Last Chapter

Sheng Wei sat on the sofa and looked at Jiang Muhan. Her mind was empty and there was no response.

Jiang Muhan did not urge her, but knelt on one knee and waited for her response.

I don't know how long it took for Sheng Wei's heart to beat faster, and her cheeks began to turn red. She squeezed Yanhong's little mouth and handed out her slender white and greasy left hand: "Then you can put it on."

Jiang Muhan smiled slowly, took out the ring, cherished it for Sheng Wei, and finally printed kisses on the back of her hand.

The warm touch spread through the skin to the blood, and then to the heart and limbs. Sheng Wei only felt an electric current running in her body. Her whole body was numb, and her hands couldn't help shrinking back.

But Mr. Jiang didn't let her go, but pulled her into his arms.

Sheng Wei was shocked and exclaimed. Fortunately, she was held in Jiang Muhan's arms and sat on the ground together.

Sheng Wei beat Jiang Muhan angrily and said, "What are you doing? It's scary."

"I want to hug you like this." Jiang Muhan's voice was smiling, and his eyebrows were as soft as water.

Sheng Wei looked at him so sincerely happy and was also infected. She followed him and smiled. The two looked at each other and smiled at each other. Slowly, slowly, they were intertwined. Three days later, shocking news was exposed in the entertainment industry, one by one. The hot search topics of #Jiang Muhan: Sheng Wei is about to hold a wedding# were directly empty. The hot search list was the first, and the little tail soon became boiling, and then turned red and purple hot words, and even Weibo was stuck for a few minutes.

[I'll go. Are these two going to hold a wedding? No way!]

[IYou have been married for three years. Why do you have to hold a wedding?]

[It isn't divorce? Didn't the people upstairs see the kiss of the two in the garage a few days ago? They're in a good relationship. I guess it's just to protect their relationship.]

[Now I believe that those who don't show affection are more affectionate. Yes, the couple usually keep a low profile. I hate showy celebrity affection most!]

In addition to the more objective comments of passers-by, there are also many Sheng Wei's black fans who were angry and spread rumors about her vicious remarks because they were slapped in the face.

Sheng Wei used to ignore it, but this time, she asked Zhou Qin and Xiao Tian to help her watch and catch some of the black fans who danced the most.

Nowadays, netizens are very grumpy. She didn't kill people and didn't prevent fire, but like their parents who killed them, they unremittingly blackmailed her, scolded her and spread rumors about her every day, which was really unbearable.

The wedding is scheduled at the beginning of next month. At that time, Jiang Muhan's crew will also be completed, and he has not joined the group yet. The time is just right.

During this period, Sheng Wei also asked Zhou Qin to reduce some unnecessary announcements. She and Jiang Muhan are going to prepare for the wedding.

On the second day of the wedding announcement, Sheng Wei still felt a little unrealistic. When she got up and saw Jiang Musai cooking breakfast in the kitchen, she pulled her slippers and hugged the man from behind. "Mr. Jiang, it feels so strange. It feels like we're lovers, but it's obviously been three years since we married."

Jiang Muhan took out the fried egg, turned off the fire, and hugged the girl around: "Maybe it's because we used to be sex friends."

"Poof--" Sheng Wei was teased by this and pinched the man's waist angrily: "It's you who see me as a goddess." Jiang Muhan raised his eyebrows, "Well, you're right." When Weiwei heard this, she bent her eyes with a happy smile, buried her face in the man's arms and rubbed left and right, "Hold me to eat dinner."

"Yes, my Mrs. Jiang." Jiang Muhan responds to the low magnetic path.

Soon, the wedding day came. Media friends and friends inside and outside the circle came. Lan Xinyi also invited her, but she hadn't seen her for a long time, and suddenly disappeared.

When she came, she looked a little haggard. It was said that heavy makeup could not hide her fatigue @ Infinite Good Text, all in Jinjiang Literature City. Of course, Liu Qingyan told Zhan Wei that she rested in the room.

Finally, I saw her gaffe side. The better your relationship with Mr. Jiang, she doesn't know how painful it is in private.

Forget it, stop talking. At least they came to bless my husband and me, so don't mention the past." Sheng Wei didn't want to mention Lan Xinyi on this festive day. Anyway, as long as she and her husband have a better relationship, she will be an invisible blow to her.

"A woman is thinking about your husband, and you are so relieved?" Liu Qingyan joked.

Sheng Wei shrugged her shoulders and said, "I'm worried about her, but I'm relieved about my husband. Do you think he seems to show signs of cheating? The circle of friends is smaller than mine."

"Yo-yo, you two are talking now. Start to protect your husband and praise your husband." Liu Qingyan bumped Sheng Wei on the shoulder, and her smile was full of good dramas.

Sheng Wei supported her chin and looked happy: "Of course. Who don't I praise my husband?"

In that box, Mu Hui was also teasing Jiang Muhan: "Brother Han, this is finally a happy knot with your sister-in-law. Will it take a hundred years to get along well?"

"Natural." Jiang Muhan stood in front of the dressing mirror and kept checking his clothes and tie to ensure that there was no mistake.

Mu Hui smiled and said, "It's the first time I'm so happy to see you, but I'm happy when you're happy."

Jiang Muhan said in a good mood, "Thank you."

The wedding started on time at the auspicious time. Sheng Wei wore a white wedding dress, which was incredibly beautiful. Media friends clicked and took pictures wildly. Because she couldn't make a sound, otherwise she would have shouted here and looked at this side long ago.

Taking her father's arm, Sheng Wei walked to Jiang Muhan step by step. He was waiting for her at the entrance of the arched wreath.

When she came, her father handed her hand over to Jiang Muhan. She took Jiang Muhan's hand and looked at him through the veil.

The two slowly walked through the wreath to the stage. Friends sprinkled flowers on both sides and petals flew all over the sky. Everything was so beautiful.

Until the end of the wedding, Wei was still a little unrealistic but tired - God, when she returned to the room, she lay down completely. The familiar bedroom also made a new change. The bedding was red, and Sheng Wei slept on it in a white gauze skirt, which made her skin more dazzlingly white.

Jiang Muhan handed downstairs to his parents on both sides and went upstairs to accompany Weiwei. He drank wine and exuded a faint smell of wine. It was not bad that Wei's favorite taste was hugged by him from top to bottom. Sheng Wei also circled his neck and took the initiative to kiss him: "Mr. Jiang, thank you for your hard work today."

Jiang Muhan pecked her eyes gently and said, "It's not hard. I'm very happy today."

Sheng Wei was stunned, and then laughed, "Me too."

The two looked at each other affectionately and saw that they were about to wipe the gun and go off the fire next second. The prisoner raised his finger and blocked his lips: "Take a shower first. I sweat a lot today."

"Mrs. Jiang, it's cruel for you to let me brake at this time." Jiang Muhan opened his mouth helplessly.

Li Wei blinked wittily and leaned into Jiang Muhan's ear. She exhaled like an orchid, "Mr. Jiang, let's wash together."

Jiang Muhan: "..."

The sound of water is clapping, as if there is a sound of happiness echoing in the air.

This is not the first time, and it won't be their last time, because they still have a long way to go.

[End of text]
