Chapter 1

HEY GAYS, I'M UNSTOPPABLE MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHHH,,, Okay, so this one is more on the 16, 17th centuries. Homophobia doesn't exist, equality is a thing. The way that they speak is adapted to nowadays, too, because I can barely write on the nowadays dialect heh. Soulmate AU too, so like, they get their soulmate's names on their skin and stuff. It'll be explained better along the way. Thank you for reading!

Queen Of Rising gave me inspiration since it is a bit based on their story, a few documentaries too. Aladdin did too but shhh. A different plot from these all though.


Oliver gritted his teeth, rushing out of the castle by the back. His father's word echoed over his head, his brain sickeningly repeating every single word he had ever said to him. That wasn't the biggest fight they ever had but it was still huge. Oliver was so fed up with everything, with every responsibility resting atop his shoulders that he could feel himself sinking into the gravel of his mind, his sanity slowly being stripped away from him as well as the little humanity resting inside his soul. He started to run.

His chest heaved with every stride he took, his pace quickening by the second. All the training and fighting he ever had were worth it in the end, as he barely lost his breath as he approached the forest, a no-man land, even if after all those forestries was still imperial soil.

Oliver slowed down once he was calmer and far enough. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes were heavy, his head relatively cleaner, though his insides were still bothered. He took a deep breath, setting a slow pace.

Leaves crumbled beneath his feet, his fingertips gently felt the hardwoods he passed, breathing in deeply. He exhaled. As he walked, the trees were getting lesser and lesser to the point where he came face to face with an empty field. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back. He smiled.

He walked a few more feet ahead and saw that a little bit further, there was a lake, of which was surrounded by trees though they stood far from it yet still visible. He blinked and smiled again. He walked up to the lake and crouched down, breathing deeply once again. His shoulders slowly relaxed as he paid attention to his lungs expanding, his calm heartbeats and the soft sounds around him; the water gently breaking into a rock, chirping from the far back, the quiet. He extended his legs and lied down on the grass. The sun licked his skin gently, warming him up just enough for him to feel the peace through every single cell of his body. He closed his eyes, letting the field enter his head and take him into a gentle mindset. His head was clear for once. He was clear for once.

I can't tell you how long he stood there but it was a great amount. It was enough to set him right again. He wasn't as worried, he wasn't as anxious, he wasn't as tense, he wasn't dirty any longer. He could think again.

It became a frequent thing soon enough. Whenever the weight of the nation was upon his shoulders, he would go back to the same field and simply breathe. It was his place, nobody knew where it was and nobody dared to ask. And if they did, he would answer briefly, saying something about how the gods told him to do his search for his soulmate. Nobody asked further, not desiring to anger the creators. It was good.

But his place wasn't only his, per see.

He did the same walking. Always through the shadows, so he could find his light. He arrived there and his eyes widened a bit. There was a body, laying quietly, unmoving. Oliver frowned. He walked closer to the body.

"Hello?" He said softly, hoping not to scare the boy. It didn't work. The man opened his eyes and jumped up quickly, his eyes wide and nervous. He frowned and held his head high.

"Wha- who are you?" He demanded. Oliver held his hands up and smiled softly, showing he wasn't a threat.

"I am Oliver," he said softly. "S-" no. He wouldn't say it. He didn't even know the man, what if he was harmful? "So who are you?" He said instead. The man furrowed his eyebrows and studied Oliver for a few more seconds before he relaxed slowly and sighed.

"Joshua, I am Joshua. What are you doing here?" He slowly sat down where he was laying. Oliver didn't know if he was welcomed or not but he sat down beside him.

"I needed to breathe," Josh focused on him for a few seconds before he nodded, still sceptical.

"I understand," he spoke softly. Oliver smiled and laid down. Josh did the same, more hesitant. He exhaled. "I didn't know that someone else knew this place," he noted. Oliver slowly let his eyes shut down.

"I didn't either," he hummed. He felt the same effect entering his body as always, though this time he was more alert. Maybe it was stupid of him for trusting a stranger but... So what? He just wanted to be on his heaven. Joshua slowly closed his eyes too, instead of staring at him. He turned his head to face up. For some reason, the random guy wasn't bothering him, maybe even keeping him company despite the silence. It was good.

"What are you hiding from?" Josh almost jumped again. He turned his head to Oliver, seeing calm, warm, curious eyes waving through his face gently. Josh blinked before he lazily turned his body to face Oliver.

"People are being overbearing again," he mumbled. He was confused. Why would he say that to a total stranger? Was it the calm he passed? The nonjudgmental aura he held? Was it because opening up to a stranger was easier than to a know one since his opinion wouldn't hurt as much as it would with a loved one, it wasn't as scary? Maybe. But it was okay. Oliver nodded a bit.

"It's understandable. I can relate, actually," and he wore a sweet smile that made Joshua stare just for a few more seconds.

"Would you like to speak about it?" It was Josh's turn to ask. Oliver breathed in. He gazed up at the sky. Josh frowned wonderingly at the dark that momentarily hovered over Oliver's warm gaze.

"I... No. It's okay," he beamed at Josh again, turning his body to face him. "Would you like to speak about it?" And Josh shook his head.

"No, not really," He had said enough, he decided. He licked his lips and nibbled at his bottom lip. "But I really wanna talk about something," He turned to face Oliver. Oliver did the same.

"What is it?"

"I, I don't know. Anything is fine," He shrugged softly. Oliver hummed. He stared at Joshua for a few seconds.

"Have you found your lifetime partner yet?" Oliver blinked up at him. Josh gazed at him before he shook his head.

"No. I'm trying but... I can't seem to find anyone. You?"

"Nope. No name, nothing yet. It kind of sucks," Oliver stared up at the sky. Josh nodded in agreement. They were quiet for a few more minutes. "This place is amazing," Oliver muttered. "The only place I find peace."

"Yeah, me too. I wish I could be here forever," And Oliver let out a small chuckle.

"Wouldn't it get too lonely, though?" It was Josh's turn to smile.

"Maybe," Josh hummed. "But it would be nice."

"For sure it would. Maybe I could keep you company," Oliver smiled amused and turned to see Josh's reaction, which was a chuckle and a nod. Josh turned to face him, a small smile playing on his lips.

"That would be nice," he hummed and Oliver laughed goofily. It was almost like he had no worries at all. It was nice to be carefree with someone else at once. And that's how they hit off. As easy as a few words and the simple fact that they both knew that place and went to it just to be themselves for a second was enough to click into a quick friendship. They felt like they should be wary of each other but the more they talked and the more they stood in silence, it was easy to realize that they meant no harm. So they allowed themselves to slowly open up.


Mkay, so this one is a bit different! Not that much but- you get it. The updates won't be as frequent as they were with Firsts either because wtf is an inspiration???? Anyways. I hope you enjoyed it c: Have a nice day, dears โค๐Ÿ–คโค

(Do you think that their meeting was too rushed?)
