Brand New World

Chief and Dog Man sat on a wall.
Chief and Dog Man had a great fall.
All the Chief's horses and all the Chief's men.
Couldn't find the duo together again!
(Not the best thing, was it?)

Meanwhile, a portal opened. There dropped Chief and Dog Man. They find themselves locked up.

CHIEF: Are we in a jail? Why is it being hung from the very very top? Why are there many people laying on them, like they've been knocked out or something? Dog Man, any ideas?

DOG MAN: Woof. Bark bark bark woof!

CHIEF: Yeah. We can leave, but I do not know if we'll make it out alive.

???: Best answer: NO.

They both see a woman overlooking them.

???: Oh, & to answer your question, yes, most of these DISGUSTING, WRETCHED entities in these cells have been killed.

CHIEF: Who are YOU? And WHY would you do such thing?

???: I am the great Cinder Fall, and I see you are enforcers of law who just so happened to land in my trap. Oh well, not that I care.

DOG MAN: Woof!

CHIEF: Listen you devious SKUNK! Release us from our predicament, & if you mind, we'll have YOU take our places here. Or I'll send you to jail back home.

CINDER: I'm afraid I can't do that?

CHIEF: Unsurprising.

CINDER FALL: Now that you have trespassed on my property-

CHIEF: Do we look like we care for villain monologues anymore? Besides, it wasn't our intention to get here! Tell that to the portal that brought us here! That makes me think, did YOU bring us here?!

 CINDER: ENOUGH! You two are NEXT on my list!

CHIEF: What list? List of haters? You should see the love list. It's quite packed.

Having had it with these 2 strangers, Cinder prepares their end. Dog Man and Chief are now horrified to meet their demise until Cinder got pushed out. They see 3 people. One boy, 2 girls.

MAN: C'mon! Let's get out of here!

The 2 escape with the other guys, bringing the corpse of the wounded spartan.

WOMAN #1: The Grimm monsters! They're coming after us!

CHIEF: Welp, we've handled living hot dogs, taco bells, skeleton dinos, terrifying buildings, robo-hot dogs and taco bells, three thugs and a robot brontosaurus, clay tacos, burgle balls, 22 tadpoles and a living tree, a spider cat and lunch bag, 2 sippy cups, I'm sure this will be good to handle.

They start fighting the Grimm monsters, while still carrying the spartan.

CINDER: They're getting away! Grimm monsters, GET THEM!

CHIEF: Get out of here, you 3! We'll buy you some time! Dog Man, where's your cool robo-suit, by the way?

DOG MAN: Woof.

CHIEF: WELL, I guess we'll take on these guys, the MUCH WORSE WAY!

Dog Man & Chief kick all Grimm monsters in sight, ensuring they don't get to them. Once the job is done, they reunite with the others.

MAN: How did you guys deal with them that easily?

CHIEF: Experience, kid.
