Wisdom Teeth (Fluff)

I know wizards have magic for their teeth but let's pretend for this imagine they still get dental work done. I just got my wisdom teeth out and I wanted to write this. Also this is post war/ Hogwarts.

Y/n= your name
Y/h= your house

Getting the news you need your wisdom is never fun , expensively when you get all 4 out at the same time. Your driver bailed on your last minute and now your husband Draco had to take the day off work to pick you up. He promised it wasn't an issue but you knew how serious he was about his work.

You want into the appointment by yourself and just planned on Draco meeting you there. After waking up from the Anesthesia all you asked the doctor for was to see your fiancé. When they finally let him in your eyes lite up immediately. "That's him! My husband came to pick me up." This made Draco laugh lightly as he sat bedside you.

"Y/n I told you I'd be waiting for you in the waiting room. I never break a promise." He tucks a piece of hair out of your face so it doesn't fall towards the gaze in your mouth. A small giggle escapes as you look away blushing. The nurse comes back giving Draco full instructions on how to take care of you for the next 4 days.

All the medicine talk and limited diet make you pout and poke at your swollen cheek. Draco moves your hand back gently and holds it. "Don't poke at your face love. It's gonna be sore once the medicine wares off." You pout more at this but nod lightly as you wait for the okay to leave.

Draco helps you up once you're both allowed to leave and basically guides you too the car. "You know this reminds me of sneaking you back to the y/h dorms after a house party. I promise to take just as good of care of you now as I did then." He kisses your forehead lightly as he opens the passenger door for you. You smile as much as your gazed mouth will let you and get into the car carefully buckling as best as you can.

Draco gets on after a moment making sure you are safe in your seat and starts on the drive your shared home. The ride seems longer then usual as the Anesthesia wares off and a headache sets in making you groan in pain. "My head and mouth hurt. Can I have ice cream?" You look over at the blonde who looks at you for a moment then speaks. "You absolutely can but maybe you should take a pain pill first and see if that helps?"

He nods to the brown bag on the middle console making you pout. Knowing it's what's best you take out the used gauze and take the meds like instructed and lean your head against the window. The turn into your house is a huge sigh of relief as you unbuckle slowly.

Draco opens the door for you and helps you out gently getting you inside and to your bed safely. "Stay here. I'm gonna get everything out of the car. Get comfortable, I'll be right back." With another forehead kiss he is off.

You cuddle into the sheets as you wait for the blonde to come back like he said. Getting impatient for his return you close your eyes for a moment. Well that's what you planned for.

- A 2 hour nap later-

The soft melody of a piano plays as the setting sun comes through your bedroom curtains. You turn over groggily and huff when you don't feel Draco beside you. Slowly pulling yourself out of bed and shuffle into your small library and see Draco playing the piano softly. You smile gently and walk up behind him and wrap your arms around his neck gently. "I haven't heard you play in a while. It sounds great." You attempt to kiss his cheek but wince lightly.

Draco turns quickly and move some hair out of your face. "Don't hurt yourself now. I'll play you piano as much as you'd like while you recover." You sit beside him and lean your head on his shoulder. "I hope I wasn't too embarrassing when I woke up. I don't remember much besides getting in the car with you.

Draco laughs softly and plays a few soft cords on the piano. "You didn't say anything embarrassing around me, but apparently you told your nurse how handsome I was." He smiles cheekily making you nudge his arm playfully. "I doubt I said anything like that." Draco nods lightly. "From what the nurse said you claimed I had a nice butt and fancy hair."

This comment made you hide your face gently in his neck from embarrassment. "It's quite sweet if I'm being honest. I'm honored you think I have a cute butt." You roll your eyes playfully and move so your not completely hidden. "Well let's get your cute butt to bed. I need cuddles." You pout cutely at him making him smile widely. "Lead the way Mrs. Malfoy."  Draco stands slowly and holds his hand out to you.

As cheeky as the boy was you loved him with your whole heart and you're gonna make the next 4 days with Draco full of cuddles and ice cream.
