"I think that's something we can agree on," Dick replied giving me a small smile.

A breathy chuckle escaped me and I propped my arm behind my head to give me a bit of comfort. I was honestly relieved to have someone help me out because I definitely would not have taken care of the bullet correctly. Probably would've killed myself with an infection. I had to admire the hero because of that. He not only saved innocent people, but lost causes as well.

"What's making you smile?" Dick asked, pulling me from my thought process.

"Just about how I was lucky to have such a good hero like you saving a lost cause like me," I told him.

"You're not a lost cause. You're going to be helping me take care of Blüdhaven," Dick countered, "Now I'm going to get some fresh gauze to put over this. Don't touch it."

I gave a partial salute as he stood, making him roll his eyes as he departed from my side. I did look down to see the hole in my side from Blockbuster's bullet and admired it. It was red around the edges and a divoted scar had formed over it. It looked thin and, upon poking the red-tinged edges lightly, it moved a little bit. I chewed my lower lip to myself from hissing a bit as a jolt of pain struck me.

"I told you not to touch it," I heard Dick's voice sigh.

"It's cool looking," I retorted, glancing up at him before looking back at my wound.

"Just let me put the gauze over it," he said with an amused smile.

He was back at my side and was covering my wound as I watched. The pressure he applied made me wince but it wasn't intolerable. It was then I noticed how tired he looked. Looking back through the nights events, I wouldn't put it past him to be beyond exhausted.

"After this, sleep a bit," I told him, "I'll watch Bitewing and everything and I'll be sure I'm careful."

"I don't know," Dick replied, leaning back from my side once he had finished, "How can I be sure, you won't run off?"

I contemplated his words, feeling my eyes widen as I remembered something I forgot about after being awake for so long. Reaching for my pants leg, I pulled up the fabric to reveal my beloved switchblade. I pulled it from it's place in my knee-sock, flipped it open, and held it out for Dick to take sprite his initial defensive response at my actions. The knife was intricate in design; the blade had an irridecent golden hue and the handle had a rose pattern engraved into it as well as my given name.

"I would never leave this behind for the life of me," I told him, "If I disappear and you have that, you best believe I'm coming back."

"It's that special, huh?" He wondered, admirably as he carefully took it from my hand.

I reluctantly let it go but knew it had to be done if he really wanted my trust. I watched as he admired the make of it before closing it and looking up at me. His eyes held a respective gleam as he held it back to me much to my surprise.

"If you're willing to give up such a prized possession then I can be sure you will come back," he explained, "I don't think I'll have to worry if you really want to be reformed."

I took back the blade with a smile and I swear I almost started crying there. I put it back in my sock and pulled my pants leg back down to cover. I then saw Dick yawn and stand up.

"I think a good rest would do me some good," he said, "You should try to sleep some too. We'll figure the whole hero thing out later."

"If you say so," I agreed, feeling my own weariness setting in as he spoke of it, "I'll be comfortable here if you want your bed back."

"How did you-" he cut himself off, shaking his head in mild disbelief, "Sleep well."

"I planned on it," I joked, "You too, alright?"

"I'll try," he said before turning and giving me a mini wave over his shoulder as he disappeared into his room.

I settled into the couch, closing my eyes with a satisfied sigh. I always found couches far more comfortable than a bed anyway so this was nice to me. And it was relatively easy to fall asleep here. Dreamless and peaceful.
