
Warning:a small 18+/bad English
Au : ink has a soul Au  !
"Well well look what  do we have here?~"nightmare said smirking,nightmare took ink soul. As ink growled,"nuH nuh,one step and your soul would be destroyed rainbow bitch"nightmare said,"okay okay,what do you want nightmare"ink said,"get me dream you only have 5 days,And by the end of the days if you didn't Gave me dream,your soul will be destroyed,remember you can't tell him why are you bringing him to this forset",nightmare said,"ughhh!fine"ink said,
[Note:Blue has asked to spend 2 week's with his brother so,that's why he wasn't there]
"So are we just gonna trust that rainbow bitch"error said,"no you Guys gonna  watch over him"Nightmare said,"okay boss"killer said,
[Other way]
[Nightmare gang watching ink from a far place]
"Hey dream"ink said sitting behind dream,"hello ink"he said,ink smiled  with a broken non-existent soul,"are u okay ink?"dream said as he hugged ink,"stop it"ink mumbled,"what?"dream said,"stop being so kind and nice and sweet,stop it"ink said yelling wish make dream take 3 steps to the back,because of his phobia,ink sighed looking at dream scared a little,"sorry bubby"ink said then continued"i didn't mean to scare ya,I kind of forget your phobia of loud noises",
Killer wirted The new information down in his book

Ink hugged the small Skelton as dream hugged back then smiled,
"I love you"ink mumbled,with bad guys growling,dream smiled,
He didn't know was it
or a
Dream Was confused but he let ink hug him,and he smiled not knowing the deal or what happening around...
Day 1 [done]
{4 days left}
•Day 2:nighttale•
Dream yawned waking up,killer was stalking him blushing,dream took off his T-shirt and put a long hoodie,then change his pants,with killer having a nose bleed,
Dream walked down stairs where ink already made breakfast,"good morning dream"ink greeted,"hey ink"dream also greeted,
Dream blinked a few minutes and he already found his self and ink in night tale[My AU,dream has an AU and nightmare has an AU]
"Ink is'nT that nightmare's AU,we can't entre without asking"dream said,"well he always go into AU's and destroy them without asking so"ink said,dream frowned then sighed as he sit behind ink looking at the endless sky,
"hey dream its already 12 pm"Ink said,"wait what?!"dream said,"oh yeah,ha ha,forget to tell you in this AU the time change very fast"ink said,dream yawned Then  sighed,"let's go back to home"Ink said dream nodded in agreement"mhm" he said,ink just smiled hugging then holding the small sleepy/tired Skelton,that already fall asleep on him,ink opened a Portale,as him and the dream go into it,
Day 2 [done]
{3 days left}
•day 3:movie•
Skip [night time]
"Hey wanna watch a movie?"Ink asked,"yeah of course!!"dream said,"alright!"ink said ,
Dream slept half way of the movie,putting his head on ink's shoulder,
As the movie was done ink also drifted away falling asleep,
Day 3 [done ]
{2 days left}
•day 4:visit •
"Hey dream Wanna visit blue in his AU?"ink asked,"mhm"dream nodded,"great!,let's go"ink said as the two jumped into portal,now they are underswap!!
Dream smiled seeing papyrus of the AU,"hey carrot"dream said,"hey dream"carrot said putting his sigaret[idk if it is right] away then Patton dream,"where is blue?"dream said,"oh he is with soriel"carrot said,"oh okay"dream said smiling,
"Come in dream we are going back"ink said,"okay"dream said as he smiled,with ink sad,
"Goodnight dream"
"Goodnight ink"
[Next day]
"Hey dream I need you to come with me.."ink said,dream nodded,he changed his clothes into normal one's and walked with ink,
"Where are we"dream asked,"uhh,we are here to see this forset"ink said,"oh"dream said following ink,
"ink I don't like it here,its going darker every step!"dream said,"ha ha sorry about that"ink said,"oh you are here!~"nightmare said,nightmare walked with his gang as dream remembered something,
~Flash back~
"Ink why are you taking my staff"dream said,"well duh" ink said
~End of flash back~
Dream looked in ink's eye with a disappointment look,"really"he said,"look dream I am-"ink was cut off by dream saying "sorry?"dream chuckled,
"Ohhh!~some broken friendship,I like this energy"nightmare said,
"Now gave my soul!"ink said,"make him pass out and i'll do it"nightmare said,"wait-what?!"dream said,ink mumbled"sorry",as he summoned his bronnie,dream just looked at him dogging all his attacks,ink summons his glastes blaster to end this but,
A nother glaster blaster appread,
Dream sighed,the blaster wanted to shout into,but she didn't have any order yet,"so,what is your plan ink?"dream said,"what?"ink said putting his glider down a littel,"make me Pass out,give me to the bad guys,take your soul come back to home?and after two days blue coming home,what you gonna say huh?get a lie,oh wait i'm sorry maybe all the relationship between us the three was a lie"dream said,"no!its not like this!!"ink said,"then What?!"dream shouted at ink,"I-i....I c-can explain"ink said,"sure you can,betrayer",this was last thing dream said befor getting hit in the head by one of nightmare gang,"alright there's your soul"nightmare said,"now bye"killer said,as the gang teleported to their house,
Dream woke up on a bed in a strange room,not his for sure,but he was also wearing short girls outfit which looks like a bunny,and dream did'nt like,
You finally woke up",a girl spoke walking in,dream nodded,"boss needs you in his room"the girl said,"In this outfit?!"dream said,"yes"she said showing dream the way,the girl walked first then bowed down,"your PET is here my boss",nightmare smirked as he said "let him in!~",the girl told dream that he can entre then left, dream opened the door slowly,nightmare smirked as he said"hello,there dear pet ",then he continued,"you finally decided to follow your master without struggle or need a punishment","what do you mean by 'punishment'?"dream said innocently ,"talking about that,you gonna have a punishment little pet"nightmare said,dream looked at him confused as nightmare pushed her into wall and kissed him and started licking his teeth asking for permission dream let a little yelp,as nightmare start discovering his mouth,
[Few minutes later]
The Gang knocked the door,but nightmare didn't answer because he was to 'busy' right now,So they just entered and
[Intresting blush]
"What"nightmare said cutting the kiss,dream took a small breath as he yelped,
"You can't just have fun like this alone!"dust said,"for sure"error said agreeing,"yeah!"killer said,
Dust walked to dream,who was  behind nightmare,he took him and said "hello cutie!~",and before dream open his mouth to speak,dust put his hand on his mouth and start bitting dream's neck,strong enough to see the tear's falling from dream's eyes,dust stopped bitting then lift dream up a little him being short,then kissed him,"wtf dude!"killer said,"mine now"dust said,"stay the fuck away from him!"cross said,"nah,maybe I'll fu¢k him","not if I fu¢kd him first!" Killer said,
"so where were we?"dust said turning to dream,dream yelped a little,as killer start breathing on his neck"stop this please!i-its weird!"dream finally spoke up,"sorry sunlight,but this is your punishment!~"nightmare said,"for what?"dream said,nightmare just smirked,
As he touch dream,he glanced then Smirked and said to dream"summon your femal ecto-body","b-but"dream said,
-"no buts",nightmare said,
Dream had no choice except taking the order,'he' summon his ecto-female body...
[The outfit after dream summon 'her/his' ecto-femal body]

BAd guys*nose bleed*
"Happy now!"dream said,"totally!~"nightmare said,
[After that]
Nightmare put a collar on dream,just when you put a collar on what belong to you (pet),
Dream frowned sighing 'she/he' didn't really like the idea being in 'his/her' ecto-female body,
Dream sighed as killer hugged him from behind and said"hello princess!","hey kills"she said,
"I want you to promise me something princess"
-"Go ahead and tell me what is it first"Dream said
-"Promise me to never leave the house without telling us,and to be a good little pet,shall you?,and of course obey and follow what us!your master's say?"Killer said
-"Uh....."She said,
-"Say yes,i don't want to hurt ya princess",killer said giving dream a quick kiss,
Dream just sighed as she thought for a minute and said to killer
"p-promise...",she said as killer smiled,"good pet" he said giving dream a pat,
'He/she'.just purred when killer patted her,as a kitten do when you rub her or pat her,killer just smirked a little with his heart melting inside from all the cuteness,
Dream was laying on the couch,very sleepy,but 'her/him' being 'childish' and stubborn didn't wanna sleep ,error walked down seeing 'him/her' yawning and said to' her/him' "Sleep",'he/she' was sleepy but she didn't want to sleep though,dream just sighed closing her eyes,drifting away sleeping,
Error smiled{omg!error smiled
( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)}
Then he hold dream into him and cuddled with 'her/him' fallen a sleep also,
Ink just popped from no where then he hold a camera and took a pic of the sleeping error and dream cuddling,
Sadly for him nightmare saw him,
And captured him,
Heh,probably gonna to make him suffer ...
Am I right?
Hello everyone hope you enjoyed the chapter,it took me 3 days to find an idea and do it,
BTW there will be part two!
-don't forgot to gave as request about the next BAD GUYS×DREAM [BAD DREAMS] AU will be!
-click on vote if you liked my story!
-sub if you are new
Oh and hey guys,should I make dream a boy or a girl?,
Please tell meh! :(
-1837 WORDS
