
I shot awake in a bed that didn't feel like mine and I looked around. Just as I thought, I wasn't in my room, I was in a hospital room.

There were no beeping machines or heart rate monitors annoying me. Just a medium sized room with nothing but silence. A window was letting in the light from the sunset outside and I turned to look out the window.

I heard a door open and I looked over and saw my parents standing in the doorway of my room with a half frown, half smile on their faces.

"What's going on?" I asked, wincing as I turned my head.

"Kelsey beat you up, then smashed your head off the floor. You passed out and then we brought you here. You've been asleep for a few hours, they just kept you here for a bit to make sure nothing serious happened. They said once you're awake you can come home." My dad explained, tossing my phone to me. "I'm gonna go bring the car to the front doors so you don't have to walk far, okay?"

I looked down and saw that I was still wearing the same clothes I woke up in. I found it hard to make eye contact with them .

My dad left the room but my mom stayed behind and I felt her eyes during a hole through me.

"I screwed up, I know." I mumbled.

"You need stop this. Sit down with Ethan and tell him this cannot go on any longer. I'm sick of this little teenage drama tearing my sister and I apart because MY daughter can't keep her hands off of someone else's boyfriend. "

"He says he feels the exact same way as me! We're going to be together."

"How do you feel? You love him?" My mom laughed.

I looked her straight in the eye and nodded and her smile dropped. She looked disappointed in me and it caused a pain to erupt in my chest.

"And you say he feels the same way? He doesn't love you honey. If he did, why is he still with Kelsey?" She asked, coming over and helping me out of bed. "I know I'm being brutally honest, but someone had to say it. I don't want to see you get hurt, Taryn."

I think it's too late for that.

We walked arm in arm out of the room and down the hallway, to the front desk to sign me out. A bottle of prescription painkillers was given to me and I was strictly told to take them with food whenever I need one.

After that was done, we left the hospital and got in the car and drove home.


On the ride home all I could think about was what my mom told me. The more I thought about it, the more I knew she was right.

It pained me to know my mom was right. He doesn't love me. I'm not even fifteen yet, I probably don't even know what love is. Just as a stray tear rolled down my cheek, my phone rang loudly, giving me an instant headache.

The caller ID read Ethan's name, and another hot tear rolled down my cheek, many more falling down and racing to the finish line, wherever it was.

Even thinking of him brought an indescribable pain to my chest. I clicked the red button and tossed my phone to the other side of the car, watching it hit the door and fall down onto the carpeted floor. As I opened my mouth to ask my parents a question, a nauseous feeling came over my body. A cold sweat began on the back of my neck and I felt any of the food left in my body start coming up.

I saw my house come into view just as we turned onto the street, knowing we were only about thirty seconds away. Maybe I could hold it in.


"Stop the car." I blurted out, slapping my hand over my mouth.

My dad turned around, looking panicked as he sped up into the driveway. I barely had enough time to get out of the car before the contents of my stomach poured out onto the front lawn.

A hand was placed over my back and the person held my hair back out of my face. When I turned around, I could barely make out who it was before I shot back around and puked up whatever was left.

"It's okay, you're okay." The voice cooed.

I jumped away, spitting on the ground and wiping my mouth.

"Get the hell away from me Ethan!" I yelled, the tears coming back.

He furrowed his eyebrows "Taryn, what's wrong?"

Ethan stepped forward and placed his hands on my waist and I felt like I wanted to puke again. All over him. All over his pretty fucking face.

I looked around for my parent's help but it seemed that they had already gone inside. Thanks mom and dad.

"Don't ever touch me or talk to me again. I am done with your games-"

"What games?!" Ethan yelled.

"This whole thing! You keep messing around with me while you're still with Kelsey and you told me you wouldn't break up with her but you always tell me you want me. Make up your fucking mind!" I screamed, my throat feeling like it was bleeding. "I'm tired of loving someone who will never love me back!"

We stood and stared at each other, his eyes glassing over with tears. My body was shaking and I couldn't stop crying. A tear rolled down his cheek and he stepped back.

"I love you Ethan. That's all I know. But you obviously don't feel the same way, so I think you should leave. Stay in a hotel, away from from me. Or just go back to California. It would be better if we just went our separate ways." I cried.

We stared at each other for what felt like hours and I wanted nothing more than to jump into his arms and kiss him, tell him how much I love him between kisses. Every touch, every moment, intimate or silly flashed in front of my eyes.

Starting from our first day of preschool together. We kissed our mother's goodbye and walked hand in hand into the classroom. Our first day of first grade flashed across next. We ate lunch together, slept beside each other during nap time, played house together (I was the mom, he was the dad) and walked hand in hand to our bus and sat beside each other on the way home.

Fast forward to age nine. We were sitting on "our tree" that was at the end of the street. That's where we had our first kiss. It was just a small peck, so innocent, so sweet. My eyes looked at our tree down the street and I smiled, a tear rolling down my cheek.

Then we came to the day he left.

The night before he slept over at my house. We watched all of our favourite movies, went to our favourite park one last time, and made cookies that we ended up throwing out because they tasted like ass. We fell asleep on my bed snuggled up into each other and held onto each other tight.

The morning he was set to leave, his parents came over to get him. I sat on my bed hugging him for fifteen minutes straight, never wanting to let go. We cried the whole time, saying that no matter what happens, we'll be best friends forever.

When he left and drove away, I didn't leave my room for three days. Each day that went by was pure torture, but when Ethan began ignoring me, the pain lessened. It was still there but I had to learn to live without him.

"What happened to us?" Ethan asked, stepping towards me, still crying.

"You tell me."


yo guys wassup

my mom and i are watching a christmas movie but within the first five minutes a family got in a car crash and the dad died and i'm already in tears

but yeah i hope you all liked this chapter! i love you all so so much

i get off school for christmas break this friday (the 18th) and i am so happy i cant even explain so i'll try and upload a lot during the holidays

have a good night/morning/afternoon

