I did manage to take a cat nap after Nightwing left but upon waking, I pushed myself to get up. I needed to get out of here and get back to the gang. They needed to be sure I was alive. That I didn't fall victim to blockbuster's cruelty.

Pushing myself up, I managed to get myself off the bed and moving around. My legs were sore and there was an ache in my core with every move I made, but I could move. I looked towards the door Nightwing exited out of and then observed the window trying to figure my best escape route. I then looked down to see my bandaged torso and opted for the door. I didn't want to reopen my wound on the way out and I could always catch cab back to Gotham. Nightwing did promise to let me go if I gave him information. I may have held back a bit but I gave what I felt be needed to know and I was going to make my way out. I have places to be and people to take down.

Inching towards the door, I was listening for any sort of sound that would give away mid or Nightwing's place in the apartment. I didn't hear much of anything so I opened the door, thankful it wasn't creaky like the doors at home, and crept out the room. It was relatively easy, creeping around the apartment but I stopped dead as I entered the small living room in my search for the exit. Nightwing was on the couch, just sitting there with a smirk on his face as he gazed at my frozen figure, eyebrows raised in mock surprise and a hand resting on a small, lumpy, gray pillow. A pillow that started growling and kept off the couch to stand just in front of the hero and bark like mad

It took a moment for me process that the pillow, wasn't a pillow at all, but a puppy. I blinked a few times at it and then looked at Nightwing, confused but feeling a slight admiration at the mere fact he even had a dog to begin with. Though I didn't speak it aloud, I was sure the question was written on my features.

"Hey there," he greeted with a teasing note, "Figured that was you. Hope Bitewing didn't scare you too bad."

"Bitewing?" I questioned with an amused chuckle as I glanced back down at the yapping pup, "She's quite the sidekick."

"I can agree with that," Nightwing agree, giving me a kind smile as he called Bitewing off and she settled by his ankles, "Care to explain why you're sneaking around?"

"I wanted to leave," I admitted with a frown, "but it looks like I'm not going to be able to anymore."

"Nope," he stated with amusement and no hesitation whatsoever.

I found my frown deepening and I leaned up against the wall beside me, feeling my side ache as I held myself up. Nightwing watched me carefully, probably looking to see if I registered my pain. I felt I was doing a good job at ignoring it, considering I've been through worse injuries that left me broken for a while. I held back a smile at that thought before focusing back on the situation at hand.

I observed how relaxed Nightwing looked with one leg crossed over the other and his arms crossed over his chest. His escrima sticks were on the cushion beside him and despite all that, I refused to believe his guard was down. I crossed my arms and sighed deeply.

"You're a pain," I commented, "I was hoping to prevent my gang from doing something stupid again."

"I doubt they would be stupid enough to try to go after Blockbuster," he replied; I noted the doubt in his tone.

"I'm surprised you, of all people, would say that," I mused, "There are plenty of rowdy guys there who would do something stupid because they've done stupid things before. Even when my father was around."

"Alright, you're right. I'll admit that," Nightwing agreed, holding up his hands in mock defeat, "You got some idiots in your rank."

"Not idiots. Just reckless and a little slow," I countered partially offended yet mostly amused at his accusation.

"I will say, I'm surprised you haven't attacked me in an effort to leave," Nightwing spoke up suddenly.

"Yeah, 'cause that would be a great idea," I retorted sarcastically, "My wounded ass would be rewounded in a heartbeat."

That got a chuckle out of the hero in black and blue. The sound made his pup's ears perk and her tip her head. Nightwing settled his gaze on me, a kind smile on his lips. His chuckle was warm and amused and his smile made me return it in full. I breathed out a chuckle understanding his amusment.

"How come I didn't see you in Gotham before?" Nightwing wondered, "I feel we would've gotten along."

"We have met, actually, but this time I'm not wearing a mask or anything," I admitted, "I gave that up after I took over. Donned a new look and a new name."

"Really? I.. I don't remember that," he admitted, his smile turning nervous and a light, embarrassed tinge reaching his cheeks.

"Figured. We didn't get along then either so that probably explains it," I noted with a shrug, dismissing it entirely.

"Well, if you tell me what you went by, maybe it'll make something click," he suggested, sitting up.

"And if I don't?" I wondered, not intending on upholding it but still wanting to know.

"Then I guess we'll remain unlikely acquaintances and sulk in our anonymity," Nightwing stated with a dramatized sigh.

I rolled my eyes but pushed myself up off the wall. I heard his pup growl a little but with a bit of petting from her owner, calmed down. I felt another twinge of admiration for Nightwing but I pushed it away as I forced my head back on topic.

"My name then was Surge 'cause that's what Joker called me," I admitted, "Now I'm Nova 'cause that's the name, I found out, my mother gave me. But, on-duty, I'm Eclipse; that hasn't changed."

I watched Nightwing ponder this. I suppose he was digging through his memory for anything that made sense. Then, I saw the recognition cross his features. He gave me a look that told me he now recognized who I was and the times I fought against him and Batman on the Joker's side. Before Joker died. And then we both disappeared and forgot.

"You're... No," Nightwing argued with disbelieving shock "You can't be her. You don't look the same."

"It's called I stopped dying my hair -other than the ends, anyway- and let it grow out," I mused with a teasing smirk, "Can't say much for you. You look pretty much the same other than the suit change."

"I guess we both got upgrades," Nightwing noted, which I took as a sort of compliment, "I honestly thought Joker killed you."

"Nope. Still alive," I said, smiling and leaning back up against the wall,, "Now, your name and mask, Mr Blue Bird."

"Right..." Nightwing trailed off hesitantly before a small sigh passed his lips, "It's only fair, isn't it."

I hummed my agreement as I waited for him to speak. He reach up for his mask, pulling it from off his eyes. My breath caught when he pulled his mask away and let his hands fall to his lap. Nightwing was Dick Grayson or, more accurately, Dick Grayson was Nightwing. Bruce Wayne's kid of all people. A pleasantly shocked breath of a laugh laugh escaped me.

"Who woulda thought," I breathed, not over my shock just yet, "Well, at least you stayed pretty even after the mask was shed."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Nightwi- Dick - said with a hint of amusement that signaled he was probably enjoying my shock.

"You probably should. And I promise that I won't let spill who you are," I assured, "Hell, my dad wouldn't tell me who Batman really was and I know he knew."

"He wouldn't?" Dick questioned, with surprise of his own, "That's very unexpected."

"What? That my own father couldn't trust me to keep a secret that could have led me to help keep him alive?" I wondered, before letting out a sigh.

"Your father was insane," Dick said crossing his arms and leaning back into his couch with obvious disdain.

"Of course he was," I agreed, "And I didn't agree with everything, but he was still my father. You would understand, wouldn't you?"

Dick had paused just as he opened his mouth to speak; possibly to argue my point. But I think he saw what I meant and understood it. I saw the hero in blue falter, seeing my point. I was sure he understood that, even if you don't agree or even like your family all the time, it still hurts to lose them. We both signed simultaneously without trying which made us look up at each other. I cracked the first smile and saw him do the same.

"You do have a point, alright," Dick admitted, gradually becoming serious again, "But it doesn't take away that he was going to either rot in Arkham or on the streets of Gotham."

"Yeah, I know," I replied truthfully, "I will admit I was kinda looking forward to seeing my mother's killer get buried."
