

Youngjae rounded a corner with two ice creams. When he looked up he saw Hyunjee and Yugyeom talking. He was confused but saw her make eye contact. She looked at him as to signal to go away for a bit. He knew she didn't mean any harm so he went to the park. He didn't realize how lonley it was.

He stuck his earbuds in and sat in a hammock. He swayed gently until he opened his eyes. He saw Yugyeom and Hyunjee walking on the street. He decides that he might as well go over. He saw they were going to the soda shop so he took some short cuts and made it there before him. He sat waiting as he drank a sprite.

When they walked through everyone's eyes widened.

"Uh, Yugyeom this is-" Hyunjee started. He could tell he was nervous.

"No." Yugyeom cut her off. He then stormed off. Youngjae stood up when Hyunjee started to cry. He walked up to her and hugged her.

"I'm sorry." He said softly. She let go and he wiped her tears.

"It's okay. He was telling me he was really discouraged about the soulmate thing. I felt bad and said I found mine so there is hope. We walked around and figured you were at the forest so we went to grab a soda. I don't think he expected it to be someone we knew." She said. He nodded in understanding. She smiled at him and pecked his cheek.

"Let's go find him." He said. She grabbed his hand and walked around the city. Once they found him Hyunjee went and Youngjae stayed behind. He really liked Yugyeom and he wanted his approval for their relationship.

After a bit Yugyeom seemed better and they were laughing. They quickly hugged and Yugyeom left.

She walked over and said, "He didn't think it was real. He does want me to tell mom." She said. He smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I forgot we start school Monday." She said as they walked around the city. He sighed.

"What lunch do you have?" He asked.

"I have 3rd so does Yugyeom." She answered.

"Me too." He responded. The two kept walking as they talked about school for the rest of their time.

Although Youngjae wasn't a fan of school he was excited because he would be able to see her more.


"Hey honey, how did you sleep?" His mother asked polietly.

He sighed and said, "Good. I have something to tell you and Dad." He tried to hide his nervousness. His dad looked up from his breakfast and his mom stopped cooking to face him.

"I found her." He said. It was such a relief to tell them. His mother smiled wider than ever before, so did his dad. When he looked at his mom she went and hugged him. He noticed a tear slip out.

"Are you okay?" He asked while embracing her.

"Yes. I'm just really happy for you." She said letting go.

"What's her name?" His father asked.

"Funny thing. It's Mrs. Kim's daughter. Hyunjee." He said laughing. Their eyes widened with shock.

"Wow. I really liked her. I'm very happy for you son." His father said. His father said goodbye then left for work.

"When did you find her?" His mother asked.

"Friday. Not last night Friday. Im sorry for keeping it a secret I guess I didn't want to overwhelm you while we were moving." He admitted.

"It's okay honey. Has she told her family?" She asked.

"Yugyeom visited last night and he found out. She said she would tell her mom tonight." He said.

"Ok then. I won't say anything. I'll see you tonight." She said as she grabbed her things and went to work.

Once she left Youngjae pulled out his phone and texted Hyunjee.

Hey I told Mom and Dad.

How did they react

They were happy. They were also glad it was you

I was kinda worried about that
I'm telling Mom today at dinner.
Yugyeom is better now.

Good. I should go. I'll see you later.

I love you. 💕

I love you too ♥️
