Waka Chaka!

A/n: Thanks for 200 reads! You all are amazing!!

Anyways Enjoy!

No ones POV:

A white truck is driving quickly as it turns. The man inside the truck has headphones on to max volume and is listening to rock music. He hums along.

A creature growls in the bushes as the truck stops outside someones house. 

The man comes out still humming along as he heads to the trunk to get the package. He opens the back as he mimics guitar before grabbing a small package. He starts going to the house but drops the package and the object inside shatters. 

The creature growls again.

The man grabs the package and heads toward the house.

The creature breaths heavily as it runs at the truck and grunts as it jumps inside. 

The man is still walking to the house, he almost drops the package ounce again.

The creature was sniffing around looking for something and the other objects rustle.

It looks out the truck "Wa-cha-ka!" it says as another goblin shows up. It calls to the others "Ola-mola!" They all grumble as they look for something. One of the goblins is outside the truck, keeping watch. It looks at the man who's still mimicking guitar riff. He finally got to the door and rang the door bell. 

(Ignore the marker until after)

And then speaks in their language. 

The man who's at the door of a house mimics music as he writes a note on the box and sticks it to the door. He then turns back to the truck. The goblin that was watching him quickly turned to the others in the truck and says something in their goblin language. The other goblins then turn back to the boxes as the man slowly walks back over to his truck. One of the goblins grunts as it uses its legs to push a box away. The box hits the very back of the truck and nearly smashes one of the goblins. The box looked ordinary but it also had a golden lion on it. The man hummed as he walked over to his truck, and put the box back inside. The goblins looked up at him as they were hidden right underneath of him. They looked up at him as he wrote something on the box. He didn't see the goblin that was still inside his truck watching him. Once the man had finished writing he shut the back of his truck, trapping the goblin inside. He moved to the front of his truck as the goblins with the box moved up. They looked at the trucks back, waiting for the other goblin to come out. They moved a bit closer to the truck but then they heard the gas stutter. The truck back door then started to open and there stood the goblin that had been stuck. He let out a laugh as he held up the door but then the truck beeped and the goblin fell onto the road and got crushed. The other goblins gasped in fear and shock as they watched it happen. The truck then zoomed away and a goblin said something to the others in their language. A black marker rolled up to the goblin that was in front of the others. They snarled as the lead goblin picked up the marker and looked at the others before opening it and drawing a mush stash on his face. "Waka Chaka!" "Waka Chaka!" They all exclaimed and laughed. 

*At Troll Market*

A purple-ish training dummy popped up and shot fire from its 'hands', to which Jim ducted and then realized the same moment that another dummy was there and it shot arrows at him, to which he hit to the ground. He then started to run and Blinky was telling him some advice, "Always be afraid. Fear heightens your senses. Fear keeps you alive." He says as Jim blocks some more arrows. Jim tried to look cool as he leaned on his sword but got hit to the ground from a small grey with blue ball. He fell with a scream. 

Blinky puts his bottom hands together. "Arrogance gets you killed." Jim groans as he lifts his head to look at Blinky "Yeah, I'll have to remember that." "Draal, however, does not fear you." Blinky says as he picks Jim up. "That will be his weakness, but not you." Blinky says as he turns Jim around and puts him down. "You'll be wetting your armor. That will be your strength." Blinky says as Jim gets into a fighting stance and hits some balls as they fly at him. Jim runs and keeps on hitting the balls, passing AAARRRGH and Toby, who is working out. "Oh, yeah. Looking good, Jimbo. Feel the burn!" Toby exclaims and AAARRRGH turns to him in confusion. "-If Jim's getting fit, I'm getting fit." Toby says as his watch beeps and he holds it up to AAARRRGH. "Don't want to be too big." Toby says as he does a few jumping jacks. He notices AAARRRGH look at his head "Not that there's anything wrong with being big." Toby reassures as he pats AAARRRGH's hand. "But if I'm gonna have Jim's back, I gotta be nimble." He says as he starts running in place. While Jim is blocking the balls, AAARRRGH gets on his hind legs and starts running in place, moving the place a bit. Toby suddenly stops and holds out his phone "Yeah, baby! Hit a benchmark. I've run a total of...a hundred feet." Toby says as he quickly shows AAARRRGH and then starts clicking. "Five calories burned. Nice!"

Jim then destroys the training dummies with his sword. A third one shows up and shoots some arrows at Jim, who blocks them. He turns to Blinky "You know, I think being afraid is the one rule that I--Oh!" He then quickly ducks as some arrows fly at him and hit the dummy behind him, setting it on fire. Jim chuckled "...I excel at." He points to the dummy that's on fire as Blinky comes over "No, Master Jim. You must excel at all three. If trolls are ever going to embrace you as Trollhunter, you must ignore your humanly instincts." Jim then suddenly threw his sword, hitting a dummy which had popped up, on the forehead. "Do that, and I have no doubt you will defeat Draal." Blinky says as he grabs Jim's shoulder but lets go as he hears a familiar laugh. 

Draal and another troll had entered the training area. 

"Look...it's training." Draal says mockingly as they pass him, he lets out a growl. "Cute." He says as he follows the other troll. Jim and the others stop and look at Draal as he speaks in troll language. Blinky then turns to Jim "Let your fear keep you alive. Let his arrogance lead him astray. Defeat him...and you'll make history." He says as he puts a hand on Jim's back and walks him out.

*At the museum* 

"I know contemporary media might lead you to believe European history is full of swords, sorcery, and scandal. I assure you, the truth is far more interesting, and there's no better place to start than Renaissance Era pottery." As soon as she finished speaking, all the kids, except for Y/n and Eli, looked bored. "Since we have limited time, Ms. Nomura, perhaps it's best if they explore the museum on their own. Don't you think?" As soon as Mr. Stickler said that a kid said "See ya!" and then the kids disappeared into the museum.

As they were walking through the museum, Toby said "So, check this out, man. So, if I walk fifty thousand steps, I get the t-shirt." Jim notices a blocked off area but continues walking with Toby. "A hundred thousand nets me the water bottle." They soon arrived upstairs (I think). "But if I get five hundred thousand--oh, man, you guys--that's when things get interesting!" Jim then sees Steve leaning on a glass box with a beautiful dress inside and next to him was Y/n. Y/n puts a hand on the glass "Look at that embroidery." "Hey, sorry if you got caught up in that little tiff between Lake and I, but I want you to know, since joining the play, I feel like there's another side of me that really wants to come out." Y/n turned to Steve "Apology accepted. You were a jerk." She says and turns back to the glass box. Steve smirks and moves and makes it look like he was kissing Y/n. Jim sighs and drops his head to the railing. "Aw, come on, man. Don't let Steve get to you. Y/n's a smart girl. She'll realize he's a jerk." Jim gets his head off the railing "How? She's too busy thinking I'm a jerk for skipping play rehearsal." "Well, then, this is the perfect moment, dude. Take her hand and use those lips of yours and talk to her." Toby then heads over to Steve "Toby, no, no! Wait, wait!" Jim whisper-yells. 

Toby went to Steve and said to him "Hey, Steve! Did you hear about the Neanderthal exhibit? Topless." "Nice! Cave ladies." Steve says and leaves. Toby was waving his hands for Jim to come over and was whispering "Come here, come here." He then moved a bit away so Jim could go. Jim took a deep breath before moving over to Y/n. "I wish our play had these costumes." Y/n turned to Jim with a smile "I know, right? With our school budget, I'll end up doing the balcony scene in my bathrobe." Jim shrugged a bit. "Hey, if anyone could pull it off, it's be you. You're the only one on stage who looks like they know what they're doing." "Tell Claire's parents. Im going to be staying over at her house for a bit..anyway, the one time Claire and I get a B, what's their advice? Drop the play." Y/n says as they move to a photo. "Are they crazy? You were born for this, It's like--" Toby bumps into Jim gently and whispers "Move closer." before moving away. Jim moved a bit closer "...your calling. My mom would be stoked if I ever found something to be so passionate about." Jim says as he leans on the railing next to Y/n. "Wow! You're pretty passionate yourself, Mr. Guru. What about you? What's calling you, Jim Lake Junior?" Jim clears his throat. Meanwhile Toby was watching the other kids when he heard Eli "At first I thought it was an alien. Definitely not human." Toby walked over to Eli. "It's some sort of monster!" Insists Eli "Come on, give it up, Eli." Says the girl he was showing. On Eli's phone was a photo of him and a smashed green blob. "No, no! This time, I have photographic evidence." Toby gasps "Hey, Eli, can I see your phone real quick?" Toby grabs the phone out of Eli's hands. "Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh." He muttered as he accidentally pressed a button and the photo disappeared. "Oh, darn!" "What the heck? You deleted it?" Eli says in disbelief as he takes his phone back. Toby chuckled nervously  "Darn these stubby little fingers. If its any consolation, I believed you." His tracker then beeps and Eli walks away tapping on his phone. "Believing, one calorie." (Y/n) "Hey, so I gotta ask...if you weren't going to show up for rehearsals, why even try out?" Y/n asks Jim who shrugs as he says "Honestly, I kind of auditioned by accident, but I'm glad I did. I really liked the company." "Aw!" Y/n chuckles. "Thanks." Jim looks away "Um, I was talking about Eli." Y/n laughs and puts a hand on Jim's shoulder, but then Toby came over looking nervous. He clears his throat and gently shoves Jim's arm. Jim turns to Toby "This better be good, Tobes." "It's actually kind of bad. We have a problem." He says and they both smile strangely. "What kind of problem?"

*Night time at the goblin site with Blinky and AAARRRGH*

"Voila!" Exclaims Toby. "Not voila. Goblin." AAARRRGH says bluntly. "Goblin?" Jim asks as he pokes the green smashed body with a twig. "Ruthless tricksters." Answers Blinky. "Petty street vandals who leave a wake of destruction. This is not good." Jim gets up and tosses the twig aside "Well, justice was served. We should get back and train for Draal." Blinky holds up a finger "Oh, no, Master Jim. Where there is one, there is many. And, as for the unfortunate soul who ran over this small fellow, may Skaargen's swift blade have mercy!" Blinky then spits on two of his hands and rubs all four of them together. "And why is that?" Jim asks in confusion. "Naturally, goblin payback is ten-fold." "Are you saying whoever ran this guy over is in serious trouble?" "A delivery driver left a sticky note on Eli's house." Toby says from Eli's front door, holding up a sticky note. "Wait for it. The goblin might have gotten squashed by the delivery truck!" exclaims Toby. "Hey, let me see that." Jim says as he takes the note out of Toby's hand. "If the driver's returning at eight, we need to be here, too. Im not going to let some poor guy become goblin chow on my watch." Blinky spreads all four hands "Master Jim, answering the call!" Toby jumped a little in his spot "So cool. Stakeout!" He lets out a chuckle "Past my curfew!"


A car drives past Eli's house. Blinky lets out a growl as he turns to Jim "It's already nine o'clock. Ugh." Jim was looking at Eli's house with some bicolors as Blinky continues "It appears the only thing being delivered is failed expectations." "At least, no sign of goblins. Hey, Tobes, all clear." Jim says into a radio, "How's it going over there?" 

Toby and AAARRRGGH were behind a different bush, and Toby was running in place as he talks back to Jim over the radio "All good in the hood, Trollhunter, except I can't stop moving. My love for stakeouts is being ruined by my overwhelming need to obtain swag." Blinky then grabs another pair of binoculars and tries to look through. "Other than that, nothing unusual." AAARRRGGHH looks at Toby "You are unusual." "War hammer out." Toby says. Then a white truck pulls up to Eli's house, Toby then takes his radio back out "War Hammer to Trollhunter, the package has arrived." Jim and Blinky look shocked for a moment. The truck then stops at Eli's house and the man comes out, humming. He goes to the back of his truck and opens it and takes the package out. He then drops the package on the ground and then picks it up again and then the group hears the object inside the package shatter. Jim whispers to Blinky "Let's get him out of here before its too late." Blinky, who had been looking at the street lights through the binoculars says "Wait! His fate may already be sealed." He says as he watches the lights turn off. "They're here. Look!" Blinky says. Then a goblin with a mustache comes out of the mist and then speaks in their goblin language and snaps his fingers. Blinky was watching in shock as a huge group of goblins slowly headed for Eli's house. "No, I'm not gonna to let an innocent person--" Blinky jumped on Jim before he could head out of the bush. "Great trouble! There appears to be far more than I had anticipated." Blinky says into the radio. Toby and AAARRRGGH looked shocked. "Stay down and don't make a sound. In their frenzied state, they'll attack any in their path." Blinky finishes.  

The man then gets to Eli's front door and rings the door bell and drops the package again, But he picks it up before the door opens to revel Eli, who yells "Yes! My spy gear has arrived!" He takes the box and shakes it "Unassembled!" The man then goes inside Eli's house as he says "Hey, mind if I use your can? Rad. Thanks." and then Jim looks up because he heard a laugh and saw a goblin crush the street light. He stands up "But that's Eli! He's in my class." "He was in your class." Blinky says as he puts a hand on Jim's shoulder. They then hear a goblin muttering something. The last light was destroyed and all the goblins started moving in, yelling, snarling and growling. They came from bushes, on top of the house and from the streets. The group watches as a huge horde of goblins ran straight for the empty truck. Some goblins chanted "Waka Chaka!" as they climbed all over the truck and devoured it within minutes. "Oh, my goblins!" Toby whisper-yells. "Unexpected." Blinky says from the radio. "Their dispute isn't with the driver at all, but rather the transportation that had flattened their kinsman. Ooh, you must not be afraid, Master Jim." "I thought the first rule of troll hunting was to always be afraid." "Trolls, not goblins." answers AAARRRGGH. Blinky moves his face closer to Jims "Goblins crave the pheromone of terror, an odor you appear to be releasing quite generously." "Wait! This is too much. You mean, they can smell fear?" Toby says as he smells his armpit "Oh, no! I can smell it, too." "Then stop, or else they will eat you!" Blinky says over the radio. Toby let out a scream and three goblins got up on their back legs and looked around while sniffing the air. They faced them and snarled. "Perhaps I made my point too loud. Run!" Blinky says and grabs Jim's arm and starts running. The goblins followed them, leaving Toby and AAARRRGH to watch them run past them. Some goblins snarled as they ran after Jim and Blinky. AAARRRGH and Toby get out of the bushes and follow the duo running from the goblins. AAARRRGH picked up Toby and put him on his back, and continued chasing. 

The man just came out of Eli's house "Whoa...Where's my truck?"

Blinky and Jim were panting as they both ran from the goblins,, who were snarling as they chased the duo. Jim then grabbed his Amulet out and noticed it started glowing a light blue. He let out a scream "Now is not the time for armor!" Blinky yells back to Jim, who was slowing down because his armor showed up on his body. "It'll only slow you down!" "You think I'm trying to do this?" "Your armor is responding to your emotional state! Control your fear, or you'll be dinner!" Blinky exclaims and picks up speed as Jim slows down. "It's so ,so heavy!" A goblin suddenly jumps on Jim's arm. "Master Jim!" Blinky yells as Jim starts to get dragged by a small group of goblins but AAARRRGH comes to his rescue and tosses him onto his back and runs on all fours and soon catches up to Blinky. As they continue running with a horde of goblins behind them, Toby's tracker beeps "Oh, my gosh! I just got a free t-shirt! This is so much cardio!" toby exclaims and then gets pulled off AAARRRGH's back by a goblin, Jim grabs his leg while Toby freaked out and started to hit the goblin on the road while screaming "Get it off, get it off, get it off! No! My points!" Toby yells as the goblin flies off with his tracker on its neck. Jim pulled him up "Your points? Our lives, Tobes!" "We need to find a refuge! Trollmarket is too far." Blinky says. Toby leans a bit forward "Cut through these backyards. We'll get to my house. Come on, come on, come on!" He says and they run toward Toby's house. The goblins exclaim "Waka Chaka!" as they follow the humans and trolls. Soon they arrive at a fence and AAARRRGH gently takes Toby and Jim off his back and put them on the other side of the fence "Up and over." he says as he grabs Blinky's head and puts him on the other side before jumping over the fence himself. Toby runs into his back door and tries to open it but its locked "Uh..." Toby grabbed something from his pocket, while the goblins climbed over the fence, snarling. Jim turns to Toby "Come on, come on! Hurry, Tobes!" "Don't rush me!" The goblin with a mustache is on the fence. "Oh, no." Jim says. Some more goblins climbed over the fence and started to approach them. Toby then finally opened the door "Ah! I did it! I rule, I rule!" He exclaims as they all go into the house except for AAARRRGGH because he was too big for the door. The goblins were almost on AAARRRGH and Toby quickly turned the lights for the outside on, causing the goblins to cover their eyes and scream. They all ran back to the fence and one turned t them and muttered "Waka Chaka.." before leaving with the others. "Thank gosh for Nana's anti-burglar mania." They then got AAARRRGH inside and Toby leaned on his fridge as they all breathed heavily. "Toby-pie! Is that you?" comes a voice, known as Nana. Toby waved for the group to move as he yelled back "Don't mind us, Nana. We'll just be in my room." As soon as they all left the kitchen Toby opened the fridge and grabbed some food. "Binge-watch another show and keep the cats inside."

Soon they were inside Toby's room and Toby was sitting on his bed eating nervously. AAARRRGGH picked up a sock and ate it. "Any--Anyone else want a snack? I find stress eating clams me down." Blinky and Jim pace around Toby's room before Blinky turns to Jim and grabs his shoulders "I'm sorry to say, Master Jim, but your town is infested with goblins!" "Okay, trolls,  can deal with because, at least, trolls stay underground. But goblins? I don't even have the bandwidth to--" "Jim, we gotta get my Chubby Tracker back. As long as they've got it, they're just gonna get stronger and faster." Interrupts Toby. AAARRRGGH grabs Toby's food bowl "Must find den." he says before shallowing the bowl. "Yes, and eradicate them at once before they seek their revenge." Blinky says to Jim "Revenge?" "On you two. And they now know where Tobias lives." Jim walks over to Toby "So, we find their den. You must have some idea." he says as he sits down next to Toby. "Haven't the foggiest. It could be anywhere." Blinky says and then they hear a gnome chattering. Blinky whips around and looks inside the dollhouse window to see the gnome sit down next to a space girl. "Great Gronka Morka! What is the gnome doing in this dollhouse?" Blinky ask as he looks at Toby and Jim. "Toby-pie? I don't recognize that voice. Who is it?" Nana asks through the door. 

Toby sighs before cupping his mouth with his hands and yells back "Its a friend, Nana! I do have more than one!" Toby crosses his arms. "No, you don't." Nana replies. Jim then spoke to Blinky "You told me to take care of the gnome, so we're taking care of it." Blinky shoves a finger in front of Jim's face "This is a direct violation of rule number two! Whatever happened to finish the fight?" Jim waves a hand "And rule number one is to always be afraid, except if you're around goblins 'cause they smell fear. Your rules make less sense than Algebra, which--oh, yeah--I have in a few hours, unless I get eaten by goblins tonight." Jim says as he stands up and walks near the dollhouse, to where the gnome chattered as he ran back inside. "Im sorry. Im no good at understanding your rules. I'm not ready for Draal, Bular, or finding a stupid den of goblins." Blinky puts a hand on Jim's shoulder "As your trainer, I can only advise, not make your decisions. I understand. You're human. You're learning the rules in your own way." Jim then walks back over to the bed as Blinky continues "Aaarrrgghh and I will seek out this den, wherever it may be. You just focus on your studies. It seems life has thrown enough at you for one day." Jim and Toby smile at each other before turning back to Blinky who becomes angry "But a gnome in a dollhouse?" Both boys smile. 

*At school. Next day*

(Boy) "Oh, yes!" 

"Dodge this, Lake!" Steve says as he throws a dodgeball at Jim, who rolls to dodge the ball. Toby was standing in the back with a ball in his hands, he also looked gloomy. "Hey, come on! You gonna get your head int eh game, Tobes," Jim dodges another ball "-Or do I have to do this all myself?" Toby stomps a foot "Why bother another step? My Cubby Trackers gone." He says as he throws the ball. "Life's so empty when you're not recking up points." Jim dodges another ball. "Well, I thought you'd be more concerned about the goblins coming to kill us." Jim whispers to Toby as he grabs a ball and throws it, but Steve caught it and now he had two balls.  "Oh, yeah, your right.." Toby says in fear. Steve throws both balls, aiming to hit Jim but misses because Jim dodges. Steve angrily grabs the balls out of his team mates's hands and throws them, but Jim dodges all of them. "Come on!" A girl yells. "Keep your eyes open!" A boy says. Couch watches as Jim jumps and dodges all the balls that come at him. "At least your training's paying off." Toby says as he gets hit in his gronk-nuts an face. "Man down!" Toby falls to the ground and says in a high-pitched voice "My gronk-nuts!" A ball hits his face and Steve exclaims "In your face! You're out, Domzalski!" He grabs a flying ball and throws it at Jim who moves out of the way and the ball hits Eli knocking him and his glasses off. Jim jumps at two balls and throws both of them, knocking two of Steve's teammates out. Now it's just Jim and Steve. Eli and Jim high-five but stop as Steve comes over, slow-clapping. "Pretty good, Romeo, but kiss your Juliet goodbye." He then hugged himself. "Leave Y/n out of this." Jim says, pointing a finger at Steve. "Don't let him get to you--" Toby gets cut off as a ball hits him in the face, knocking him to the floor "Ow! Seriously?" Jim's holding a ball and says to Steve "Pucker up, Steve, and kiss this!" Jim threw the ball, aiming to hit him but Steve moved out of the way, and Claire opens the door with Y/n behind her. Jim puts his hands on his head "No!" "Oh, snap!" Toby exclaims. Before the ball could hit Claire in the face, Y/n caught the ball with her right hand, stopping the ball. "Ooh, almost a headshot! Thank goodness you didn't get hit, Nuñez!" Couch exclaims as he comes over to check on both girls. They were both fine.

*In the boys locker room*

"So, she almost got a fat lip. People pay good money for that sort of look. She would have thanked you." Toby says as he grabs something from his gym locker. "And if Y/n hadn't caught that ball...it would have been when I was making up ground." Jim says and grabs his bag. "Why do I have to get so worked up over her?" Jim closes his locker door and so does Toby. They both start to head out as Toby says "Hey, we're red-blooded teenagers. We're powerless to that sort of thing. Except for me, though." Toby's phone then vibrates and he looks at it "I got it all figured out. Hmm? Whoa! I earned a windbreaker!" Toby says and shows Jim his phone. Jim takes Toby's phone "Toby, do you know what this means?" Toby does a little dance as he says "Yeah. If it's not too warm and not too cold, I have a perfect coverup!" "No. A goblin must have the Cubby Tracker on him!" Jim presses something and it shows a location. "We know where they're going. This could lead us straight to their den." Toby turns his head to Jim "And I'm getting a lot of points."

*At night*

Toby and Jim were on their bikes following the phone to where the Chubby Tracker was. "Shouldn't we be telling Blinky and Aaarrrgghh?" Toby asks. "By the time e get down to Trollmarket, the Chubby Tracker battery could be dead, and then we'll never find the goblin den." They turn a corner "Besides, we're just gonna scope it out and then report back. Easy." 

They soon arrive outside the museum. And they both take their helmets off and get off their bikes.

Toby points a finger at the building "Hey, look! Look over there. The museum. We should have known." Toby was pointing to the goblins climbing all over the museum. 

"Let's go tell the others." Jim says and then Toby gasps and pulls Jim to the ground "Get down!" They peek over the bush they were hiding in and saw Ms. Numora going inside the museum. "It's the museum lady." Jim says. "She has no idea it's infested." Toby says freaked out a bit. She goes in. "At any moment, they could strike! Or worse...lay eggs in her ears." Toby says covering his ears. "I don't think goblins do that." Jim says, and continues "Anyway, we need to get her out of here immediately." "Good idea, but cover your ears." They both then ran toward the museum, unaware of someone watching them.

They both ran up to the doors "Come on, open up. Hello? Hello? Where'd she go? Why isn't she answering?" Toby, who was covering his ears says "'Cause she's already dead, Jim. Or she can't hear because she already has eggs in her ears!" Jim runs toward a corner "We gotta get in there." 

"What? You have to speak louder." Toby says as he follows Jim still covering his ears. Jim opens a window, some reason, it wasn't locked. Toby looked at Jim shocked. "This is breaking and entering." "No, it's-it's breaking and rescuing." Jim removes Toby's hands so he could hear better. "Relax. We're just gonna get here out of there, and then let Blinky and Aaarrrgghh handle the rest." Jim says as he moves to the window. Jim gets inside and before Toby could go inside, his bottom got stuck in the window. He chuckled nervously before Jim extended a hand and Toby grabbed it. Jim pulled Toby inside with a light thud. Jim whispers to Toby "Jeez, this place gives me the creeps with the lights out." "It was better when you could see the Neanderthals." Toby whispers back as they move. They didn't see or hear the green goop of goblins sleeping dripping down from the sling behind them. The figure that was watching them moved silently without a single noise. 

The boys open a door as quiet as possible. They walked down the hallway and saw some lights. The then walked toward the light and saw Ms. Nomura. Jim yelped silently and grabbed Toby's ear and dragged him to the side. "Okay, what do we say? If we scare her, the goblins might find us." Jim whispers to Toby who whispers back "How about we're art lovers and we just couldn't wait to see he new exhibits?" "We're from the gas company. The door was open and we smelled a leak." Toby looked over to Ms. Noumra who hummed to herself and pulled out a green and black circle. She moved to the side and Toby couldn't see anything but her shadow. He looked at the box which had the golden lion before moving his gaze to her shadow. Toby watched as Ms. Noumra transformed into a troll before moving back to Toby's view. Toby screamed lightly before hiding himself. Ms. Noumra sniffed the air. Jim was still whispering to himself "No, no, that won't work. We don't have the uniforms for that." Jim noticed that Toby was breathing hard and heavily. "Hey, what's with you?" Jim asks Toby who shuddered "The f-face.." Jim grabbed Toby's shoulders "Chill out, Tobes. You're gonna wake the goblins." 

Meanwhile the sleeping goblins sniffed and some of them woke up.

Toby was still stuttering "Her fa..the face...it's so ugly!" "Okay, okay. So, she's not your type. You don't have to be rude about it." Jim noticed a goblin showed up sniffing and coming closer to them. Jim rolled to a different monument and Toby slowly moved as well. Jim noticed Toby was breathing hard. "You're gonna draw them to us." Jim whispers to Toby. "She's a monster, Jim!" Toby whispered as he grabbed Jim's collar. "I saw her face! It wasn't natural! She's, like, one sort of troll--" "What?" "...but one of us. Like a weird half-breed thing, man." "Maybe it was the lighting." "The lighting?" 

The goblin was sniffing the ground and moving closer and closer to the duo. 

Toby covered his ears and Jim put a hand on his mouth. Jim let out a breath but then Toby's phone started vibrating. He opened his phone and a light came from it. The goblin jumped before smiling.

"Turn it off, turn it off, turn it off!" "I'm trying, I'm trying! But I won the cooler." Toby then looked scared as they heard chuckling from behind  "I knew I detected the stink of teenage flesh." Said the purple-ish troll. Both boys scream and get up and ran into a covered room and fell to the floor. "But a human Trollhunter...that I've never tasted." she says as she comes through. "Then let's see how you like the taste of Daylight." Jim pulls out the Amulet. "That was a good one, Jimbo!" Jim's armor then shows up. He has his sword in hand and lungs at Noruma, who catches the sword with her fingers. She laughed. "What are you?" Jim asks. "I'm what kills you." Nomura says as she flings Jim to the side. Toby gasps and runs at her but she kicks him back. Jim gets up and starts swinging his sword at her but she dodges all of them. She scratches Jim's face and when he faces her again he swings his sword but she dodges all his attacks with ease. 

Toby got up from the boxes and let out a cry as he sees a goblin jump in front of him. The goblin laughs and the Tracker beeps. "You...Give it back!" Toby says in anger. He tackles the goblin "Give it. These points are mine." 

Meanwhile Jim is still fighting Normura with his sword, which is on fire with a light blue. She knocks Jim down and he attacks her but she jumps back and laughs and then gasps as she notices a cut on her finger. "Ah! You'll die for that." She says and takes out her two curved weapons and starts to attack Jim. Her curved weapons hit Jim's sword. She then knocks Jim into a wall. Nomura jumps from a box toward Jim "Yah! Hi-yah!" And with that attack she sent Jim flying back again into the wall. She slams her weapons onto Jim's sword and Toby grabs a piece of her troll clothes but the goblin jumped onto him. She knocks Toby away with a foot, causing the goblin to mutter "Waka Chaka! Da!" Toby grabs a helmet and throws it at the goblin, who dodged. He grabbed another one and hit the goblin. Jim's sword was scratching Normura's weapons. Jim then moves behind her and she turns to face him with her weapons ready. Jim takes a breath before running at Nomura with his sword. She knocks him into a banner, causing both Jim and it to fall on top. She crackled as she approached Jim. Toby had wrestled the goblin and had gotten his Tracker back. "Hey, look at that." He says to himself. 

Nomura was about to use her weapons to take the banner off of Jim before a familiar horned troll appeared and knocked her away from Jim, but this time, she was wearing armor. Her armor was similar to Jims, but instead had black with (F/c) lining. The antlered troll held our her duo blades, ready to fight. She notices the goblin standing on the banner behind Nomura and an idea came into mind. The Antlered troll quickly grabbed the banner and pulled it, causing Nomura to crush the goblin. "Arrogance gets you killed." She says. 

Nomura looked at the pen the rolled over to the other goblins. The nearest one grabbed it and drew a mustache on its face. "Waka Chaka!"  Nomura started to move backwards "No, it wasn't me! No! No!" She let out a scream as the goblins jumped on her.

Toby was watching with his mouth open and took a photo. The horned troll said "You need to get out of here, now!" Then both boys ran out the museum through the front door.

The Antlered troll sighed as she transformed into her night-fury form and quickly flew away, toward Claire's house.

Toby and Jim put on their helmets and got on their bikes. 

As they were driving their bikes through the streets Toby asks in quick breaths "Holy--What the--? Her face! Did you--" "And that bridge! There were Troll markings on it...and that troll...wasn't she in Trollmarket with master Vendal?"  They both stop to catch their breath. "Troll? Bridge? Who cares?" There's a shapeshifting troll witch!" "They're walking among us, Tobes!" Some sirens stirred. "They can be anyone!" Jim says. (Toby) "This is a total game-changer!" (Jim) "We need to tell Blinky and Aaarrrgghh."

 Then the sirens stopped in front of them. "Hands up!" And both boys drop their bikes and hold both their hands up. "What's happening?" "On the ground, now!" "What did we do?" Both boys got to the ground and put their hands on their heads as the officer speaks into his radio "Dispatch, we have the teens that match the description of the museum break-in. You're coming with us." Two officers stand in front of them.

Words: 6396
