Chapter 28

When Sheng Wei saw the hot topic, Jiang Muhan was taking a shower, and she ran to Xiaotian's room because of Jiang Muhan's anger.

The two of them ate fried chicken and played with their mobile phones.

Suddenly, Xiaotian screamed, "Oh, my God, Sister Weiwei, Mr. Jiang cheated!"

Sheng Wei, who had just taken a sip of milk tea, successfully choked, not because of the impact of Xiao Tian's content, but because she was scared by her loud voice.

"Cough, cough..." Sheng Wei patted her chest and coughed.

"Sister Weiwei, are you all right? Come on, have some water." Xiaotian handed her Wen Baikai on the coffee table.

Sheng Wei took a sip, and finally recovered. She poked Xiaotian's forehead angrily, "Next time I make a fuss about me, I'll drive you!"

"I was wrong, Sister Weiwei." Xiao Tian shriveled aggrieved mouth, "I was shocked to see the news on the hot search."

"What's so shocking? Isn't it cheating!" Sheng Wei looked like this.

Xiao Tian was stunned: Isn't this shocking? How plastic is Sister Weiwei and Mr. Jiang?

"Let me have a look first." Sheng Wei clicked on her Weibo.

The hot topic has become extremely hot, and the webpage is also a little stuck. It seems that this news is really hot enough.

But when I clicked in the afternoon, Jiang Muhan helped Lan Xinyi's GIF, and Sheng Wei rolled her eyes directly without a lady.

"That's it?"

Xiao Tian just saw the topic and screamed. She didn't know what was in it. Now after reading it with Sheng Wei, she also felt that's all?

Xiao Tian frowned: "What kind of infidelity is this? Just help it and cheat? In this case, I don't know how many people cheat every day. These media people don't want any conscience for the sake of popularity."

"It's just a grandstanding." Sheng Wei curled her lips proudly, but still clicked on the comment area under this GIF.

She wants to see what netizens think of Lan Xinyi. With her, a beautiful woman, they should not like Lan Xinyi, right?

[Who is this woman? You are so beautiful.]

[It's so pure, much better than Sheng Wei.]

[Wow, the little sister is so beautiful. She matches Mr. Jiang very well.]

[If this little sister and Mr. Jiang get married, I will definitely raise my hands and feet to bless her.]

There was a lot of praise for Lan Xinyi in the comment area. Unexpectedly, no one in the front row praised her, and even her fans did not control the front row.

Later, she took a closer look and found that it was the marketing account of this microblog that liked Kuan Lan Xinyi's comments, and it was estimated that the content of her fans' comments would be suppressed.

I guess a lot has been deleted.

Sheng Wei frowned carefully and felt a little strange. At least she is a well-known star in China. How can Lan Xinyi, an outsider, overwhelm her topic?

And it's rare that netizens are supporting her, saying that she is more suitable for Jiang Muhan.

This is too deformed. She is in the main palace and has not done anything wrong. What's wrong?

Sheng Wei had a bold idea in her heart, and soon, the leak of a video made her more certain.

Some 'senior' netizens dug up a video of the last private fashion dinner, which happened to be the scene when Lan Xinyi stood on the stage and called Jiang Muhan "Mu Han".

With the leak of this video, a netizen who claimed to be a classmate with Lan Xinyi and Jiang Muhan posted a group photo of the two in high school.

Now netizens are even more excited and climaxed.

[Due, this little sister named Lan Xinyi has known Jiang Yingdi for a long time?]

[Oh, my God, they are childhood sweethearts.]

[The two of them are a good match, much better than Sheng Wei.]

[I think I have roughly known the story of the three of them. It must be that Sister Lan Xinyi abandoned the Best Actor of Jiang because of something, which hit the Best Actor of Jiang. Therefore, in order to revenge on Sister Lan Xinyi, he married Sheng Wei, but now Sister Lan Xinyi has returned to China, and their old feelings have rekindled again!]

[Upstairs correct solution, I also think so. I really hope Jiang Yingdi and Sheng Wei can divorce quickly. I like the plot of reunion!]

"What are these people talking about on the Internet?" The more Xiaotian flipped the comments, the angrier she became. She bit the fried chicken fiercely, bulged her cheeks to hug Sheng Wei and said, "Mr. Mingmingjiang is just an ordinary high school classmate with Miss Lan. How can netizens make up for this? Do they have no brain? Why is there not all the evidence?"

As soon as Xiao Tian finished complaining, Zhou Qin, who was far away from home, called.

Sheng Wei looked at it, picked it up immediately with her long green fingers and pressed the amplifier by the way.

Zhou Qin came straight to the point: "There is something wrong with the public opinion on the Internet. I suspect that Miss Lan bought a sailor to blow herself and her feelings with Mr. Jiang."

"Ah? What?" Xiaotian didn't expect this at all, and she was surprised to make a sound.

Sheng Wei was very calm. Yanhong sneered, "Don't doubt it. I'm sure it's right. Otherwise, I, a popular star, can't beat her outside the circle? At first glance, something was wrong. She actually bought a sail army to blow up her relationship with my husband and trample on me by the way. She is really awesome."

Seeing that Sheng Wei was very clear-headed and did not lose her mind because of this, Zhou Qin said with satisfaction, "You can see that this level means that the hot search has not affected you. So now you can see what to deal with it or ask Mr. Jiang to clarify?"

"She bought a sailing army to step on me. Do you think I will treat you as if I didn't see anything?" Sheng Wei sat cross-legged on the sofa, leaning back lazily. Her peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, and the light under her eyes were cold. "Let's also buy some sailor. Since she is rushing to be a mistress, I will complete her."

Hearing this, Zhou Qin understood what Sheng Wei meant in a second, "Okay, I'll handle this."

After chatting, Zhou Qin quickly hung up the phone and went to get business.

Xiao Tian looked at Sheng Wei admiringly, "Sister Weiwei, you are so great. I didn't expect it to be her intention."

Sheng Wei knocked on her forehead, looked at the fried chicken debris at the corners of her mouth, and said angrily, "What else can you think of besides eating? If I count on you, I can't count on you at all."

"Ha ha, Sister Weiwei, don't say that about others." Xiao Tian giggled coquettishly.

Sheng Wei shook her head and got up from the sofa. "You eat. I'm going back to my room."

"Sister Weiwei, you're going to quarrel with Mr. Jiang, are you?" Xiao Tian is really the closest CP fan to cooking. At this time, he didn't forget to persuade him: "Mr. Jiang must be innocent. He must not even know about this. Don't quarrel with him, so that the bad guys can succeed happily."

"Don't worry, I have a measured way." Sheng Wei replied briefly and then went back to her room.

As soon as he pushed the door in, he saw the man standing in front of the bar around the bath towel and answering the water and making a phone call.

The voice was low and magnetic. "Okay, I see. Write down the clarification statement first, and you can send it when I ask you to send it."

Huh? It seems that he also knows something on the Internet.

Sheng Wei gently closed the door, leaned against the door, wrapped her hands around her chest, and looked at him in a dawd time.

After Jiang Muhan said that sentence, he hung up, turned around with a water glass, and unexpectedly bumped into Sheng Wei's sight.
