Chapter 5

Enjoy the ride :)


Chatter broke along the room, glasses clinking with hundreds of voices muddled up into each other, soft piano on the background to each person. The light on that large ballroom was golden, portraits and used torches hanging from the walls, shapes of gold and silver swirling up on undefined patterns all the way up to the ceiling. A large chandelier hung up from the above of everyone from thin glass layers and square-shaped forms. Everyone's clothes were fancy, women wore gowns with long pointed bodices and petticoats, and men with coats and waistcoats, colourful stockings contrasting deeply with their upper surface. They all had a mask covering either their eyes or their mouths, males and females. The tables for all the guests were in the room besides that one, already been used for their celebration. The prince stood beside his parents with a charming smile and no disguise. It wasn't time yet for their actual ball to start, so the prince couldn't reveal what he'd look like.

Oliver smiled politely at the chuckling that went around on the imperial circle, not really paying attention to it at all. He was in his twenties, for fuck's sake, he wasn't going to understand an old-men joke. He sighed quietly to himself.

"Father," he held the man's shirt, inclining so he could be near the man's. "I'd like to begin the meeting."

The man cheered and nodded before he turned to face the circle of people. He raised his arms, a smile gleaming on his defined face, eyes hazy with drunkness.

"My son has finally decided to make his search. He shall go on his way now." And those people smiled and nodded cheerily. Oliver excused himself before he left to another room; significantly smaller than the main one but largely still. He walked up to the far table, raising the clothe that covered it. He crawled under it, not caring if it would get his tux dirty. He exhaled, grabbing the neat pillow set there specifically for that matter, and flipped it, his hands entering the rip that stood on the side so he could take the mask designed just like the others for him. He bit his lip, gaze flickering all over it. The mask covered the parts around the eyes, cheeks, nose and forehead. It was a deep blue, with stars manufactured around the eyes and around it; on the top, where the tip of the nose would be all over the bottom of the cheeks, the side of the face and the top of the forehead.

He put the mask on the ground before grabbing the pillow again, taking the neatly folded jacket and letting the empty clothe down. He took his own jacket off, staying on his white button-up shirt, leaving the bright blue coat on the pillowcase and unfolded the other one. The new one was, unlike his last, a black one, that matched his boots and reached a little higher on his knees. It was distinct from his red leggings, though the whole outfit would look really cool smushed up together.

He shrugged the waistcoat on and buttoned a random button in the middle of it so that it wouldn't be exposing his undershirt. He folded the other jacket and put it in the pillowcase before he grabbed his mask and crawled out from under the table. He sighed, putting the mask on, ignoring how the region the mask covered got warm suddenly. He walked to the further wall, towards the wide, full-bodied mirror there. He stopped in front of it and fixed his coat, folding the arms so it was under his elbow, and the mask, using a hand to fix his hair as well. He hummed before he stared lifelessly at himself for a few seconds before he left the room.

He jogged up into the room, giving his expecting father a nod. The man nodded back before he clapped loudly once. The sound resonated all over the room as a solitary slap, making the chatter quiet down.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" He raised his arms." I would like to announce the beginning of this new era!" He was proud, really proud. You could see it in his eyes, in his face. He was glowing. "As you all know, I have reunited you all here with the reasoning that stayed secret until now! Tonight, my first child is completing his twenty years of living! And as our traditions claim, it is time for me to pass him my crown. So today is not only his birth celebration but where he will find his future spouse so he can command these lands successfully, so we all can be prosperous over these golden lands and thrive over the blood of our enemies' soils! So now, we shall begin this ball!" The cheering went around and the king seemed quite proud of himself. He smiled, giving them all a firm nod before he backed away, back with the same people he was talking with. Everyone got back on their chatting, this time a different word spewing from their lips. Oliver, that had been standing somewhere a little far from the king, blended into the crowd, going unnoticed by all those people who looked for the prince so they could make their way to the throne. The soft music began playing louder at the background, and people cleaned a rectangular space so those who'd dance would dance and the very few ones who decided not to could stay distinctively from the others. Oliver looked around before he saw a pretty lady – from what he could see under the mask – and walked up to her.

"May I have this dance?" He extended his hand towards her, holding himself high. She looked him up and down before she sent him a disgusted smile. She walked away.

Oliver deflated. It was a lighthearted requesting, he wasn't really wishing her, but nor was he expecting rejection. Then he remembered that no one would recognize him because of the mask. He sighed. He went around and surprisingly, – for him only – he had been rejected quite a couple of times, by both women and men. It was at the beginning of the second song and he had almost given up. He walked up to outside the square of dancers, sighing softly to himself. He held his own hands behind his back, his shoulders hunched over. But then, then his eyes caught sight of a nervous, possibly paranoid young man. He was outside the rectangle, but not too far away from him. His vests looked simple, his dark blue coat seemed quite old, a button missing from it and dirty used boots with a baby blue legging. You couldn't see the whole shirt under, but you could make out the black underneath. He held his own wrist softly, and he would gaze at the dancefloor with obvious longing on his eyes before he looked away. And it took Oliver a while. He sighed and smiled a bit. He wondered if he would be rejected by Joshua. It would be his last try, he promised himself, or he would marry one of those people that his father had presented him to. He licked his lips, holding his chin high as he walked up to the lonely man.

"May you dance with me?" Oliver asked in what could be sureness over himself, though his insides were melting and burning like a marshmallow over the fire. He had his hand stretched towards the man, that now had his attention on him. The man's eyes seemed to lighten up and he gave Oliver a certain, sure smile.

"For sure," he spoke softly. He stretched his hand so he could grab Oliver's. He smiled. Oliver smiled back, obviously relieved, despite him trying to hide it. Oliver sauntered up to the dancefloor, his partner trailing behind him. When he found a space they both could fit and be there without accidents, he stopped and turned to his friend. He smiled again, both his hands finding the way to Josh's waist while the latter set his hands on Oliver's shoulders.

Oliver smiled once again, his head tilting to the side just a little bit. "So," he initiated, "have you been having a decent time?" He had trapped his lip between his teeth once the words left his lips. The man smiled a tiny bit.

"I believe so." Though it sounded unsure. The man exhaled. "I didn't really know what to do with myself here," Josh confessed. Oliver's smiled stretched wider.

"It makes sense. Thank you for coming, though. " he took one hand away to tip his inexistent hat to Joshua. "I am delighted to meet you." Joshua chuckled a little bit before he did the same; took one hand away and tipped his inexistent hat to Oliver.

"I am delighted the most." He smiled gorgeously. He looked really pretty, Oliver would say. His mask was like Oliver's, only red instead. His hair was messy atop his head but not in an ugly way, it just made him extra charming. His smile was straight-up blindingly beautiful, and don't even let Oliver get started on those eyes. The deep oceanic blue that swam inside, the sky is held and the deepest nights, it was like it was all being held in the same spot at the same time. That gaze was overwhelming; in a good way.

Oliver bit his lip. He was captivated, definitely captivated. He stared, didn't even realize that he was doing so. Until Joshua looked away. Oliver blinked.

"Is there something wrong?" Joshua asked. He nibbled on his own lip, gaze flickering shyly between Oliver's and somewhere else behind him.

"What?" Oliver frowned a little bit, though it wasn't possible to see through the mask.

"You're staring," Joshua mumbled, looking down.

"Oh? I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," Oliver looked away, at someplace of Joshua's attire. "Your eyes are just... Enticing." And he looked up to see Joshua's expression. He smiled a little at the wide eyes staring back at him. It was a shame he couldn't see the blush adorning his cheeks, he'd probably be so happy with it.

"Oh, uh... Thank you." Joshua looked down shyly, his hands going up to the back of Oliver's head. He fondled with Oliver's curls softly, biting his lip and staring at somewhere that wasn't his face. His eyes flickered to his lips, though, once Oliver smiled.

"It's no problem, dear," he smiled fondly at Joshua, that ended up looking into his gaze. It'd be a lie to say that Joshua wasn't mesmerised with Oliver's hazelnuts eyes, too. Even though they were common, they were gorgeous still. They looked a little more detailed under the lightening of the room, different shades of brown and a few green stripes that held stories and thoughts, a gentleness that was overwhelmingly positive, impacting Joshua on the most beautiful way. Joshua smiled.

And they swayed from side to side until the song ended. A more passionate one began, making Oliver smirk. He stepped closer to Joshua, his grip tightening just a little bit. He sighed contently once Josh snaked his arms around his neck. He glued their bodies together like people were doing around them, his arms encircling around Joshua. He hummed happily. Josh rested his nose and mouth on Oliver's shoulder, his eyes half-lidded, lips parted a little bit. He gazed around, seeing that, just like the preferred, nobody paid attention to them. He closed his eyes. Josh let Oliver guide him on their pace, following his moves of simply rocking back and forth, occasionally spinning slowly.

It wasn't all silent, though. Most of the time they spoke about all and nothing, just like on their meetings by the lake. So after three more songs, they were even more relaxed around each other. And as cliche as it was, it felt like they knew each other for years, maybe even their whole lives. But they didn't, which is why Oliver knew Josh's personality but didn't know his entire life, didn't know the depth of his struggles. The same way that Joshua knew nothing about Oliver, who he really was and who he was about to become. He found out, though, once Oliver separated from him. He gave Josh a comforting smile before he took his hand and started walking. It didn't take long for him to figure out that they were walking towards the nobles.

"Why- Wait, Oliver, why are we going there?" He appeared nervous and uneasy. He was. Oliver turned to look at him briefly. He realized he forgot to mention who he was, who he really was. He looked away, breathing out. His heart sped up, he prayed to every god to ever exist. He licked his lips.

"I-" he inhaled. "I am Oliver." He stopped walking. Now or never, now or never, now or never. Couldn't he pick never? He turned to look at Josh. "Oliver," he hesitantly said next. "Sykes."

Josh felt his heart stop. His eyes widened, hate and betrayal were quick to swirl up his eyes. Oliver could never forget that look. It was as if everything had come to a halt. Oliver held his breath as Josh pulled his hand away hastily, stumbling a step back. Oliver's gaze was pleading, he was pleading. He swallowed, holding back a wince as Joshua took another step back. A hate-filled look at Oliver, as if he was some monster before he turned around and stormed out of there. Oliver felt his heart squeeze on his chest, he shivered in pain. He couldn't catch his breath, it was as if Josh had taken it with him. He stood there, pathetic to the others' eyes, with his arms limp on his sides and gapping at the front entrance, his eyes filled with something I can only describe as agony. He swallowed. His face flushed and he involuntarily teared up.

He turned around and made his way to his father, his heart heavy and barely working.

"Cancel the celebration," he croaked out before he stormed out too. He went up to his room, not even caring when his father slurred his name worriedly, his gaze lost. Oliver couldn't bother to. He breathed heavily, his eyes flooding. He tried to swallow down the lump on his throat but he couldn't. His face contorted as he slammed his door shut. He rested his back against it, clutching his heart and letting out shaky breaths and noises as if it would change what he felt. He let out a small cry before he hastily took off his waistcoat and his shirt; he felt like he was suffocating, a hand on his throat and no air on his lungs. He heaved, letting them fall carelessly before he stumbled further into the room, falling to his knees. He raised one hand to his mouth to muffle the sounds that so desperately tried to come out. Then he made the mistake to look up. His heart clenched even harder, his face fell even more.

On his chest, where his heart would be, there was, in neat handwriting craved on his chest, the words 'Joshua F'.

His father was right after all.


Fffffff I teared up writing this.
