Bumble(Fennekin, domestic)

Name: Bumble

Pokemon: Fennekin

Appearance: Strange looking Fennekin with a red eye and a normal dark orange eye. Her face is a split of shiny and non-shiny, and she has patches of silver fur blotching her fur. Like a chimera animal, but a Fennekin. She wears dark-colored clothing, unlike her mother.

Age: Adolescent, around 17-19 but maybe more or less depending on the scenario

Personality: Plucky, Rash, Arrogant, Sarcastic, Impulsive, Surly

Current Residence: In a moderately sized house with her mother and stepfather.

Occupation: Student, looking for a job

Family: Honey(Fennekin, mother), Slate(Lucario, father), Gray(Sneasel, stepfather), Wasp(Fennekin, brother), Spectre(Riolu, brother), Wespin(Chespin, uncle), Ninja(Froakie, uncle), Carbon(Delphox, grandmother)

Backstory: Bumble was born a wild pokemon, along with her brothers Wasp and Spectre. She was kidnapped by her father, and Wasp was killed right in front of her, her mother, her brother, and her stepdad. They drove her father away before he could kill the rest, but he kept Spectre. Her parents thought it would be better if they lived with the domestic Pokemon. So they took her there, trying to give her a normal life. But she snuck out of the city to try and avenge her brother. She failed, but when she returned she brought Spectre to the city with her.

Other: Nope

Scenario One
You're at your high school. You see a strange-looking Fennekin sitting by herself. You?

Scenario Two
You see a domestic Fennekin sneaking out of the pokemon city. You?

Scenario Three
You share a shift with your new coworker, Bumble. However, she doesn't seem to be doing her job. You?

Scenario Four
Make it up!
