Meeting-Bad guys Lil' pet

Au:kitten Dream AU
❌Nightmare and dream Aren't siblings/brothers❌
✔Dream's brother a boy named Karma✔
Step Bad guys Sibling AU Also-
[I mean they are from same dad not same mom]
Dream FEMALE🛐🌸
Karma MALE👀
Dream,[Golden kitty/Neko]
Soft,caring person,inccoent,
"Hey 'Father' what did you need from me??"
Nightmare said annoyed
"I bought you and your siblings
??? Said
"Great...may at least see them?"
Nightmare said,
"For sure buddy....MAID GET THE NEW TWO PETS"
??? SAID
"Yes master!"
The maid said as she pushed a female golden neko and male wolf [half wolf/half human]
"There they are.... "
He said,
Karma liked nightmare he was so hot and attractive ~
He wanted to kiss him very hard..
He bitted his lips,
Nightmare patted karma,which started filtering with him...
Nightmare though,
He patted dream,and she just cutely purred,
Nightmare smiled,
"Sure I'll take them...I guess-"
He said,
??? Said
"Hi Nightmare,Oh-And Who's them??"
Killer asked,
"New pets,dad bought..."
Nightmare said simply..
"Oh cool"
Killer said
"Not cool"
Nightmare said,
"Hum,why not though?-"
Killer said,
"The wolf is so filtry-i hate it"
Nightmare said,
"It can't be that bad ya know"
Killer said,
"Yeah sure"
Nightmare said frowning annoyed,
    Then karma turned his head around to see where is his lil' sister
,but he didn't find her?!!!,he started to
Panic which made nightmare look at him confusedly,
"W-where's my sister?!!!"
He said,
"I don't know,maybe she left to explore??this house Is pretty big you wolf and almost all the maids know you guys are our pets so if they saw her they will bring her here or something-.."
Nightmare said,
Karma nodded Still worried,
"And what's your names??"
Killer said changing the subject,
"My name is karma,and my sisters Dream"
He said,
"That's cool names"
Killer said
"Thanks I guess"
Karma said still worried about his sister,
          Then they heard a small purring in the other room,
"See?told ya she didn't go far away..let's go"
Nightmare said as they started to walk into the next room to see,
Error patting dream and cross just chilling,
       And heck she was so comfortable with it,
"Aww,you are so adorable ~hmm?I wish I can eat you~"
Cross said,
She said then her face turn yellow  And covered her face with her hands,
"Your even cute when you blush~,i'll galdy be your master lil pet~"
Cross said,
"OK there big one I don't care if you are one of our masters or not but YOU BETTER Leave my sister alone!!"
karma yelled very mad,
✔Overprotective brother mode on✔
-Damn Fam👀✋🏻-
"you are a Mood"
Cross said,
"He is right Cross..and you know it"
Nightmare said,
"Owe not you too nightmare"
Cross said,
To be continued since I have no ideas-
