Attack of the clones 2002 (Star Wars)

Set ten years after the events of "The Phantom Menace," the Republic continues to be mired in strife and chaos. A separatist movement encompassing hundreds of planets and powerful corporate alliance poses new threats to the galaxy that even the Jedi cannot stem. These moves, long planned by an as yet unrevealed and powerful force., lead to the beginning of the Clone Wars and the beginning of the end of the Republic. 

Like I have mentioned before I never cared for Star Wars in the first place but because of Disney+ and doing reviews I decided to give it a chance. Since I am the type of girl that likes to do things in chronological order, the next thing I will review when it comes to Star Wars will be the Clone Wars animated series. This originally aired on Disney Channel and whenever an episode is on I would normally either change the channel or shut the TV off and go to bed early. I usually do that because it would come on at 10:00 so an hour earlier before my actual bed time wasn't a big deal. But because I do want to go in order of the timeline I feel that I'll have to include this and watch it next when I go back to the Star Wars category.  

Anyways, I liked this movie and like the first one there was a scene when I cry. With this one Anakin Skywalker went back home looking for his mom. He found out that she was sold. He found out where she was living now and met his step brother and step father. His step father told him that his mother died. He actually found her but she died in his arms. I cried and felt so bad for him. I also didn't like what Anakin was becoming. He grow up to be an arrogant brat. He also had to protect the senator who was a Queen for two terms. I guess being queen is like being president in this universe.  At the end of the movie, Anakin marries the Senator Padme Amidala. 

May the force be with you! 

The next category is National Geographic again. The next series I'll review is Gordon Ramsay Uncharted. 
