Chapter 3

"Here eat something" Taeyong palced a full plate with food in front of Haechan.

"I don't wanna eat..." he gave quietly of himself.

"Why i didn't saw you eating anything since you're here!" TY shoved the plate more to him.

"And you came here 3 days ago" Jaehyun says when he entered the dinner room to take a seat.

"I gained weight... i think. Or I'm making a diet" the younger one doesn't know what he is doing but one thing he knows is that he needs to be more adult. That means less baby fat and more muscles.

"Just the half?"

"I'm not hungry! Don't you get it!!" He replied annoyed.

"Calm down Chan" Jaehyun said.

"I'm going to bed" He stood up angrily and slammed the door close.

"Did he slept one night without crying?" Taeyong asked his boyfriend worried.

"I don't think so. He still didn't told me what really happened. I know that Mark cheated on him, but who knows who it was?"

They eat there dinner and went to bed, but not before passing Donghyucks room. Just to make a 'late night' check on the younger one. Taeyong went to the bathroom and let Jaehyun check.

He held his ear on the door and heard someone throw up. Panic build up.

He slammed the door opend and runs to the bathroom. The door wasn't locked.

He kneel beside a crying hyuck and cares his back.

"You have to stop this." Jaehyun says worried.

"I heard the door banging on the wall! What hap- DONGHYUCK!" He hugged the smaller one from behind.

"Everything is okey! We're here." The younger one didn't stopped crying. Jaehyun came back with a wet towel and cleaned hyuck up around his mouth and wished his tears away.

Both adults hugged him till he calmed down and fell asleep between them.

"What was he doing?" Tae asked while petting chans hair to calm him down and give him safety.

"He threw up and was a crying mess. I never saw him like this. I didn't know that the situation was that bad." He picked him up in bridal style and laid him down in his bed.

"We need to talk to him. And now seriously! We need answers, this isn't normal. And he is starting to eat with us tomorrow!"


"Good morning hyungs" Haechan enters the dinner room.

"Good morning" they both said back.

"Have a seat, we need to talk." Taeyong said and placed a plate in front of him with some eggs and bacon. He looked at the younger one with an intense starre. Hyuck made his first bite after 4 days.

"Please tell us what really happened between you and Mark. You need help and we are here for you" He points at Jaehyun and himself.

He swallowed and tried to avoid eye contact.

"Now!" Jaehyun says in a strong tone. It gives him chills.

"Well, hmh. He shared a bed with Daniel, Kang Daniel. And somehow he got a hickey now, from the strong, handsome and funny Daniel. Since I'm not enough." He hold back his tears and shove one spoon after the other one into his mouth. He ate out of anger.

Tae and Jae looked at each other in disbelief

"He did what?!" Tae shouts.

"And this is why you're carving yourself till you throw up for nothing. You feel like you're not enough! Are you that stupid?!" Tae shouts more.

"Calm down Tae, he can't do anything about it. It's good that you start eating now, and never stop, okey? You look cute with your baby cheeks. And i think it's also one of Marks favorite things on you." Jae tries to calm everyone down

"He doesn't love me anymore" his voice cracked and he began to cry, again.

He got sandwiched again by both of them. He needs a lot of love and attention right now. His heart is broken and he doesn't know what to do. Mark is his first lovee and relationship. So it hurts more than anything else.
