Planning The Revolution

The next day me and Sara wake up and hear talking in the living room. We sneak up slowly and see everyone in the house hunched over a paper.

Sara and I snuck closer and saw it was a hand drawn map of the capitol building of our province. Since the beginning of the new government America was split into four provinces. One is called : The Terris Province. The second is called: The Ignis Province. Third is called: The Pacem Province. Lastly the fourth one: The Rara Avis Province. People are separated by personality. All the feisty and angry people are in Ignis. Peaceful, shy and calm people are located in Pacem. People who are somehow connected to nature like hunters and farmers are inside the Terris Province.

We are in Rara Avis. Our family doesn't belong to any of the others just like everybody else here so we were moved to this Province. It's the other people who couldn't fit in at any of the others.

"What is going on in here?" I ask demandingly.

"It's noth-" My brother tried to say but I cut him off.

"No, it's something and I want to know what. Now." I say

"When you left we started to make plans with other LGBTQ' s on infiltrating the capitol buildings." Jacob answered honesty written all over his face.

"Why didn't you tell me about this? I'm right here, so why do I have to find you sneaking around? You should have told me yesterday." My voice is starting to rise from all the anger that was starting to build up.

Sara must have sensed it because she wrapped her arms around me and rubbed my back in circles. She did it a lot when we were in the 'camps'. I always calm down when she does this and it still works. Instead of leaving the room like I usually do I just hold on to her.

Everyone was just standing there in silence. After a couple of minutes I gave them a last look before picking Sara up and marching upstairs.

When we get in the room she starts to speak.

"Babe, maybe they didn't want to get you involved because if you get caught raiding that building your gonna get sent back to a place you just escaped."

I look at her understanding where she is coming from we have been through a lot while we were there. I know Sara could never do something like raid a capitol building, I mean don't get me wrong she is strong and amazing. It's just her parents worked in a capitol building and she was taken there in front of everyone by her parents and she had to tell everyone she was lesbian. After that all of them took the turns punching and kicking her. Later, she was sent to the encampment and was put in intensive care. The guardians show her a little respect because of the incident.

" I guess, but they still could have told me. What if they just go out one day and only half of them came back." My voice is low like a whisper. I can't imagine them not all being here.

"Come here." She says laying on the bed. I walk over and let her wrap her arms around my middle. I hug her back and swing a leg on top of her side. She starts to giggle.

"I don't even need the blanket anymore."

"Nope you got me, the overly possessive girlfriend." I say smiling at her.

"Well I'm okay with that. Your warm and soft."

"So I'm basically a talking blanket to you?"

"Why of course." She says with the biggest smile I've ever seen.

"Let's go back downstairs." I say to her feeling so much better.

"Are you sure?" I know she is curious as to what I am feeling. She could read me most of the time.

"Yeah, I feel better now."

"Ok let's go." She gets off the bed after me and grabs my hand. I lead us downstairs back to the room we were previously in.

"So what's the plan?" I say giving everyone the most dangerous state I have. Not one of anger but one that tells you to do what I say.

Everyone stands and my brother and Jacob step forward together. One nod from my brother and Jacob is telling their plan and all the information they have. Sara is gripping my hand and I know she is scared so I hold onto her from the side, carresssing her hair while listening intently.

If they do this I will too, but I don't want to leave Sara alone...............
