
1. In this RP book, there are no trainers, or humans at all. Only mentions of humans in history, but none now.

2. No Inappropriate stuff. If I see that you are being Inappropriate then I'll have to kick you out. Please time skip that stuff.

3. You can have a mate, you can have kids. Romance is allowed, but no smut or anything. Anything in that inappropriate range has to be time skipped.

4. You may be any pokemon!

5. I'll accept anthro and stuff, but I'm not partial to it.

6. Wild pokemon do exist, but they are mostly looked down upon by domestic pokemon. You can be either wild or domestic.

7. Domestic pokemon usually wear clothes, while wild pokemon usually don't.

8. To show you saw the rules, your favorite Pokemon is the password! You can add it to your form.

9. You do not have to wait for acceptance. If I say 'Accepted' it's cause it reassures me.

10. No being overpowered!

11. Ask before joining someone else's RP!

12. That's it for now?
