First Dinner

Now that I'm done with dinner, Sapphire was here to jude it. "Were not eating that"she said , she always says I couldn't cook if it ment saying our lives. "It not as bad a you think" I reply just as I think she might say yes, a bubble froms from the spaghetti and pops. She looks at the spaghetti and then back at me "no way are we eating that you can though"she says. "How do you know she won't like it"I said, it came out louder than I expected. "Okay then go tell her that dinner is ready, just remember that this is our first dinner together"she said she sounded serious. She then walk to her room who she has not come out of since she got here. "Go ahead" she mouthed I walked up to the door and got nervous, so instead of a nice knock there 2 bangs as if the police are knocking. "Ruby!"She mouthed  "I  tried"  I said back. We did not have a lot of time to argue because she soon opened the door. It was so awkward  it was not even funny. "So... dinner is ready" I said and she knoded and lock the door.


They actually came to talk to me and all I did was knod what was I thinking. Well hey all I have to do know is talk to them just say yes and no, right I think I am going insane.


Okay dinner wasn't so bad. It was the worst, there was so much  tension  it was so funny. Though we did make a lot of jokes and Ruby didn't do so bad on the spaghetti. This was my favorite part, we were eating and this is like the 10 minutes mind you. Ruby was eating away at the spaghetti and Garnet was picking at it. I saw this as my chance. "You know just to warn you Ruby made that". I said with smile she laughs and says "I know", Ruby just sat there looking embarrassed so I decided to cheer her up. "You know you did a good job"
I said,I wink at her and she smiled "I know" she said.          
