Chapter 5

"We just gave him more water and food into his body. Mr. Lee should be up in a few hours" the doctor made his last check on the tablet before he left the room.

"Tae? Did you call anyone?" Jaehyun sits beside Hyucks bed and was caring the sleeping boys arm.

"No, i don't want them to worry. We don't need  all of them to be here. And Mark would feel bad, and he would think this is his fault"

"But IT IS HIS fault! Can't you see how it eats haechan from the inside and outside. The doctor told us he lost 7 pounds is that one week he was with us. Just imagine how it would be in the Dreamies dorm, he wouldn't come out of his room! I mean look at him, so pale and thin." Jaehyun is getting mad, how can one person destroy the groups sun with just one action?! They need to bring them two to clear things out! I can't go on like that!

"Let's just sleep here a little and look how he is feeling tomorrow" Taeyong laid down onto the other bed that was besides hyucks one.

"Come here bebe" Tae tabbed on the free side of the bed and went to sleep as soon his boyfriend was cuddling with him.

— — —

Hyucks wakes up at 7 am, too early but he was full of energy, he missed that. He looks to the other side and saw the couple cuddle with each other, sleeping soundless. Something he missed too, cuddles, love, affection. He pushed himself up so he could sit on the bed.

The nurse came in and gave him some breakfast with some pills beside the glass full of water.

"For what are they?" He points at them

"Antidepressants, for pain and to gain weight" she told him with a smile. A smile he couldn't understand. Since when am i depressed? How many pounds did i lost? What pain?

"Ah okey... thank you i guess" he was unsure how to react.

"Get well soon little one, you're really handsome with more weight." She is too kind for this world. An angel.

"Y-you are awake?" As soon the nurse left Taeyong sat up on the bed.

"Yeah" Hae took a bit of his sandwich.

"Please take the pills. Don't push them away." Taeyong was afraid that hyuck doesn't want to take them since the kind woman described for what there are.

"Don't worry i will take them"

— — —

"Soo Mr.Taeyong Lee, Haechan have to take those pills every morning and evening. He shouldn't be drinking (alcohol) or take them without eating before them."

"Okey, thank you doctor Park" they shook hands and left the hospital with Channi between them both.

— — —-

"Haechan you can't live with us anymore" Jae tried to explain the situation.

"The other guys are coming back from China, that means here is no space left for you" Taeyong cuddles him and cares his back.

"It's okey, i mean i don't live here"

— — —

Haechan placed his bags into his room that he shares witht Jaemin. It was currently 11pm so he needs to stay quiet. Most of the members are asleep, some are for sure on there phones in the bed. He placed his shampoos into the bath and went to the kitchen with his little medicine bag, he ate at Jaeyongs place so there is no problem.

He had those three pills on the table in front of himself.

"What are those?" A voice he missed but hated at the same time asked him.

"None of your business" he gulped one after one down and tried to avoid eye contact.

"Are those drugs?" Mark asked more panic now.

"Yeah drugs for you being a pain in the ass" hyuck stood up and left him in the kitchen alone.

— — —

"Hyung just tell me for what those pills are! I'm worried about him." Mark immediately called Taeyong after he was left alone.

"I won't tell you, but he needs to take them for one or two weeks."

"But WHY?"

"MARK! Stop asking i WONT tell you! All you need to know is what i told you before! So, good night!"


He canceled the phone call.

What happened at the time Hyuck was with them?
