📍 Oceana Base, Virginia

A young female exits the aircraft she had just landed on the tarmac. The hatch opened and she climbed out, sliding down the side of the wing to the ground.

The tarmac crew walked over, beginning their routine check over the plane. "The throttle seems a little sticky, might want to check that out" she informed one of the mechanics. He threw her a thumbs up and motioned for his guys to check it over.

From the other side of the tarmac a group of pilots watched as the pilot climbed out of the aircraft. Their helmet still positioned on their head as they talked with the mechanic.

"My money says he's a newbie" Hangman betted, sticking his hand out for someone to agree upon.

"My money says he's a LTJG" Coyote commented, shaking his friend's hand. "Rooster?" he asked, waving a hand over his face. He seemed to be in some sort of trance. "Rooster?" he repeated this time with more urgency in his voice.

His attention had been brought back to the group and he looked at the two pilots next to him. "You don't know who that is?" Rooster asked.

"Should I? Seems like an amateur to me. The landing was a little weak" Hangman commented, grinning. Despite his newly appointed Lt title he acted as though he was an admiral at times.

"Huh, I know something you don't. I'm just gonna let that sink in for-" Rooster joked causing Hangman to scoff at his stupid sarcastic attitude.

"-just tell us, dude" Hangman whined, annoyed with Rooster showboating. Only, Hangman himself was allowed to brag and show-off.

"Fine. Fine. That's admiral Benjamin's granddaughter" he said pointing. Coyote reached out, lowering Rooster's hand as she approached the group.

Removing her helmet as she approached the group of men, her long, flowy, brunette strands blew gently with the wind. She tucked the few strands of hair behind her ear before tucking her helmet under her arm.

"Gentlemen, now before you go saying anything. The throttle was a little sticky" she greeted, joking on her not so perfect landing. The three men couldn't help but stare a little.

She was naturally beautiful and caught the attention of every guy on the base. Not to mention, her smile was one worth a million dollars. If she hadn't been so adamant about joining the Navy she surely would have been modeling or something along that nature.

"Hi, I'm-" Hangman greeted sticking his hand out for a shake but she had cut him off.

"-don't. Let me guess. You are - Hangman, right? I've heard about you on base" she said, grinning. A little blush appeared on his cheeks as he smiled back at her. "I know the arrogant and cocky ones when I see them" she continued, instantly turning his smile to a stone cold frown and the gawking blush turning to an infuriating flush.

She then turns to his side kick who was positioned on his left. He stood with a small cock grin on his face as well, confident she had something nice to say about him. "Coyote, correct? People say you two don't leave each other's sides. I guess they're not wrong"

Coyote just shot Hangman a look of disapproval. No one knew of just how fiery Lt. Benjamin was until they met her. She was ruthless on and off the playing field.

"And last but not least. I must say, the whole pornstache thing is throwing me off" she expressed, twirling her finger in the air, pointing out the mustache. "People say it doesn't suit you but I don't mind it. Rooster, is it?" she asked.

He immediately smiled, sticking his hand out for a shake. She in turn grabbed his and shook it.

"I should be going boys. I guess I'll see you around" she announced, smiling once more at Rooster. She continued to walk past them back to the hanger.

Rooster watched as she walked away into the distance while Hangman and Coyote silently argued with each other on who's insult was worse.

As Lt. Benjamin walked away she knew better than to turn around. Turning around sent signals she was interested. And while she was interested in Rooster she had one rule. No fighter pilots.

No fighter pilots meant she wouldn't have her heart broken like her mother's.

Stay strong T she silently reminded herself. She bit her lip, trying to resist the urge but her heart ultimately got the better of her judgement and she quickly turned her head to the left, flashing a small smile and quick wave before proceeding her attention back forward.

She wasn't expecting to find love at all in the Navy and more unexpectedly in Virginia. Having only ever lived in California prior to this base assignment, she honestly felt extremely home sick and at times out of place here.

She would argue she couldn't imagine life elsewhere. She loved California and more specifically San Diego. She loved it so much so that she went to San Diego State University, completing her degree in three years while partaking in ROTC before applying for the Navy to be an aviator.

She had even gone as far as requesting Lemoore, California as her first choice in base.

So when she was assigned Oceana she had mourned the loss of her beloved California.

In order to return soon, Lt. Benjamin knew what she had to do. She completed her naval tests and training with no issues, receiving high praise from her subordinates and peers.

In return for her hard work she was considered one of the best at Oceana with only a few others earning that title with alongside her.

So it came as no surprise when she had been summoned to the admiral's office and informed she was to report back to North Island, California for TOPGUN.

There she completed her 13 weeks of training and returned with the title of first in her class.

Lt. Benjamin was truly one of the best fighter pilots.

Rooster just stood there, contemplating if that really had taken place. Hangman and Coyote turned their attention away from bickering with each other and mocking on a love struck Rooster.

"She's got you under her spell now" Coyote joked with Rooster who seemed like he had been struck by Cupid with one of his love arrows.

"She's out of your league, dude" Hangman laughed.

"Yeah" Rooster sighed knowing it was true. The pornstache was cute and all but it wasn't what made girls like her like guys like him. A girl like Lt. Benjamin desired a guy like Hangman. It was a known fact.

"I bet ten bucks she forgets about you tomorrow" Hangman bet. He was one for making bets and bragging about his triumphs the next day.

"Deal" Rooster agreed, shaking his hand. Hangman and Coyote shot each other a look knowing Rooster had lost his mind.

The following morning Rooster walked into the dining hall, quickly grabbing a tray. He joined the food line, walking briskly through it, grabbing whatever was readily available. He was preoccupied with the bed that he wasn't paying much attention to what he was even grabbing.

The food was never anything to rave about to home. Though, it did it's job, keeping those that served the country fed.

He then swiftly turned towards the open seating area in front of him. His eyes shifted from table to table unable to spot her until he had heard a quaint little laugh. His eyes following the sound of a table in the corner.

There she was.

Tucker "Tornado" Benjamin.

She looked up to find two eyes staring at her from across the dining hall. She raised her hand above her shoulder, giving him a quick wave to come over.

Rooster just looked back to Hangman and Coyote who looked stunned to say the least.

Rooster taking careful strides, praying he didn't trip and spill the food, walked down the empty aisle before taking the seat next to Tornado.

"Phoenix, Rooster. Rooster, Phoenix" she introduced. Natasha had been a close friend when she had initially been sent to base.

"Nice to meet you" she greeted, giving Tucker the look that she approved. Rooster, unsure of what the body language and looks meant, quickly turned his head to Lt. Benjamin for an answer.

"Are you free tonight?" she asked, fishing around for him to invite her out. She scooped up some scrambled eggs onto her spoon before placing it into her mouth.

Rooster, shocked she had asked him, shook his head, unable to make words come out of his mouth. Tornado and Phoenix tried to hide their laughter.

"Uh, yes. Yes. I'm free" Rooster finally muttered. He was mentally cursing himself out at the delayed response.

Lt. Benjamin just looked at Rooster, hoping he'd get the hint.

"Would- would you like to go out tonight?" he asked.

"I'd love to" she responded. She grabbed her tray and stood up from her seat. "I'm free after 7" she stated before walking away.

Phoenix just shook her head as she pushed around the crumbs on her plate. "I just don't see what she sees in that stache of yours"

Rooster unconsciously smoothed down the stache he had worked so hard on growing. Too ecstatic to eat, Rooster stood up from the table, dumping the food in the garbage.

Coyote and Hangman were waiting by the exit, observing the whole conversation from afar.

"Dude, I told you she wasn't going-" Hangman began.

"I have a date. Tonight" Rooster revealed, grinning from ear to ear. He pushed past Coyote and Hangman not caring enough to collect his earnings.
