Chapter 7: Invasion

Hours pass, Vegeta (Xeno) and Trunks slowly regain consciousness and look around.

Trunks: "Father, is this... Toki-Toki City? How did we...?"

Before Vegeta (Xeno) can respond, Supreme Kai of Time, Gohan, Goku (Xeno), Goku, Vegeta and Piccolo all walk over to them. The Time Patrol father and son are caught up to speed.

Vegeta (Xeno): "So we were defeated by them were we? I feel stronger than ever before, I'll kill them all right now".

Goku and Vegeta feel the ki of Vegeta (Xeno) and come to the shock realistion he has God Ki in him. Everyone is taken aback. Vegeta (Xeno) tests his new powers and effortlessly transforms into Super Saiyan God. The aura bursts before calming down and being absorbed into him and he returns to his base.

Gohan: "This must be because of the fusion with Trunks, the fusion had mixed Super Saiyan God and that crimson form together".

Goku (Xeno) stands in silence, thinking of his battle with Beerus and all the recent times he's tried to tap into God but it wouldn't work. He slowly reaches into his pocket and feels the potara earrings. But before he can say a word.

Supreme Kai of Time: "I've got a mission for all of you. Use this scroll. It will send you to the Demon Realm I don't know what they're planning, but this needs to be stopped before they can succeed".

Everyone nods in agreement and in an instant appears outside the castle where the Time Breakers reside. They all walk to the door and kick it before being immediately tackled by Limit Breaker SS4 Broly. 

Goku, Vegeta and Piccolo are all stunned to see Broly.. except its not the Broly they know. Somethings different with this guy. Broly stares at Goku. "Ka...Ka...KAKAROT", Broly leaps at Goku who's ultra instinct kicks in, effortlessly dodging the giant Saiyan and his attacks. Goku places a hand out, blocking Brolys attack and locks in a god bind. Goku (Xeno) takes advantage of the opportunity and goes Limit Breaker and unleashes a max power Kamehameha at Broly. 

The dust settles and Broly stands there without a scratch, only now more angered. Everyone quickly powers to their max, Goku in True Ultra Instinct, Vegeta in Ultra Ego, Goku (Xeno) and Vegeta (Xeno) in Limit Breaker, Piccolo in Orange and Gohan in Ultimate, he still can't go Beast on command.

Mira watches from above. He smiles, knowing he is now more powerful than any of them. Towa walks beside him, "Its nearly time. I will revive Lord Demigra". Towa walks away and Mira smirks, "Revive him all you want, the True Demon God, is right here". 
