
We have just received a message from the agency that we are approved for adoption. If we can pass the house expation. I look at Ruby and Ruby looks at  me.  They also said that they only have one match available based on our age group  we choose.  They will be inspecting the house by the end of the week, and we will get the feed back of  how we did at the end of next week. "So how do you feel" asked Ruby  "I feel happy"i replied. "Good cuz we are going out dinner!" She said I just look at her with a sweet smile "sure why not" I said. "Where are we eating"i asked  "you will see" she responded.    


We went  to  a restaurant called  Ruby's  stake house. I laughed when i saw the name thinking it was pun intended.  "What's so funny" she asked looking at me all confused, and it was adorable. I gave her  sweet tender kiss saying "Oh nothing" I said.  We went inside to see it was not a very busy place. We took our seats at a table for two, across from us was a booth of a tall female lady with a not so tall man and there little son. I didn't know this kids name but I soon did as they always yelled his name to stop moving all over the place. "Steven sit down"the woman said.  She didn't sound anoyed at all she sound nice and kind and the boy listen to her as soon as soon as he was told.


Our food soon arrived  and it was one of the best things I have eaten in years. I ordered a French Italian  rib and Ruby ordered, Ruby ordered what did ruby ordered. "Ruby what is that"I ask now concerned what my wife is eating.  "Glad you ask"she said.She had the 'know  it all' look on her face.


Basically she was eating ribs but she explained it the really fancy way.  By the time she was done explaining I was done eating  and got extra water.


We got home and changed into our pjs and straight to bed all ready knowing I was going to have the time of our lives.
