
Jess's pov.

I ran out of Billie's house with tears running down my cheeks. I cannot believe she said that. She didn't say anything wrong but she should've just stayed quiet.  Billie had no right to say any of it.  Deep down though, I just wish she would've followed me out and talked to me about it. But she didn't. 

My heat was racing as were my legs, continuesly dragging me along. When I got to my house I stopped. I knew I didn't want to go in there and I knew I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to walk into that house. Tears filled up my eyes as I started walking again, passing my home.

There was nowhere else to go.  No on to turn to. Nothing.

I took my phone out of my back pocket in hopes that Billie had tried to reach out to me but there was nothing.  Great. The beach. I could go to the beach. So I went.

The ocean always brought me peace. I think that was the main reason I went there when I was panicking or I was stressed.  Well, I would typically go to Billie but whenever she wasn't available I would go to the beach. I didn't live far from it either. 15 minutes from my house. But by the time I got there the sun was starting to set, honestly, I wasn't mad about it, it was even better at night.

The ocean sounds put my life and mind at ease. I sat down on a dry patch of sand and closed my eyes. Letting the breeze blow my hair whichever way it wanted to.

"Escaping life?" A feminine voice said behind me.  My eyes bolted open and my head quickly jerked back. Oh my god she was beautiful.

"Uh- yeah, kinda. You?" 

"Always. This is my escape from reality." she said sitting next to me.

"Same here. Shit's crazy sometimes."

"Babe, life is way too short for you to be crying over it. What's got you here anyways?" she pried.

"Long story."

"Good, I love long stories." She said smiling at me. She had a contagious persona. When she laughed I wanted to, when she smiled I wanted to.

"You asked for it, so you're in for a long ride," I started. " So you know Billie Eilish?" I asked

"I've heard a song or two so I guess yeah." She stated. I cant explain how nice it was for her to not know Billie. 

"Well, I know her, and I have since I was little. We've been friends for years and my mom hates her. I went on tour with her, without telling my mom, almost killed myself, and admitted to wanting to kill myself, told my mom about my "depression" and asked if she would take me to see someone about it, they told me I had it, mom didn't believe it and continues to tell me I'm lying about it, uh...oh and Billie and I got into a fight so now I can't go home or talk to her!" I said. The girl sat and stared out into the sky. "Shit I'm sorry, that was a lot."

"Nah, you're good, I told you I like stories." She said smiling again. Then I started smiling. 

"So are you gonna tell your life story to a stranger or just gonna leave me hangin?" I joked. She chuckled softly.

"Sure why not? My mom doesn't accept my choices in life, my dad doesn't either, but he's better than she is, my brother killed hiself a few days ago, overdose, my parents are divorcing, I attempted last night but stopped myself and luckily, you and I are the only ones that know, all of my friends left becuase I guess they found some knew group to hang with, and right now the only good thing to happen to me, is you, a pretty girl on the beach." I blushed and looked down at the sand.

"I sorry," I said.

"Aye, this is a no pity zone, aight? You don't want pity and neither do I. Even if you are the only one I'd accept pitty from, I still don't want or need it." She said sternly.

"So, I just told you all of the fucked up shit happening in my life and I don't even know your name...nor do you know mine," I said, changing up the vibe, allowing a bit of freshness into it.

"Riley, and you are?" She questioned.

"Jessica, but I go by Jess." I said still smiling at her.

"You're smiling a lot to have so much messed up crap going on."

"Well, I can thank you for that." 

I don't know what it was about that girl but there was something about her that I adored. For starters, I couldn't take my eyes off of her lips. And her blonde hair, how it just floated in the air as a gust would push through. and her eyes.  Everything about her made me feel alive.

"What are you looking at? I know I'm not that good looking," She chuckled.

"Who said that? Because you're beautiful, just sayin'." 

"Oh, so you love me?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself, take the compliment and shush!"

We continued talking for hours and hours.  Eventually, I checked my phone to see 30+ missed calls from Billie and Finneas.

"Shit!" I said under my breath.

"huh?" Riley said looking up from her phone.

"Billie has been blowing up my phone for hours," I said,

"Blow her off, she was an ass to you, she can deal with it, enjoy me!" She said happily.  So I did. I shut off my phone and continued to talk to Riley.  It felt like I had known her for my entire life. Like she was my sister or closest friend. 

I had forgetten about Billie, because finally, I had someone that wasn't a celebrity. Riley was a randome girl I met on the beach who was going through stuff, much like me. She didn't know who Billie was, really, she only headr a couple songs. Riley was real and perfect, and funny , and our connection was instant. 

Eventually it was nearly 4 AM and we were still talking. Billie kept calling but I just ignored it.

"Jess, it's late, don't you think you should go to sleep?" She asked turning to look at me. We had laid down on the sand, which made us both instantly sleepy.

"And leave you alone? I think not. I can't leave my beautiful beach stranger alone on a night like this!" I said exaggeratedly.

"Shut up and go!"

"But I need your number AND socials!" I said winking at her.

Then Riley took my phone and began typing:

Riley (Aka beautiful beach stranger)


I'm so happy I met you, pretty girl on the beach, and screw that Billie chick. Hang tomorrow? 

Then she handed it back to me. This woman has taken my heart and is holding it against it's will. I smiled and went in for a hug. She held onto my body tighter than anyone has before.  And she smelt like vanilla and lavender.  Oh jeez, this one is gonna hurt.

I opened my phone, completely blowing off Billie's unanswered messages and opened Instagram to post the picture I took with Riley.

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jessie.evens beautiful beach stranger <3

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rileyalewis pretty girl on the beach <3

(Sooo, thoughts on Riley????)
