
"Ethan if we get caught I swear-"

"You'll rip my nuts off with your teeth. You've told me before!" He chuckled, looking back at me.

The light from the moon his his face directly, making his eyes stand out even more. His smile was contagious. Within seconds, a huge smile was spread across my face and I giggled. Ethan's laugh and current mood is a complete opposition from the one he was in earlier.

"So what happens when we get in there?" I asked, grabbing Ethan's wrist and pulling him back.

"Just stay quiet, don't say much. Act like you've done this before."

"Why did you choose to bring me?" I blurted out.

Ethan looked at me, but didn't say anything. He pulled me along and knocked on the basement door, saying his name. The door opened and a man with dark skin opened it, looking around and pulling us inside.

"Who's this pretty lady?" A man asked.

I looked around the room, seeing it was dimly lit. Not many people were there. Two girls who looked a few years older than me, and a few men. The man who let us in was nowhere to be seen.

Ethan was reading my mind at that moment and he pulled me behind him. My nervousness took over and my fingers latched to the back of Ethan's shirt, pulling it tight.

"She's a friend. She's done this before, nothing to worry about." Ethan spoke.

So I'm a friend now? A little while ago I was his girlfriend.

Ethan unwrapped the small package from my flannel and threw it to a man who tossed it around in his hands.

Another man walked forward and handed Ethan a wad of cash and said nothing. He just pointed to the door and we left, jogging off the property.

"Home now?" I asked, looking at Ethan.

He nodded, but didn't say a word.


I sat on my bed and Ethan sat at my desk with the chair facing me.

Nobody said a word, the silence was sort of awkward, but I guess neither of us felt like breaking it.

I could hear the keyboard clicks coming from Ethan's phone across the room and I sighed, but he never looked up from his phone. I sighed again and again but he never once looked.

A huge smile was plastered on his face the whole time, making a pain become noticeable in my chest. He was probably talking to another girl. He has the looks, the laugh, the smile, and he always tells you what you want to hear.

"What time is it?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Just a little after midnight."

That's it? I thought it would be a lot later than that.

"Great, so we have plenty of time to talk then!"

Ethan looked up at me and raised his eyebrows, "Talk about what?"

"Why you called me to come make a drug delivery with you instead of your own girlfriend, why you chose me in front of all your friends, why you called me your girlfriend, and not long after, you referred to me as just a friend."

"I called you my girlfriend because that's what you want to be right?" Ethan said in a smartass tone.

"That makes no sense Ethan! You have a girlfriend so why would you get my hopes up?"

I sat down after I realized I was standing up, about a foot away from Ethan. He looked away from me and placed his phone down on my desk.

"I don't know what I want okay? I didn't mean to get your hopes up but it just sorta came out of my mouth, I guess."

I shook my head, "I don't even know what to say, just go. I want to sleep."

I heard the desk chair move as Ethan walked away. I turned my back towards him and crossed my arms, silently hoping he would stay and tell me how he really feels about me. That maybe he even loves me.

But he didn't.

I heard the door close gently behind him and thats when a stray tear rolled down my cheek, falling off and landing on my chest. More tears came after and I wanted nothing more than to run after him but my legs didn't move.

I collapsed onto my bed and waited for sleep to take over my body. However, it never came.

After about an hour or so of tossing and turning I sat up and huffed. I checked my phone and saw it was almost two in the morning. The first thought that came to my mind was Ethan.

Just as I placed my phone down it began ringing. It was Ethan.

My hands moved faster than my brain it seemed and within seconds, the phone was up to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked, hoping something good would happen.

"Hey.. It's Delia. Can you come get Ethan? He came to this party and got absolutely wasted and passed out on the road. It's the house right across the street from the apartment complex we were at earlier. It won't be hard to find." She explained, sounding out of breath.

"Yeah.. Yeah I'll be there in like, ten minutes. Don't leave him alone, please." I panicked, shoving my shoes back on my feet.

"Yeah, I'm out front. You'll see me. Please hurry!"

I ended the call and shoved my phone in my back pocket. Within seconds, I was outside, running faster than I thought I ever could to that house.

Fear took over me. Delia said Ethan had passed out on the road. What if he got hit by a car?

I shrugged the thought off as the house came into view. I looked around the yard and saw Delia beside the front steps holding up Ethan's head.

"You're carrying him home?" Delia laughed, pulling Ethan up.

"Yeah, I don't have a car. I can't drive."

She passed him over to me, his weight falling onto the right side of my body. I struggled to hold him up but I managed to wave goodbye to Delia as she turned and walked back into the house.

We were walking for a while and just turned onto my street when I heard a groan come from the drunk boy beside me.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Ethan slurred.

Guess he's finally awake.

"Yeah, go ahead." I replied, turning my nose up at the smell of stale alcohol, cigarettes, and vomit.

"You know Taryn? That pretty girl I went on the drug run with?"

I decided to play along. "Yeah I know her. Why?"

"She's really pretty." He burped. "I think I love her! I treat her like shit but she's still so nice to me and I've known her my whole life and when I came back here, she decided to be my friend again! I love her.. Like a lot."

My jaw was pretty much on the sidewalk by now. My heart was fluttering and a huge smile spread across my face.

"Yeah? I think she loves you too. You're in luck my friend."

He turned his head to me with his eyes closed and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back at him just as we walked up my driveway.

Somehow, I have to quietly get Ethan upstairs and into a bedroom without anyone hearing me. Just as I opened the front door, Ethan groaned and slapped his hand over his stomach. He threw himself away from me and threw up all over the grass.

I turned away and scrunched my nose up and tried to drown out the noises of Ethan's burping, gagging and groaning.

"You done yet?"

He turned around with a drunken smirk on his face. I walked over and helped him in the house. I somehow managed to make it up the stairs, only falling once.

Once I was in my bedroom, I quietly closed my door and locked it. I pushed Ethan off of me and onto my bed.

He's still in dirty clothes, smells like vomit and other weird smells and he's laying on my clean bed. Hell to the no.

"Ethan, I need to get you out of those dirty clothes. Do you mind?" I whispered, lightly shaking him.

"Strip me down baby." He smirked, a chuckle coming out of his mouth.

A quick thought passed through my mind. The night Ethan and I had sex came back to me and my cheeks heated up as I remembered every detail about it.

"Okay I'm going to get you some new clothes." I chuckled.

Just as I turned to leave my room. There was a knock at the door.

"Is Ethan in there? I can't find him."

