Untitled Part 18

Well its been about a year since Johnny and Dally died.

It took the gang a while to move on from it. Especially how Dally decided to go. Johnny was right he is like that southern gentleman.  Everything is going good though. Two Bit and Marcia, Cherry's friend from the movie theatre, have been hitting it off. Of course its in secret. They connected well enough at the movie theatre for them to try and make it work. Two Bit is now like Soda when he was with Sandy. He thinks he's gonna marry her someday, and by the looks of  it, it sure could. Darry has been trying to settle down as well, and I don't see why some young lady wouldn't want him. He has a job, and a house. It isn't like he couldn't make her happy. It kind of sucks for the rest of us though. We got our jokester in a serious relationship and Darry spending even less time with the rest of us trying to be in one, but that's besides the point. Ever since Johnny and Dally died we haven't really hung out together, all of us. Steve still doesn't like me, but he is always making sure I'm never in trouble and walking me home whenever I go to the movie theatre. Soda is still kind of in bad shape after Sandy left him and on top of that his two friends passing away, but he is getting back to his natural  carefree, drunk on life self. I have gotten better as well. My grades are where they used to be and I have decided to quit smoking. Cherry sometimes talks to me in the halls at school. She was weird after hearing about Dally dying. She liked him a lot, even after Bob died. Randy left. He said he was gonna do it and he did. He is living in the next state over with some relatives on the countryside. He and I write letters to each other sometimes. Cherry and him use me like a diary of sorts. They both find it so easy to confide in me and tell me all the time. I don't mind it most of the times because they listen to me too. The gang finds it weird that I've started to hang out with socs, but don't try to stop it. The situation between greasers and socs is different. Both sides lost people and decided to break whatever it was that was happening between the two group. That proves Randy right. The rumble wouldn't fix anything, but the death count did. It doesn't mean that they likes and all, but they at least stopped jumping us all the time. I know that this will sound weird, but I think, without Bob, Johnny, and Dally dying none of this would have gotten better. If they survived we would still be in this war between greasers and socs.

Everything is going in a new direction now, and even though they aren't alive, Dally, Bob, and Johnny are leading the way.


Hey Lovelies,

I know this is not the story bit its just a little prompt I had to do for hw on The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton and I wanted to show you because of some reason I can not even think of so...no reason really. I hope you liked it and I will be seeing you again after making the newest chapter for DOMINATION. If some of you have been hear long enough you know this story was put up twice. I first took it down after I saw it didn't receive much love and then thought against it so I kinda I have to take sometime and familiarize myself with the book again. those last chapters I gave were already written and after this everything else will be straight off the press....and completely un edited.


          Author  <3

P.S. I am doing this on a computer so I cant give you an emoji heart. Sorry!
