Peter Pan

Flynn and Aladdin walk off the bus and into the orphanage that they call home. They walk into the kitchen, greet their caretaker, Mother Willow, grab snacks, and run to their room which they share with Peter, a 12 year old sixth grader. "Sup, Peter." Flynn says, throwing his backpack on his bed and taking a seat in his swivel chair. "Ah, that green makes me sick!"

Each wall of the room is painted a different color for each boy's side. Peter's is painted his favorite color, green. Flynn hates it, but he puts up with it so his wall can stay blue, Peter's least favorite color. Aladdin's remains unpainted, just bare wood, to make it feel homey.

"Yeah..." Peter says, like he doesn't even know what he's agreeing with. Flynn and Aladdin both scoot up to either side of Peter in their swivel chairs.

"Hmmmm, far off look in his eye..." Flynn comments.

"Dreamy voice..." Aladdin adds. "I know exactly what this is."

"Peter's got a crush!" They both say at once, high-fiving."

"No I don't!" Peter objects.

"You so do!" Flynn pushes. "What's her name?"

Peter finally gives up and replies with, "Wendy."

"Nice, nice..." Aladdin comments.

"Yeah... Got any advice?" Since Flynn and Aladdin are both 16, Peter often looks up to them for advice on subjects like this. Even though they've both been single all their lives.

"Yeah. Just talk to her. Get to know her. Find out what you have in common. The most important thing is to be yourself. It's ok to be friend-zoned at first." Aladdin states.

"And, don't forget to be awesome. Leave an impression. Make her say, 'WOW!' Ya know?" Flynn adds.

"Yeah," Peter laughs, "says they guy named Eugene Fitz-"

"Shhhh! Peter!" Flynn interrupts. "We don't say that name! Ever!"

"Sorry." Peter says while laughing. "Flynn."
