
Tay's pov

I'm feeling extreme pain in my head.I slowly opened my eyes and again I'm seeing everything blurry.But wait a minute... This is not a chair I'm sitting on but I'm lying on a bed! I tried to get up but my legs were tied with chain. same goes with my left hand..f***!...

That psycho bastard made things comfortable for me but what's the point? he still tied me up and I can't do anything!!

I don't know how much time passed by or even don’t know if it’s day or night cause there is not even a single hole in this room!!.....Suddenly I heard someone was talking from outside. The door was slightly open. It was Joss!

I bet he didn’t moved from this place...Does he think that highly of me that I can escape? Well I could do something and I know I'm capable of that but right now?!..I can't even move my head from left to right as I'm having terrible headache and everything was blurry.

I heard him speaking over phone..

"What do you mean by you need more time?!"


"Listen just don’t make me lost my mind! I need Tay's fake passport by tommorow or you will be finished..Understand?"


"Do anything you want but get me the passport cause we are leaving this country the day after tomorrow."

Saying this Joss cut the call.I'm having a hard time to understand what I just heard..Joss is leaving this country.. That's good bu..but he is taking me with him?! If he leaves Thailand, It will be almost impossible for my friends to track my trace...Shia!!

Mae I'm really missing you and where are you guys?!!

I kept muttering these words.....

New's pov

Everyone was getting prepared to get Tay back.When I was loading my pistol,my phone started buzzing. The caller id showed it was mae..I received the call.

"New dear,Won't you come home today?I've prepared your special dishes"

"Mae,I'm out of the town for work..I won't be able to call you time to time.."

"You always do this!Can't you grant one wish of mine and eat dinner with family?!"

Oww my mae is sulking..

"Mae! You know na work is really important for me?!Please don’t get mad"

"Work work and work!..What you do is just work! You couldn’t even get yourself a girlfriend!"

*Cough* *cough*"Mae!!I don’t have idle time to make girlfriend...I'm sorry na mae!I promise I'll give you time after this work..ok na mae?"

"Ok ok..I don’t need your false hope.Eat time to time and don't get sick...Understand?!"

"Ok you na..bye!!"

"Bye dear."

I cut the call..and looked around.Nam,Arm and Gun was looking at me..I can tell from their eyes,they are tensed...Not because It's a dangerous mission but they are worried about me..huff! They treat me like a child even when Gun is younger than me!

"What?!Why are you guys looking at me like this?"

"New are you sure you wanna take this risk?"Arm asked...

"Hella yes!..I'll do anything to save Tay...Guys please don’t worry about me and let's just focus on our mission now..ok?"

They nodded..

"Hope to be succeed in this mission." Nam said.

"Hope so" I said smiling faintly.

3rd person pov

Everyone hopped in a jeep..Lee started to drive.New was beside Lee...Arm,Oab and Nam took their seat in the middle row.Off and Gun were in the back seat.There was deep silence..And guess what?Off couldn’t bear it.So he spoke,

"Oi why everybody is so silent?!It’s not that we didn’t do missions like this!"

"Of course we did but this time It's different." New said with a stern tone from the front seat.

"And why so?I'm sure we will get Tay no matter what!"

"How can you be so sure?! It's not like we know where Tay actually is!!" Gun spoke irritatedly as he thought the guy beside him had no brain cells in his head.

"Why are you yelling at me?!I'm not talking to you!" Off said looking at Gun..

"Gun don’t get angry!It’s not time to fight with own people.." Arm said from front..

"Yeah true..if we fight between ourselves, how we supposed to fight against them?!" Lee said while driving.

"Bu..but why did he shout?" Off asked pointing his finger at Gun,who didn’t bother to look at him.He took out his earphones and plugged it in his ear..

"It's better to listen rap music rather than hearing this stupid's nonsense" Gun thought.

"Off if you say one more word,I'm gonna bang your head!" Oab said clinching his fist...Off got terrified by Oab's behaviour and remained silent....

Nam just watched them fighting like toddlers and smiled inwardly.

After two hours

"Guys...get ready! We will reach forest area in about 20 minutes." Lee said looking at his gps.

Everyone took out their pistols and knives,peeper spray,steel pipe from bag pack.

After few moments they were near the area.They got down and sneakily observed both warehouse. It was a 10 minutes gap between two warehouse.  They hide behind a bush...New looked back and said,

"Look,We need to attack both warehouse at the same time..."

"But why?!If we go together, we can defeat them easily" Oab said confusedly.

"We can't do that..What if the warehouse we attacked didn’t had Tay?! It will warn the enemies and it will be hard for us to fight back" Arm said.

"Arm got a point.So how should we divide ourselves?" Lee asked looking at New..

"Well,look this warehouse's security is tight..It might be a trap" New said while pointing the guards.

"But there can also be a possibility that Joss hide Tay here and made the security tight so that no one can go in or out" Off whispered.

"It’s also possible...Finally some sensible words came out from your mouth" Gun said sarcastically...

Off rolled his eyes..

"Shush!Look there."Everyone looked where Nam was pointing..

It was Joss!He came out from that warehouse.He checked here and there and left. 

"See I told ya!" Off said excitedly...

"What's so exciting about it..My blood is boiling out of anger!! I feel like to go out and choke him death!" Oab said frustratingly.

"Ohoho!Mr.Thanos!Calm down.If you step out right now there will be only bullets on your body and our plan will be ruined" Arm said jokingly...

" can you call me Thanos?!" Oab said..

"Ok guys stop it!" Lee said warning them.

"It seems that there is a high possibility that Tay is in this warehouse.So Nam,Oab,Gun and Off you will take this warehouse down..Me,Lee and Arm...We will attack the other one.Clear?!" New told looking at them.

"Ok!" They said in unison.

Everyone put on their wireless earphones.Nam,Gun,Oab and Off sneakily covered the warehouse from around while Lee,New and Arm headed towards the other one.

There were four men guarding the back side.Oab and Nam carefully went there..Before they could react,Nam took out her pepper spray and sprayed directly on their eyes..While they were about to shout, Oab hardly hit each of them with steel pipe.He was going to beat them but Nam stopped him,

"They lost senses!Stop wasting time..Let's go and help others"

Oab hummed and hide those men in a corner,so nobody will notice.

Meanwhile Gun was taking down other guards on bare hand..The guards kept missing to hit him with hockey sticks and Gun,taking the chance... kicked, punched on the face. Those guards fall down and groaned in pain..

Off was hiding behind Gun but suddenly one of the guards hit him on shoulder.Off felt pain and looked back..With an angry look,he grabbed that guard and gave a strong kick between his legs! That guard hissed in pain..

"Moron!!Don’t dare to hit me again!!" Off said..

"Why did you hide?You could take some men down!" Gun spoke while punching one guy..

"Sorry!hehe..I was saving energy!" Off said awkwardly..

"Stupid!!" Gun got angry...

After sometime,They all were able to take over the place.Gun spoke on earphone,

"Nam,how's the situation there?We are clear here!"

"We are also clear..We are coming.." Nam said while running.

"Just go and open the!" Oab told them.

"Ok ok" saying this Gun and Off went in front of the door..Gun gave a high kick and opened the door.

Nam and Oab came.They saw Gun and Off were halted at their position.They called them out..Off hung his head low while Gun nodded negatively and sighed..


Both Nam and Oab were panting due to running.

"Hello,New!!!" Nam said in a shaky tone..

New,Arm and Lee was also fighting with Joss's men with pistols while hiding here and there cause those men were attacking them mercilessly..

"What!! That means Tay is here!" Lee said while firing.

"Guys,we need backup..Though people are here just a handful but they are well skilled!" New said..

"We are on our way!" saying this Oab and others headed towards the other warehouse.

Lee and Arm were in a bit distance from he gestured them to gather..There were gunshots here and there.When they tried to go near New,Suddenly a bullet crossed through Lee's arm..he hissed in pain.

New shoot that man...Arm somehow managed to drag Lee where New was..Both New and Arm got panicked.

"Lee,Are you okay!!" New was pressing both hands on Lee's arm to stop bleeding.

"Ne..New don’t worry about me! Just go and get Tay.."Lee said in a shaky tone.

" Bu..but... How..can in such state?!"New said.

"New I'm here with him..You go!" Arm said.

New got up and went in front of the door..In the meantime,Oab and others came.They saw Lee was bleeding..When they were about to approach him,Lee gestured them he was fine.Arm loudly spoke,

"New is getting in!Cover for him!!"

They nodded and started shooting at Joss's men.New somehow managed to break into the warehouse.He carefully stepped forward while holding his pistol.There were 2 or 3 rooms..When he entered the 2nd room, he saw Tay was lying down lifelessly.

He felt pang on his heart..his eyes got blurry.He was in a verge of crying but he didn’t cry..

Joss,just how dare you! I'll make sure to make your life hell!!

New went near Tay..he shooked Tay's shoulder...

"Don’t touch me bastard!!Joss if I got out this time I will kill you!" Tay said.

There was deep anger in his voice....As he still closed his eyes he didn’t saw who it was.So New spoke,

"Tay..Tay!!Get up.. It's me! New!"

"Ne..Ne..New?! What are you doing here?!!" Tay opened his eyes..

"To have dinner with you!"


"Stupid! I'm here to save you! are here to save you.."


"Yeah! Your and my friends..They are fighting outside.So we need to hurry."

"But how?He tied me with chain!"

New looked around the room but didn’t found anything useful.So he pointed his pistol at the chain.

"Oii!! Are you going to kill me?!"

"Sorry! I Don't have any other option left" Saying this New fired at the chain...Tay closed his eyes tightly..

The chain broke...Tay freed himself.When he tried to get up he lost balance but New caught him with his hands grabbing Tay from his back..They both felt something they got some electric shock.

"Thanks" Tay muttered.

"No need..Let's go" New placed Tay's arm on his shoulder and hold him from back.

They went outside but couldn’t managed to go where their team were..It was a bit distant..They were occupied clashing with enemies.  They saw Tay and sighed in relief...

One of Joss's men spoke to other,

"Hey! Hey! Get Tay and kill the other one or boss will kill us!!"

New saw some of the men were running towards them.. He saw a car beside the warehouse..So he told his friends loudly,

"Guys!!cover for me! I'm leaving this place with Tay!Will you guys be fine?!"

"Don’t worry about us!Just leave!!" Nam said while firing..

New nodded and took Tay inside the car.He made him seated on the passenger seat...He quickly started engine and drove really fast.When Joss's men were about to chase them..Off pointed his pistol at their tyre and shoot..*fssss*...Their tyre got punctured.Off laughed loudly..

"Don’t try to chase them!Come on fight with us!"

"Finally you did some skilled work!" Gun said. He was a bit astonished.

New looked in the rear view.. There wasn’t anyone following them.So he slowed the speed.It was almost an abandon area..New moved his head from left to right while his one hand was on the steering wheel..

After searching for some time,he finally found few buildings on the roadside...He stopped the car in front of a building.Then he turned to Tay,who was sleeping.He was looking at Tay abruptly...

He looks like a tiny baby while sleeping.

New jerked off his thoughts and gently shook Tay...

"Hey wake up! We are here"

Tay slowly opened his eyes and looked around his surroundings..

"Where are we?!"

"I dunno" New said shrugging his shoulder.


"Get down..At first we need to hide here" saying this New got down.

Tay slowly opened the car door and stepped down.

"You want us to stay here?!!"Tay asked a bit shockingly.

" should at least thank me that I'm providing you a place to hide in this deserted area"New looked at Tay with a poker face..

"But It's a MOTEL!.."

"So?? Never lived in a motel?"

"That's not the point!"

"Oii stop arguing..Let's go inside. I'm hella tired"

Tay didn’t said anything and followed New from behind.....

(AN:Hello everyone! It’s been a while since my exams are over..Cheating in the online exam is another level of creativity😂..
I was confused how to write the plot of rescuing Tay..uff!I somehow managed to finish the chapter.Please vote and comment if you like this chapter)
