Becoming 1 continued (again):

Y/n POV: I couldn't believe it. Kanjigar - dead. It's impossible, he said that he had something to tell me tonight. I put my face into my hands but remove it as Blinky says "I know you must be grieving, Lady Y/n, but... I know who is the new Trollhunter." My eyes widen and I turn back to him "Who is it? Tell me its Draal." Blinky shakes his head no and says "It is a human boy, who seems to be in your school." "Is he skinny, tall, black hair and blue eyes?" "Yes! Exactly, do you know this boy?" "Yes, I do. It's James/Jim Lake Jr. You should go and find him, and prepare him in cause Bular decides to kill him." Blinky nods his head and they head off, I watch after them and after a bit of training I go inside to go and study.

(Back to Jim's POV:)

We were headed back to our house/home and I hear Toby "That was awesome, man. Did you see how I did that chant? 'Let him out. Let him out.' *Toby Laugh* "I mean you probably won't live past Friday, but it was awesome." A car honks and we move our bikes to the sidewalk as my Mom drives up (Toby) "Good thing your Mom's a doctor." "Hey, boys." "Hey, Mom." I say, as Toby drives past "Looking sharp, Dr. Lake." *Grunt* "Thank you, Toby. So are you." Toby flexed his arms "Oh! Does it show?" I turn back to my mother "Your going to be out all night?" She sighs and answers "Dr. Gilberg is out with bursitis, and Dr. Lenz has a wedding out of town this weekend." "Okay, well, don't forget to bring your--" She brings out the dinner bag and says (Interrupted me) "Dinner. Thank you." "Right. And try to find an oven to reheat it in instead of nuking. It takes all of the flavor and nutrients away." I say as my mom turn around to put away the dinner, and I pull out the note Mr. Strickler gave me with his number. I quickly put it away as she turns back to me and says "Jim, there must be a million things you'd rather be doing than looking after me." "Can't think of one." I say. "Love you, honey" My mom says and she drives off. "Bye, Mom." I then turn my attention back to Toby who is saying "You mother your mother a lot." "Ha! See you tomorrow, Tobes." I say as I walk my bike to my house.  "Hey, and by the way, don't use mayo on the sandwich. It's the wrong note." Toby says as he moves his bike to his home. I walk into my house and take off my bag, and grab the Tv remote and turn it on, it was on some blender. "Do you ever wish you could find something that would make your life easier? The ability to do the amazing? Well, look no further because Food Magic is here. That's right, Food Magic..." Talks the tv man. I pick up the amuelt and inspect it. My phone then goes off, (Robotic Voice) I am Gun Robot. Pick up your phone--. I pick up and its Tobes. "Hey, Tobes." "Did it talk again? Did it do anything interesting?" "Nope." (Woman Voice) "Toby Pie! Dinner!" I flitch away as Toby yells back at her "In a minute, Nana! I've got to go. Text me if it does anything cool." He then hangs up and I put my phone down, while still holding the amuelt. (Man on Tv) "... setting the table, setting the china, going to China..." I then switch the channel to Gun Robot and look at the Amuelt. It glows a light blue and I try speaking to it. "Um... Hi. How you doing? I'm Jim. But then, you knew that because you spoke my name, which is... weird. Hello? Anybody in there? And now, im talking to an inanimate object. Come on! Talk again, or you are going up on eBay." *Loud clattering* I got up and put the amuelt on the table and open the door to my basement. *Clattering* "Raccoons!" I say as I grab a broom and start heading down the stairs, broom ready. I look around and then I heard footsteps. I see some rocks on the ground, I gulp before descending. Little did I know the Amuelt glowed a little and clicked. I turn on a light bulb and look around until "AHH!" I took a deep breath, it was just a mirror. I move somewhere else when the Lightbulb shatters. I jump and let out a little yell. I turn around but I don't see anything, I take a deep breath and smile to myself. What I didn't see were 6 eyes that were behind me glowing yellow. It moved closer until "Master Jim!" *Jim screaming, groan* as he hits his head on a metal pipe. It brought its face up to mine and yelled "Master Jim!" *Jim screaming again and groan as he hits the pipe again.*  "We have found you!"  *Jim screaming and he tried to move away* "I am known as Blinky." it says. I try to move back but hit something stone. *Jim screaming* The big one that I hit said "Hi." I screamed again as I got up. "It's Aaarrrgghh. Three Rs." I move a little more but my bottom hits the furnace and It burned a little, I jumped forward into 'Blinky' and then Aaarrrgghh. *Jim screaming and he falls down to the ground, covering his head* "Hmm. He says... AHH... a lot." "it's more of a yelp, I believe.  greeting, perhaps." Blinky steamed at me and I screamed again as I try to escape but Aaarrrgghh grabs me and hangs me upside down. "Master Jim, you have been chosen." "Hmm. Blinky, he looks scared." Aaarrrggh says as I let out a yelp. "Uh, Aaarrrgghh, my good fellow, would you mind? This is a moment of solemnbily." "Hmm? 'Solemnbily'?" I cover my face in fear as they spoke. "It means serious and dignified." "Hmm. Dig-oo-nified." I stuttered as I said "P-p-put me down, please?" Blinky does the 'flip him and put him down motion with his hand. Aaarrrgghh puts me down as I let out a "Oh!" he also pats my head as Blinky starts to talk "Thank you. Now, where was I?" "Uh. 'Master Jim... found you..." I was terrified and I backed up against Aaarrrgghh as Blinky gets closer to my face "Yes, thank you." *Groans Repatitily as he tries to run but hits Aaarrrgghh's hands* "Master Jim, you have been chosen. The Amuelt of Daylight challenges you to ascend to the most sacred of offices." "Orifices? What orifices?" "Offices. It means responsibility. Unbeknownst to your kind, there is a secret world, a vast civilization of trolls lurking beneath your very feet, hidden from view." "Tro...Tr-trolls?" "Trolls. Yes, trolls. And it is now our charge to protect them. For you, Master Jim, are the Trollhunter." I yelp as Aaarrrgghh says "Trollhunter" Blinky holding his hands together looks at me and says "This honor is yours to accept. So, what say you?" I left out a moan and faint. Blinky and Aaarrrgghh are hovering above me "Is that a yes?" And the screen goes black.

-Time skip to morning-

(Y/n and Claire had gone to school)

I yell out as I wake up still in the basement. I take out my phone and call Toby. "Pick up, pick up." "Hey, Jim." "Tobes, it's me! You're never going to believe what happened last night." I say. "Yeah, Im kind of in the middle of something, Jimbo." Toby says as a doctor puts something into his mouth. "I am freaking out here! Seriously freaking. I need to talk to someone." "Chillax. hat's going on?" "Okay, last night,  heard something in my basement. I thought it was raccoons but then--" "Yeah, hang on a second--" *Toby screams* "Sorry, Jim. I'll have to call you back." Toby says and I hear a distant yelling "No, not that one!" 

(Time skip to when they're in school-) 

(Orhestral battle music plays in Stricklers Office) I open the door to Mr. Sticklers office to see him playing with his pen. He sees me and waves me over. "Ah, hello, Jim. What can I do for you?" "Um, do you have a minute?" "Are you alright? You look peaked." he says as he waves his hand at one of the chairs in front of him."Here, sit."  I walk over and start making the seat go higher. "Okay. I don't really know how to say this, but last night something incredible happened. Actually, unbelievable. Completely unbelievable. As in, you won't believe me, but im telling you it's true. I promise you it's true." "All right. Just calm down. I'll believe you."  Mr. Strickler says as he continues to play with his pen. I took a deep breath before continuing "Uh, okay. Last night, two, um, things showed up at my house." "Things?" he asks. "You know, things. Guys. But really weird. (Stammering) One had these eyes, and the other one was huge and hairy. And they said that they were tro..." "tro...?" "Tro... trainers! Trainers who want to train me in..." I look round until my eyes land on chess. "Ch...uh... chess." (Chuckles softly and moves to the chess which is by the window) "And why would that have you so perturbed?" "They really weird me out." (Chuckles) I look out the window and see Steve kick a ball which hits a students head making him fall to the ground. And he does the Tick-tock motion with his finger. "Now, I think I know what has you so distraught, Jim." "You do?" Mr. stickler then gets up and walks over to me "It's like I told you yesterday, you have a lot on your shoulders. Too much, in my opinion, for someone your age. And I think this opportunity..." "Chess?" Mr. Stickler takes the chess piece out of my hand and puts it on the board while saying "I think it's causing you anxiety. And I know you to be there for your mother, but it's as  great poet once wrote, 'Do what's good for you, or you're not good for anybody." *Bell Rings* Before I leave I say "Hey, thanks for the advice. I like talking to you." "Always" was the respond. I pick up my bag and swing it over my shoulder, in the small pocket glowed the amuelt, causing Strickler to widen his eyes as I left. 

-Time skip to when Jims home, in the kitchen-

I cut some tomatoes and put them on the bread with patties. I clean the knife and put them away. I then grab some lettuce and put it on top of the tomatoes, and then I grab some cheese and more pieces of toast. I then look up to see the amuelt glow and then finished up and then grabbed it and went outside into my backyard. I look at the amulet as words in English show up. I read it "For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command." As soon as I finish reading it become windy and then some sort of blue balls fly out of the Amuelt and Into my chest. Making it into armor, but it was too big for me. It then shrank into my size. And then some more blue lights showed up and flew into my hand turning into a HUGE sword. Bigger than me! It then also shrank into my size. I grabbed it and started playing around... and then got it stuck in some stone. I let go and turn around and then tried to take the sword from the stone. I finally got it out but then it got stuck again in another rock. 

-Meanwhile under the bridge-

Mr. Stickler went down into the canal and over to the place where Kanjigar had died. "It's been taken. You failed. You let it go. Your father will be displeased." he says to a huge black troll, known as Bular, who roared and then said "Whoever holds the Amulet of Merlin, I shall destroy him, just as I have done with every single one of them." "Worry not, you brute. I know where to find it." His eyes glowing yellow. "It I believe the Amulet has found its champion." While I had just pulled out the sword looking at myself in its reflection. 

Words: 2089 
