Big Fight!!!

Team JNR wakes up, all of a sudden, seeing themselves tied together.

JAUNE: I don't like where this is going.

NORA: We're in an arena! But why?

CINDER FALL: Well, I will finish you up, with a MEGA Grimm monster!!!

REN: But why are there many people here?

CINDER FALL: They will see you suffer! They're now locked in this place, and once you're finished, I will finish EVERYONE INSIDE!

AUDIENCE: *cue screaming sounds*

Soon the Mega Grimm monster arrives. It circles around the team.

JAUNE: We... can't... move... out!

CINDER FALL: That's because they're made out of SPECIAL CHAINS!

REN: Uh-oh.

Outside of the arena, the rest of the team starts waiting. They had just gotten Dog Man & Yang back into the fray.

RUBY: I cannot look at this!

DOG MAN: Woof.

PETEY: Well, what do we do? They're stuck with everyone here in that place, young or old. All citizens here are forced to see some brutal thing going on that will make this fanfiction not kid-friendly! 

CHIEF: This is an outrage! We must do something about it! But what?

LI'L PETEY: I whipped up a cool plan! Let's huddle up!

*cue whispering sounds that can't be put in this fanfic because it would make it more messier, so let's figure what's happening after that*

LI'L PETEY: Oh, & by the way Dog Man, we remade your battle cone!

Dog Man receives the modified battle cone, hugging Li'l Petey. Later at the arena, the Mega Grimm monsters, start untying the special chains, and starting to eat them.


The Mega Grimm Monster starts by grabbing Ruby.

JAUNE: Why me first? Dang it! 


REN: STOP! I can't look anymore!

That was happening until...


The Mega Grimm Monster was hit and drawn to the pavement.

CINDER: WHAT? Who did it? *looks up* Dang it, I should've had a roof.

She also sees Dog Man, in his robot suit.

CINDER: Oh, no! It's that dog!

CHIEF: YEAH BABYYY! And there are more of us!

Cinder sees Team RWBY, General Ironwood, Dog Man and his friends, and the cops.

CINDER: You are all nuisances to my plans! ALL OF YOU? WHY DO YOU NOT BACK DOWN? YOU'RE JUST ORDINARY COPS... (turns to Sarah) ...and what are you supposed to be?

SARAH: A news reporter, obviously!

CINDER: I DON'T CARE! Grimm monsters, get them!

The Grimm monsters attack! 

CHIEF: Get them!

The battle was on! The Grimm monsters were all beat up, mostly by 80-HD by spinning around.

LI'L PETEY: The magic of friendship solves  everything doesn't it?

Team RWBY, Team JNR, the cops, and Dog Man duke it out with the Mega Grimm monster, Cinder Fall looked the raging battle. She deploys EVEN MORE Grimm monsters to disorient them.

CINDER FALL: Huh. This will be the greatest. I will win this round.

That's when Zuzu pounces on her, ensuring she doesn't see what's coming, and then...


CINDER FALL: Ouch. Who was that!?

SARAH: Don't talk to me or my poodle ever again! And take it to the purse!

Sarah & Zuzu gang up on Cinder, as the rest take on the Grimm monsters. Of course, there were swords involved, of course the Grimms had to be, you know.

PETEY. Oh gosh, that's too violent, even for my standards!

80-HD & Buster use the book to unleash magic spells on the Grimms.

RUBY: I didn't even know you guys had magic!

BUSTER: Yeah. My grampa was zooted out, I can tell.

Meanwhile, Sarah & Zuzu were having a hard time with Cinder.

CINDER: You fool! I have more physical power than you have! What makes you think you can defeat me?

SARAH: I need some help over here!

RUBY: You got it!

Ruby joins Sarah & Zuzu as they start overpowering Cinder.

CINDER: This cannot... be!

She then turns to the Mega Grimm monster, who, with everyone's help, is pierce by the sword & sent flying to space, & tries to run away

CINDER: You'll never catch me!


However, Petey causes her to trip, as she's surrounded by our heroes.

GENERAL IRONWOOD: I believe there's one place you will certainly like...

CINDER: Don't tell me.
