Chapter 10: Demigras Fearsome Transformation!! The Raging Monster Awakens!!

Towa screams in horror at the sight of Fu and Dabura dying, she grabs her staff and aims it at the heroes. Mira quickly grabs her arm making her drop the staff.

Towa: "My Mira... what are you...?" 

Mira has a devilish smile on his face and stabs his arm straight through Towa, he watches as she collapses and hits the floor dead. He grabs her body and begins to absorb it, within seconds Towas body is gone and Miras power rapidly rises.

Meanwhile, Super Demigra is panting and beginning to panic at the sight of Gohan, Piccolo and the (Xeno)'s at their full power ready to charge in at him. 

Demigra: "This can't be... I won't... NO I CAN'T LOSE"

Demigra begins to unleash all his power, transforming yet again, the heroes watch with a smirk on their faces knowing no matter what Demigra has, they can win. But the smirks don't last long as Demigra (Final Form) is born, the monster like form of Demigra laughs with an immense power to back it up. He begins to fire attacks at the heroes. Everyone narrowly dodges and charges in, all except Piccolo who returns to his Giant Form to distract the Demon God. Demigra charges his ki and releases an explosion that knocks everyone away from him, he fires a massive blast directly at Gohan who is unable to dodge it.

The blast explodes and everyone looks in Gohans direction, when the smoke clears, Gohan had a ki barrier up with one hand and a special beam cannon being prepared with the other, he takes advantage of the distraction and fires it straight at Demigras head, Piccolo quickly grabs Demigra and holds him in place. Demigra screams in fear and the beam goes straight through his head. Piccolo drops Demigra and the monster lands dead on the ground. Everyone returns to base, thinking the fight is finally over, and then suddenly a solar flare blinds everyone and when their vision returns, Demigra is gone and Mira is standing in his place laughing.

Mira: "It's a real shame you eradicated Fu and Dabura, their powers would have also been beneficial. Still with both Towa and Demigra, I can destroy you all within seconds."
