
This is a request! I hope y'all enjoy it!
Y/n= your name
Y/h= your house

Draco has never been someone who is good at expressing his emotions and sometimes he takes it out on others. It doesn't help that you are someone who doesn't put up with his shit and yells right back.

*flashback to last night*

"Y/n you're being ridiculous. I was just hanging out with Pansy. It's never been a problem before why all the sudden are you smothering me?" His tone was harsh as he spat the words out. You didn't bother thinking before you spoke either. "Oh I'm sorry Malfoy it's just hard to believe you won't you'd stay loyal when before you met me you had fucked half the female population at Hogwarts!"

After the words left your mouth the the room fell into an tense silence. He pointed his wand in your direction making the door behind you open with an angry force. "Leave. Now." His voice was low and his eyes where a dark Gray.
As much as you wanted to fire right back you stood quickly and grabbed your bag. "Gladly. You're the last person I wanna be with at the moment."

You didn't even wait to see us he changed his mind as your stormed out of his dorm room and to you angry tears streaming down your face.

*end of flashback*

You hadn't talked to Draco since that night. It has been two days. Your friends had noticed the tension between you two. They all knew better then to ask what happened because if you won't talk to each other about it you won't talk to anyone else about it.

Somehow it seems when you're already having a bad day more bad stuff happen. You failed a pretty important potions assignment that Snape won't let you re- do for a better grade. You have had a stress headache the past two days from not talking to Draco. Then on top of that you lashed out on Hermione when she tried to cheer you up in the library,

Now you sat at the y/h table in the great hall at dinner time when you feel something hit you in the side of the head. You look down and see a paper swan that landed nicely on your dinner roll. You immediately knew it was from Draco and sighed lightly and opened it slowly.

Please meet me in the astronomy tower after curfew.

You looked up too see him already looking at you but he quickly looked down as you make eye contact. You give a small nod,  you know he'll see and finish up your dinner quickly.

After dinner and curfew, you start on your way to meet Draco. You gets there and look around not seeing anyone inside. You though maybe he changed his mind and rolled you eyes lightly and turned to leave when you almost bumped into someone, Draco.

"I was only a minute late." He sounded annoyed as he looked down at you. You looked up at him and rolled your eyes gently. "If you asked me to come here just to yell at me I don't wanna hear it." This made his face soften and he rubs the back of his neck gently. "No love I'm sorry. I wanted to apologize for what I said the other night."

This boy was not one to apologize, never mind be the first to apologize when you both had said some mean things. You immediately felt bad when he said this because you realize you should  apologize as well. "No Draco I'm sorry about what I said. I know that that's not who you are anymore." You look up at him hoping he can see the sympathy on your face.

He gives a small smile and tucks some hair behind your ear. "It's okay. Lets just forget this fight. I haven't been able to sleep without you around and I heard you haven't been in the best mood so I wanna fix that." You gave a small smile and nod.

"I'd really like to just lay with you and talk." You take his hand gently and move his ring around his finger; something you have always done to calm yourself.

Before you could say anything more he had picked you up swiftly and started walking towards the Slytherin dorms with you. This boy sweeps you off your feet in more then one way.

Was this any good? Anyway thank you all so much for all the birthday wishes! It really made my night💕 if you guys are interested I have a TikTok. I can interact with you all more there. Or I could make a discord or something so I can talk with you all!
