desire to survive and would not die so easily.

After saying a few more words, Shen Kaiyuan asked the chamberlain to take Shen Xingyue to eat something. She had also worn armor herself and knew that wearing armor consumes physical strength. She also knew that their Yue'er used to be just a... It's really not easy for a dandy who eats and drinks to withstand such great pressure and stabilize the situation today.

Shen Xingyue was indeed hungry at this moment, so she breathed a sigh of relief and followed the servants out.

Shen Xingyue was not too worried about the fact that the food in the palace would be tested for poison with silver needles before being put on the table, and she hurriedly started eating. However, while eating, Shen Xingyue was still thinking about her kitten. I wonder? I wonder how her Yu'er is doing. With the chaos in the capital today, her kitten won't be frightened, right?

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and the doors of Ankang Prince's Mansion were tightly closed, fearing that refugees might suddenly break in. Su Muyu, Shen Zhengchu, and Zhou Yunqing were all in the front hall of the Prince's Mansion, anxiously Waiting for news from Shen Xingyue.

Su Muyu was pacing back and forth in the room with red eyes. She didn't know how many times she cried secretly all afternoon. The literary friend came back and reported in the afternoon that there was a mutiny at the south gate. It was getting dark now, but the sound of horse hooves could still be heard from outside the palace from time to time, and it continued continuously, indicating that the rebellion of the refugees outside had not been completely quelled.

The longer Su Muyu waited, the more her nose felt sore, but in the current situation, if she went out to look for someone, she might cause trouble to Shen Xingyue, so she had to wait anxiously.

Wenyou sent someone out to inquire about the situation, and now two royal guards came back.

Su Muyu hurriedly asked: "How is it? Have you heard about the princess?" "

Back to the princess, I heard from the soldiers guarding the city at the south gate that the princess seems to have entered the palace. When Xiao Xiao came back, the chaos at the south gate had been controlled. Marshal Han led the Han family troops to guard the south gate to stabilize the situation. Now there are only a small group of refugees fleeing in the capital, and there is no trouble. Here we come." The guard hurriedly replied.

"Entering the palace? How about entering the palace? If you don't come back at this late hour, the palace door will be locked any later." Shen Zhengchu was also very anxious. His eldest daughter had never led troops before. He? Really? I am worried that something will happen to my eldest daughter.

"Yeah, it's about time, it's time to come back." Su Muyu asked with red eyes. She finally met the person she liked, and Shen Xingyue was so good to her. Su Muyu didn't dare to Think about what she would do if something happened to Shen Xingyue.

Just when the three of them were anxious, Wenyou brought in several more servants from outside.

The three leading servants bowed and then spoke: "Your Majesty, your Majesty is afraid that you will be worried, so he specially sent a few young people to tell you that the princess is staying in the side hall of Qinzheng Hall tonight. Now. There are still some refugees outside. Your Majesty is afraid that it will not be safe for the princess to come back at this time. Please rest assured, the prince, princess and princess." "Really, is Yue'er okay?" Shen Zhengchu asked quickly


"Don't worry, Your Majesty. The princess's holy love is strong. She has made great achievements today. Everything is fine." The chamberlain hurriedly replied.

"That's good, that's good. I will go to the palace tomorrow to meet the emperor. Yang Qi, go see some adults off." "Your Majesty, you're welcome." Several chamberlains took the tip that Yang Qi handed over and rushed back. Shen Zhengchu

and the others saluted again and left.

Shen Zhengchu sighed, seeing that Su Muyu was still worried, and comforted him: "Yu'er, you don't have to be too impatient. Since someone from the palace has reported that she is safe, it means that Yue'er is fine. Don't worry, I will enter the palace early tomorrow morning. , I must bring her back to you well, and go back and rest."

Then Shen Zhengchu said to Zhou Yunqing: "Let's go back and rest too, everything will be clear to me when I enter the palace tomorrow morning." "

Father. King, there is so much chaos outside right now, do you think it will happen in the palace as well?" Su Muyu didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Shen Zhengchu hurriedly comforted him: "Don't worry, it shouldn't happen. If the palace is really in chaos, how can the chamberlains have time to come out to report the news? Go back and eat something and rest early, otherwise Yue'er will come back tomorrow and you will be sick again. ."

Su Muyu was still worried, but she could only nodded slightly and went back to Feixueyuan with Yiliu, Cuizhu and the others.

Yiliu asked someone in the small kitchen to prepare food. Su Muyu put down her chopsticks after taking a few bites. She was worried that Shen Xingyue would not be able to eat at all, so she asked Yiliu and the others to take away the food early, leaving her alone. On the soft couch, I wanted to wait for Shen Xingyue to come back. I wanted Shen Xingyue to throw down his cloak and come over to hug her like he had done so many times in the past.

When thinking of Shen Xingyue, Su Muyu's eyes turned red again.

In addition to Su Muyu, there was also Zhou Zixuan pacing back and forth in the room. Her father, Zhou Yuanzhen, had just been discussing matters in the Qinzheng Hall. He had just been escorted back home by the palace guards, not long after he came back.

Zhou Zixuan learned the news about Shen Yining's life and death from her father. She was extremely anxious in the room. There were tears hanging on her face, and she held tightly the piece of jade that Shen Yining gave her. card, and murmured in a low voice: "Your Highness, nothing will happen to you. I have embroidered several of them? I haven't given you the little piggy sachet yet. You promised me that we will get married this year." Don't worry, nothing will happen to you."

Zhou Zixuan was very anxious, but he couldn't enter the palace, so he had to worry.


Shen Xingyue went to see Shen Yining again before going to bed, and saw Shen Kaiyuan sitting next to Shen Yining, constantly changing Shen Yining's towels to physically cool down Shen Yining.

Shen Xingyue thought for a while and said: "You can have someone bring some liquor over, wet it with a handkerchief and wipe it on Ning'er's neck, armpits, thighs, palms and soles. This can also cool down the temperature, and she might feel better. These are folk methods for reducing fever. We can try them too." "

Yes, there are good folk methods too. Wen Jing, hurry up and get someone to prepare liquor and towels. I'll help Ning'er scrub her well." Shen Kaiyuan said quickly.

Seeing her anxious look, Shen Xingyue felt that the Ninth Five Emperor who was on the fourteenth step was just Shen Yining's mother at this moment, and no longer had the airs of an emperor.

"Aunt, you've been tired all afternoon. Why don't you go and take a rest? I'll keep an eye on Ning'er here." Ancient people's bodies were inherently fragile, and Shen Kaiyuan's mood was ups and downs today. He killed a son and a daughter, and imprisoned two noble concubines. I don't know if all the refugees in the capital have been caught at the moment. Moreover, tomorrow the empress will probably have to explain to the courtiers why she gave birth to a son and a daughter. , in short, it is a mess. The position of the emperor is really not suitable for ordinary people. Shen Xingyue is afraid that if something happens to Shen Kaiyuan, Beichuan will be in chaos.

"It's rare that you have such a heart, but how can I sleep? Let's try the method you just mentioned together again." Shen Kaiyuan was also exhausted, but he still managed to hold on.

Seeing her like this, Shen Xingyue couldn't persuade her any more, so she asked Wen Jing on the side to send someone to bring some ginseng soup.

Wenjing understood immediately and hurriedly followed suit.

Soon the liquor came, and Shen Xingyue and Shen Kaiyuan helped Shen Yining wipe several places on his body.

After a while, Shen Xingyue sent someone to boil the ginseng soup and brought it over. Shen Xingyue took a bowl and brought it to the empress, "Aunt, if you don't want to eat, you should drink some ginseng soup to refresh yourself? Just think of it as a drink. Just water."

Shen Kaiyuan nodded and drank the ginseng soup handed over by Shen Xingyue.

Shen Xingyue was originally worried about Little Stylish, and since the Empress hadn't left at the moment, it was obviously inappropriate for her to go out to rest by herself, so she simply moved a chair over to guard Little Stylish.

But Shen Xingyue didn't bother much this afternoon. After sitting for an hour, she fell asleep leaning on the bed. Shen Kaiyuan woke her up and asked the servants to help her go to the side hall to rest. She still remained Guard Shen Yining.

After Shen Xingyue returned, she almost fell asleep as soon as she touched the bed. She experienced too many things that day. It was the first time he led troops to suppress the rioters, the first time he made the decision and asked the soldiers to shoot the rioters, and the first time he was alone. It was the first time for a person to preside over such a situation and experience the separation of life and death. Fortunately, she brought back half of her cousin's life. Shen Xingyue fell into a deep sleep before she had time to think too much.

In the second half of the night, I don't know whether it was the traditional Chinese medicine that worked or the rubbing of white wine on the body. In short, Shen Yining's fever subsided, and several imperial doctors took turns urging the empress to go. After sleeping for a while, the empress saw that her daughter's condition had indeed improved, so she went to another side hall to rest.

Shen Xingyue slept peacefully all night. When she got up in the morning, she remembered that she was in the palace and asked the palace people to prepare things for washing. Shen Xingyue simply washed up, asked the palace people to comb her hair, and simply inserted He tied a jade hairpin in place and then walked out.

Wen Jing and the others were already standing there in the Qinzheng Hall. Shen Xingyue went over to ask and found out that the empress was still resting. She took another look at the little old-fashioned man and made sure that the little old-fashioned man was no longer burned, and then returned to the side hall. Let someone bring some food over and prepare to eat before doing anything else.

As for those messy things, with her aunt here, she didn't have to worry too much.

As a result, Shen Xingyue didn't wake up even after breakfast. She had to check at the Qinzheng Hall from time to time to see if the little old man was awake. After a while, she saw her father and several other ministers hurriedly arrived. Enter the Qinzheng Hall.

Shen Zhengchu looked at the clothes Shen Xingyue was wearing. The more he looked at it, the more he thought he had seen it somewhere before. As if he remembered something, his face turned pale with fright. He pointed at Shen Xingyue with trembling fingers: "Who asked you to wear His Majesty's clothes? You unfilial daughter, if you don't take it off quickly, you want to piss me off."

Shen Xingyue was scolded by her father, and she was also very innocent, okay? There is no change of clothes for her here. They were all so messed up last night. She can't ask the chambermaids to bring her new clothes, right? That's too blind.

Fortunately, the empress came out from the side hall on the other side. Shen Zhengchu and others hurriedly saluted Shen Kaiyuan. Shen Zhengchu was about to pull Shen Xingyue to plead guilty, but was interrupted by Shen Kaiyuan. She also said what she just said He heard, "Don't blame Yue'er, I asked her to wear it. It's just a few clothes, no need to make a fuss, what's more? If there was no Yue'er yesterday, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to see Ning'er today, my imperial brother. , Yue'er is such a good child."

Shen Zhengchu was still not sure what happened yesterday, and was stunned by the empress's random praise to his daughter.


"Your Majesty, what happened yesterday?" Shen Zhengchu was also very curious. However, when she saw her daughter standing here fine, she breathed a sigh of relief. He also felt relieved when he went up last night. I didn't sleep well at night because I was afraid that something might happen to my daughter.

"Someone assassinated Ning'er yesterday. Otherwise, if Yue'er and Yu Ningwei's people arrived in time, I would never see Ning'er again. Too many things happened yesterday. When Ning'er stabilizes Come down, I will explain to you, and I will go see Ning'er." The empress said, then looked at Shen Xingyue and smiled.

"Yue'er, the method you thought of yesterday did have some effect. Ning'er's fever subsided in the middle of the night. The doctors all said that the method worked well. After a few days, I must take good care of it. I'll give you a reward." Shen Kaiyuan said while walking towards the lounge.

Shen Kaiyuan saw that his youngest daughter's face seemed better than yesterday, at least she didn't look as pale.

However, Shen Zhengchu pulled his daughter and asked in a low voice: "What happened?"

"We'll talk about it when we get home." Shen Xingyue whispered back, the empress probably didn't want to tell anyone what happened yesterday. She probably wanted to. It will be good to tell the courtiers when they go to court in a few days. After all, although Shen Kaiyuan does not show up on the surface, Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia are her children after all, and two of them disappeared at once. , or was sentenced to death for murdering their sister. It is impossible to say that it is not heart-breaking or sad. Don't put eye drops in front of the empress at this time. Everything will follow the empress's wishes. Just come.

Shen Zhengchu was also worried about Shen Yining's injuries. He didn't know that the other two princes and princesses were gone. He was afraid that if something happened to the little princess, their Ankang Palace would also suffer in the future. He was about to suffer a disaster, so he followed him in and took a look. He saw that Shen Yining was still unconscious, but his face looked fine.

Shen Kaiyuan asked several imperial doctors on duty at the bedside: "How is Ning'er? How is she doing?" "

Go back to your majesty, is your highness the concubine going to bed? God bless her, her condition has stabilized now, and I have just changed your highness again. Today, I only need to use the medicine to remove the remaining poison in His Highness, and also prevent His Highness from overheating. After a few days of fever, His Highness will be fine." The leading physician hurriedly bowed his hands in salute.

"Okay, you guys treat Ning'er well. When Ning'er wakes up, I will definitely give you a big reward." Shen Kaiyuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then ordered Wen Jing, "Wen Jing, go and send someone. Please change the white wine and bring some towels. If it starts to burn again, use Yue'er's idea, and then help Ning'er wipe her body." I don't know if Shen Xingyue acted too much yesterday

. Reliable, one person turned the tide at the south gate and saved Shen Yining. It was the figure of Shen Xingyue praying to the sky yesterday that left a deep impression on the empress. The empress now has great trust in Shen Xingyue and feels that Shen Xingyue is Her daughter's lucky star, Shen Xingyue also thought of rubbing her body with high-altitude white wine to cool down, and the empress also found it very effective.

Shen Zhengchu looked on at a loss. When did his daughter have any research on treating diseases? Why doesn't he, a father, know? Shen Zhengchu looked at his daughter suspiciously, but he knew that the empress was worried about Shen Yining and did not dare to say anything.

After explaining this matter, Shen Kaiyuan thought for a while and then said: "What Yue'er said yesterday makes sense. Ning'er doesn't have a fever right now, but the imperial doctor also said that she may have repeated fevers in the future. Now that the time has come, there is no need to pay attention to etiquette. Wen Jing, please send someone to use the palace carriage to bring Zhou Zixuan to the Qinzheng Hall and let her accompany Ning'er. "

Yes, Your Majesty, I will send someone to invite Miss Zhou right now." Wen Jing said quickly.

"Wait." Shen Xingyue stopped Wen Jing, then quickly walked to the bedside and handed the little white pig sachet to Wen Jing, and said: "Ask the chamberlain to give this to Miss Zhou, just say "His Highness has stabilized now, so she should not be too anxious." "

Yes, I have written it down." Wen Jing took the sachet and responded quickly.

"You are still thoughtful." Shen Kaiyuan patted Shen Xingyue on the shoulder and said sincerely.

Shen Zhengchu looked at the empress and then at his daughter. He always felt that something was wrong. Why did his eldest sister mention his daughter in three sentences? Is the moon in their family that important?

Not long after, Queen Ye Yuran also arrived in a hurry. Her eyes were still a little red and swollen, and she looked like she had not slept well. Shen Zhengchu and the others did not have to salute. She saw Shen Xingyue early in the morning. She also followed him to guard, then went over and said with red eyes, "I'm sorry for you, my good boy. I was guarding here yesterday, and I'm guarding Ning'er again early this morning." Shen Xingyue could only quickly hand over her hand

. He responded: "The Queen is serious. Your Highness is also my cousin. What I did is all what I should do." She was interrupted by Shen Kaiyuan as soon as she finished speaking, "Where is this? What should I do? What should I do

? Hello Ning'er, please show that you are a sister who knows how to love her sister. Unlike those two evildoers, they are Ning'er's closest brothers and sisters, yet they did such things." Shen Xingyue raised her hands and bowed

. No more, the empress said, it's what it is.

"Good boy, don't be too tired. Don't wake up and you will be tired and sick again when Ning'er wakes up." Ye Yuran gave a few more instructions. After all, Shen Xingyue was her daughter's savior. Otherwise, it was Shen Xingyue yesterday. If she had arrived in time, her daughter might really have died, so Ye Yuran now felt that Shen Xingyue was so good everywhere, even if he passed by, he would like to praise her a few times.

Shen Xingyue had no choice but to accept it and hurriedly bowed her hands, "Thank you for your concern, Madam. I will pay attention to it, but Madam, you should take more care of your body. After your Highness gets better, I definitely hope that you will be healthy." "Okay

, I must take good care of myself." Ye Yuran knew that her daughter's condition was stable, so she spoke a few more words to Shen Xingyue.

Shen Zhengchu looked on with tears in his eyes. Isn't this his daughter? How come, looking at the attitude of His Majesty and the Queen towards their daughter, the three of them seem like a family?

Shen Zhengchu coughed slightly and stopped thinking about it, thinking that his daughter should have helped yesterday, so the empress looked at her daughter differently.

When Shen Kaiyuan saw that the Queen had gone to see Shen Yining, he also went in with him. By the way, he told Shen Xingyue about how she had thought of a good way to help her daughter lower her body temperature last night, and praised Shen Xingyue again. .

Shen Xingyue heard it even while standing outside. She was already paralyzed. Could it be that the Empress and Empress had a filter on her? Why are you praising me?

On the other side, the guards and chamberlains in the palace moved very quickly, and soon drove the carriage to the Grand Master Zhou Yuanzhen's mansion. They spoke to the family member Ding of the Grand Master's mansion, and the leading chamberlain led the people. Entered the Taishi Mansion.

Zhou Yuanzhen hurried out to greet him, "Are there any high officials? Do you want to convey the decree?"

Zhou Yuanzhen was there yesterday, and knowing that the palace was in chaos, he thought that the empress sent someone to protect him when he entered the palace to discuss state affairs.

The leading chamberlain hurriedly said: "Your Majesty has an oral message, saying that he no longer cares about etiquette and would like to invite Miss Zhou into the palace to see His Highness." Zhou Yuanzhen was in a bit of a dilemma, Your Majesty

. This arrangement shows that the young lady is very fond of her daughter, but it is really not in line with etiquette.

Seeing that Zhou Yuanzhen was in trouble, the chamberlain advised him again: "Grand Master, you saw everything in the palace yesterday. It would be better not to disobey His Majesty, right?" Zhou Yuanzhen thought about it for a while, and agreed

. The one who feels most unhappy right now must be the Empress. If she dares to sing the opposite tune at this moment, is it equivalent to hitting the muzzle of a gun?

So, he opened his mouth and told the butlers next to him: "Go and invite the young lady over." "

Yes, sir." Several butlers hurried out to call for someone.

When Zhou Zixuan heard that it was someone from the palace, he quickly followed the servants to the front hall, "Dad, is there someone from the palace?" "Yes."

Zhou Yuanzhen nodded.

The leading chamberlain saluted Zhou Zixuan again and said, "Miss Zhou, Your Majesty sent me to take you into the palace to visit Her Royal Highness. This is the sachet that the Princess asked me to bring to you. He also said "Let me tell you that His Highness's injuries are stable now, so you don't have to be too impatient."

Zhou Zixuan didn't expect that she would be admitted to the palace. She was stunned for a moment and took the little white pig's sachet, feeling a little more at ease. After he got down, he hurriedly said, "Then what are you waiting for? Let's leave quickly." "

Dad, I'm going into the palace with the officials first." After saying that, Zhou Zixuan hurriedly followed the servants.

The carriage was traveling very fast. After a night of clearing up the capital by Yu Ningwei, the rebels had been controlled and driven out of the capital. Those who were not willing to obey were executed in the street by Yu Ningwei's people. ?, in short, early in the morning, someone began to deal with the corpses on the road, and the peace and order of the past was restored in the capital.

Zhou Zi? From Qinzheng Palace.

She didn't bother to tidy herself up, and quickly entered the Qinzheng Hall, greeting Shen Kaiyuan and the others: "Your Majesty Zhou Zixuan, I have met Your Majesty and the Queen." "Get up quickly, I'm sorry for you, it's so early in the

morning Then he entered the palace." Shen Kaiyuan nodded to Zhou Zixuan and said.

"I was thinking about His Highness yesterday. I didn't expect to be able to visit His Highness in the palace today. Thank you Your Majesty for your consideration. Can I go in and see His Highness?" Zhou Zixuan said anxiously.

"Go and see Ning'er." Seeing her anxiety, Shen Kaiyuan said without saying anything more.

Zhou Zixuan hurriedly entered the side hall where Shen Yining was. Several imperial doctors were on duty. Zhou Zixuan nodded slightly to say hello to the imperial doctors, and then quickly came to the bedside.

She looked at Shen Yining and saw that the little princess had her eyes closed, her chest was rising and falling, and she didn't know if she was feeling uncomfortable. The little princess's eyebrows were tightly locked together, Zhou Zi? Xuan Dang even had red eyes.

Ye Yuran watched from the side, wanting to give Zhou Zixuan some private space to talk to her daughter, so she said: "Let's all go out first and let Zixuan and Ning'er talk alone. "Say, the imperial doctors will come in later."

"Yes, empress." Several imperial doctors responded hurriedly according to Ye Yuran's instructions.

Shen Xingyue and others also left the side hall and returned to Liangyi Hall. The chamberlains also thoughtfully closed the door of the side hall.

After everyone left, Zhou Zixuan immediately lost control. Tears fell down the side of her face. She gently touched the side of Shen Yining's face with trembling hands, "How could it be so seriously injured?" ??Does it hurt?"

Zhou Zixuan carefully opened one side of the quilt and took a look. She saw that Shen Yining's shoulders were wrapped with gauze. The gauze was still leaking blood. Zhou Zixuan felt extremely distressed. What happened to her little pig? Can the injury be so serious??


She carefully covered Shen Yining with the quilt, moved a round stool and sat next to Shen Yining. She sniffed and whispered, "Your Highness, you must not. If something happens, do you remember what you promised me?" , We are going to get married this year. You told me to wait for your wedding, so you must get up as soon as possible, okay?" Zhou Zixuan was careful as if she thought of something.

He took out five more piglet sachets of various colors from his arms and lined them up next to Shen Yining's bed. He said softly: "Look, these are the sachets I embroidered for you. They are all embroidered with little ones. " Pig, as cute as you are, as long as you wake up soon, I will embroider many other piglets for you in the future, okay? No? okay??" Zhou Zixuan carefully wiped her tears and wanted to go She touched Shen Yining

and withdrew her hand. She just touched the side of Shen Yining's face because she was a little anxious, but now she didn't want to get close to Shen Yining.

Zhou Zixuan sat aside and looked at the old-fashioned face and continued to ramble: "I was almost scared to death yesterday. I didn't sleep all night. As soon as I closed my eyes, I was always thinking about you. Now that I can come to the palace to see you, I feel a little more at ease."

Shen Yining was sleeping in a daze on the bed. She only felt her arms hurt, as if someone had cut open her flesh and blood, and her whole body was like a fish on the chopping board. Unable to move.

She felt that her eyelids were heavy and she had no strength to open them, but she seemed to hear Zhou Zixuan's voice. She wanted to open her eyes to see her sister Xuan and tell Zhou Zixuan not to worry, she had nothing to do with her. It's serious, but he doesn't even have the strength to open his eyes, so he can only worry alone.

"Why are you sweating so much? Let me wipe it for you." Zhou Zixuan took her own personal towel and carefully wiped the sweat on the little old-fashioned forehead.

Shen Yining only felt good, as if she smelled the lingering fragrance of orchids. She wanted to take a few more breaths, but her shoulders on both sides hurt so much that she almost lost consciousness again.

Shen Yining had no choice but to relax and feel the handkerchief scratching her cheek, and she actually felt less pain.

Zhou Zixuan stayed with Shen Yining for a while, then opened the door and let the imperial doctors in. She was afraid that something might happen to Shen Yining, so she asked the imperial doctors to check Shen Yining's pulse and make sure that Shen Yining was fine. Zhou Zixuan Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Shen Kaiyuan saw that Zhou Zixuan had been looking at her daughter on the bed and knew that she was worried about her daughter and wanted to leave, so he said, "Zixuan will stay here to accompany Ning'er during the day and wait for the sun." It's almost sunset. I'll send someone to take you back to the Grand Master's Mansion."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Zhou Zixuan hurriedly replied, of course she wanted to accompany her little Highness, but the kiss hasn't even happened yet. She His little highness? He was almost dead.

When Shen Zhengchu saw that there was nothing going on at the Qinzheng Palace, he said to the empress: "Your Majesty, Yue'er didn't come back all night yesterday, and her mother and Yu'er were worried. If nothing happens, I will take you. Let Yue'er go back and report that she is safe before entering the palace."

Shen Kaiyuan nodded, "That's fine. Now that Ning'er's condition has stabilized and recovered, Yue'er will go back today, okay, and rest."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I will take Yue'er back first to ensure that she is safe." Shen Zhengchu said with a salute.

"Aunt, I'll come over early tomorrow morning to see His Highness." Shen Xingyue also bowed.

"Okay? It's rare that you have such a heart." The empress nodded and said.

After Shen Xingyue left the palace, she and Shen Zhengchu took a carriage to the palace.

Only then did Shen Zhengchu ask what he wanted to ask: "What happened yesterday, Your Highness? How did you get hurt so seriously?" "Fifth Princess Shen Yijia sent someone to pretend to be a refugee. , creating

chaos, she and Shen Yiqian sent archers to shoot the Crown Princess. Fortunately, the Crown Princess was lucky. I took Yu Ningwei and rushed to the south gate. Seeing that the mob there was out of control, I gave the order? Shen Xingyue allowed the people of Yu Ningwei to shoot and kill the rioters who did not listen to the instructions and made trouble everywhere, and also had the bodies of more than a dozen rioters hung on the tower. This way, the situation at the south gate was barely stabilized." Shen Xingyue. After taking a breath,

he continued: "I asked Han Shu who came over later to surround the mob. I took the Yu Ning Guards to escort His Highness back to the palace, and also beat a thousand Yu Ning Guards. The soldiers helped the patrol guards in the capital to quell the chaos, that's about it, by the way, Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia have been sentenced to death by His Majesty."

The more Shen Zhengchu listened, the more shocked the expression on his face became. Especially when he heard the last sentence, his whole body became completely tense and he looked at Shen Xingyue: "This is not child's play, you said it." But is it true?"

"Of course it is true. The two concubines have also been imprisoned by His Majesty. I have seen that there will be chaos in the court again in a few days." Shen Xingyue sighed and said, but this has nothing to do with her. She's not big, and she doesn't know how to go to court.

"This time, I have lost two princes and princesses. Your Highness, the Queen. You are not out of danger yet. What should I do? Huh?" Shen Zhengchu was anxious.

Shen Xingyue comforted: "I think Ning'er is recovering well. She should be better in ten days and a half. You don't have to worry too much. Those two people with evil thoughts are not. It's gone. Now, those courtiers have no other hope. Her Royal Highness is the only one left, and they have no choice." Shen Zhengchu thought about it for a while, and for the same reason, he asked again:

"So you led the people to pacify the South Gate?"

Shen Zhengchu never imagined that his daughter would have such courage, and she would make the decision immediately and let Yu Ningwei's men shoot the rioters.

"The situation was urgent at that time. If we don't suppress the chaos, the whole capital will be in chaos." Shen Xingyue leaned on the carriage and muttered. She was indeed tired, and she couldn't wait to go back to see Su Muyu. .

The carriage moved very fast, and soon Shen Xingyue and Shen Zhengchu got out of the carriage. Shen Xingyue glanced at her father and said quickly: "Father, I will go back and see Yu'er first, and you can walk slowly by yourself.

" She ran towards Feixueyuan in a hurry. She didn't come back last night? The little cat must have been worried again.

Shen Xingyue hurriedly ran to Feixueyuan, and ran all the way back to her bedroom. When she opened the door, she saw Su Muyu sleeping on the soft couch. When she heard the movement, Su Muyu quickly opened her eyes and looked outside the door. , seeing that Shen Xingyue was back, his eyes immediately turned red, "Why did you come back?"

Seeing that the kitten was about to cry, Shen Xingyue hurriedly walked over and took the kitten into her arms, kissed the side of Su Muyu's face, and explained softly: "Last night was too messy, aunt, don't worry, I'll be back in the evening." , so he asked me to stay in the palace for the night, wasn't he? Did he send someone back to tell you that you are safe?" "

Then I am also worried that something will happen to you. It was so chaotic last night." Su Muyu said with a hint of emotion in his voice. Crying tone.

Shen Xingyue was so distressed that she picked up Su Muyu and let Su Muyu sit in her arms. While gently wiping Su Muyu's tears with a handkerchief, she coaxed softly: "Don't worry, I can't help you." Is it good? Good?"

Seeing that Su Muyu was still breathing heavily with red eyes, Shen Xingyue kissed her again, gently kissed Su Muyu's lips, and continued to coax: "I'm really not hurt at all. , not even a hair fell out, otherwise I will ask the lady to check and check, okay, not okay?" The tips of Su Muyu's ears were reddish, and she buried herself in Shen Xingyue's arms,

tightly Holding Shen Xingyue in his arms, "Are you okay? You're okay. I was scared to death."

"Sorry, I shouldn't have made my Yu'er so worried. She should have come back earlier to accompany you. It was my fault. I'm sorry. I don't dare to do it this time, okay? okay?" Shen Xingyue kissed the tip of Su Muyu's ear and rubbed the area around Su Muyu's waist.

"Hmm~ Don't do it, I don't have the strength anymore." Su Muyu lay softly in Shen Xingyue's arms, humming and coquettishly, saying words of rejection, but she didn't mean to refuse at all. She leaned softly in Shen Xingyue's arms, blushing. He looked at Shen Xingyue with his eyes.

Shen Xingyue's heart softened when the kitten looked at her so softly. She leaned over to hug him and kissed her carefully until Su Muyu couldn't breathe. Shen Xingyue was exhausted. release?.

"I'm going to take a bath and change clothes, and I'll hold you again later, okay?" Shen Xingyue coaxed in a gentle tone. She pinched Su Muyu's fingertips with her right hand and played with them. The kitten's fingers were slender and she pinched them. It's quite fun to play.

Su Muyu buried her face in her arms and did not answer.

Shen Xingyue looked at the clingy kitten in her arms, her eyes slightly curved, and she coaxed in a softer tone: "After you wash it off later, I will go to bed and hug you, okay? No? Okay?"

Su Muyu raised her eyes to look at Shen Xingyue with red eyes. She was almost scared to death last night because she was afraid that something would happen to Shen Xingyue. She was so good now that it was not easy to come back. Su Muyu didn't want to be with Shen Xingyue for a while. Separated, "Then I'll wash it together too. I don't want to be separated from you."

Shen Xingyue listened to the kitten's soft chirping and coquettishly responded, "Okay, then I'll wash it for you. After washing it, I'll wash it for you." Finally, I would like to hold you and have a good sleep. Were you worried about me last night and didn't get much sleep?" "

Well, that's good if you know." Su Muyu glared at Shen Xingyue.

Shen Xingyue smiled happily and leaned over to kiss Su Muyu again. She stood up and told the side room that she and Su Muyu were going to take a bath, and asked the maids to prepare water. Then she returned to the couch and put Su Muyu in bed. Mu Yu held her in her arms and said softly: "I have to go to the palace tomorrow. I don't know. Your Highness is with her little wife. Are you awake now?" "Your Highness? What's wrong?

" Su Muyu asked quickly.

"She was almost killed by her brother and sister, and she's still in a coma, right? If she survives these few days, there shouldn't be any big problems. After all, she's still young, and her body should be Recover quickly." Shen Xingyue added later because she was afraid that the kitten would be worried.

When Su Muyu heard that the princess was hurt, she hugged Shen Xingyue tightly with lingering fear, "From now on, no matter what you do, you must be more careful." "I know, I still want to be with me

My wife wants to have a baby, won't she get into trouble? Don't worry." Shen Xingyue kissed the kitten's ear and coaxed softly.

Su Muyu blushed at what she said, and buried herself in Shen Xingyue's arms. Her voice was softer than before: "Tell me, we have sex so often, why don't we have a baby yet?" After asking, Su

Muyu She was so embarrassed that she buried herself in Shen Xingyue's arms. How often? It seemed like a little bit. Sometimes she just wanted to hug Su Muyu, but then she couldn't help it and bullied the little kitten again.

Because in this world, babies rely on the fusion of pheromones, and Shen Xingyue felt that giving birth to children in ancient times was dangerous. She wished she could spend more time with the kitten, so she kissed the tip of the kitten's red ears and softly He coaxed: "Maybe we haven't worked hard enough? We should do it more often."

Su Muyu covered Shen Xingyue's mouth, and she knew that Shen Xingyue just wanted to bully her.


Yiliu and the others moved quickly and quickly prepared hot water. Shen Xingyue took a bath with the kitten and changed into clean clothes. Then she hugged Su Muyu and returned to bed. Not to mention, no matter how comfortable the bed in the palace is, it is still not as good as the bed in your own home.

As soon as Shen Xingyue sat on the bed, Su Muyu got into her arms. Maybe it was because she was afraid that something would happen to her. The little cat was extra clingy today. When she just took a bath, she actually let herself eat a lot. Tofu, Shen Xingyue had no resistance to such a soft and chirping little cat. She quickly held it in her arms and said softly: "What's wrong?" "I want you to hold me and sleep together." Su Muyu leaned against Shen

Xing In Yue's arms, she was so soft. Maybe she was used to being held by Shen Xingyue to sleep. Su Muyu almost didn't sleep all night last night.

Shen Xingyue hurriedly kissed Su Muyu's lips and coaxed softly, "Okay, let's sleep together."

Zhou Yunqing was quite worried about her daughter, so she sent someone to ask Shen Xingyue and the others to come over for lunch.

Yiliu saw Grandma Wang next to Zhou Yunqing, coughed slightly and said, "The princess and the princess are a little tired. They just went to bed. What do you think?" "Oh, then I understand." Grandma

Wang Ma Chong Yi Liu blinked her eyes, obviously completely understanding, and hurried back to resume her life.

When Zhou Yunqing saw that Grandma Wang and the servants had returned, she asked, "Where are Yue'er and the others?"

Grandma Wang smiled and replied, "The princess and the princess have rested."

Zhou Yunqing coughed a few times. He said, calming down his emotions, his daughter really doted on her wife, and she stopped as soon as she came back? But Zhou Yunqing is not good at all. He knows that his daughter is still alive and well, so he doesn't care about her anymore.

Shen Xingyue hugged Su Muyu and slept till Shen Shi passed. She felt completely relaxed. Last night, she was worried about her cousin having a fever in the palace, so she didn't sleep well at night. She just held her baby in her arms. ?Little? Cat, not to mention how soundly you sleep.

Looking at the sleeping little cat in her arms, Shen Xingyue's eyes were gentle and she brushed Su Muyu's eyelashes. Her Yu'er was cute everywhere.

Su Muyu buried her face in Shen Xingyue's arms and hummed a few times before raising her eyes to look at Shen Xingyue.

Shen Xingyue touched the top of Su Muyu's hair and coaxed softly: "It's still early, you can sleep a little longer."

Shen Xingyue was about to let the kitten sleep for a while, but she was a little hungry and thought about it. Eat something.

Just when Shen Xingyue wanted to carry Su Muyu to the bed, Su Muyu wrapped her legs around Shen Xingyue's waist and hooked her arms around the back of her neck to prevent her from leaving. Shen Xingyue looked at such a little cat. Amused.

She asked Su Muyu to sit down in her arms, and coaxed her softly: "You can sleep a little longer by yourself. I'm a little hungry. I need to get up and eat something." "No, I want to accompany you." Su Muyu moved

herself Buried in Shen Xingyue's arms, not wanting to be separated from Shen Xingyue for a moment, Shen Xingyue looked at the little cat in her arms with a smile, leaned over and kissed Su Muyu's lips.

After Su Muyu was kissed weakly by her, Shen Xingyue continued to coax: "Then let's get up and have something to eat together, and then we can hug you later, okay?" "Okay." Su Muyu said

this Then he responded softly.

On the other side, Zhou Zixuan stayed with Shen Yining all day long. Seeing that the sun was setting, the little princess still didn't wake up.

The waiters brought Shen Yining's decoction. Zhou Zixuan reached out to take the decoction and fed it to Shen Yining carefully.

Because Shen Yining was still unconscious, Zhou Zixuan had no choice but to pinch open Shen Yining's mouth with one hand, hold the decoction in the other and slowly feed it in.

She was afraid of choking the little princess, so she fed her very slowly, and from time to time she used her own towel to wipe the remaining liquid on Shen Yining's lips.

Shen Kaiyuan and Ye Yuran also saw it and were very satisfied with Zhou Zixuan.

Seeing that it was getting late, Shen Kaiyuan said to Zhou Zixuan: "Zixuan, it will be dark in a little while. You have been here with Ning'er all day today. It has been really hard. I sent someone to take you there." You go back and rest."

Seeing that Shen Yining didn't wake up, Zhou Zixuan was in a dilemma. On one hand, she was worried that Shen Yining would have another fever at night, but on the other hand, she was worried that if she didn't leave the palace at night, her parents at home would worry about her.

Seeing that she was still looking at Shen Yining, Shen Kaiyuan spoke again: "You have been with her for a long time during the day. So, you go back and rest today. I will send someone to take you into the palace to see her tomorrow. You Is this okay??"

Zhou Zixuan nodded and hurriedly saluted, "Thank you for your consideration, Your Majesty. I will come back to accompany His Highness tomorrow." "

Okay?" Shen Kaiyuan nodded, and then told Wen Jing on the side, "Wen Jing, send someone back from Miss Zhou."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Wen Jing bowed and took Zhou Zixuan out of the gate of Qinzheng Hall. Wen Jing arranged a carriage for Zhou Zixuan. After receiving a few more notifications from the chamberlains, she hurriedly returned to the Qinzheng Hall.

Wen Jing bowed to the empress and said, "Your Majesty, General Wang and Cui Shangshu are asking for an audience outside the palace gate. Do you see?" Due to the mutiny of the people in the past few days, the ministers needed special favors from Shen Kaiyuan

. Only a few people could enter the palace, and there were no normal people going to court for a day or two. Shen Yining hadn't woken up yet, and Shen Kaiyuan was not in the mood to deal with those noisy ministers.

When she heard that it was these two people who were asking for a meeting, how could she not know what they wanted to do? It was just for Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia's affairs. Shen Kaiyuan frowned slightly and said, "No, it's already this time." , I am not in the mood to care about those people."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Wen Jing hurriedly assigned his chamberlain to go out and pass the news.

After arranging these things, Shen Kaiyuan walked to Shen Yining's bed again, looked at the row of small pig sachets beside Shen Yining, and there was some warmth in his eyes, " Ning'er, open your eyes and take a look. These are the little pig purses embroidered by your sweetheart for you. I remember that you like little pigs the most, right? My little boy, please wake up quickly. Come here, everyone? We're all worried about you."

The little princess fell into a deep sleep, and she felt like someone was talking to her, but there seemed to be a veil between her and the voice. She only knew that the person was talking, but... She still couldn't hear clearly, and she only felt that her shoulders on both sides were broken, and the pain was excruciating. Soon, the little princess lost consciousness again and fell asleep.

At night, Ye Yuran was worried about her daughter's health and worried that Shen Kaiyuan had not slept well last night, so she forced Shen Kaiyuan to go to the side hall to rest while he guarded his daughter.

In the evening, Shen Yining had a fever again, and the imperial doctors prescribed some decoction. Ye Yuran used Shen Xingyue's idea to wipe her daughter's body with white wine to cool down. After struggling for most of the night, Shen Yining's body temperature was lowered. Take control.

In the morning, Shen Kaiyuan got up early to replace Ye Yuran and asked Ye Yuran to go to the side hall to rest. They were like many ordinary wives outside the palace, taking turns to stay by their little daughter's side.

In the morning, the imperial physicians once again examined Shen Yining's pulse. The leading physician bowed respectfully to Shen Kaiyuan, "Your Majesty, today it's time for someone to boil some rice soup. You can give His Highness the appropriate amount." "Feed some rice soup, that's good."

"Okay, okay, please send someone to make rice soup." Shen Kaiyuan hurriedly ordered.

When the waiters brought the rice soup, Shen Kaiyuan fed his little daughter to drink it bit by bit, like a clumsy old mother, for fear of choking her daughter.


Zhou Zixuan went back last night and was still worried about her little pig, but she took care of her little pig in the palace during the day, and even though she couldn't sleep at first at night, after lying on the bed, Unknowingly, I slept until dawn.

Zhou Zixuan used some things with her parents, and then anxiously waited in the front hall for the palace servants to come and pick her up.

Since Zhou Zixuan's parents didn't know how many times their daughter and the young princess had met in private, they were very puzzled by their daughter's anxious behavior.

Although the crown princess of a country is in danger, they, the ministers, are also anxious, but they are not like my daughter. Besides, the daughter and the crown princess have never met.

Zhou Zixuan's mother Jiang Zhe looked at her daughter who was fidgeting in the front hall and couldn't help it. She asked: "Xuan'er, you and His Highness have never met, right? Why are you so worried when something happens to His Highness? Of course, Mom didn't say you were worried. No, you just feel something is wrong?" "Mother,

you are worrying too much. The safety of the Crown Princess is related to the stability of the country of Beichuan. How can my daughter not be impatient?" Zhou Zixuan hurriedly explained. Tao said that she herself was also a person who valued etiquette. The few times she lied when she grew up to this age were all for the sake of her little pig.

"That's right." Jiang Zhe knew that his daughter had never lied since she was a child, so he believed what his daughter said.

The chamberlain in the palace soon came to take Zhou Zixuan into the palace. Zhou Zixuan hurriedly looked at his parents: "Father, mother, I'll go see your highness first. Just like yesterday, you should be back before dark. You guys?" Don't worry."

After saying that, Zhou Zixuan hurriedly followed the servants.

When Zhou Zixuan entered the palace, she met many ministers at the entrance of the palace who asked to see the empress. However, these ministers were blocked to death by the guards and they were not allowed to enter the palace.

Wang Mingda saw a carriage entering the palace and asked the guard: "Why is it that people in the carriage can enter the palace, but we can't? I am a second-rank official of the imperial court, why doesn't your majesty see me? Did you do something with a guilty conscience? "Things."

Wang Mingda also became anxious and began to speak freely.

The guard hurriedly reminded: "General Wang, be careful what you say."

"Be careful what you say? Rumors have been rife in the capital these days. Shouldn't Your Majesty give us ministers an explanation?" Wang Mingda heard the news and heard that he was outside. ?My nephew Shen Yi is gone, and my sister has been banned by the empress. I can't help but come to ask for an explanation from the empress.

"Yes, we were waiting here yesterday. How long will His Majesty want to evade?" Cui Can quickly answered. When he heard that Shen Yijia was gone, he felt like a bolt from the blue. After all, Shen Yijia was The hope of their Cui family.

The commander of the guard had no choice but to let Zhou Zixuan in and continue to comfort him: "My lords, please be patient. Your Majesty has his own ideas. Please go back and wait patiently."

"Wait patiently? Your Majesty's actions will probably chill the hearts of all the scholars in the world. We have worked hard for Your Majesty, but in the end, we can't even meet him?" Wang Mingda was also anxious,

because The gates on all sides of the capital have been closed these days, and only those with the empress' will can enter and exit. Wang Mingda and his 50,000 soldiers stationed in the counties and cities surrounding the capital have been out of contact for several days, which makes him Feeling very insecure, and having heard about what happened to his nephew and sister, Wang Mingda eagerly wanted to enter the palace to seek confirmation.

"My lords, please be patient. We are only staying here under orders. Please don't embarrass us." The guard's attitude was also very firm and he would not let these people in no matter what.


Shen Xingyue had breakfast with Su Muyu early in the morning, coaxed the little cat for a while and then sent her to the palace. After all, a day and a half had passed, and she estimated that she was almost as old-fashioned as she was. After waking up, Shen Xingyue wanted to see it again.

The empress had previously told the palace guards that if anyone from Prince Ankang entered the palace, they would be allowed to enter the palace directly. Therefore, when Shen Xingyue got off the carriage and walked towards the palace gate, she was not hindered by anything. Instead, she waited in the palace. Wang Mingda and Cui Can at the door were anxious.

Wang Mingda even pointed at Shen Xingyue: "As a minister of the same dynasty, how can she enter the palace?" "

Master Wang, His Majesty has specifically instructed that if anyone from the Ankang Palace wants to enter the palace, they will be allowed to enter the palace directly. Please also Don't embarrass the young ones." The guard commander said good things, but he had no intention of letting them in.

Shen Xingyue also looked at Wang Mingda with raised eyebrows, but without saying anything else, she quickly entered the palace.

In the side hall of the Qinzheng Hall, Zhou Zixuan was sitting on a round stool beside the bed, wetting her handkerchief, and gently wiping the side of the little old man's face.

Shen Yining, who was sleeping in a daze, only felt that she smelled a familiar scent of orchids. She still felt that her body hurt, but her eyelids were obviously not as heavy as before, and they were slowly growing slowly. opened.

She hadn't seen the sun in two days. As soon as Shen Yining opened her eyes, she was pierced by the sunlight and squinted her eyes again.

When Zhou Zixuan saw that Shen Yining had woken up, her eyes immediately turned red, and she looked at Shen Yining with a choked voice, "Your Highness, how are you feeling? Is there anything wrong with you? Do you feel comfortable? Does your shoulder still hurt? "Does it hurt?"

Shen Yining has been feeling groggy for the past few days. Her memory still remains on the day when she was shot by two arrows. Although she was conscious a few days ago, her whole body still remained. He was groggy, and it was only now that he really woke up.

Shen Yining ignored the pain in her shoulders, but managed to shake her head and looked at Zhou Zixuan. Shen Yining thought she was dreaming. After all, she was hit by two arrows, and she was in such a bad mood at the time. Besides, she herself had already foreseen that the possibility of survival was low.

She couldn't even dream these days. She could see clearly, her thoughts were confused, and she could rarely see Zhou Zixuan's face clearly like this now. "Sister Xuan, I miss you so much?" Shen Yining spoke with a loud voice. She was a little

hoarse, as if a wound was involved, and her shoulders on both sides hurt terribly. She was also a little puzzled. She was obviously dreaming, but why did her shoulders still hurt so much?

Zhou Zixuan saw that Shen Yining was awake, with red eyes and crying. Unexpectedly, her little pig actually said he missed her, and the tips of her ears turned red.

Not long after seeing Shen Yining wake up, Zhou Zixuan stopped showing off her usual reserve and hurriedly asked: "How are you? Is there anything on you that doesn't feel good? It's been scary these days. It kills me."

Zhou Zixuan said, but she couldn't help crying again.

The imperial doctors did not dare to interrupt, they all sat aside, treating themselves as wooden stakes, and did not dare to influence the conversation between His Highness and his sweetheart.

When Shen Kaiyuan and Ye Yuran heard the noise, they rushed over to see how their daughter was doing.

"Ning'er, good boy, how are you?" Shen Kaiyuan also had red eyes.

"Yes, why don't you feel good? Tell your mother that she will ask the imperial doctors to treat you." Ye Yuran even covered her face with a kerchief and started crying.

Shen Yining looked at the Queen Mother and Queen Mother beside the bed, then looked at Zhou Zixuan, and felt that she was dreaming. After all, it was not etiquette to let Zhou Zixuan enter the palace to accompany her, and the Queen Mother and the others would not do it. She must have been seriously injured. She was still in a coma. What she saw now was just a dream.

After thinking clearly whether he was dreaming or not, he responded in a serious and polite manner: "Mother, the Queen, don't worry, your son and I are fine. I'll be fine after a few days of rest." Not too much."

Then, Shen Yining looked at Zhou Zixuan again. It was in a dream anyway, and Shen Yining was afraid that if she didn't say anything, what if she was really seriously injured and no one was alive? I can't even say this in my dreams.

"Sister Xuan, don't worry. I promised you that I will get married. I will be fine. I will get better soon. Did you take the piggy purse you sent me with you? No. "Xin Gu will show it to you." Just as the little old-fashioned man was about to take action, there was a heartbreaking pain in his shoulders.

"I know, don't move around. Look, it's here." Zhou Zixuan didn't care that the empress and empress were still there. She just wanted to say a few more words to her little pig.

Shen Yining looked at her little white pig sachet and then smiled.

Zhou Zixuan took out some of her newly embroidered purses and spread them out for Shen Yining to see, "Your Highness, look, these are the piglets I newly embroidered for you. Before I've never had a chance to give it to you, so I brought them all to you this time. You see, the expressions of each little pig are different." "It's very cute, I like it very much."

Xiao Guguan rushed. Then Zhou Zixuan smiled and wanted to reach out to pick up the piglets, but her arms were so painful that she couldn't lift them up. Shen Yining thought to herself, this dream is too real, even lifting her arms hurts.

Soon, Shen Yining's eyes moved from the pig sachet to Zhou Zixuan's face. His eyes lingered on Zhou Zixuan's face. For a long time, he was unwilling to move away. Shen Yining thought about the things he borrowed from Shen Xingyue before. In the picture book, there was a general who was injured, and the female general acted coquettishly and asked his wife to kiss him. The lady felt sorry for the female general, so she actually kissed her.

Shen Yining was thinking, "It's in a dream anyway. Maybe if I ask Sister Xuan to kiss me, I'll wake up early. And if I really can't wake up, at least in the dream, I can still be peaceful." The sweetheart had kissed her, but at the same time she felt that she shouldn't think about Zhou Zixuan like this. She felt that what she did was really not the behavior of a gentleman, even in a dream, she shouldn't be so frivolous.

The little old-fashioned girl's eyes were red with confusion. Zhou Zixuan thought she was feeling uncomfortable again, so she hurriedly asked: "What's wrong, Your Highness? But where do you still feel uncomfortable?" Shen Yining looked at Zhou Zixuan, and the balance in her heart gradually swayed until it swayed. When she reached

the left, Shen Yining comforted herself in her heart. It was just a dream anyway. No matter whether she could wake up in the end, her sister Xuan would not know.

The little old-fashioned girl pursed her lips and boldly looked at Zhou Zixuan. After brewing her emotions for a while, she looked at Zhou Zixuan pitifully, "Sister Xuan, can you kiss me? It hurts so much, no." I wonder if I can see you again in the future."

Her face was already pale, and her eyes were red, which made her look aggrieved. The person looking at her couldn't even show the slightest hint of rejection.

However, Shen Kaiyuan and Ye Yuran were stunned. They did not expect that their daughter, who had always been self-denial and polite, could actually say that she wanted to kiss her sweetheart. Shen Kaiyuan was also a little embarrassed for a moment, thinking about this. Is it their own business as young people? Or they should solve it themselves.

Shen Kaiyuan waved to the imperial doctors who were pretending to be wooden stakes and told them to go out first. He also pulled the Queen Ye Yuran. The two of them looked at each other and said nothing in a tacit understanding. They joined hands and quietly said He exited the lounge and thoughtfully closed the door for his daughter so that she could whisper with her sweetheart.

Zhou Zixuan naturally noticed that there was no one in the room. The side of her face was red, and she fanned her face with a towel to cool herself down.

After all, she and Shen Yining didn't spend much time alone. In the past, when they went to the palace to meet, Shen Xingyue and Su Muyu were present. It was very rare to stay together like this.

She glanced at Shen Yining secretly and saw Xiaozhu still staring aggrievedly. She looked at it, and Zhou Zixuan felt her face getting even hotter.

Shen Yining felt a pang of regret. Sure enough, it was quite abrupt to say this in her dream. Sister Xuan must be angry with herself.

Shen Yining's eyes were red and she apologized obediently: "I'm sorry, Sister Xuan, I just spoke out of frustration because of pain. It doesn't matter if I can't. I, I'm just a little afraid that I won't be able to wait." We're getting married."

When Zhou Zixuan heard what she said?, her eyes turned red again, and she looked at Shen Yining seriously, "Don't talk nonsense, we will definitely get married." Worried about Xiaozhu's random thoughts, Zhou Zixuan even The tips of her ears and

the side of her face turned red, but she still moved closer to Shen Yining, kissed Shen Yining's right cheek gently, and then quickly backed away in a panic.

Shen Yining's chest rose and fell happily, and at the same time the wound was affected, and he took a breath in pain, "Hiss."

"What's wrong? But where did we meet again?" Zhou Zixuan couldn't help being shy and hurried to see Shen Yining's condition.

Shen Yining smiled at her, "It's okay, my shoulder hurts a little, but with the kiss from my sister just now, it doesn't hurt anymore." Zhou Zixuan didn't expect that she would be so serious on weekdays. The

little pig would tell her this, coughed lightly, went to see the little pig, and said softly: "You, please take good care of yourself. We, we just had a skin-to-skin kiss, you?" You must get better soon. You can't ignore the wedding even if you want." "

I won't ignore it. Sister, don't worry, I will get well soon." Shen Yining said quickly. .

Seeing that she was sweating again, Zhou Zixuan quickly wetted her towel with water and gently wiped her piglet's sweat.

Shen Yining's eyes stared at Zhou Zixuan for a moment, fearing that if she didn't take a glance, she wouldn't be able to dream about her sister Xuan.

Zhou Zixuan was originally a little shy because of what happened just now. When she saw Xiaozhu obediently staring at herself, she couldn't help but chuckled and wiped Shen Yining's sweat with a towel. , while holding back the shyness, asked: "Why does Your Highness always look at me?"

"Sister, I'm so beautiful. I'm afraid I won't be able to dream about you again when I close my eyes. I've been sleeping very groggy these past few days, and I often think of you. You asked, but fell asleep again not long after. Today is the longest time Gu has dreamed of you. Sister Xuan, you are so good. You really kissed Gu." Your Highness naively thought it was really a dream, what? They all shook their arms outside.

Zhou Zixuan was holding back her laughter and told Xiaozhu if this was a dream. She just said that, how could His Highness, who usually behaves so seriously, dare to kiss her? It turned out that he thought he was dreaming. , it seems that His Highness is not as serious as he thought.

"Where did you learn this?" Zhou Zixuan looked at Xiaozhu while holding back her blush.

Shen Yining also blushed at the question, but thinking that it was in a dream, and that she had just had a kiss with her sweetheart, His Highness told Zhou Zixuan uprightly: "I borrowed some paintings from my cousin. After reading this book, you will know some things, but don't worry, my cousin's picture books are all good, they are all based on stories, and there are not many kisses." Your Highness.

He added something to make it obvious .

Zhou Zixuan nodded with a smile. Her little pig was too cute. She would just say whatever she asked, right? But she was afraid that the little pig would be too tired. Zhou Zixuan said distressedly: "Your Highness, you'd better get some sleep soon." "Look, I'm sweating a lot again."

After saying that, Zhou Zixuan wiped Shen Yining's sweat with a towel again. Shen Yining smelled the fragrance of orchids filling her nose and praised: "Sister Xuan, you "The kerchief smells so good."

Zhou Zixuan shook her arm when Xiao Gupan said this, and the whole kerchief covered Xiao Gupan's face. This kerchief has always been something close to her body, and she doesn't usually wear it. She likes incense, and the smell on this should be the scent of her incense. Thinking of this, Zhou Zixuan's neck turned red with embarrassment.

Zhou Zixuan stretched out her hand and wiped a few times on the little pig's face, and warned softly: "Don't talk nonsense. If you talk nonsense again, I will ignore you in the future." "Sister, don't be angry, I know I was wrong.

" His Highness immediately apologized sincerely, but he was still secretly thinking: The orchid scent of the kerchief is really good!


"Close your eyes and rest for a while, you? Your body hasn't recovered yet. Be obedient." After all, Zhou Zixuan was concerned about Shen Yining's injury and did not dare to let her spend too much energy.

Shen Yining was indeed a little tired after talking for a while. He looked at Zhou Zixuan for a while and fell asleep again.

Zhou Zixuan soon opened the door in the lounge. Ye Yuran smiled at Zhou Zixuan. When Zhou Zixuan thought of what just happened, the tips of her ears turned red. "Your Highness is still weak. After talking to me for a while, he continued. She's gone to sleep."

Shen Kaiyuan nodded and said to the imperial physician beside him: "Go check Ning'er's pulse again and see how she is doing now?" "Yes, Your Majesty." The imperial physician hurriedly finished

. After bowing, he returned to the room to diagnose His Highness's pulse.

The leading physician checked the pulse for a while, and soon came back to report, "His Majesty, your pulse has stabilized, and the remaining poison has been almost eliminated during the dressing change today. I'm just afraid that you will still have fever from time to time in the past few days. But as long as the temperature can be lowered in time, His Highness's body will recover soon." "

That's very good. When Ning'er gets better, I will definitely reward you." When Shen Kaiyuan heard that his little daughter had passed the dangerous period, he immediately Ma Longyan is very happy.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The imperial doctor also hurriedly thanked her. After the imperial concubine improved, they could relax a little.

Shen Xingyue also came in from the Qinzheng Hall at this moment. Seeing that the empress and empress were there, she quickly raised her hands and saluted: "Your Majesty, the empress is well." "Okay, get up quickly. We are all one family, no need to pay attention.

So many." Shen Kaiyuan smiled at Shen Xingyue and said.

"Aunt, how is your highness?" Shen Xingyue looked inside and saw Zhou Zixuan sitting on a round stool guarding the old lady.

"Much better. I woke up just now and talked a lot. Or are you? You have an idea. Ning'er was very happy when she saw Zixuan accompanying her. She was so happy when she just woke up." Shen Kaiyuan smiled and patted Shen Xing. The shoulder side of the moon.

"Okay then, I'll go in and see His Highness too." Shen Xingyue was still worried about her little cousin and wanted to go in and have a look by herself.

Shen Kaiyuan nodded at her, and Shen Xingyue quickly walked into the inner room.

Seeing that Shen Xingyue was here, Zhou Zixuan stood up and saluted Shen Xingyue briefly. Shen Xingyue quickly waved her hand to her. She would be the princess from now on, so there was no need to salute to herself.

Shen Xingyue walked to the bedside and saw that the little old-fashioned face was obviously a lot more rosy, and there was more or less blood on the lips, so she felt a little relieved.

Zhou Zixuan looked at Shen Xingyue thoughtfully. Just now, Xiaozhu said that the painting books were all borrowed from the princess. The princess even led her piggy to bad things, but? This kind of thing is not theirs. Regarding the private matters between Qian and Yuan, Zhou Zixuan thought that she and Shen Yining were not married yet, so it was not easy at the moment. She planned to educate Xiaozhu not to look at those weird things after she got married in the future. Something?.

Shen Xingyue didn't know at this moment that her little cousin had sold her completely, and she was very happy to see that her little cousin had improved.

After staying with Shen Yining for a while, Shen Xingyue left the lounge. Thinking of the ministers outside, Shen Xingyue couldn't help but remind her: "Aunt, I saw a lot of ministers when I entered the palace. Waiting outside the palace gate, I'm afraid it's because of what happened that day." "

I know, but I plan to let it go for the time being until Ning'er's wound heals a little bit and she doesn't feel so groggy anymore. I will naturally handle those things." Shen Kaiyuan looked at Shen Xingyue and said.

Shen Xingyue nodded, thinking about Wang Mingda's identity, but still a little worried: "Others can't make any waves, but General Wang still has 50,000 soldiers and horses, although they are not as good as the imperial soldiers. Ma and Han Jiajun, after all, there are 50,000 people. If you really want to cause a storm, it is possible." Shen

Kaiyuan nodded, Shen Xingyue thought of the same thing as her, "I have sent secret guards to watch Cui Shangshu. and the movements in General Wang's mansion, and the capital has been sealed off from all sides for several days. Even if Wang Mingda had an idea, he couldn't send out troops to contact his 50,000-strong army." "Your Majesty is wise." Shen Xingyue

A few flattery words at the right time.

Shen Kaiyuan smiled, glared at his niece, and said, "What reward do you want for your great achievements this time? As long as I have it, I will not be stingy."

Shen Xingyue rolled her eyes, smiled at Shen Kaiyuan and said, "There is really something I need to trouble my aunt about." "What's the matter? Let me tell you?

" Shen Kaiyuan asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yu'er was not favored in the Su family before. Her mother and her biological sister are still in the Su family. Su Changyuan is partial and treats Yu'er, her mother and sister very poorly. He was reluctant to give them charcoal before. For mother and daughter, I am thinking about whether I can let Su Yuanhua take the initiative to divorce Yu'er's mother and give up the custody rights of Yu'er's sister." Shen Xingyue organized her words and said.

She has been being watched these days, but although Su Changyuan and his son Su Yuming are not good people, they have not done anything bad that is worth catching. Waiting for them to make mistakes day by day is not an option. Shen Xingyue simply took this opportunity to tell Shen Kaiyuan the matter.

Shen Kaiyuan pondered for a moment and then said: "This matter is not difficult. I remember that Su Changyuan's eldest daughter is Shen Yijia's concubine. It just happened that this matter can be used to solve this matter." "Thank you. Aunt.

" Shen Xingyue hurriedly thanked her. The ones she was most worried about now were Liu Xiang and Su Muzhi. As long as they were taken out, Shen Xingyue would be completely relieved.

On the other side, Han Shu reorganized the troops guarding the south gate and asked the soldiers to place all the remaining refugees in tent camps a few miles away from the city gate. These tents were all built by the civilian workers in the past few days.

Han Shu was afraid of another chaos, so he asked soldiers to escort him and maintain order here.

She dispatched most of the soldiers back, leaving only two thousand soldiers and horses to look after the refugees, while the rest returned to the camps where they were originally stationed to work in the fields.

These refugees had no one to take the lead in provoking trouble, and seeing that all the lawless refugees were executed, they had no intention of causing chaos again.

Han Shu left the place to be guarded by his younger brother Han Qiang, and she took a few close followers and rode back to the capital. She had to go back to the general's mansion. She hadn't seen her Taotao for a few days, and she didn't know what she was doing. How is Xiao Taotao doing?

After Han Shu entered the capital, she saw that the original production order had been restored in the city. After she returned to the general's mansion, she almost ran into the bedroom, took off the mask on her face, and picked up Han Shu. Shen Taotao was looking at herself in a daze.

Shen Taotao's eyes turned red with joy. She hooked her arms around Han Shu's neck and breathed in softly, "Sister Shu, why are you back?" Han Shu kissed his little lady and coaxed softly: "

The rioters outside the city have just settled down, so I left everything over to Han Qiang and rushed back to see you." As if thinking of

something, Han Shu pushed the little girl away again, those beautiful pairs She looked at the little girl with a peach blossom eye smile, "I haven't taken off my armor these days, and my body stinks. I'm going to take a bath before I hug you." Shen Taotaofu rushed over to her again. ,

hugging Han Shu, his face full of distress, "Sister, I don't dislike you."

"Don't dislike me? Then do you want to wash it together?" Han Shu's shining peach blossom eyes seemed to know how to do it. As seductive as she was, Shen Taotao nodded with the tips of her ears red.

Han Shu happily asked his servants to prepare hot water and went to take a bath together with Xiao Taotao. However, Xiao Taotao was a little depressed and had nausea from time to time when eating in the past few days. Han Shu couldn't bear to bully him. The little lady just helped Shen Taotao bathe, then helped her change into her middle coat and carried her to the bed.

After Han Shu had changed his clothes, he was a little worried about Shen Taotao, so he simply asked the doctor from the General's Mansion to come over for diagnosis and treatment.

The doctor, a middle-aged woman in her thirties, rushed over quickly, saluted Han Shu and Shen Taotao, and then began to diagnose Shen Taotao's pulse.

After watching for a while, the doctor said congratulations to Han Shu and Shen Taotao, "Congratulations, Marshal, Madam. Madam is very happy." "Have a child?" Han Shu was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that she and the little girl were having a baby

. Baby.

"Yes, Marshal, judging from my wife's pulse, she should be one month pregnant." The doctor replied with a smile.

"Then is there anything we need to pay attention to?" Han Shu asked nervously.

"There's nothing special that needs attention. If Madam feels uncomfortable, you can send someone to call me over. I'll just prescribe some tonics for Madam to take." The doctor said with a smile.

"Okay, I'm done." Han Shu sent the doctor away and quickly hugged Shen Taotao into his arms, kissed the little girl on the lips and coaxed: "Are you feeling unwell these past few days? Blame me. , I have been outside the city, and I still don't know about this matter."

Shen Taotao leaned softly in Han Shu's arms, "I don't blame you, His Majesty's decree, it is a serious matter for you to appease the people." Han Shu looked at

the well-behaved little girl in his arms, feeling extremely soft in his heart, and asked softly: "Then, do you want me to accompany you? How many days will you stay back at the palace? We have something to do with the baby, you, mother and concubine, all of them are still here I don't know."

"Okay, I haven't been back for a while, are you okay with the military affairs?" Shen Taotao asked.

"Don't worry, Han Qiang is here. Let's go back early tomorrow morning." Han Shu coaxed softly, but he was really tired and sleepy. He hugged Shen Taotao and fell asleep.

Han Shu came back with Shen Taotao early the next morning. The little girl was very happy to return to the palace, so she took Han Shu to Shen Zhengchu and the others.

When Shen Zhengchu saw that Han Shu and the others were back, he sent someone to ask Shen Xingyue and Su Muyu to come with them.

When Shen Xingyue and Su Muyu went there, Shen Taotao and the others were discussing the baby in Shen Taotao's belly. Shen Xingyue also didn't expect that her sister was actually pregnant with Zaizai?

"You have a baby so soon?" Shen Xingyue asked doubtfully.

"Yeah, we didn't expect it either." Han Shu smiled at Shen Xingyue and said.

The little girl now became the protection object of the whole family, and she did not dare to let Shen Taotao do anything.

After having lunch together, the little girl, accompanied by Han Shu, returned to the courtyard where she lived before.

When Shen Xingyue and Su Muyu went back, Su Muyu leaned softly in Shen Xingyue's arms and whispered: "Shen Xingyue, how come Taotao and the others are so fast?"

Shen Xingyue hugged the kitten into her arms and said softly: "It's good to just let nature take its course. Besides, people's physiques are also different. It's fine as we are now."

Su Muyu leaned in Shen Xingyue's arms and pinched the side of Shen Xingyue's face, smiling and teasing Shen Xingyue: "You, tell me, could it be you? No?" "Really? Then let me go back and test me

. Can you do it?" Shen Xingyue took the kitten into her arms and prepared to punish the kitten severely, but she dared to say that she couldn't do it.


Three more days later, Shen Yining's body has improved a lot. The wound has grown new flesh, and the person will not feel drowsy all day long, just because of the wound. , she still has a fever from time to time at night.

Shen Yining woke up early in the morning. The imperial doctor had already changed the medicine and given him some decoction. The little old-fashioned boy was waiting for Zhou Zixuan with all his heart.

Although she was afraid of Zhou Zixuan's hard work, she still wanted to see Zhou Zixuan every day.

Seeing that her daughter was getting better day by day, Shen Kaiyuan saw that the smile on her face was gradually returning. She walked a few steps into the lounge, sat on a round stool and teased her rosy-faced little daughter, "What are you looking at?" What? Do you miss you, Sister Xuan, again??"

The little old-fashioned person was pierced by Mother Queen. The tips of her ears immediately turned red. She stood up and said, "Mother Queen, you, don't talk nonsense, Sister Guhe hasn't done it yet. It's a big wedding, it's not good for my sister's reputation."

Shen Kaiyuan listened to his daughter say, and kept suppressing a smile. He was going to kiss Zhou Zixuan, wasn't he his daughter? Or has my daughter forgotten what happened before?

Shen Yining saw Shen Kaiyuan smiling and pouted and asked, "Mother, what are you laughing at?"

Shen Kaiyuan coughed lightly and did not tell her daughter, "It's nothing, I made a mistake," Ning'er said. That's right."

Shen Yining looked at her mother and always felt that she had missed something, but the old-fashioned person didn't have time to think about it. She saw Zhou Zixuan walking this way. ?, Shen Yining's eyes lit up.

When Shen Kaiyuan saw her daughter like this, she laughed and shook her head. Her little daughter had grown up, and when she saw her sweetheart, she would stare at them without blinking.

Shen Kaiyuan stood up, bowed to Zhou Zixuan, and gave up the small round stool to Zhou Zixuan. Her daughter was getting older, and she needed her sweetheart to be by her side. As an old mother, she should stay with her daughter at night.

Seeing Shen Yining's face look good, Zhou Zixuan smiled and asked, "How are you feeling today, Your Highness?" "

It's okay, I feel more energetic, but my shoulder still hurts." Shen Yining thought about it. Wanted to reply.

"The wound on the shoulder needs to heal slowly. I should be able to move a little in more than ten days." "

Well, thank you for your hard work, Sister Xuan. You have been here to stay with me these past few days." The little lady said while talking. I want to see my sweetheart every day, but at the same time I am worried that my sweetheart is working too hard.

Zhou Zixuan smiled and wiped the sweat on the young lady's forehead with a handkerchief. "It's not hard. As long as Your Highness is safe, I'll be relieved." Shen Yining said shyly.

Zhou Zixuan smiled, and when the kerchief wiped the tip of her nose, Shen Yining smelled the faint fragrance of orchids again, but this time she didn't have the courage to boast as much as in her dream. The smell on the handkerchief was so good that I only dared to take a few breaths secretly.

Seeing that her daughter's health had stabilized, Shen Kaiyuan began to prepare to deal with the things that were causing her headaches. The things that Shen Yijia and Shen Yi did. She planned to hold a court meeting tomorrow to make it clear to the ministers. As for the courtiers, Shen Kaiyuan did not intend to pay attention to their refutations.

She thought about what Shen Xingyue told her last time, so she sent someone to call Su Changyuan into the palace. Su Changyuan had heard about Shen Yijia's things in the past few days. It was also a life of trepidation. The Fifth Princess's residence was currently under heavy military confinement. Her eldest daughter was the Fifth Princess's concubine. Su Changyuan was afraid that his family would also be implicated by Su Muqiu and the others. , after receiving the order to let him enter the palace, he was so frightened that he burst into tears.

Li Qinglan had been worried about her daughter. When she met the high official who passed down the decree in the palace, she hurriedly knelt down and cried: "Sir, are the things reported outside true? How is my daughter doing now? How is she doing now? How are you doing?"

"Master Su, please, don't make His Majesty wait for you for too long." The chamberlain looked at Su Changyuan coldly and said.

In the end, Su Changyuan almost cried while following the chamberlains into the palace. Originally, a junior official of his level had no chance to meet the emperor, but Su Changyuan was thinking about his daughter. , but he was not happy at all.

After entering the Qinzheng Hall, Su Changyuan hurriedly knelt down and said hello: "My lord, Su Changyuan has met Your Majesty."

"Well, Su Changyuan, right? Raise your head." Shen Kaiyuan was not in a hurry to ask Su Changyuan to get up. Instead, he leaned on the dragon chair and looked at Su Changyuan.

"I'm scared." Su Chang dared to look at the empress's eyes from far away. He just raised his head slightly and quickly lowered it, his body trembling slightly.

Shen Kaiyuan got straight to the point: "You must have heard about the events of the past few days. Shen Yijia rebelled against the law and murdered the Crown Princess. He has been sentenced to death by me. Some secret guards told me that you? The Su Mansion has always been in close contact with the Fifth Princess's Mansion. I'm afraid you, the Su Mansion, can't escape from this matter." "Your Majesty is aware that your relationship with the Fifth Princess' Mansion is really a normal relationship

. I absolutely did not participate in the murder of Your Highness, Your Majesty." Su Changyuan was so frightened that he broke into cold sweat and kept kowtowing to the ground.

"Your daughter is her most favored concubine. Now it's too late to think about getting rid of the relationship with them." Shen Kaiyuan continued: "Logically speaking, I should take care of it." The Su Mansion is imprisoned and tortured one by one, but that child Yue'er has a kind heart and has asked for help from me, so I can be lenient to you." When Su Changyuan heard this, he quickly kowtowed

. "Thank you for your grace. Thank you for your grace. The Princess said yes. I will never dare to have any rebellious thoughts, Your Majesty." "Don't be in a hurry. Thank you. Su Muyu's mother and sister are still here

. In your house?" Shen Kaiyuan asked nonchalantly.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Su Changyuan was a little confused, but he responded quickly.

"I heard that you have been treating their mother and daughter poorly before, so why don't you divorce them earlier? As for Su Muzhi, you don't care about this daughter anyway. Just remove her name from your family tree and just treat it as a daughter. There is no such daughter." Shen Kaiyuan looked at Su Changyuan and said coldly.

"I'm afraid there is something wrong with this, Your Majesty. Liu Xiangchen can divorce her. We will never have any contact with her again, but Su Muzhi is my daughter. How can I remove my daughter from the family tree?" Su Changyuan After finishing speaking, he looked at Shen Kaiyuan carefully and saw that Shen Kaiyuan's face was cold and there was no unnecessary expression.

"Really? Su Changyuan, I am not discussing this matter with you. In that case, when we review the case of the Fifth Princess in a few days, we will thoroughly investigate your Su Mansion." , do you think I can't catch you? As long as I can find out a letter between you and the fifth princess's house, you can be convicted of the crime. Since you? If you don't want to, I will send someone to imprison Su Mansion soon." Shen Kaiyuan said without paying much attention.

"Your Majesty, please calm down. Your Majesty, I was confused. Did I say the wrong thing? What Your Majesty said? Yes, I treated their mother and daughter harshly. It's better to divorce them. Liu Xiang, let her take Su Muzhi out of the Su Mansion. Don't worry, Your Majesty. I will take care of this matter when I get back." When Su Changyuan heard that the whole government was going to be imprisoned, he quickly kowtowed and kept saying "no".

Shen Kaiyuan nodded slowly and said impatiently: "Don't push it any further. Please handle this matter today. Otherwise, you should know better." "I understand, I will do this right now.

" Go back and take care of this matter." Su Changyuan kept kowtowing. Now let alone asking her to let go of Su Muzhi, she even wants her to let go of his own son. Su Changyuan has to agree. Since ancient times, there has been such a thing as treason. No serious crime will end well if it has even the slightest connection. Although Su Changyuan and the others did not know anything about Shen Yijia's rebellion, his wife Li Qinglan and his eldest daughter Su Muqiu often communicated with each other. ?, this kind of thing? It can't be cleaned no matter how much I wash it.

After sending Su Changyuan away, Shen Kaiyuan sent someone to inform Shen Xingyue about the matter, and then summoned several close ministers to discuss the matters to be discussed in the next meeting. .

The chamberlains from the palace soon arrived at the palace. The leading chamberlain bowed to Shen Xingyue and said, "Princess, your majesty asked Chen Deng to come over and tell you that your majesty has already done something about the Su mansion." The arrangements have been made. You can go pick me up today." "

Okay, I will definitely go to the palace tomorrow to thank my aunt in person. Thank you for your hard work, high officials. Literary friend, please take the high officials to have a cup of hot tea. "Shen Xingyue said quickly with a smile.

The few waiters were so happy that they were called senior officials by Shen Xingyue. They took the tip handed over by the literary friend and went to the front hall to have tea with the literary friend.

Shen Xingyue smiled and looked at Su Muyu on the side, and hugged her into her arms, "You feel at ease now, right? Your Majesty made the decision and took care of this matter. Do you want to come with me?" Pick up mother and Zhizhi?"

"Yes." Su Muyu was so happy that her whole body was transferred to Shen Xingyue. Although she didn't mention it much these days, she still often worried about her mother and sister. Now she can finally let her mother Are you out of trouble with your sister?

Shen Xingyue thought for a while and said, "When mother and others are taken out, we will send mother and Zhizhi to Zhuangzi on the outskirts of Beijing. There are many houses there, and there are also stewards and servants. The conditions are not as good as those in the palace." Well, those maids and nannies who took care of their mother and sisters were also brought to Zhuangzi, so that they can still serve them. You miss them? Let's go and stay for a while. Anyway, we are leaving. Get close."

"Okay." Su Muyu's eyes lit up, and she leaned over and kissed Shen Xingyue's lips, "You treat me so well."

Shen Xingyue took the kitten into her arms, and said softly He said in a voice: "You are my wife, and I naturally have to protect you. Okay, let's pack up and pick up mother and the others to go to Zhuangzi." "Yes." Su Muyu kissed her again

. Shen Xingyue's lips finally let go of Shen Xingyue.

The Su Mansion was in chaos because Su Changyuan was called to the palace for questioning.

Su Yuming kept pacing in the room, "Mother, why did Your Majesty call Father into the palace? Are those things that have been rumored in the past few days true? The Fifth Princess's residence is indeed true. It is really heavily guarded. You said that our Su family will not be implicated, right?" "

My poor Qiu'er, what kind of evil has this done? I originally thought that our family was going to be prosperous, but I still thought. You asked the fifth princess to help you find a job in the capital, but now it has become like this. If you had known that it would be like this, you might as well have let Qiuer marry Shen Xingyue." Li Qinglan's eyes were swollen from crying. , I have thought of many ways in the past few days, but I can't find out any information about my daughter.

"Yes, Shen Xingyue is very much appreciated by His Majesty. I heard that the mutiny at the South Gate a few days ago was put down by Shen Xingyue and Yu Ningwei. She has made great achievements again," Su Yuming also said. I regret not letting my biological sister marry Shen Xingyue.

Just when the two of them were anxious, the boy outside came over to announce, "The master is back, madam, the master is back." Li Qinglan and Su Yuming hurried out of the bedroom, wanting to ask Su Changyuan quickly

. what is going on.


Su Changyuan, on the other hand, slumped down directly on the chair in the front hall. He was still frightened by what happened just now.

Li Qinglan and Su Yuming, on the other hand, quickly entered the front hall. Seeing Su Yuan's pale face, Li Qinglan hurriedly asked: "Master, how is it? What is the purpose of His Majesty summoning you?" Su Yuan shook his hands and took a sip

. Tea, then he said: "The Su Mansion was almost destroyed. The fifth princess was sentenced to death for treason, and our Su Mansion was almost imprisoned? Come on, Your Majesty asked me to promise to divorce Liu Xiang. Will?" Liu Xiang and Su Muzhi were removed from the family tree and kicked out, and they spared no effort and did not pursue our Su family too much."

Li Qinglan was confused after hearing this, and asked: "Why does your Majesty do this? Huh?"

Su Changyuan sighed heavily and said, "Shen Xingyue doesn't want Liu Xiang and the others to have anything to do with the Su family anymore. Although I don't like Su Muzhi, she is my biological daughter after all. Shen Xingyue made such a request and asked His Majesty to come forward, so I have no choice but to comply." "Anyway

? The Su Mansion has been saved. Master, what about our Qiu'er? What should we do with Qiu'er?" Li Qinglan thought of it. He looked at his daughter and started crying again.

Su Changyuan had a headache from her crying, and said in a cold voice: "You are almost in danger of losing your own safety, yet you still want to think about her? Now we are in danger of losing our own safety. By the way, you guys hurry up and collect the letters that you exchange with Su Muqiu on weekdays. Burn them all, in case you are investigated again later, those words are just reminders."

Su Changyuan asked his servants to bring pens and ink, and wrote clearly that he had divorced Liu Xiang and asked him to Liu Xiang took his daughter away with him, and then asked the clan leader to remove Liu Xiang and Su Muzhi from the family tree. After doing this, Su Changyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

While he was sitting in the front hall to catch his breath, the waiter outside hurried over to pass the news.

"Master, the princess and the third young lady are back."

Su Changyuan frowned and sighed, "I know."

No matter how reluctant he was, he got up and went out to meet Shen Xingyue, who was in front of the empress. The red man said that at such a sensitive time, he could never afford to offend Shen Xingyue.

Su Yuan stood up and took a few breaths, then put on a smile and walked out, saluting Shen Xingyue from a distance, "The princess and the princess are well, I have taken care of everything." Yes, this is the divorce letter."

Shen Xingyue raised her eyes and glanced at Su Yuanyuan, and said with a smile: "Master Su, you are really quick in your actions. In this way, we picked him up." "Princess Princess

. , Princess and concubine, please consider my age, and I hope that the princess can say a few more kind words in front of His Majesty, our Su family really doesn't know anything about His Majesty's fifth highness." Su. Chang Yuan quickly said?

"That's natural. Don't worry, Mr. Su. His Majesty is wise and will never involve too many people." Shen Xingyue glanced at Su Yuanyuan and said.

"Then we will go pick them up first. Mr. Su, please help yourself." Shen Xingyue said with a smile in a very good mood.

Shen Xingyue and Su Muyu soon arrived at Liu Xiang's yard. Xiao Zhizhi was playing with a few maids and grandmothers in the yard. When they saw Shen Xingyue and the others coming, Xiaotuanzi ran over in a hurry. , hugged Su Muyu's lap, and then let go of her sister very well, and took two steps to hug Shen Xingyue's lap.

"Miss you sister." Xiaotuanzi rubbed her legs on Shen Xingyue's legs, acting coquettishly.

Shen Xingyue picked up Xiaotuanzi and said with a smile: "Xiao Zhizhi, have you missed me and your sister? How many days have you been eating well again?" "Yes, I have to eat well." Xiao

Bai Tuanzi smiled broadly at Shen Xingyue.

Shen Xingyue couldn't stop laughing, thinking about her sister's children, Xiao Zhizhi, Shen Xingyue felt that there were more and more little dumplings around her.

When Liu Xiang saw her daughter and the others coming out, she also came out of the bedroom with a smile and said, "There have been so many more maids and maids these days, and her own burden has been reduced a lot, and because she can eat After having a full meal, Liu Xiang's complexion improved a lot.

"Mom, how are you doing lately?" Su Muyu hurried over and asked with a smile.

"Everything is fine, how about you?" Liu Xiang held her daughter's hand and replied with a smile.

"Everything is fine with us. We came here to pick you up and Zhizhi this time. We don't have to come back from now on." Su Muyu looked at the blue sky in the distance and exhaled heavily.

"What does Yu'er mean?" Liu Xiang still didn't understand what his daughter meant.

Su Muyu smiled slightly and handed the divorce letter to her mother, "From now on, you and Zhizhi will be free. Yue'er said that first, you and Zhizhi will be arranged to live in Zhuangzi in the suburbs of Beijing. There are a lot of houses, and the place in Zhuangzi is very large and the scenery is very good. Zhizhi must like it there." Liu Xiang quickly unfolded the divorce letter and scanned it roughly, and saw that Su Muzhi also wrote on it

. You can walk with him, Liu Xiang's eyes were red, "How did you make him let go?" Su Muyu looked

at Shen Xingyue with a smile, and then said: "It's Yue'er. , she begged His Majesty, and it was only His Majesty's intervention that made Su Changyuan relax." "You're

still alarmed? Your Majesty, Yue'er, we've caused you trouble again." Liu Xiang looked at Shen Xingyue with red eyes.

"It's okay, mother. The most important thing is that you and Zhizhi can leave the Su Mansion as soon as possible. From now on, these four people will still take care of you and Zhizhi. Zhuangzi also has a steward. If you need anything, you can directly ask the steward to take care of it. That's good." Shen Xingyue said with a smile.

"I really don't know how to thank you."

"You don't need to thank me. We are all one family. Take a look at what you want to take away. Let them pack it up and load it into the car." Shen Xingyue wrote. The friends waved their hands and asked them to go over and help move things.

"Okay, Aunt Zheng and I will see what we need to take." Liu Xiang and Aunt Zheng hurriedly went to pack the things to take away.

Xiaotuanzi also walked on his short legs and went to the room to pack his toys.

Although Liu Xiang and the others didn't have anything valuable, they had developed feelings after living in this small courtyard for so long. Some of the old items were reluctant to throw away, so they had people take them away.

Xiao Zhizhi packed up a few things for a while before reacting. He ran to Su Muyu and hugged her sister's thigh, "Sister, what are we packing for?"

Su Muyu smiled and picked up Xiaotuanzi, and kissed her sister's soft and tender face, "From now on, Zhizhi will be free. Whatever we want to do and where we want to go, sister will try her best to help you do it." Come, we are going to a very fun place soon. We don't have to live here anymore, and we don't have to come back in the future. Aren't you happy?" "Happy." Xiaotuanzi's calves were dangling happily

. stand up.

Shen Xingyue came over and squeezed Xiaotuanzi's little hand, and teased Xiaotuanzi with Su Muyu.

With people from the palace helping to pack and move, Liu Xiang and the others had all their things packed up in less than an hour.

Su Muyu supported her mother, Shen Xingyue held the little white dumpling, and the group walked outside the courtyard.

Shen Xingyue also specially sent a literary friend to say something to Su Changyuan, which could be regarded as giving Su Changyuan enough respect in terms of etiquette. The group quickly got into the carriage and drove to Zhuangzi on the outskirts of Beijing. go.

Xiaotuanzi was in the car, not to mention how happy he was. It was noon and the weather was warm. Xiaotuanzi was lying by the window looking at the scenery outside. From time to time, he would only look at Shen Xingyue: "Sister Shen, look, there is something over there. There are so many little birds."

Shen Xingyue pinched Xiaotuanzi's little face and asked softly: "Aren't the birds cute?" "They are cute.

Zhizhi likes them. Zhizhi also likes cats and dogs. ." Xiao Tuanzi hugged his favorite small animals.

Shen Xingyue said with a smile: "We have cats and dogs in Zhuangzi. If you like them, you can send someone to raise a few to play with you." "Okay, thank you Sister Shen."

Xiaotuanzi ?Thank you very sweetly.

Liu Xiang, too, had not been out of Su Mansion for many years. Su Muyu opened the curtain on the other side and asked his mother to follow him to see the scenery outside. Liu Xiang's eyes turned red.

"I haven't been out for many years. It's great to be like this." Liu Xiang said with emotion as he looked at the scenery outside.

"Don't worry, mother, it will only be better in the future." Su Muyu said with a smile.

Over at the Su Mansion, Aunt Zhou heard something going on in Liu Xiang's yard and sent people to take a peek a few times. However, she heard that Shen Xingyue and the others were all there, so Aunt Zhou didn't dare to go there and get into trouble. After everyone left, she took a few nuns to sneak a look, and found that the courtyard where Liu Xiang and the others lived was empty. The door was still open, but there were many people inside. All the commonly used items were moved away, and it didn't look like they were going to stay with Shen Xingyue and the others.

Aunt Zhou hurried over to report to Su Changyuan, "Master, Liu Xiang and the others have left, and even the things inside have been taken away. It doesn't look like they went to the palace to stay for a while." Su Changyuan had not left yet

. After recovering from the experience of meeting the saint in the morning, when he saw Aunt Zhou coming, he glared at her and said, "Don't worry about Liu Xiang. I have a good daughter who married the princess, and now I have another daughter." With His Majesty's protection, you are still worried about our Su family. The matter of the fifth princess may not necessarily involve many people." "Master, then you just watch the princess take everyone away

. Already?" Aunt Zhou asked again quickly.

"Oh, why should I not just watch helplessly? I wrote the divorce letter myself. You people, please be honest to me these days. If you are looking for death and causing trouble, please don't implicate us. Su Mansion, I'm warning you, Shen Xingyue is not what he used to be. Don't provoke people from Prince Ankang's Mansion." Su Changyuan said. After finishing, he wanted to smash the cup in his hand. He wanted to vent his anger, but he was afraid that the walls at home had ears, so he held it back. Put down the cup with that tone?

Shen Xingyue and the others quickly arrived at Zhuangzi on the outskirts of Beijing. The land here was vast, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and many fruit trees were planted. Xiao Tuanzi looked at the scenery here and walked happily with his short legs. Started running.

"Zhizhi, please slow down and wait for us." Liu Xiang also had a smile on his face. Seeing that his little daughter was running too fast, he reminded her with a smile.

"Mom, hurry up, I see a lamb in front of me." Xiao Tuanzi ran forward excitedly. This was the first time Xiao Tuanzi saw a live sheep.

She said it was a lamb, and its head was much bigger than that of Xiaotuanzi. Shen Xingyue was afraid that Xiaotuanzi would be bullied by the lamb, so she ran over quickly, took Xiaotuanzi into her arms, and said softly: "I'll hold you to see the sheep."

When the farmer in charge of raising sheep in Zhuangzi saw Shen Xingyue coming, he hurriedly saluted: "I have met the princess." "No need to be polite,

I brought my sister over to see the sheep. She is still young and has never seen this before. ." Shen Xingyue said with a smile.


"Look at them as you like, these sheep are docile and won't hurt anyone." The farmer said quickly.

Shen Xingyue held Xiaotuanzi in her arms and asked Xiaotuanzi to reach out and touch the sheep. Xiaotuanzi stretched out her little hand and touched the soft down on the sheep's body, and smiled at the lamb.

The little sheep was very obedient and rubbed Xiaotuanzi's hand. Xiaotuanzi's calves were shaking happily, "Sister, she rubbed me~" "Well, the little sheep also likes our Zhizhi." Shen Xingyue hugged her

. The little dumpling coaxed softly.

When Liu Xiang saw Shen Xingyue holding her little daughter, she also had a smile on her face. She stretched out her hand to pull her daughter, and asked in a low voice: "How are you guys doing lately? When will Zhizhi give Zhizhi a little niece?"

"Oh mother, don't talk nonsense, Yue'er said there's no rush." ​​Su Muyu's face turned red when her mother said it.

After she got married, she never expected to live such a life. Shen Xingyue treated her so well, and even helped her rescue her mother and sister from the fire pit of Su Mansion. So she and Shen Xingyue had a baby, also Su Mu Yu thought, but her Yue'er said there was no rush, so just let nature take its course.

"Okay, okay, you guys are not in a hurry. I am, okay?" Liu Xiang joked with a smile.

Shen Xingyue took the little dumpling to play with the lamb for a while, then hurried back to wash her hands with the little dumpling in her arms.

Xiaotuanzi has never been here before. Everything he sees feels novel, he is jumping up and down, and he is very happy.

For lunch, Shen Xingyue asked the boys and servants in Zhuangzi to make arrangements. At noon, they slaughtered the sheep and made mutton soup, roasted sheep, and several other dishes. The little dumpling enjoyed the meal. ? started shaking.

Shen Xingyue smiled and said: "Mother, from now on, if you and Zhizhi want to eat or need anything, just ask Manager Sun to do it. Don't be polite to them." "Okay?

" , I have written them all down." Liu Xiang said with a smile.

Shen Xingyue and the others simply stayed in the Zhuangzi at night. There were many rooms in the Zhuangzi, which were several times better than the rooms in the Su Mansion. Su Muzhi was extremely happy to be in a new place.

After dinner, Shen Xingyue and Su Muyu went back to the room early. The spring night was still a bit cold. There was a charcoal pot in the room. Su Muyu leaned in Shen Xingyue's arms leisurely and looked at a book of mountains and rivers. Illustration.

Shen Xingyue acted as a human cushion for the kitten obediently, squeezing the kitten's fingers and playing with them from time to time.

Su Muyu watched for a while and felt a little tired. She buried her face in Shen Xingyue's arms and said coquettishly, "I'm tired." "If you're tired, go to

bed early. If you want to watch, you can watch it tomorrow." Shen Xingyue coaxed. , while taking the book away from the little cat's hand.

The two of them had already washed up, and were now only wearing middle coat and lying on the bed covered with quilts.

Shen Xingyue pulled up the quilt, lay down with Su Muyu in her arms, closed her eyes and thought about her pajamas.

Su Muyu didn't expect that Shen Xingyue would be so honest today and didn't touch her. She was still a little unaccustomed to it for a while. Moreover, Shen Xingyue usually fell asleep early in the past few days after falling asleep. One o'clock? He didn't look like he wanted to get close to her.

Su Muyu hummed softly, feeling that her Yue'er was not doing well recently, so she leaned over and kissed Shen Xingyue's lips, then buried her head in Shen Xingyue's arms, stroking her back and forth.

Shen Xingyue opened her eyes and saw that her kitten was having a tantrum. She coaxed softly: "What's wrong? Didn't you say you were tired just now? Why don't you go to bed earlier?" "No, you? You just fell asleep without even looking at me

. ?" Su Muyu glared at Shen Xingyue aggrievedly, complaining about her dissatisfaction with Shen Xingyue.

Shen Xingyue stroked the broken hair on Su Muyu's forehead, and then coaxed in a good-tempered manner: "Okay, then I'll watch you sleep, and I'll close my eyes when you fall asleep, okay?" Okay??"

Su Muyu angrily stretched out her foot and stepped on Shen Xingyue a few times. Shen Xingyue laughed and hugged the angry little kitten into her arms. While rubbing the kitten's waist to comfort her, Shen Xingyue said softly: " What's wrong? Why is my wife so angry again? Can't you tell me and change it?"

Su Muyu buried her face in Shen Xingyue's arms. After humming for a long time, she leaned close to Shen Xingyue's ear and kissed Shen Xing with a blushing face. Yue whispered in her ear: "You've been sleeping well these past few days. I miss you so much."

After saying that, Su Muyu felt a little embarrassed. Could she be too clingy? Would other Kunze want to be with his Qianyuan every day like her?

When Shen Xingyue saw the little kitten acting like a baby so actively, her heart softened. Mainly because there were a lot of things going on these days. She fell asleep quickly. It wasn't that she didn't want to get close to the little kitten. Seeing that the little kitten was aggrieved, Shen Xingyue He quickly picked her up and kissed her softly.

Rubbing the little kitten's waist, she held him in her arms and kissed him for a while. It wasn't until Su Muyu's breath became unstable that Shen Xingyue let him go, "It was my fault these past few days. I shouldn't have slept so much." Morning, my Yu'er hasn't gone to bed yet, so I fell asleep. I won't do it anymore, okay?" "Yes."

Su Muyu just wanted to bury herself in Shen Xingyue's arms, but Shen Xingyue pushed her into her arms. He hugged her and kissed her again.

So much so that when Shen Xingyue and Su Muyu woke up the next day, it was already three o'clock in the morning. Xiao Zhizhi wanted to have breakfast with her two sisters in the morning, but they didn't even see anyone.

Shen Xingyue looked at the sleeping kitten in her arms, and her heart softened. She looked at the cute pink tips of Su Muyu's ears, and gently rubbed the tips of her ears with her fingertips.

Su Muyu snorted and dug into Shen Xingyue's arms again.

Shen Xingyue looked at Su Muyu with a smile on her lips, wanting Su Muyu to sleep for a while, and then began to count Su Muyu's eyelashes. Su Muyu's eyelashes were thick and pretty. Shen Xingyue counted, I couldn't help but touch it gently.

She thought her kitten was so cute, and she used it as a human-shaped cushion for a while. It was almost noon before Su Muyu woke up.

When she saw the sun outside, her whole body was almost red-hot. On weekdays, she would be in Feixueyuan, but now she was in Zhuangzi. Her mother and the others were still there, and Su Muyu was all annoyed. Everyone was buried in Shen Xingyue's arms, and her tone was soft and coquettish: "Why didn't you wake me up earlier? Mother and the others are still here." "I just woke up not long ago, so you can't blame me for that.

Oh, you were so clingy last night, how could I resist, okay, mother, she will understand us." Shen Xingyue kissed the tip of Su Muyu's ear and coaxed softly.

Then, the little cat hit me with a set of cat punches.

Shen Xingyue looked at Su Muyu who was losing his temper in his arms with a smile, and said softly: "If you don't get up, you won't even be able to make it to lunch." Su Muyu came to her lips and bit her, then stretched out her legs to gently kick Shen Xingyue.

After a while, he got up to wash up.

When the two of them went out, it was indeed noon.

When Xiaotuanzi saw Shen Xingyue and the others coming out, he excitedly rushed to Su Muyu and hugged his sister's thigh, "Sister, why did you get up? You are so embarrassed." Su Muyu blushed at Xiaotuanzi

. Face, Shen Xingyue picked up Xiaotuanzi and coaxed with a smile: "Really? Zhizhi is so powerful? Then you and I can't compare to you?" When Xiaotuanzi heard Shen Xingyue praise her

, Her little breasts puffed out even higher.

Behind Shen Xingyue, Su Muyu reached out and pinched the soft flesh of Shen Xingyue's waist, and whispered: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and go in with Zhizhi." "Hey, okay? okay? okay, Yu'er

. Be gentle." Shen Xingyue hurriedly begged for mercy.

Shen Xingyue entered the front hall and smiled at Liu Xiang, "Mother."

"Hey, sit down and eat quickly. Eat more." Liu Xiang looked at Shen Xingyue and his daughter and smiled without saying a word.

The tips of Su Muyu's ears turned red after eating a meal, and her mother always stared at her and laughed, which made her feel embarrassed.

After noon, Shen Xingyue and Su Muyu took a carriage back to the palace. In the carriage, Su Muyu sat astride Shen Xingyue's lap, reached out and pinched the side of Shen Xingyue's face, leaned over and kissed the corner of Shen Xingyue's lips. .

Shen Xingyue looked at the domineering little kitten on his lap, chuckled, pulled him into his arms, and kissed Su Muyu's lips. The kitten was just as cute when it was angry, "Okay? La! , I'm not angry anymore, are you still tired, do you want to sleep against me for a while?" "

Yeah." Su Muyu snorted, the carriage swayed, making her a little uncomfortable, so she simply buried herself in Shen Xingyue's arms Li? Close your eyes and rest your mind.


In the lounge of Qinzheng Hall, Shen Yining's physical condition was much better than the previous day. Zhou Zixuan was accompanying Shen Yining on one side, wiping Shen Yining's sweat with a towel from time to time.

Considering that there was an imperial doctor over there, the little old-fashioned man was sober now, so he didn't dare to say anything overstepping to Zhou Zixuan. He just smiled at Zhou Zixuan and said, "Thank you, sister Xuan." "No, you

"How can I thank you?" Zhou Zixuan whispered with the tips of her ears slightly red. Xiaozhu even let herself kiss her, but now she became polite to him again.

When Zhou Zixuan thought about what happened that day, the tips of her ears became redder and redder. She simply stood up and said to Shen Yining, "I'll go out and get some water to drink. I'll come back to stay with you later." "Well, you should drink more water and take care of yourself.

" ." Little Old-Fashioned responded solemnly.

The empress had dealt with a few things and was walking out the door to go in and see her daughter. When her daughter said this, Shen Kaiyuan almost couldn't hold it back.

Zhou Zixuan hurriedly bowed to Shen Kaiyuan, then went to the side hall on the other side to pour herself some water.

Shen Kaiyuan waved his hand and asked the doctors to go out first, then closed the door.

Shen Yining thought the Queen Mother had something important to explain to her? She said, so she asked: "The Queen Mother has something to explain to me, my son?" "It's not an important thing. That day? I actually woke up once when I was still

fuzzy, and told Zixuan that I missed her, and asked Zixuan to kiss you, so it wouldn't hurt anymore, and you'd forget about it." Shen Kaiyuan looked at it with a smile. Asked my youngest daughter.

The little old-fashioned skin visibly changed from porcelain white to red, and her whole body was about to burn. She opened her eyes wide and looked at her mother-in-law and asked: "Isn't that a lonely dream?" "You

? You little fool, you think you are dreaming? Anyway, I and you and your mother and concubine have heard that you and your mother want to kiss. As for whether we will kiss each other later, I and you and your mother and concubine will not know. , we are all out." Shen Kaiyuan said with a smile.

However, Shen Yining felt that her toes were curling up. That day, she seemed to not only be kissing her, but also complimenting her on the scent of her handkerchief like a disciple. She also said that she and her cousin borrowed a painting book. Shen Yining curled her lips and almost cried. Could it be that her serious image in Sister Xuan's heart had long since disappeared? Is she really a serious person?

Shen Kaiyuan was amused when he saw his daughter's expression, and said with a smile: "It's nothing. It's normal to have a kiss with your sweetheart. Ning'er, please don't have any intentions. "Burden, you just lie down for a while, I still have some papers to review, and I'll come over to see you later." Shen Yining

nodded mechanically, feeling so aggrieved that she really thought it was a dream.

When Zhou Zixuan went back, he saw all the doctors sitting outside, but Zhou Zixuan didn't say much. She returned to the round stool beside the bed and sat down, looking at the little queen lying on the bed. He saw the little lady looking at him aggrievedly.

Zhou Zixuan asked with a slight smile: "What's going on, Your Highness? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Shen Yining thought for a while and finally said: "Sister Xuan, didn't Rigu mean to take advantage of you that day? She was really taking advantage of you. I'm confused by the fever, sister, can you please stop being angry with Gu."

The little lady looked at Zhou Zixuan with aggrieved eyes, which made Zhou Zixuan's heart soften. How could she really blame her? Zhu, just chuckled and asked: "Your Highness, have you remembered what happened that day? I thought Your Highness was going to default on the debt." "I won't default on the debt. When I'm better, I'll ask the Queen Mother to let us get married

. ." The little old-fashioned man explained hurriedly, with sweat on his face.

Zhou Zixuan felt a little distressed, fearing that Xiaozhu was too anxious and his wounds would hurt, so he reassured her: "Okay, I'll wait for Your Highness." Then she turned red and stopped looking at Shen Yining, "That day I did

it voluntarily, and I don't blame His Highness."


Two days later, all the remaining poisons in Shen Yining's body had been eliminated, and he could sit up and rest on the soft quilt behind the bed.

Little Old Fashioned's arms have gradually begun to move in the past few days. However, the imperial doctor is afraid that she will tear the wound, so she still does not recommend that Little Old Fashioned moves too much.

Seeing that his daughter no longer had any big problems, Shen Kaiyuan couldn't let Zhou Zixuan go to the palace every day to accompany Shen Yining. These days, the little old-fashioned man was surrounded by the queen and the imperial doctors. Watching.

With his daughter's matter almost settled, Shen Kaiyuan had to face the memorials sent from the DPRK like snowflakes. Except for a few memorials that talked about the refugees, the disaster in the central region, and the southern region, the remaining memorials Three sentences are inseparable from Shen Yijia and Shen Yiqian.

Things have continued to ferment in the past few days. There are still many people who don't know what happened that day. There are also many people who don't believe that Shen Kaiyuan really killed his biological son and daughter. They are all arguing about these things. For this reason, Shen Kaiyuan specially sent someone to inform the officials that she would resume going to court. All questions she had, she would tell them face to face.

One day before the court was resumed, Shen Kaiyuan specially asked his chamberlain to go to the palace to remind Shen Xingyue that she should also go to court.

Shen Xingyue and Shen Zhengchu rode a carriage to the palace gate early in the morning. The two got off the carriage and walked slowly towards the palace. Several ministers who were familiar with Shen Kaiyuan knew that Shen Kaiyuan and the others could often do this these days. After entering the palace, some people wanted to come up and ask for information.

"Your Majesty, are the things that have been rumored in the public these days really true?" one of the older ministers still couldn't help but asked.

Shen Zhengchu just smiled and said nothing, and said: "Your Majesty naturally knows it in his heart. We, the ministers, can't speculate on our own. It's better to put Your Majesty first in everything." "The prince said it

. Yes."

Not only were they discussing here, many ministers were discussing in twos and threes. When they arrived at the Liangyi Palace in the upper court, the ministers were still discussing incessantly, making Shen Xingyue so noisy. All have headaches.

After all, because of Shen Xingyue's special status, none of the officials nearby dared to gossip with Shen Xingyue directly. They just discussed quietly. Shen Xingyue kept silent and regarded herself as a mute who couldn't speak. After all, others didn't. Knowing what happened, she participated in the whole process and even rescued the little princess with the help of outside forces.

Shen Xingyue looked at the dragon chair on the fourteen steps and sighed softly, hoping that when the old-fashioned man sat in this position, he would encounter less such embarrassing things.

Soon, the announcement of the chamberlain came from outside the palace, and the Liangyi Palace suddenly became quiet. Shen Kaiyuan was followed by a group of chamberlains, slowly walking up the fourteenth step, waiting for her to sit down on the dragon chair. After that, all the officials, led by Shen Zhengchu, knelt down to salute the empress. Shen Xingyue followed suit, and Shen Kaiyuan glanced at the officials below and said calmly: "Let's all get back together." "Everyone has worked hard these days. I have also roughly read

the information you submitted. Today,

, I will give you all an explanation, Wen Jing, bring the people up." Shen Kaiyuan said coldly.

"Yes, Your Majesty." After Wen Jing accepted the order, two small teams of forbidden troops escorted several archers from that day to the palace.

Shen Kaiyuan looked at the people kneeling below and said calmly: "These are the people sent by Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia to shoot the crown princess. They were captured on the spot by my secret guards, along with Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia. When Shen Yijia was confronting, both Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia were involved." When

Cui Can heard this, he lost his sense of control and hurriedly knelt down and said, "Your Majesty is aware that the Fifth Princess Shen Yijia never likes to fight. She has no grievances against the Crown Princess, and she really has no motive to do anything, Your Majesty."

Shen Kaiyuan expected that some people would be unable to hold back, so she glanced at Shen Yiqian's uncle Wang Mingda, But he saw Wang Mingda standing there blankly, with no intention of arguing. This did not surprise Shen Kaiyuan. After all, Wang Mingda was going to have an audience with him outside the palace gate a few days ago. .

There were several ministers who came out to kneel down to intercede with Cui Can. Shen Kaiyuan glanced at them coldly and said, "Why is there no motive? Only something happened to the Crown Princess, and he Only the two of us have the opportunity to enter the East Palace. Besides, all the assassins who shot the crown princess are already here. What else can you argue with?" Shen Kaiyuan took a breath and continued: "Then

At the South Gate that day, Shen Yijia asked her people to incite the refugees to revolt, which almost caused a catastrophe. Later, Shen Yijia and Shen Yiqian sent people to shoot the crown princess, and both succeeded. The situation was critical at that time. If No, the princess and Yu Ningwei rushed to the south gate to save people. The imperial concubine has long been gone. You people, what else can you argue with?" "Your Majesty, even if your two highnesses are guilty. , but

the crime is not worthy of death. After all, the Crown Princess is not seriously injured, so please be merciful, Your Majesty." Cui Can continued to persuade her.

"It's not serious. The Crown Princess was in critical danger that day. It's okay that you people can't share my worries for me. Now you have to confuse right and wrong here. The Crown Princess has two poisons on her body. Arrow, it all depends on the princess to stabilize the mob at the south gate and bring the princess back to the palace for treatment, otherwise, I might not have a daughter now." Shen Kaiyuan said coldly.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean by this?" Cui Can's hands were shaking a little. He had heard a lot of rumors from outside these days, but he still didn't want to believe that Shen Yijia had been sentenced to death, or did he? Ask Shen Kaiyuan face to face for a result.

"Shen Yijia and Shen Yijia committed treason, murdered the crown princess, and deliberately provoked a fight among the refugees outside the city. They have been sentenced to death by me. However, I have been generous and allowed them to be buried with the etiquette of a prince and princess. This is already my greatest tolerance, and there is no need to discuss this matter again in the future." Shen Kaiyuan said sternly.

"How could it be? How could your Majesty do this? Tiger poison cannot eat its seeds." Cui Can shed tears as he spoke, and continued: "In that case, Cui Guifei and Wang Guifei did not participate in the murder. Regarding the matter of the Crown Princess, why did His Majesty put these two people under house arrest?" "

As the concubines of Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia, there is no guarantee that they are not involved in this matter. Naturally, I will not treat them badly in terms of food and clothing. , I just want them to stay in their respective palaces and spend the rest of their lives." Shen Kaiyuan gradually became impatient.

"I think it's unfair, why would your Majesty do this?" Cui Can cried endlessly.

"Why is this so? Isn't the Crown Princess innocent? She was shot and killed by her own brother and sister, and she was almost killed on the spot. What did she do wrong? I have made up my mind on this matter. There is no need to say anything more." Shen Kaiyuan stared coldly at the kneeling ministers and continued: "As for those of you, if you feel that I am unkind, you can resign and go into seclusion. I will never stop you." Cui Can did

not Thinking that the empress would say this, the other officials who usually had a good relationship with Cui Can regretted it and knelt down one after another.

"I'm scared."

Shen Kaiyuan sneered and glanced at Cui Can, "Where is Cui Shangshu? What do you say?" "

Since His Majesty has made it clear, I have nothing to say. I can only resign to prove my innocence. "." Cui Can took off his official hat, placed it on the floor in front of him, and looked directly at Shen Kaiyuan.

Shen Kaiyuan also looked at Cui Can coldly. Cui Can was already threatening her. There were many officials from the Cui family in Beichuan, and Cui Can was the highest-ranking among them. , His resignation will inevitably attract many Cui family disciples to follow suit, and the court may have a large number of vacancies.

However, Shen Kaiyuan has long been dissatisfied with these domineering aristocratic families, and now he dares to threaten her face to face like this. If it were other things, she might be able to tolerate it, but this matter It was about the Crown Princess, Shen Kaiyuan didn't want to give in even a step, he raised his eyebrows and said: "Okay, in this case, the two ministers from the Ministry of Punishment will jointly take over the duties of the Minister. Cui Can, after you retire from the court today, you no longer have to take care of the court. It's over."

Cui Can didn't expect that Shen Kaiyuan would not give in. He just wanted to put pressure on Shen Kaiyuan, but he didn't expect that he would lose his official position. But if he kneels again at this time If he pleads guilty, his integrity as an official will be gone, and he will make the world laugh at him. Cui Can has no choice but to lean over and thank him, "Your Majesty, thank you for your grace." "Well, then this matter is considered a matter of course

. "It's over." Shen Kaiyuan nodded slightly.

At this time, another minister came out of the crowd. Shen Kaiyuan looked at the minister, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What else do you want to report?"

"My lord, the impeachment of the Princess Princess for her cruel suppression at the south gate of the capital, and her hanging of people's corpses on the city gate, is really unethical, Your Majesty." The one who went out to impeach was the famous official.

Shen Xingyue never thought that she would have her own affairs, but if the official was impeached, the parties involved would have to come out and defend themselves.

Shen Xingyue walked out of the queue in a few steps, saluted Shen Kaiyuan, and then said: "The situation at the south gate was critical at that time. There were tens of thousands of rioters who surrounded the past, and I only had Yu Ningwei in my hands. "There are two thousand people, and the imperial concubine is besieged by the mob. If I don't let Yu Ningwei's people take action, then who is going to save the imperial concubine? Is it you, my lord?" The official was killed by Shen Xingyue

. The questioner was stunned for a moment, then opened his mouth to defend: "In order to save His Highness, the princess asked Yu Ningwei to kill the rioters. It was right, but why did she hang the corpses of the rioters on the city wall? It is really barbaric."

"I have just said that there are only two thousand people in Yu Ningwei, and they are all mortal bodies. Facing tens of thousands of rioters, if we do not use means to deter them, the rioters will When a mutiny broke out, it would be difficult for two thousand people to resist it. By then, not only the South Gate would be in chaos, but the entire capital city would also be in chaos. I just took emergency measures at the appropriate time. What's wrong?" Shen Xingyue asked back.

"It's not etiquette." The adult still said.

Shen Xingyue sneered and said: "Etiquette is dead, people are alive. The setting up of officials is to criticize the evils of the times, not to find faults. Sir, you are too extreme. If you meet that With the situation today, I'm afraid I've fainted from fright." "

You, I, Beichuan, have always insisted on etiquette, and the princess is just making quibbles." The official continued.

"I don't know how to change it. If I didn't scare the mob like that, I would have killed more people. Would that be etiquette? Or, sir, do you think what you think and think is etiquette, and others don't? "I just do what you say and ignore the etiquette. What's the use of an official like you who doesn't know how to adapt?" Shen Xingyue was almost laughed out of anger. She didn't see these people when she went out to suppress the chaos. Now? It's a good thing. I obviously didn't do anything wrong, but these people are nitpicking here.
