
Nine weeks.

Nine weeks of no contact.

No video calls.

No updates.

No saying I love you.

It took a few weeks alone to get to their anchoring point in the seas just off Japan and when they arrived it was chaotic. Tucker hadn't expected there to be so much turmoil. So much fighting.

She had been proven wrong for sure.

She was flying off to defend the ship and their allies the following morning at dawn.

It had honestly been non-stop. She rotated day in and day out with other fighter pilots. The fighting was constant and there truly hadn't been a minute for her to breathe, just let her guard down.

The same could be said about Bradley. He had been holding his breath since she had departed. As each day passed with no contact he feared the worse.

When he finally received her email, he had let out that breath he had been holding in.

The feeling, however, didn't go away for long as it returned the moment he sat in the communications room.

He held his breath as he waited for her to connect to the call.

Though, he shouldn't have worried. She had assured him through an email she would be available tomorrow.

Tomorrow came and Bradley anxiously awaited. Longing to hear her voice and see her smile.

The blank screen had changed, revealing a horrible quality video of Tucker. Bradley smiled widely as she appeared on the screen but the opposite could be said about Tucker.

She looked exhausted, the bags under her eyes were getting worse and worse with each day she lacked sleep. She pushed the stray stands out of her face that had come undone from her helmet.

"Hey, sorry. I'm about to get some sleep. I've had a long day" she yawned, trying to stay awake for a few minutes to talk to him. "So, how have you been?" she asked looking like she was about to doze off. Her eyelids were heavy but she managed to keep them open.

Bradley's smile faded to a concerned look. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine. We just had a close call today. Everyone's a little shaken" she explained, rubbing her tired eyes.

"You be careful" Bradley softly said.

"So, how are you? Did you doing anything special on base?" she asked trying to be all excited for him. His mouth gaped open about to say something. Just as he was about to tell her about the new practice training he completed the alarms on the ship began to violently ring out. Lights strobed from all over.

A sense of panic awoke Tucker from her sleepy daze. "I'm sorry. I have to go. I love you" she quickly stated

"I lov-" Bradley began but he wasn't able to finish his sentence before the call had ended.

Bradley just sat in his seat, unable to comprehend what had just taken place. His hands ran through his hair.

"Was that your girlfriend?" a fellow naval aviator asked as he sat down in a chair next to Bradley.

"Popstar" he greeted, extending his hand out for a shake.

"Uh, yeah. How'd you know?" Bradley asked as he shook his hand back.

"Ha, everyone knows everything around here. Especially the dude dating Tornado. People got bets on who the new arm candy is" he explained before clicking on the computer.

"Bets? What are you talking about?" Rooster asked with a harsh tone. He hadn't heard any of this nonsense talk.

"Come on. You can't tell me you aren't the slightest bit worried about your girl cheating? I heard that deployment is looking at ten months tops. She ain't waiting for you" he said before the screen clicked on. On the opposite side of the screen was his family.

Bradley got up from the computer and walked out feeling a wave of worry. Was people really betting on Tucker cheating on him? Would she cheat on him?

Bradley thought a girl like Tucker would love him forever. She didn't seem like the type it be unfaithful but yet he knew what temptation was and how people caved to it all the time. But surely she wouldn't, right?

Yet if Bradley had known what was taking place where Tucker was he wouldn't have even questioned it. The turmoil had became a vicious fight that ceased to end.

Tucker ran out onto the tarmac, her helmet hanging from her hand as her heart raced, pounding out of her chest.

"ZOOM FOUR IS FREE!" the admiral informed her, shooting his hand towards the direction of the plane. Without hesitation Tucker pushed her helmet onto her head and sprinted to the plane.

A tarmac crew members hoisted her up into the plane before directing her into spot for takeoff.

"Zoom four this air control. You are cleared for take off" the control tower informed her. She flicked the engine button on, getting the engines ready to fire up. She checked the landing gear had been brought up and made sure the aircraft had enough fuel. She then signaled a thumbs up to the tarmac lead. He signaled something to someone else before giving her a wave with his red sticks.

She flipped the other engine toggle on, the flames bursted from the back. She placed the aircraft into a forwards motion before accelerating the speed. Within a few seconds she was airborne, circling above the ship.

"Zoom four, we have four MiG-29 approaching from the south west quadrant. Waiting for cue from Tornado" the air control informed her as she narrowed in on the enemy aircrafts.

Beside her flew two other naval pilots. She was point and therefore she was lead.

"Let's break. Swing from around. Take them out!" Tornado instructed as she flew up, the sky had been her saving grace. It was impossible fort the naked eye to spot her. It was blinding and therefore, made her invisible.

Tornado, however, from above could see all. Even the two MiG-29s diverting two different directions from the other. Taking her opportunity Tornado locked her lasers on the two approaching aircrafts. The missile tone signaled she had a steady aim and she took it.

The two enemy aircrafts exploded into a ball of fire. She smiled and relaxed in her seat as she assumed the other two aircrafts had retreated.

"Zoom two and three. It's seems clear. Return to base" she instructed as she lowered her aircraft from the clouds.

She circled back around and began to head back to the ship when an alert had gone off. She looked back to find the MiG rapidly approaching.

"Enemy aircraft. Defending!" she shouted as she shot flares. She swung a hard right as zoom two split left. Zoom three had hesitated and found the MiG right on their tail.

"Zoom three you need to shake him" she instructed as she tried to fly back around.

"Tornado I can't shake them" the pilot radioed back. She could hear the distress in their voice.

"Split up! Split up!" Tornado shouted as she pulled up on her throttle trying to pick up speed. She couldn't find Zoom three anywhere.

"Defending!" Zoom three shouted. Tornado then spotted the missile which had missed the target.

"Zoom three! You have a few seconds to shake this guy!" Tornado shouted as she tried to get missile lock from behind. The MiG, however, was too quick, constantly moving around.

It was then Tornado's heart had stopped. The MiG had released their own shots, striking the  engines. The black smoke quickly filled the sky as the aircraft spiraled down.

"Zoom three. Eject!" Tornado informed but no parachute could be seen. The plane plummeted into the water. "Requesting rescue! Zoom three has been hit and crashed. Repeat. Requesting rescue! Zoom three has been hit and crashed" Tornado screamed into her mask. The enemy plane flew off into the distance before Tornado could even react.

"Air control. Rescue granted. Zoom four and two please return to base"

"Copy that!" Tornado radioed.  She didn't want to leave but orders were orders. She looked back at the black cloud of smoke before descending for a landing.
