
Chapter fifteen- in danger

Parker P.O.V

Of all times to be late, Vanessa picked the absolute worst time. "When are they getting here?" I bark as loud as I can to the nurse attending me.

"Soon. Now shut up because some of the patients here who are actually dying would like their last moments to be peaceful."

"They better get here soon," I mumble and cough.

"Two people here to see you, miss."

"Thank you, let them in," I order. The nurse rolls her eyes and leaves us alone.

"Hey, Parker. Is everything alright?" Vanessa and Chase hover over me worriedly.

"Yes, now back up. You're crowding me."

They take a few steps away and look at me awkwardly.

It breaks my heart to see the way Vanessa looks at me as if I'm a total stranger, and it hurts me even more to see her looking so comfortable with Chase. "Please, sit down. Chase, I didn't actually need you here, but you can stay because you're cute."

I notice Vanessa's eyes narrow the slightest bit, and my heart sinks even further. Are they a thing now? They sure didn't waste any time. 

"I asked you to meet me here to warn you about someone. I can't say much because she will grow suspicious if I do, but she is not what she seems. She will do anything to get what she wants."

"What does she want?" Vanessa questions.

"Beats me. All I know is that she was the one who told me to dare you off the cliff. I didn't know it wasn't safe, Ann. You're in danger. For some reason, she's out to get you, and I know her next move."

I glance at them to see if they believe me. Nessa's mouth is wide open in shock, and Chase has his hand on her shoulder for support.

"The night before the birthday party, she's going to find the dress you pick and cut it apart. Then she'll plant the scissors in Chase's room."

"Okay, one, Vanessa isn't planning on going to the party. Two, how exactly do you know all this crap?"

I look at them in surprise. "Did you just call her Vanessa?"

"Yes. She told me."

Wow. They really are close now.

"Oh. Cool. Anyways, I know because she trusts me."


"I may have told her some of your secrets to gain her trust."


"It was for you! I'm trying to protect you, you idiot! I think you can survive a few leaked secrets."

"Parker. Whoever it is, I will be fine."

"You don't understand! Listen to me! I think she'll kill to get what she wants, Vanessa. Please trust me. I know I ruined our friendship and it hurts me so much to have you look at me like some homewrecker-"

"That's exactly what you are! You were my best friend and you kissed my boyfriend like it meant nothing to you!"

Great. Now they'll never listen.

"I'm sorry! I loved him, okay? It was so hard seeing you with him! I dealt with it in silence for five years! Now I know what I did was severely messed up, but you have to listen to me! She's bad news!"

"I don't think she needs to be hearing this right now, Parker. In case you didn't notice, she almost drowned the other day."

"And I promise things so much worse will happen to her if you don't watch out."

"Let's go, Nessa."

"Wait!" Vanessa remains sitting and stares at me. "So, what if I just don't go to the party? She can't do anything to me then."

I shake my head frantically. "No! You have to go to the party. If she catches you alone, she'll kill you. Please," I beg her. "Please."

She says nothing and silently leaves, Chase leading her out with his arm around her waist.

I can only hope they trust me.

"Parker? Is that you?" A  familiar voice called. Quickly, I wiped my tears away and put on my best smile. 

"Hey. What are you doing here?"

Cameron sat down and stared into my eyes worriedly. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"It's nothing. Don't let me keep you from your run."

"You are much more important. I know when you need to talk, Parker, please open up to me."

I sighed. "It's just my family again. I guess I'm still hung up over what happened."

His expression fell and he wrapped his arms around me. "They should have never left you. They weren't right in the head, it isn't your fault. If they can't see what a beautiful, talented, amazing girl you are, then they're the dumbest people on this entire planet."

I felt my heart flutter and I tried to ignore it. "I don't know. It's just hard having to live with Aunt Lucy now. It's like I'm not even there sometimes. I feel so... invisible."

"Hey." He turned my head towards his. "You aren't invisible to me."

I was young. Impressionable. He was my first love, the first person whose words made my heart glow and my eyes shine. And I kissed him. And for a day, everything was perfect.

"Parker, I need to tell you something or I swear I will explode with happiness!" Vanessa whispered from the bottom bunk. 

"So do I! You first."

"Okay. So you know how I went on a date today?"

"Yeah? How'd it go?"

"So good! He wants me to be his girlfriend!"

"No way! Are you finally going to tell me who he is now?"

"Okay. His name is Cameron, and..." 

My heart stopped. I didn't hear the rest of what she was saying, but it didn't matter because she was too lost in her own words. Cameron. My Cameron. How could this be happening? Didn't he just kiss me yesterday? Didn't he just hold me in his arms and comfort me? I had loved him for so long, and things were finally looking up...

"Parker? You said you also had to tell me something?"

Trying to stop the torrent of tears from falling down my cheeks, I shook my head. "No. Never mind."
