
3rd person pov

After Tay went out from Max's office,someone from other side of the road called his boss and said,

"Sir..Mr.Tay just left the office."

"Ok, just follow him and make sure he shouldn’t get any hint that you are following him.and give me his whereabouts."

"Ok sir..I will inform you as soon as I find it out."

Then that person hung up the call and muttered..Tay we are going to meet soon......

New's pov

After Tay left I was snapped  out for a moment. Namtan tapped my shoulder saying if anything was wrong.I said it was nothing.Uncle Max was sitting in front of me.I said,

"I have something important to talk with you."

"Oh New, we are meeting after such a long time.You should ask bout how I'm doing nowadays first.Shouldn’t you?"

"From your face,I clearly know that you are doing more than fine.So why ask?"

Uncle became irritated and said,

"It’s true that I'm doing well with my son Drake.but recently we are facing some problems."

"Oh please I'm not interested in your bullshit problems!I'm here to gain what I have lost because of you..So you better listen to me now."

Uncle became lil bit shocked and said

"Ok I will talk with you but first tell your servants to wait outside."

"Mind your tongue uncle!.They were my saviors when you ousted me and my family.You better know what are you talking."

Namtan was getting furious along  with me..situation was going out of control. Uncle Max was deliberately spitting nonsense.So Gun told us to calm down.I knew it was no use talking with that moron.Cause we didn’t had solid proofs to claim the white diamond.

Namtan was going to argue with him but Gun stopped her and literally dragged me and Nam out from his office.he made us sit inside the car.I sighed and closed my  eyes for a moment. Nam said to Gun,

"Damn it! Gun, why did you stopped me? I was going to punch that bastard!"

"Oh yeah?and what would happen after that?Max might call the police and get us arrested."

"So what?It’s not like I'm afraid of police. He should be afraid not us"

"You're wrong. This matter is not so simple p'..I have traced down all info bout him.He have some influence on police Department it might get opposite situation here."

Nam started cursing him.I said

"Stop it! I'm getting a headache here..Let's go home first and discuss how should we move on our next plan"

They nodded and we went home.

At home

After coming back we directly went to my room.Mae asked us to eat dinner but Nam said we have some important issues to discuss and will eat later..Umm I really appreciate my friend's  working.I'm lucky...

When we went to my room,Arm was already searching for something on phone. He said,

"From your faces it seems like your plan got spoiled."

Gun said,"yeah dude..when we went to his office, we found out a old lion and his buddies already discussing bout White diamond deal!"

I almost forgot bout Tay..Why he said he will remember me?and what was he going to do with that white diamond? Is he also in some gang?Oii too many questions!!

Arm got confused and asked who was the old lion.Nam told in details.Arm understood everything and said..

"Guys you can see I was already searching for some info bout someone."

Nam said,"And who is he?"

I said,"my uncle's one and only son"

Arm became a bit shocked about how I knew..Then Gun said laughingly,

"Wait a minute.. Are we going to do some fun here?"

Nam said,"I have understood."She was also laughing creepily..

I replied to Gun,"Of course we are."and we said in unison


Tay's pov

Why did you tell me your name was Tim?and why the hell I keep thinking bout you..gosh I'm feeling exhausted..

When I was immersed in thoughts Oab jerked me off and said if I was feeling ok cause I was looking pale.I told him I was fine but feeling too much exhausted and angry..Off said,

"Then why didn’t you asked him bout the deal?why suddenly he called off the deal?"

Lee said,"Look I think something is wrong but at first Let's go home.."

I said,"which home are you guys talking bout?you are not welcome at my home."

Off whined and said,"Oii Peng,It's not right!where can we get so much delicious food?"

"You homeless people! Ask your mom to make food for you!just don't disturb me now..I need some time alone. "

They understood something was wrong with my behavior but to light up the mood they laughed and Oab jokingly said,

"Ok we grant your wish son! We will leave your house for 2 days..Then we will come back again to disturb you"

"Goodness!It’s not like you don’t have home..why you guys keep irritating me!!Ok fine..Then goodbye for now.Let's talk on video chat when we reach home..but I need a favour to ask you.."

Off asked,"what is it?I'm too tired now.I'm not going to collect info or catch someone for you!"

"Did I asked you to kidnap someone?fool listen to me first..I need that guy's full info"

Oab asked,"Who?"

Off said,"Maybe Drake. Why do you need him?"Off was looking at me confusedly.

"Fool! What would I do with Drake?I need info bout Drake's cousin."

They all were looking at me with suspicious eyes..I was like

"What?!I'm just doing it for further work..Don't look at me like I wanted to know him for some personal reasons!"

Off said,"But after seeing Drake's cousin You're kinda lost in thoughts. So it’s natural for us to think you.. You......"

Oab said both confusedly and jokingly,"Like him?"

I was flushed red and said loudly,
"What the hell are you guys talking about!! Stop saying nonsense or I will kick you!"

They laughed so hard.I think they find inner peace after teasing me..tsk!...but I told them seriously to find out info bout him and after our conversation we parted our ways..

At home

I freshened up and was about to going to my bed.In the meantime someone called me..I thought It was Lee and he found something about New so I hurriedly picked up the call and said,

"Have you found out anything? "

"What should I found out?I already found out everything bout you Tay"

It wasn’t Lee..who was calling me at late night and how the hell he got my number? I said irritatedly,

"Who are you?"

"Have you forgotten me that easily?but you can see I still can't move on from you"

"Are, Jo...!!"

"Yes I'm Wayar.Joss wayar..why are you keep stuttering? Didn’t you knew I will come back in your life?"

I laughed and jokingly said,

"Why the hell I would stutter? It’s just that..after so many things you still dare to come back?That's why I'm shocked."

"Let's meet tommorow"

"I Don't have time to meet someone like you"

"Well well but you will have time for me cause I came to know that your deal got cancelled because of someone "

"And no wonder that someone was you?"

"Meet me tommorow at Red moon cafe."

Before I could speak that bastard cut the call...

Shia now for what he came back in my life,again??
