
Important so you don't get confused

In this story at the age of 13 everyone gets a dream world. They share that with one other person. Their soulmate. They can't have children without their soulmate so most find them. Your character never bothered. Sure, she wanted one but she didn't want to go through the trouble. It was a long process.

Soulmates couldn't get married until 21. They had to get tested to see if they actually shared the dream world and they weren't just lying.

Most passed. Few lied because no one got away with it. It also came with serious consequences.

Your character Hyunjee, never looked for the one. She just wanted to be free in her own dreams to do whatever she wished.

(Forgot to mention in the dream world you can do anything)

Ok that's a fair amount of background knowledge so I'll let you start reading! Enjoy.
