
Chapter Twelve- Pain and Stupidity

Ann P.O.V

"Hey, babe." Cameron grins at me through the bandages smothering his face and my heart goes out to him despite all he's done to me in the past few days.

"Hi, Cameron," I choke out, tears already rising in my eyes.

Keep it together, Ann.

"Why so formal? Come over here and give me a hug."

His smile brings chills and I take a deep breath to steady myself. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"What?" He sits up and the thin cover of the hospital bed slides off his bare skin, exposing a rib cast.

Oh Lord, how could Chase hurt him that badly?

"Come over here, please."

"No thank you."

"Ann, please, you're my girlfriend and I want a hug."

"I'm breaking up with you, Cam. I'm sorry, but you betrayed my trust and took advantage of me and I just can't let that slide."

"Took advantage of you?!" He spits incredulously. "Quit it with that fragile girl act. Do you know how lucky you are that I'm sticking with you?"

I stare at him silently for a long, long time, processing what he just said. Somehow, it doesn't sting as much as it would before.

"You cheated on me. You kissed your best friend's girlfriend. You are the lucky one. I can't say I wish I never met you, because I honestly believe you used to be good, but you've changed. It's taken me too long to realize that."

He stares at me blankly. "So... I guess now I'll have to go to Parker now?"

My blood boils. So that's what a guy like him does when he's finished with one girl: goes running right to his next. "I suppose so."

"But I want you, Ann Brooks." He says earnestly, reaching out from behind him to grab something. "Ann, I love you. I want you forever. I know it's soon and this isn't the best timing, but would you forgive me if I asked you to marry me? You're the girl I want."

I gape at him and he smiles hopefully.

He's actually insane. The pain medication has taken over his brain and he has lost his mind.

After a few seconds, I grab a magazine and throw it at him with all my strength. "You little piece of shit! No!" And with that, I run all the way to Chase's car.

"How'd it go?"

I shut the door behind me and the engine starts. "I cussed at him and tossed a magazine at his face, so pretty well."

"Nice." Chase grins and drives off.


A few hours later, I sit on the porch swing lightly pushing myself back and forth and thinking about the sudden turn of events. Tonight, I'll probably cry about what I've lost, but right now, I can't feel anything.

"Hey, Ann. I heard what happened, I'm really sorry." Cindy plants herself in front of me, forcing me to stop the swing with my feet before I crash into her fragile-looking form. "Want to go to the cliff with us? Just us girls-and Em. It might help get your mind off things." Behind her, Parker, Molly, and Emmie wait for my response awkwardly.

"Um, sure." I reply, mentally sighing. If I could list things that I'd like to be doing right now, this would be on the very bottom of that list. I just want to be left alone for thirty minutes, that's all I ask. Why did I ever agree to go on this awful vacation?

"Great," Cindy smiles, looping her arm around mine and pulling me towards the cliff, which is just a few minutes away from the beach house. It's evening time and as much as I'd rather be back on the porch right now, I feel myself relaxing as I watch the sun set, spreading beautiful colors across the sky right in front of our eyes.

"It's amazing," I comment softly, smiling to myself.

"Yeah. Wait until we get to the cliff, it's even prettier there!"

When we reach our destination, I can't help but agree. The cliff hangs about fifty feet above the clear waters of the ocean, and gives you an almost unreal view of the sky.

"Wow," Parker breaths, eyes fixated at the view in front of us. My heart pangs, thinking about all the times we used to watch the sunset together. We don't do that anymore. I guess kissing someone's boyfriend just isn't that great for a friendship.

"Why don't we play truth or dare? This view is too beautiful to waste," Cindy suggests, breaking the bittersweet feeling of the moment. I groan at the thought of yet another game of truth or dare, but grudgingly cave in. What am I supposed to say, "no"?

"Parker, truth or dare?"


"Great," Cindy beams at her. This girl has so much happiness, it's intoxicating. "Are you and Cameron officially dating now?"

I freeze. It feels like the breath has been knocked out of me. This can't be happening.


"Guys, you do realize that Cameron and Ann literally just broke up? That's a low blow." Emmie puts their arm around my shoulder and I smile at them gratefully. I've never really talked to them before- the only thing I know about them is that they're intersex and uninterested in labeling their gender- but I may have just found myself a new best friend.

"Oh, shit. It slipped my mind. I'm really sorry, Ann, I'm such an idiot!" Cindy says, looking horrified.

"Uh, it's fine."

"Great. Moving on. Molly, truth or dare?"

I half watch as Molly completes her dare of doing forty jumping jacks.

"Ann, truth or dare?" Parker questions, looking nervous for some reason.

"Do a dare, Ann!" One of the girls calls out.

"I guess, sure. Dare."

"I dare you... To jump into the water."


"Don't worry, I've done it tons of times. It's super safe!" Cindy reassures me.

"I'm not so sure that's a good idea. You don't have to do this," Emmie warns me worriedly.

"I'm sure it will be fine," I smile, feeling nauseous. What am I saying? When will I learn how to say no?


I go to the edge nervously and look down. It's not so high up, and though the water is slightly murky, it looks deep enough to catch me safely. Besides, why would Parker dare me to do something that she knows is dangerous? She may have kissed my boyfriend, but she still loves me. I know she does. 

"Okay..." I take a deep breath and step off the edge.
