
As she stepped up to the pool, Ariel didn't see Eric sitting on the edge of the diving board, like he usually did. Ariel, knowing Eric all too well, shouted out, in the most biting sarcastic tone she could make, "Oh no, I wonder where Eric could be! I hope he doesn't jump out and scare me!" When no one answered, she tried again, this time more serious. "You can come out Eric I..." Her eyes focused at something on the in the water, floating motionless 12 feet out of her reach.

"ERIC!" Without hesitation, Ariel dived into the water, clothes and all. She kicked with all the energy she had down to the bottom, and attempted to lift Eric up. "Damn you're heavy, Eric!" She thought as she put her hands under his armpits and attempted to lift him. She felt a burning in her lungs, her oxygen wearing thin. "Come on, Ariel! Come on! Come on!" She pushed herself more and more until she felt her head break the surface.

Ariel took big, long breaths in and, with a great amount of effort, pushed Eric out of the water and onto the rough tile. She then climbed out of the water and crawled over to him. She leaned her head down to his chest to see if he was breathing. To her relief, she could make out a heartbeat but, it was very faint.

Ariel put her right hand over her left and placed them on Eric's chest. She then pushed down, attempting to remember what she had learned in health class. "Ok Ariel. Thirty compressions..." She did so. "And two breaths..." She leaned down, pinched his nose, and breathed into his mouth twice. When he still wasn't waking up, she tried the compressions again. "Eric please! Please!" She practically screamed. "Please be ok! Please wake up! Please!"

Twenty six compressions in, she heard Eric cough. She looked up to see water flow from his mouth, as he continued to cough. "Eric!" She threw her arms around him, knocking him over from the force. He groaned in pain. "Sorry. Sorry, Eric." She said, leaning back up.

"It's fine. What happened?" He responded.

"You were drowning. I pulled you out. Please tell me you're ok?

"I'm perfectly fine." Eric said as he sat up. "I'm just lucky I had you." He looked up and smiled at her.

Ariel blushed awkwardly. "Are you sure you're ok?" She said to break the tension.

Eric let out a laugh. "Ariel, I'm fine. Really. You saved my ass. Thank you."

"You're welcome. How'd you get into that mess anyway?"

"Hmmmm..." Eric looked up, tying to remember. "I was walking to the end of the diving board... and I slipped. Probably hit my head..." He reached up to touch his temple on the left side. He winched upon touching it. "Ah! Yup... defiantly hit my head."

Ariel crawled closer to him to examine his head. There was a considerably big bump, which looked like it was already starting to bruise. "How bad is it?" Eric asked, turning his head so that he was looking into her eyes, inches from her face.

"Well..." Ariel stopped, realizing just how close they were. She could detect every color that make up his perfect blue eyes. The slightest movement forward would eliminate any distance between them. She thought she saw Eric's eyes flicker down to her lips before looking her in the eyes again. She immediately dismissed the action as a figment of her imagination, before letting out a quiet chuckle to break the silence. "...That looks like quite the bump. I'm no doctor but..."

"There's no way I'm getting out of this without a trip to the emergency room, is there?" Eric asked, interrupting her.

"Ding ding ding!" She said as she was standing, to signify that he was correct. She reached his hand down to him to help him up. Eric just looked at it for a moment before chuckling and grabbing it. After helping him up, they walked out the door of the pool room together.

Merry Thanksmas guys! Two updates! *sitcom cheering audio plays in the background*

Yes here is another update that in my opinion is better than the last one but hey, I try I try.

Anyway who went Black Friday shopping? I did not because I am a lazy introvert who would rather sit in her PJ's and watch movies🎬.

So, BIG NEWS actually, and you're gonna have to let me know what you think of it. While these stories feature characters from Disney movies, they don't exactly follow the storyline. So I was thinking of starting another Disney story that that takes place during college. It would not be attached to Disney High in any way, it would simply be another, more close to the source material way to retelling the stories in a modern way.

DON'T WORRY I still love this project and (despite how often I update) I'm very passionate about it. I just have more than one way to tell these stories that I feel I wanna share. So let me know what you think, and be honest. I don't want to write a story that you're not interested in reading, so comment! Let me know! Thanks!

Anyway, hope you enjoy this part!

L8er, Gators🐊 -Em💕
